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  • Remove Show 1995 Okinawa rape incident
  • Remove Show 1996 Padilla car accident
  • Remove Show 1998 Eskridge car accident
  • Remove Show 2005 Quran desecration controversy
  • Remove Show 2008 Abu Kamal raid
  • Remove Show 2011 NATO attack in Pakistan
  • Remove Show Aafia Siddiqui
  • Remove Show Abou Elkassim Britel
  • Remove Show Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
  • Remove Show Academi
  • Remove Show Adam Yahiye Gadahn
  • Remove Show Afghan War documents leak
  • Remove Show Afghan War order of battle
  • Remove Show Air Mail scandal
  • Remove Show Al Birr Foundation
  • Remove Show Ameen Mohammad Albkri
  • Remove Show American mutilation of Japanese war dead
  • Remove Show Amiriyah shelter bombing
  • Remove Show Andy Worthington
  • Remove Show Arbitrary arrest and detention
  • Remove Show Bagram Airfield
  • Remove Show Bagram torture and prisoner abuse
  • Remove Show Balangiga massacre
  • Remove Show Barry Winchell
  • Remove Show Battle of Bad Axe
  • Remove Show Behavioral Science Consultation Team
  • Remove Show Biscari massacre
  • Remove Show Black jail
  • Remove Show Black site
  • Remove Show Blackwater Baghdad shootings
  • Remove Show Bloody Island Massacre
  • Remove Show Bombing of Dresden in World War II
  • Remove Show Boycott of Guantanamo Military Commissions
  • Remove Show Bright Light (CIA)
  • Remove Show Bruce Vargo
  • Remove Show Bryant Neal Vinas
  • Remove Show Cageprisoners
  • Remove Show Camp Bondsteel
  • Remove Show Camp Bulkeley
  • Remove Show Camp Delta (Guantanamo Bay)
  • Remove Show Camp Eagle
  • Remove Show Camp Echo (Guantanamo Bay)
  • Remove Show Camp Eggers
  • Remove Show Camp five (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Camp Five Echo
  • Remove Show Camp four (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Camp Iguana (Guantanamo Bay)
  • Remove Show Camp Lejeune water contamination
  • Remove Show Camp Liberty killings
  • Remove Show Camp Nama
  • Remove Show Camp No
  • Remove Show Camp Rhino
  • Remove Show Camp seven (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Camp six (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Camp three (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Camp X-Ray (film)
  • Remove Show Camp X-Ray (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Canicattì massacre
  • Remove Show Chase Aircraft
  • Remove Show Church Report
  • Remove Show Columbine Mine massacre
  • Remove Show Combatant Status Review Tribunal
  • Remove Show Criticism of the War on Terror
  • Remove Show Cuban refugees at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
  • Remove Show Cunningham scandal
  • Remove Show Dachau liberation reprisals
  • Remove Show Damadola
  • Remove Show Danny Chen
  • Remove Show Dark prison
  • Remove Show Dasht-i-Leili massacre
  • Remove Show David Hicks
  • Remove Show David M. Thomas Jr.
  • Remove Show Deh Bala wedding party airstrike
  • Remove Show Delta Force
  • Remove Show Delta Force Operations and clandestine operations
  • Remove Show Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project
  • Remove Show Department of Defense Directive 2310
  • Remove Show Detentions following the September 11 attacks
  • Remove Show Diego Garcia
  • Remove Show Dirty Wars
  • Remove Show Edward Snowden
  • Remove Show Enemy combatant
  • Remove Show Enhanced interrogation techniques
  • Remove Show Executive Order 13492
  • Remove Show Executive Order 13493
  • Remove Show Executive Order 9066
  • Remove Show Executive Order 9102
  • Remove Show Expeditionary Combat Support System
  • Remove Show Extrajudicial detention
  • Remove Show Extrajudicial prisoners of the United States
  • Remove Show Fag bomb
  • Remove Show Feroz Abbasi
  • Remove Show First Battle of Bud Dajo
  • Remove Show For God and Country (book)
  • Remove Show Frank Sweigart
  • Remove Show Freedom of Information Act (United States)
  • Remove Show Frequent flyer program (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show German-American internment
  • Remove Show Girard incident
  • Remove Show Gitmo on the Platte
  • Remove Show Gitmo playlist
  • Remove Show Gitmo – The New Rules of War
  • Remove Show Glenn Marine Group
  • Remove Show Gnadenhutten massacre
  • Remove Show Granai airstrike
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Bay detention camp
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Bay detention camp suicide attempts
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Bay files leak
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Bay homicide accusations
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
  • Remove Show Guantanamo detainees who officially reported abuse
  • Remove Show Guantanamo detainees who were previously Taliban prisoners
  • Remove Show Guantanamo detainees' medical care
  • Remove Show Guantanamo force feeding
  • Remove Show Guantanamo military commission
  • Remove Show Guantanamo psychiatric ward
  • Remove Show Guantanamo Review Task Force
  • Remove Show Guantánamo Bay hunger strikes
  • Remove Show Habeas corpus
  • Remove Show Habeas corpus petitions of Guantanamo Bay detainees
  • Remove Show Haditha killings
  • Remove Show Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
  • Remove Show Hamdania incident
  • Remove Show Heather Cerveny
  • Remove Show Hedges v. Obama
  • Remove Show Incident on Hill 192
  • Remove Show Initial Reaction Force
  • Remove Show Inside Guantanamo
  • Remove Show Insurgents’ bodies incident
  • Remove Show Iraq prison abuse scandals
  • Remove Show Ishaqi incident
  • Remove Show Islamic fundamentalism
  • Remove Show Italian-American internment
  • Remove Show Jack Farr
  • Remove Show Jackson State killings
  • Remove Show James Yee
  • Remove Show Japanese American internment
  • Remove Show Jason Rother
  • Remove Show Jeanette Arocho-Burkart
  • Remove Show Jeffrey Harbeson
  • Remove Show Jeremy Scahill
  • Remove Show John Walker Lindh
  • Remove Show Johnson v. Eisentrager
  • Remove Show Joint Special Operations Command
  • Remove Show Joint Task Force Guantanamo
  • Remove Show José Padilla (prisoner)
  • Remove Show Julian Assange
  • Remove Show July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike
  • Remove Show Kandahar Five
  • Remove Show Kandahar massacre
  • Remove Show Karen Joy Greenberg
  • Remove Show Kashmir Princess
  • Remove Show Kent State shootings
  • Remove Show Khalid El-Masri
  • Remove Show Khataba raid
  • Remove Show Khosrow Sofla
  • Remove Show Kuwaiti Family Committee
  • Remove Show Lee Mirecki incident
  • Remove Show Leeward Point Field
  • Remove Show List of commanders of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
  • Remove Show List of World War II prisoner-of-war camps in the United States
  • Remove Show Lower Babur
  • Remove Show Mahmudiyah killings
  • Remove Show Martin Mubanga
  • Remove Show Mary L. Walker
  • Remove Show Mass surveillance
  • Remove Show Maywand District murders
  • Remove Show McCalla Field
  • Remove Show Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident
  • Remove Show Michael Bumgarner
  • Remove Show Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport
  • Remove Show Misha Glenny
  • Remove Show Moazzam Begg
  • Remove Show Moro Crater massacre
  • Remove Show MOVE
  • Remove Show Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre
  • Remove Show My Lai Massacre
  • Remove Show National Emergencies Act
  • Remove Show Newport sex scandal
  • Remove Show Nihon Go Gakko (Tacoma)
  • Remove Show No Gun Ri Massacre
  • Remove Show No-hearing hearings
  • Remove Show Nob Hill at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
  • Remove Show NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07)
  • Remove Show Operation Enduring Freedom
  • Remove Show Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa
  • Remove Show Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines
  • Remove Show Operation Garden Plot
  • Remove Show Operations Safe Haven and Safe Passage
  • Remove Show Opposition to the War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
  • Remove Show Orangeburg massacre
  • Remove Show Organised persecution of ethnic Germans
  • Remove Show Othman Ahmad Othman al-Ghamdi
  • Remove Show Owen Honors
  • Remove Show Palmer Raids
  • Remove Show Participants in Operation Enduring Freedom
  • Remove Show Parwan Detention Facility
  • Remove Show Patriot Act
  • Remove Show Paul Rester
  • Remove Show Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee Against Torture
  • Remove Show Platt Amendment
  • Remove Show Poems From Guantánamo
  • Remove Show Ponce massacre
  • Remove Show PRISM (surveillance program)
  • Remove Show Pul-e-Charkhi prison
  • Remove Show Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting
  • Remove Show Rex 84
  • Remove Show Ribbon Creek incident
  • Remove Show Robert Bales
  • Remove Show Rumsfeld v. Padilla
  • Remove Show Río Piedras massacre
  • Remove Show Salt Pit
  • Remove Show Sand Creek massacre
  • Remove Show Sarposa prison
  • Remove Show Sean Baker
  • Remove Show Semper Fi: Always Faithful
  • Remove Show Shen Chong case
  • Remove Show Sinchon Massacre
  • Remove Show Special Activities Division
  • Remove Show Stare Kiejkuty (base)
  • Remove Show Stephen Soldz
  • Remove Show Strawberry Fields (Guantanamo)
  • Remove Show Swift raids
  • Remove Show Szczytno-Szymany International Airport
  • Remove Show Talk:Nob Hill at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
  • Remove Show Targeted killing
  • Remove Show Tarok Kolache
  • Remove Show Taxi to the Dark Side
  • Remove Show Temara interrogation centre
  • Remove Show Tempora
  • Remove Show Terry Holdbrooks
  • Remove Show The D.C. Five
  • Remove Show The Guantanamo Trap
  • Remove Show The Nation
  • Remove Show The Road to Guantanamo
  • Remove Show The Wire (JTF-GTMO)
  • Remove Show This Is Camp X-Ray
  • Remove Show Thomas H. Copeman III
  • Remove Show Thomson Correctional Center
  • Remove Show Timeline of Guantánamo Bay
  • Remove Show Timeline of the release and transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees
  • Remove Show Tipton Three
  • Remove Show Torturing Democracy
  • Remove Show Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline
  • Remove Show U.S. soldiers posing with body parts of dead Afghans
  • Remove Show U.S. Theater Internment Facility–Afghanistan
  • Remove Show Umm Hajul controversy
  • Remove Show United States Army beef scandal
  • Remove Show United States Navy dog handler hazing scandal
  • Remove Show United States war crimes
  • Remove Show Unlawful combatant
  • Remove Show Unmanned aerial vehicle
  • Remove Show USS Iowa turret explosion
  • Remove Show Video of U.S. Marines urinating on Taliban fighters
  • Remove Show Vincent Iacopino
  • Remove Show W.T. Sampson Elementary/High School
  • Remove Show W.T. Sampson High School
  • Remove Show Wahhabi movement
  • Remove Show Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal
  • Remove Show War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
  • Remove Show War on Terror
  • Remove Show WikiLeaks
  • Remove Show Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan
  • Remove Show World War II related internment and expulsion of Germans in the Americas
  • Remove Show Wounded Knee Massacre
  • Remove Show XKeyscore
  • Remove Show Yangju highway incident
  • Remove Show Yaser Esam Hamdi
  • Remove Show YFZ Ranch
  • Remove Show Yongsan bombing
  • Remove Show You Don't Like the Truth: Four Days Inside Guantanamo
  • Remove Show Yumiko-chan incident
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