Xishuangbanna: Difference between revisions

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Sandykkzk (talk | contribs)
→‎Parks and nature: Updated listing for Manting Imperial Gardenn
Tag: Manual revert
many edits for style and more info added
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'''Xishuangbanna''' (often just '''Banna''' is used; Chinese: 西双版纳; Lü: ᧑᧒ ᦗᧃ ᦓᦱ) is an autonomous prefecture in the south of [[Yunnan]], near the [[Thailand|Thai]], [[Laos|Laotian]], [[Vietnam|Vietnamese]] and [[Myanmar|Burmese]] borders. The ethnic groups and the local languages in this area are more Southeast Asian than Chinese.
[[File:Xishuangbanna.png|thumb|200px|Position within Yunnan]]
The region is a very popular destination for Chinese tourists. It offers most of the attractions of Thailand — warm climate, tropical fruits and flowers, elephants, prostitutes (legal in Thailand, illegal in China), jungle treks, cultural diversity, and a reasonably well-established tourist industry — without the complications of a border or different language and currency.
For other tourists, especially backpackers, the region serves as stop on the [[Banana Pancake Trail]]; it is on a major route between [[China]] and [[Southeast Asia]]. No matter who you are, the area is a major tourist destination.
"Xishuangbanna" is a Dai language, "Xishuang" means twelve, "Banna" means an administrative unit that provides feudal taxes (literally translated as "twelve thousand rice fields"), and actually refers to twelve administrative regions.
The Xishuangbanna is the region withhas the best -preserved tropical ecosystem in China. It is known as the "plant kingdom", "animal kingdom", "biological gene bank", "an emerald onwith the crownonly of the plant kingdom" and so on. It has the only[[Tropical rainforests|tropical rain forestrainforest]] in China. It is a nature reserve, a member of the United Nations Biodiversity Conservation Circle, and an observation point for [[Sustainable travel|sustainable tourism]] development of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. PlantIt specieshas accountone-sixth forof 1/6all ofplant the countryspecies and animalone speciesquarter accountof forall 1/4animal ofspecies thein countryChina. Xishuangbanna is the second largest natural rubber production base in China, the origin of large-leaf tea, and the hometown of Pu-erh tea.
Xishuangbanna is famous for its tropical rainforest natural landscape and ethnic customs, and is one of the hot tourist cities in China.
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* {{marker|type=city|name=[[Jinghong]]|wikidata=Q1012620}} , capital and main center of the region
* {{marker|type=city|name=[[Mengla]]|wikidata=Q1343654}}
* {{marker|type=city|name=[[Menghai]]|lat=21.966667|long=100.466667|wikidata=}}
* {{marker|type=city|name=[[Mohan]]|wikidata=Q14283094}} , small town on the Laotian border
As anywhere in China, [[Mandarin]] is the lingua franca used for communication between speakers of different languages. However this area, like most of [[Yunnan]], has several different ethnic groups and most of those have their own language. In Banna, the largest group are the Dai, ethnically and linguistically very closesimilar to ThaisThai people and language.
==Get in==
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| name=Xishuangbanna Zongfo Temple | alt=西双版纳总佛寺 | url= | email=
| address=18 Baji Road, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China | lat=21.98901 | long=100.806054 | directions=
| phone=+86 691-21605026912160502 | tollfree=
| hours=8:00am-18:00pm | price=
| wikidata=Q55708849
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* {{do
| name=Manting Imperial GardennGarden | alt=曼听御花园 | url= | email=
| address=35 Manxian Road, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture | lat= | long= | directions=
| phone=+86 691 2160296 | tollfree=
| hours=8:30-17:00 | price=63¥
|lastedit=2022-10-07| content=
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Stay in a [http://anthropolodgy.com/index.php/2017/05/21/nannuoshan-tea-plantation-homestay-xishuangbanna/ Hani village homestay] {{dead link|December 2020}} and visit tea plantations, do jungle hikes and try the local foods. 300 yuan per night with three meals included.
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'''·Dried fruit'''(水果干):Xishuangbanna) is- locatedXishuangbanna inis a tropical regionarea, so there are plenty of fresh tropical fruits and handy dried fruits, such as dried mangoes andtropical pineapplesfruit.
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==Go next==
The prefecture borders Myanmar and Laos. Buses leave from Jinghong and Mengla to [[Luang Namtha]]. From Jinghong it costs RMB70 and takes 7 hours. Laos visas cost USD40 at the border; two extra passport photos are required.{{IsPartOf|Southern Yunnan}}
{{IsPartOf|Southern Yunnan}}