1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Napoleonic Campaigns: Difference between revisions

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NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS.I. The era of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars falls into two main divisions, the first of which (1792-18011802) is dealt with under the heading FRENCIIFRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARs. In the present article are described the campaigns in central and eastern Europe, directed by Napoleonno longer one amongst many French generals, nor even a simple primus inter pares, but Emperor in the fullest sensebetweensense between the years 18051804 and 1814. NapoleonsNapoleon's short SpafTishSpanish Campaign of 1809 is dealt with under PENINSULAR WAR (this article covering the campaigns in Spain, Portugal and southern France 1808-1814), and for the final drama of Waterloo the reader is referred to WATERLOO CAMPAIGN.
The campaigns described below are therefore (a) The Austrian War of 1805 (Ulm and Austerlitz).
(b) The Conquest of Prussia and the Polish Campaign (Jena, AuerstgdtAuerstadt, Eylau, and Friedland).
(c) The Austrian War of 1809 (Eckmhhl, Aspern, and Wagram),
(d) The Russian War of 1812 (Borodino and the retreat from Moscow).
(e) The German War of Liberation, culminating in the Battle of the Nations around Leipzig 1813.
(J) The last canspaign in France, 1814.