one's turn in the barrel





one's turn in the barrel

  1. One's turn for an unpleasant or difficult job.
    • 2002, T. W. Greensmith, Guardians of the Tomb, →ISBN, page 19:
      Once a year, every year, it was his turn in the barrel. Like every other agent on the ninth floor of the Dirksen Federal Building, Buck hated complaint duty.
    • 2008, Sam Wellington, In the Beginning...There Was the Men's Room, →ISBN, page 40:
      Not to worry, we would get our turn in the barrel sooner rather than later.
    • 2013, William H. Isely, The Snows of Summer, →ISBN, page 203:
      After their lunch, the directors continued their reviews with Olav's turn in the barrel.
    • 2014, Arthur G. Sharp, The Siege of LZ Kate: The Battle for an American Firebase in Vietnam, →ISBN:
      It was then my turn in the barrel, and the Falcons asked that we convene in Bu Prang.