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Natural Disasters/Limnic Eruption

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Lake Nyos in 1986.


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A limnic eruption is a dangerous but rare event in which certain lakes suddenly release accumulated gases, which leads to asphyxiation in the surrounding area.[1]


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It is possible to remediate the threat of a limnic eruption before one occurs through the use of degassing machinery on a lake of concern.[2]


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  1. Wenz, John (15 October, 2020). "The African lake with explosive power". Knowable Magazine (BBC). https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201009-lake-kivu-the-african-lake-that-could-explode-with-methane. 
  2. "The Killer Lakes of Camaroon". globalchange.umich.edu. Retrieved 16 October 2021.