Back to the Future Part III

1990 film by Robert Zemeckis

Back to the Future Part III is a 1990 American/British/Australian science fiction Western film sequel to Back to the Future Part II. After traveling back to 1885, Marty McFly finds Dr. Emmett Brown and must save him from being shot to death by outlaw Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen.

Directed by Robert Zemeckis. Written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale.
They've saved the best trip for last... But this time they may have gone too far.(taglines)
  • [after setting Marty free with his rifle] It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at 500 yards, Tannen! And it's pointed straight at your head!
  • [holding baby William] So you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America. And you peed on me.


[November 12, 1955; after Marty has gone back to 1985, 1985A Marty suddenly shows up from down the street and runs to the unsuspecting 1955 Doc]
Marty: Doc, Doc! [grabs Doc, who shouts in shock] Okay. Okay! Relax, Doc! It's me! It's Marty!
Doc: No! It can't be! I just sent you back to the future.
Marty: I know. You did send me back to the future, but I'm back. I'm back from the future.
Doc: Great Scott! [faints]

Doc: [recording his speech, not noticing Marty] Date: Sunday, November 13, 1955. 7:01 A.M. Last night's time travel experiment was apparently a complete success. Lightning struck the clock tower at precisely 10:04 P.M., sending the necessary 1.21 gigawatts into the time vehicle, which vanished in a brilliant flash of light, leaving a pair of fire trails behind. I therefore assume that Marty and the time vehicle were transported forward through time into the year 1985. After that-- After that, I can't recall what happened. In fact, I don't even remember how I got home. Perhaps the gigawatt discharge, coupled with the temporal displacement field generated by the time vehicle, caused a disruption of my own brain waves, resulting in a condition of momentary amnesia. Indeed, I now recall that moments after the time vehicle disappeared into the future, I saw a vision of Marty saying he had come back from the future.
Marty: Hey, Doc.
Doc: [turns around] Undoubtedly, this was some sort of residual image.
Marty: Doc. [Doc sees him, screams, trips on Marty's 2015 hoverboard, and lands on his organ, which plays ascending ominous notes] Doc, calm down, okay? Just calm down! It's me! It's Marty!
Doc: No!!! It can't be you! I sent back to the future!
Marty: That's right, Doc, that's right, but I came back again, I came back from the future. Don't you remember last night? You fainted; I brought ya home.
Doc: This can't be happening! [the notes stop playing] You can't be here! It doesn't make sense for you to be here! [goes into the bathrooom] I refuse to even believe that you are here! [slams the door]
Marty: Doc, I am here, and it does make sense! Look, I came back to 1955 again with you, the you from 1985, 'cause we had to get a book from Biff! So, once I got the book back, you, that is, the you from 1985, were in the DeLorean, and it got struck by lightning, and got sent back to 1885!
Doc: 1885?! [opening the door] It's a very interesting story, future boy, but there's just one little thing that doesn't make sense. If the me of the future is now in the past, how could you possibly know about it?
Marty: You sent me a letter.

[Doc and Marty rent a tow truck to get the DeLorean out of the mine shaft; Copernicus freezes upon seeing an adjacent graveyard; Marty follows him and is in shock]
Marty: DOC!! DOC!! Come here, quick!
Doc: What's wrong, Marty? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Marty: You're not far off, Doc.
Doc: [sees the tombstone; alarmed] Oh, Great Scott!
Marty: Check this out. "Died September 7th, 1885". That's one week after you wrote the letter! "Erected in memory by his beloved Clara." Who the hell is Clara?!
Doc: Marty, please don't stand there!
Marty: Oh, right! [steps off grave plot] Sorry, I better get another picture.
Doc: "Shot in the back by Buford Tannen over a matter of $80"?! What kind of a future do you call that?!

Doc: Well, good luck. For both our sakes. See you in the future.
Marty: You mean the past.
Doc: Exactly!

Buford: You owe me money, blacksmith.
Doc: How do ya figure?
Buford: My horse threw his shoe. And seein' as you was the one who done the shoein', I say that makes you responsible.
Doc: Well, since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even!
Buford: Wrong! See, I was on my horse when he threw the shoe and I got throwed off! And that caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle of fine Kentucky Red-Eye. So, the way I figure it, blacksmith, you owe me $5 for the whiskey and $75 for the horse.
Marty: [under his breath; hoarsely] That's the $80.
Doc: Look, if your horse threw his shoe, bring him back, and I'll re-shoe him!
Buford: I done shot that horse!
Doc: Well, that's your problem, Tannen!
Buford: Wrong. That's yours. So, from now on, you better be lookin' behind you when you walk, 'cause one day, you're gonna get a bullet in your back!

[Doc has just saved Marty from being hanged by Buford]
Marty: Doc!
Doc: Marty, I gave you explicit instructions not to come here, but to go directly back to 1985.
Marty: I know, Doc, but I had to come.
Doc: [smiles] But it's good to see you, Marty. [he and Doc hug] Marty, you're gonna have to do something about those clothes. You walk around town dressed like that, you're liable to get shot.
Marty: Or hanged.
Doc: What idiot dressed you in that outfit?
Marty: You did.

Marty: Clayton Ravine was named after a teacher. They say she fell in there a hundred years ago.
Doc: A hundred years ago? That's this year!
Marty: Every kid in school knows that story 'cause we all have teachers we'd like to see fall into the ravine.
Doc: Great Scott! Then she was supposed to go over in that wagon! And now... I may have seriously altered history.

Doc: [mildly intoxicated] In the future, we don't need horses. We have motorized carriages called "automobiles". [Zeke, Jeb and Levi laugh]
Jeb: If everybody's got one of these auto-whats-its, does anybody walk or run anymore?
Doc: Of course we run, but for recreation. For fun.
Jeb: Run for fun? What the hell kinda fun is that?! [barflies keep laughing]

[Last lines]
[Marty and Jennifer are surprised at the Brown family's appearance]
Jennifer: Dr. Brown? I brought this note back from the future, and now it's erased.
Doc: Of course it's erased!
Jennifer: But what does that mean?
Doc: It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one. Both of ya.
Marty: We will, Doc!
Doc: Stand back! All right, boys, buckle up.
Marty: Hey, Doc! Where you goin’ now? Back to the future?
Doc: Nope. Already been there.


  • They saved the best trip for last... but this time... they had gone too far.
  • See you in the summer! You mean Summer 1990.
  • Meet Marty. He's the kid who gets back... 100 years earlier.
  • When the heck are they? In the summer!
  • Doc is dead... again. But this time... they broke the time barrier and destroyed the time machine.
  • The rip-roarin' conclusion to the greatest adventure of all time.
  • It's the last round-up... the final showdown... the rootin' tootin' conclusion to the greatest adventure of all time.

