administer: difference between revisions

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Bula Hailan (talk | contribs)
Brawlio (talk | contribs)
t+es:perfundir tgloss:"to introduce medicine intravenously" (Assisted)
(30 intermediate revisions by 20 users not shown)
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From {{inh|en|enm|admynistrenadministren}}, from {{der|en|fro|aminister}}, from {{der|en|la|administrare||to manage, execute}}, from {{m|la|ad||to}} + {{m|la|ministrare||to attend, serve}}, from {{m|la|minister||servant}}; see {{m|en|minister}}.
* {{a|US}} {{IPA|en|/ədˈmɪnɪstɚədˈmɪn.ɪ.stə/|a=RP,AU}}
* {{audioIPA|en|en-us-administer/ədˈmɪn.ɪ.oggstɚ/|Audio (US)a=GA,CA}}
** {{audio|en|en-us-administer.ogg|a=US}}
# {{lb|en|transitive}} To cause to [[ingest]] (a drug), either by [[openly]] [[offer]]ing or through [[deceit]].
#: ''We '''administered''' the medicine to our dog by mixing it in his food.''
#* {{RQ:Macaulay History of England|chapter=15|passage=A noxious drug had been '''administered''' to him.}}
# {{lb|en|transitive}} To apportion out, distribute.
#* {{RQ:Philips Cyder|book=I|page=3|passage=[Let zephyrs] '''administer''' their tepid, genial airs.}}
#* {{RQ:Spectator|V|477|September 6 1712|author=Addison}}
#* {{RQ:Spectator|V|477|September 6 1712|author=Addison|passage=A fountain {{...}} '''administers''' to the pleasure as well as the plenty of the place.}}
#* {{RQ:Macaulay History of England|passage=Justice was '''administered''' between man and man with an exactness and purity not before known.}}
#* {{RQ:Philips Cyder}}
#*: [Let zephyrs] '''administer''' their tepid, genial airs.
# {{lb|en|transitive}} To [[manage]] or [[supervise]] the [[conduct]], [[performance]] or [[execution]] of; to [[govern]] or [[regulate]] the parameters for the conduct, performance or execution of; to work in an [[administrative]] capacity.
#* {{RQ:Pope Essay on Man|3|passage=For forms of government let fools contest: / Whate'er is best '''administered''' is best.}}
#* {{quote-book
|author=Rongxing Guo
|title=Territorial Disputes and Resource Management: A Global Handbook
|text=Located in the northwestern side of the Black Sea, Snake Island, or called ostriv Zmiyinyy in Ukrainian and Insula Serpilor in Romanian, is currently '''administered''' by Ukraine but claimed by Romania.}}
# {{lb|en|intransitive}} To [[minister]] (to).
#: ''{{co|en|'''administering''' to the sick''}}
# {{lb|en|legal}} To [[settle]], as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an [[executor]].
# To give, as an oath.
#* {{RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2|I|iii|passage=Swear {{...}} to keep the oath that we '''administer'''.}}
# {{lb|en|transitive|medicine}} To give (a drug, to a patient), be it orally or by any other means.
#: ''{{ux|en|We '''administered''' the medicine to our dog by mixing it in his food.''}}
# {{lb|en|transitive|medicine}} To cause (a patient, human or animal) to [[ingest]] (a drug), either by [[openly]] [[offer]]ing or through [[deceit]].
#* {{RQ:Macaulay History of England|chapter=15|passage=A noxious drug had been '''administered''' to him.}}
====Derived terms====
====Related terms====
* {{lcol3|en
* {{l|en|administrative}}
* {{l|en|administrator}}
|{{w|route of administration}}
{{trans-top|to cause to take by openly offering or through deceit}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|предписвам}}
* Carpathian Rusyn: {{t|rue|справовати|impf}}
* Catalan: {{t+|ca|administrar}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|podat}}
* Dutch: {{t+|nl|toedienen}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|annostella}}, {{t+|fi|antaa}}
* French: {{t+|fr|administrer}}
* Galician: {{t+|gl|administrar}}
* German: {{t+|de|darreichen}}, {{t+|de|verabreichen}}
* Hungarian: {{t+|hu|bead}}
* Interlingue: {{t|ie|administrar}}
* Polish: {{t+|pl|podać|pf}}, {{t+|pl|podawać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|zadać|pf}}, {{t+|pl|zadawać|impf}}, {{t|pl|zaaplikować|pf}}, {{t+|pl|aplikować|impf}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|ministrar}}, {{t+|pt|administrar}}, {{t+|pt|aplicar}}
* Romanian: {{t+|ro|administra}}
* Russian: {{t+|ru|пропи́сывать|impf}}, {{t+|ru|прописа́ть|pf}} {{qualifier|prescribe}}, {{t+|ru|назнача́ть|impf}}, {{t+|ru|назна́чить|pf}}
* Rusyn: {{t|rue|справовати|impf}}
* Spanish: {{t+|es|administrar}}
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|gweinyddu}}
Line 61 ⟶ 74:
{{trans-top|to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise}}
* Belarusian: {{t|be|адміністрава́ць|impf}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|ръководя}}, {{t+|bg|управлявам}}, {{t+|bg|администри́рам|impf}}
* Catalan: {{t+|ca|administrar}}
* Chinese:
*: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|管理|tr=guǎnlǐ|sc=Hani}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|spravovat}}
* Esperanto: {{t+|eo|administri}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|hallita}}, {{t+|fi|johtaa}}, {{t+|fi|hallinnoida}}
* French: {{t+|fr|administrer}}, {{t+|fr|gérer}}
* Galician: {{t+|gl|administrar}}
* German: {{t+|de|verwalten}}, {{t+|de|administrieren}}
* Greek: {{t+|el|διοικώ}}
* Hungarian: {{t+|hu|adminisztrál}}, {{t+|hu|igazgat}}, {{t+|hu|vezet}}, {{t+|hu|kormányoz}}, {{t+|hu|intéz}}, {{t+|hu|lebonyolít}}, {{t+|hu|levezényel}}
* Ido: {{t+|io|administrar}}
* Interlingue: {{t|ie|administrar}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|amministrare}}
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|管理|alt=管理する|tr=kanri suru}}
Line 81 ⟶ 92:
* Manchu: {{t|mnc|ᡴᠠᡩᠠᠯᠠᠮᠪᡳ}}
* Maori: {{t|mi|minita}}
* InterlingueOccitan: {{t+|ieoc|administrar}}
* Polish: {{t+|pl|zarządzać|impf}}, {{t+|pl|administrować|impf}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|administrar}}
Line 89 ⟶ 101:
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|адмініструва́ти|impf}}, {{t|uk|управля́ти|impf}}
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|goruchwylio}}, {{t+|cy|gweinyddu}}
* Yiddish: {{t|yi|אַדמיניסטרירן}}
Line 94 ⟶ 107:
* Catalan: {{t+|ca|administrar}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|palvella}}, {{t+|fi|hoitaa}}
* French: {{t+|fr|administrer}}
* Occitan: {{t|oc|har préner}}, {{t|oc|far préner|lit=to make (someone) to take}}
{{trans-top|to introduce medicine intravenously}}
* Spanish: {{t+|es|perfundir}}
Line 104 ⟶ 121:
* {{anagrams|en|a=adeiimnrst|administre|mistrained|nitramides}}
Line 113 ⟶ 128:
# [[assistant]], [[helper]], [[supporter]]
Line 121 ⟶ 136:
====Related terms====
* {{l|la|administra}}
* {{l|la|administrō}}