Fred E. Foldvary

American economist (1946–2021)

Fred Emanuel Foldvary (born May 11, 1946) is a lecturer in economics at Santa Clara University, California, and a research fellow at The Independent Institute. He is also a commentator and senior editor for the online journal "The Progress Report" and an associate editor of the online journal Econ Journal Watch.

All acts, and only those acts, that coercively harm others are evil.


Don’t ask from whom the economy hides; it hides from you!

The Soul of Liberty (1980)

  • Prove to me that you have the right to exist!
    • p. 5.
  • All acts, and only those acts, that coercively harm others are evil.
    • p. 49.
  • There is no moral authority for government other than to enforce the Universal Ethic.
    • p. 103

The Progress Report

  • Don’t ask from whom the economy hides; it hides from you!
    • "Somewhere Hidden Something Goes." The Progress Report [1] (January 3, 2010)
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