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{{Short description|Polish Hasidic dynasty}}
'''Biala''' (or '''Byala''', '''Biale''') [[Hasidic Judaism|Hasidic]] [[List of Hasidic dynasties|dynasty]] has its roots in [[Poland]]. The [[Rebbe#Hasidic Rebbe|Rebbes]] of Biala are descended from Rabbi [[Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz]], known as the ''Yid Hakodosh'' ("The Holy Jew").

{{Infobox religious group
| group = Biala Hasidic Dynasty
The Biala dynasty is part of the Prshiskhe dynasty whose first rebbe was Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok (the Holy Jew) of [[Peshischa]] (today [[Przysucha]], Poland), a disciple of Rabbi [[Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin]] (the Seer of Lublin). The Seer was a disciple of Rabbi [[Elimelech of Lizhensk]], who was a disciple of Rabbi [[Dovber of Mezeritch|Dov Ber of Mezeritch]] (the Maggid of Mezritch), the leading disciple of the [[Baal Shem Tov]], the founder of [[Hasidic Judaism|Hasidism]].
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| image_caption = The title page to Sefer Yismach Yisroel
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| founder = [[Rabbi]] [[Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa]]
| regions = Israel, United States, Switzerland
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| region1 = Israel
Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua was six years old when his father, the Rebbe of [[Siedlce]], died as a young man. The Hasidim, bereft of their rebbe, mostly became followers of their late rebbe's brother, the Mezritsher Rebbe. It was he who educated his young nephew Yechiel Yehoshua in the ways of Torah and Hasidus. In 1924 the surviving Shedlitser Hasidim accepted Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua as their rebbe. In time his name spread over [[Poland]] and the numbers of his Hasidim grew.
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| region3 = Switzerland
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| religions = Hasidic Judaism
With the outbreak of [[World War II]], the [[Invasion of Poland (1939)|Germans overran Poland]]. Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua managed to escape to the Russian-controlled zone, from which he was exiled to [[Siberia]]. Jews who survived the Siberian work camps testified that the Rebbe was the one who kept their spirit alive. In 1947 he [[aliyah|immigrated]] to [[Mandatory Palestine]] and settled in [[Tel Aviv]]. He was in the forefront of activity to maintain adherence to traditional Judaism amongst the masses. He was one of the founders of the [[Chinuch Atzmai]] educational network, and he served on the [[Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah]]. He died on the 21st of [[Shvat]] 1982 and was buried in the Polish admorim section on the [[Mount of Olives]].<ref name= Halachmi>Meir Halachmi, ''Toldot Hachasidut b'Erets Yisrael'', vol.2, pp. 73-83, ''Beit Biala''</ref>
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| languages = Yiddish, Hebrew
| related-c = [[Peshischa (Hasidic group)|Peshischa]], [[Munkacs (Hasidic dynasty)|Munkacs]], [[Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)|Satmar]]
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{{Peshischa}}'''Biala''' (Yiddish: ביאלע) is a [[List of Hasidic dynasties|Hasidic dynasty]] originating from the city of [[Biała Rawska]], where it was founded by [[Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II)|R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II)]] (1847 - 1905). Biala is a branch of [[Peshischa (Hasidic group)|Peshischa Hasidism]], as R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II) was the great-grandson of [[Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa|R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz]] ("the Yid HaKadosh") (1766 - 1813), the first [[Peshischa|Peshischa Rebbe]]. The dynasty was originally spread throughout many towns in Poland, often taking the names of said towns. However, after the [[The Holocaust|Holocaust]], the name "Biala" become synonymous with the entire dynasty. Today the dynasty is mostly concentrated in [[Israel]], [[United States|America]] and [[Switzerland]].
Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehudah Rabinowicz was known as the Biala-Peshischa Rebbe (1923–2003). Born in 1923, he was the first-born son of the previous Biala Rebbe, known as the ''Chelkas Yehoshua''. He became Rebbe after his father died in 1982 and opened his [[yeshiva]] in the Har Nof section of [[Jerusalem]].<ref>[http://www.yarzheit.com/FRY/10FRY_Teves.htm Yarzheit.com, Teves]</ref> He was succeeded by his sons.

== Lineage ==
Following the death of Yerachmiel Tzvi, one of his sons, Rabbi M. Rabinowicz, became Biala-Prshiskhe Rav of [[Har Nof]]. His eldest son, Rabbi Elimelech Rabinowicz, became the Biala Prshiskhe Rebbe of [[Haifa]]. One of his sons is Rabbi Simchah Ben Zion Isaac Rabinowicz, the author of ''Piskei Tshuvos'', a popular commentary on the Jewish legal classic ''Mishneh Brurah''.
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* [[Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa|Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz of Peshischa]] (1766 - 1813) - Known as the "Yid HaKadosh", he was a disciple of [[Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin|R. Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz of Lublin]] (1745 - 1815), whom he later separated from following a notable theological difference between the two men. The Yid HaKadosh established the [[Peshischa|Peshischa school]] of [[Hasidic philosophy|Hasidic thought]] based out of [[Przysucha]], [[Poland]]. He preached a rationalistic and talmudic-centric approach to Hasidism which stood in contrast to the [[Kabbalah|kabbalistic]] and miracle based court of [[Lublin]]. After his death, he was succeeded by his disciple, [[Simcha Bunim of Peshischa|R. Simcha Bunem Bonhardt]] (1765 - 1827), who went on to become one of the foremost figures in [[Hasidic Judaism in Poland|Polish Hasidism]].
Rabbi David Matisyahu Rabinowicz was Biala Rebbe in [[Bnei Brak]], Israel. He authored ''Lehavas Dovid''. He was well known for his warm prayers and his self-sacrifice for serving God. He travelled around the world to spread Hassidic teachings. He was commissioned by his father to open yeshivot around the Holy Land. His father called him ''"nekudas libi"'', the "focus of my heart". He died in 1997.
** [[Yerachmiel Rabinowicz|Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel (Tzvi) Rabinowicz]] (1784 - 1834) - Son of the Yid HaKadosh, he supported himself as a watch maker and is best known for defending R. Simcha Bunem, after an attempted was made by several Hasidic dignitaries to ban Peshischa Hasidism. Some say his name was Yerachmiel Tzvi.

*** [[Nosson Dovid Rabinowitz|Grand Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowicz of Szydlowiec]] (1814 - 1866) - Son of R. Yerachmiel , he studied under [[Yissachar Ber Baron|R. Yissachar Ber Baron]], the first [[Radoshitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Radoshitzer Rebbe]]. R. Nosson Dovid abandoned the doctrines of Peshischa Hasidism and instead adopted a kabbalistic and miracle-centric view of Hasidism.
Rabbi Dovid Matisyahu of Biala had two daughters from his first wife, the daughter of Rabbi Shedrowitzsky, who died at a young age, and five sons from his second wife, the daughter of Rabbi Berkowitz, who survives him and presently resides in Bnei Brak. One of his sons-in-law and four of his sons succeeded him as Rebbe.
**** [[Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II)|Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II)]] (1847 - 1905) - First Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Nosson Dovid, he married the daughter of R. Yehoshua of Ostrov (author of "Toldos Adam"). After his father-in-law's death he moved to Biała Podlaska, where he established his own Hasidic court and unlike his father, he embraced most parts of Peshischa Hasidism. Despite this, he still vehemently opposed the activities of [[Haskalah|maskilim]], whom he described as "little foxes destroying the vineyard of the Lord". His teachings were posthumously published by his son R. Abraham under the title "Divrei Binah".

***** Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi Rabinowicz (II) (1880 - 1906) - Son of R. Yaakov Yitzchak (II), he was an accomplished violinist and a painter and held a Hasidic court in [[Siedlce|Siedlice]].
Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz, son of Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowicz, was the Biala Rebbe of the Ramat Aharon section of Bnei Brak, Israel. He died in 2010 and was succeeded by his son, Rabbi Tzvi Rabinowicz, the present Biala Rebbe of [[Ramat Aharon]].
****** [[Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowicz|Grand Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowicz]] (1900 - 1981) - Second Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi (II), he was raised by his grandfather R. Leibish of Ozarov. In 1923, he become the rebbe of Siedlice. He managed to escape [[Nazi occupied Poland]], instead fleeing to the Russian-controlled zone, from which he was exiled to [[Siberia]]. In 1947 he [[aliyah|immigrated]] to [[Mandatory Palestine]] and settled in [[Tel Aviv]]. He was in the forefront of activity to maintain adherence to traditional Judaism amongst the masses. He was one of the founders of the [[Chinuch Atzmai]] educational network, and he served on the [[Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah]].
[[Image:POL Warsaw JCP grob rabina.jpg|thumb|Biala dynasty plot in Poland; graves of Meira Szlomo Jehudy Rabinowicza; Jehoszui Łęcznera; Jicchaka Jaakowa Rabinowicza]]
******* Grand Rabbi [[Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion Rabinowicz]] (1935 - 2024) - Third Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua, he served as the rabbi of the city of [[Lugano]]. He was a member of the [[Agudat Yisrael]].
Rabbi Ben-Zion Rabinowicz of Biala was born in [[Poland]] on January 30, 1935. He is the youngest son of Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua of Biala. During the [[Nazism|Nazi]] invasion of Poland in 1939, his father who was not yet the Rebbe, was caught whilst trying to escape to his brother in London and was sent to [[Siberia]] by the Russians. Ben-zion and his sister escaped with many other children across Europe eastwards into Russia and then down into [[Iran]] (Persia). They were eventually brought to the Holy Land by Zionists, who were saving Jewish children from starvation and disease in Iran, and bringing them to the Holy Land. The Ponevezher Rov — Rabbi [[Yosef Kahaneman]] — heard that there were some special children in this group from Poland, descended from famous Rebbes. He removed the young Rebbe-to-be and his sister from the care of the secular Zionists. After the war their father made it to Palestine and was reunited with his children. Rabbi Ben Zion married Rebetzin Beila Brocho Babad, daughter of Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Babad, ABD [[City of Sunderland|Sunderland]]. He learned in the [[Ponevezh yeshiva]] in Bnei Brak, and in the [[Gateshead Talmudical College]] in [[England]].
******** Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Dov Rabinowicz - Fourth and current Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion.

******** Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leibish Rabinowicz - Rov of K'hal Shaarei Mordechai in Manchester. The son of R. Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion.
He became Rabbi of [[Lugano]], [[Switzerland]], in 1980. He became Rebbe in 1981 upon the death of his father, as did his brothers. His first wife died in 1995, and in 1998 the Rebbe remarried the widow Rebbetzin Steinwurtzel, the mother-in-law of the present Karlin-Stolin Rebbe. In addition to his position as the Rabbi of Lugano, the Rebbe spends much time in [[Jerusalem]] and [[Safed]], where he has [[synagogue]]s.
********* Grand Rabbi Asher Yeshaya Rabinowicz - Current Biala Rebbe of New City. The son of R. Chaim Yehuda Leibish.

******* Grand Rabbi David Matisyahu Rabinowicz (1927 - 1997) - Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak. He founded the Yeshiva "Biala Or Kedoshim". The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua.
In Safed the Rebbe began a congregation in the old Kosover Synagogue. He does a lot of work helping to teach unaffiliated Jews learn about their Jewish heritage.
******** Grand Rabbi Yaakov Menachem - Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak. The son of R. David Matisyahu.

******** Grand Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Chaim Eleazar Rabinowicz, Biala Rebbe of [[Borough Park, Brooklyn|Boro Park]]. The son of R. David Matisyahu.
The Rebbe ''Shlita'' is the author of an extensive body of Torah literature, including both Hasidic discourses and [[Talmud]]ic commentaries, of which over thirty volumes have been published in Hebrew. These include the Rebbe's own works, ''Mevaser Tov'', as well as compete ''seforim'' and ''maamarim'' that appear in the numerous works of published literature from the entire house of Biala. ''Techias HaMeisim'' is the third book by the Rebbe to have been translated into [http://mevasertovweekly.com English], alongside ''The Merit of the Righteous Women'' and ''The Reward of the Righteous Women.''[http://www.yarzheit.com/heavensregister/bialarebbe.htm]
******** Grand Rabbi Avraham Yerachmiel Rabinowicz - Ostrov-Biala Rebbe. The son of R. David Matisyahu.

******* Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem Rabinowicz (1926 - 2010) - Biala Rebbe of [[Ramat Aharon]]. The Son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua. Was from the first students with which the Punivitz Rosh Yeshiva opened the Yeshiva in 1943. First lived in Petach Tikva where he gave lectures in Gemura Beiyun (in-depth) in the Viznitz Bais Hamedrash at the request of the Viznitz Rabbi the Yeshuois Moshe. Later moved to [[Bnei Brak]] and opened a Bais Hamedrash for his followers.
[[File:Grand Rabbi Wolf Kornreich of Shidlovtza (3197).jpg|thumb|Grand Rabbi Wolf Kornreich of Shidlovtza]]
******** Grand Rabbi Baruch Shlomo Leib Rabinowicz - Biala Rebbe of Har Yonah. The son of R. Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem.

******** Grand Rabbi David Yerachmiel Tzvi Rabinowicz - Biala Rebbe of [[Ramat Aharon]]. The son of R. Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem.
Grand Rabbi Wolf Kornreich of Shidlovtze is the son-in-law of Grand Rabbi David Mattisyahu Rabinowitz of Biala. He was very close with Grand Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowitz of Biala. He has a growing following in Jerusalem. He found the lost tomb of Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowitz of Shidlovtze and commissioned the building of a new ''[[Ohel (grave)|ohel]]'' which now marks the grave.
******* Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda Rabinowicz (1923 - 2003) - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe. The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua. He moved to the neighbourhood of [[Har Nof]], where he established the [[Beth midrash|Beit Midrash]] "Toldot Yechiel Biala-Peshisha".

******** Grand Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Rabinowitz - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe of [[Ashdod]]. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
After the death of his father, Rabbi Dovid Matisyohu, Rabbi Yaakov Menachem Rabinovich took upon himself the responsibility of guiding the followers of his late father. As he was a prominent Talmid Chochom [Torah scholar] and experienced counselor, even while his father was alive, he became the successor Biala rebbe. Already active in outreach programs for others in the USA who lack understanding and knowledge of their Jewish roots and traditions, he has already made a name for himself in many Jewish communities in the US where his yearly visits are attended by hundreds who seek his blessing, counsel and advice.
******** Grand Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Menachem Mendel Rabinowicz - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe of Bnei Brak. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.

******** Grand Rabbi Moshe Rabinowicz - Current Biala-Peshischa Rebbe. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda, he took over his father's Beit Midrash in Har Nof.
[[Image:Ostrova biala rebbe.jpg|thumb|right|Rabbi Avraham Yerachmiel Rabinowicz, the Ostrova-Bialer Rebbe, in his synagogue in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, 2006]]
******** Grand Rabbi Baruch Leib Rabinowicz - Current Biala Rebbe of London. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
[[Image:Bialahanukabp.JPG|thumb|150px|Biala Rebbe of America on Hanukkah]]
******** Grand Rabbi Simcha Ben-Zion Yitzchak Rabinowicz - Biala-Peshicha Rebbe of [[Ramat Shlomo]]. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
Grand Rabbi Avraham Yerachmiel Rabinowicz is another son of Grand Rabbi Dovid Matisyohu. The Rebbe runs a yeshiva where students come to learn at all hours of the day and night. Through the yeshiva, he supports over 100 families with food, Jewish education, emotional support, guidance, and counseling. The yeshiva also serves as a full service synagogue with daily prayers, Shabbat and holiday services. The Rebbe has been often called “the miracle worker” because of his gift of successful spiritual advice, blessings, and the high level of prayer he provides for everybody who comes to see him. He recently opened a synagogue in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.ostrova-biale.com/ |title=Historical background to Ostrova-Biala |access-date=2007-04-24 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070424170232/http://www.ostrova-biale.com/ |archive-date=2007-04-24 |url-status=dead }}</ref>
****** Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowicz (1899 - 1947) - Son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi (II), he was the Biala Rebbe of [[London]]. He married the daughter of R. Alter Yisroel Shimon Perlow I (1874 - 1933), 2nd [[Novominsk|Novominsker Rebbe]]. He moved to London in 1927 where he established a [[shtiebel]] off [[Brick Lane]]. His ethical will, "Divrei David" was published in London in 1948.

******* Rabbi Tzvi Rabinowicz (1919 - 2002) - Author of several academic works on Hasidism.
Grand Rabbi Aaron Shlomo Chaim Eleazar Rabinowicz, the Bialer Rebbe of America, was born in Bnei Brak. He is the son-in-law of the Dezher Rebbe of Boro Park. His chasidic court is located in the [[Boro Park]] section of [[Brooklyn]], NY. He was appointed by his father to be the Biala Rebbe in America after his father's death. He also has two synagogues in Israel, in [[Beitar Illit]] and in Jerusalem, and he spends much time there, as well as a synagogue in North Miami Beach, Florida.
***** Grand Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowicz (II) (1868 - 1930) - [[Parczew|Parzcever / Partzover Rebbe]]. The son of R. Yaakov Yitzchak (II), and a staunch opponent of the [[Haskalah]] and [[Zionism]]. He married the daughter of [[Yechiel Yaakov Hopsztajn|R. Yechiel Yaakov Hopsztajn]] (1846–1866), the [[Kozhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)|fifth Kozhnitzer Rebbe]].
He has published a biography of his father and grandfather in Yiddish entitled ''Der Heyliger Rebbi fun Biala: Tiferes Avos''. He has also re-published several books from the Biala dynasty: ''Sefer Divrei Binah'' and ''Yishrei Lev'' by the first Bialer Rebbe, with indexes and, recently, an English-Hebrew edition of ''Sefer Seder HaYom'' by his grandfather, the ''Chelkas Yehoshua'', which was translated by Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski.<ref>[https://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http://www.geocities.com/bialarebbe&date=2009-10-25+13:32:13 www.bialayeshiva.com Biala Yeshiva website]</ref>
****** Grand Rabbi Moshe Yechiel Elimelech Rabinowicz (1895 - 1942) - Son of R. Natan David (II). He married the daughter of R. Yisroel Szapira, son of R. [[Elimelech Szapira]], the [[Grodzhisk|Grodzhisker Rebbe]] (1823 - 1892). He authored several works in [[Warsaw]].
****** Avraham Yaakov Shapira, Drohobycer Rebbe, son in law of Rabbi Nosson Dovid, married Esther Golda and lived in Yerushalayim. His son in law, Dr. Avrohom Glasner lived in Yerushalayim. Dr. Glasner's son in law Dr. Moshe Shmuel Glasner resides in Yerushalayim.
****** [[Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinowicz|Grand Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinowicz]] (1913 - 1997) - Son of R. Natan David (II). He married the daughter of [[Chaim Elazar Spira|R. Chaim Elazar Spira]], the fifth [[Munkacs (Hasidic dynasty)|Munkacser Rebbe]], after he death he succeeded. Unlike his both his father and father-in-law, R. Baruch was sympathetic to [[Zionism]] and the [[Israel|State of Israel]]. Because of his progressive beliefs, the Hasidim of Munkacs crowned his son, R. Moshe Leib as the Munkacser Rebbe. R. Baruch later moved to [[Petah Tikva]] where he headed a small [[Beth midrash|Beis Hamedrash]] until his death in 1997.
******* [[Moshe Leib Rabinovich|Grand Rabbi Moshe Leib Rabinovich]] (b. 1940) - Seventh and present Munkacser Rebbe. Son of R. Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel. Throughout his life, he maintained a close relationship with the [[Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)|Satmar Rebbe]], [[Joel Teitelbaum|R. Joel Teitelbaum]], several of whose children his children married.
******* [[Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowicz|Grand Rabbi Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowicz]] (b. circa 1942) - Current Dinover Rebbe. Son of R. Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel. His Chassidus and Beis Medrash relocated to Williamsburg (Brooklyn) NY, where a large mosdos has grown with his guidance.
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==Main books==
==Main books==
* ''Toldos Adam'' (by Rebbe Yehoshua of Ostrova, the father-in-law of the first Biala Rebbe)
* ''Toldos Adam'' (by Rebbe Yehoshua of Ostrova, the father-in-law of the first Biala Rebbe)
* ''Divrei Binah'' (by the first Biala Rebbe)
* Divrei Binah (by the first Biala Rebbe)
* ''Aron Eidus'' (by Rebbe Shraga Yoir of [[Białobrzegi]], the brother of the Divrei Binah)
* ''Aron Eidus'' (by Rebbe Shraga Yoir of [[Białobrzegi]], the brother of the Divrei Binah)
* ''Zichron Mishlei'' (by Rebbe Meir Shlomo of Mezritch, the son of the Divrei Binah)
* ''Zichron Mishlei'' (by Rebbe Meir Shlomo of Mezritch, the son of the Divrei Binah)
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A translation of ''Seder HaYom'' into English has been published by the Biala Rebbe of America. The version of the prayer-book used by Biala Hasidim is called ''Siddur Chelkas Yehoshua''.
A translation of ''Seder HaYom'' into English has been published by the Biala Rebbe of America. The version of the prayer-book used by Biala Hasidim is called ''Siddur Chelkas Yehoshua''.

== See also ==
* [[Hasidic Judaism in Poland]]

==External links==
==External links==
*[http://www.bialarebbe.com The Biala Rebbe Official Website]
* [http://www.bialarebbe.com The Biala Rebbe Official Website]
*[http://www.bialarebbe.org Biala Institutions of America Official Website]
* [http://www.bialarebbe.org Biala Institutions of America Official Website] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200620085254/http://www.bialarebbe.org/ |date=2020-06-20 }}
*[http://www.bialaisrael.com Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Israel]
* [http://www.bialaisrael.com Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Israel]
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[[Category:Hasidic dynasties of Poland]]
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Latest revision as of 22:55, 31 August 2024

Biala Hasidic Dynasty
The title page to Sefer Yismach Yisroel
Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa
Regions with significant populations
Israel, United States, Switzerland
Hasidic Judaism
Yiddish, Hebrew
Related ethnic groups
Peshischa, Munkacs, Satmar

Biala (Yiddish: ביאלע) is a Hasidic dynasty originating from the city of Biała Rawska, where it was founded by R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II) (1847 - 1905). Biala is a branch of Peshischa Hasidism, as R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II) was the great-grandson of R. Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz ("the Yid HaKadosh") (1766 - 1813), the first Peshischa Rebbe. The dynasty was originally spread throughout many towns in Poland, often taking the names of said towns. However, after the Holocaust, the name "Biala" become synonymous with the entire dynasty. Today the dynasty is mostly concentrated in Israel, America and Switzerland.


  • Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz of Peshischa (1766 - 1813) - Known as the "Yid HaKadosh", he was a disciple of R. Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz of Lublin (1745 - 1815), whom he later separated from following a notable theological difference between the two men. The Yid HaKadosh established the Peshischa school of Hasidic thought based out of Przysucha, Polen. He preached a rationalistic and talmudic-centric approach to Hasidism which stood in contrast to the kabbalistic and miracle based court of Lublin. After his death, he was succeeded by his disciple, R. Simcha Bunem Bonhardt (1765 - 1827), who went on to become one of the foremost figures in Polish Hasidism.
    • Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel (Tzvi) Rabinowicz (1784 - 1834) - Son of the Yid HaKadosh, he supported himself as a watch maker and is best known for defending R. Simcha Bunem, after an attempted was made by several Hasidic dignitaries to ban Peshischa Hasidism. Some say his name was Yerachmiel Tzvi.
      • Grand Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowicz of Szydlowiec (1814 - 1866) - Son of R. Yerachmiel , he studied under R. Yissachar Ber Baron, the first Radoshitzer Rebbe. R. Nosson Dovid abandoned the doctrines of Peshischa Hasidism and instead adopted a kabbalistic and miracle-centric view of Hasidism.
        • Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz (II) (1847 - 1905) - First Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Nosson Dovid, he married the daughter of R. Yehoshua of Ostrov (author of "Toldos Adam"). After his father-in-law's death he moved to Biała Podlaska, where he established his own Hasidic court and unlike his father, he embraced most parts of Peshischa Hasidism. Despite this, he still vehemently opposed the activities of maskilim, whom he described as "little foxes destroying the vineyard of the Lord". His teachings were posthumously published by his son R. Abraham under the title "Divrei Binah".
          • Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi Rabinowicz (II) (1880 - 1906) - Son of R. Yaakov Yitzchak (II), he was an accomplished violinist and a painter and held a Hasidic court in Siedlice.
            • Grand Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowicz (1900 - 1981) - Second Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi (II), he was raised by his grandfather R. Leibish of Ozarov. In 1923, he become the rebbe of Siedlice. He managed to escape Nazi occupied Poland, instead fleeing to the Russian-controlled zone, from which he was exiled to Siberia. In 1947 he immigrated to Mandatory Palestine and settled in Tel Aviv. He was in the forefront of activity to maintain adherence to traditional Judaism amongst the masses. He was one of the founders of the Chinuch Atzmai educational network, and he served on the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah.
              • Grand Rabbi Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion Rabinowicz (1935 - 2024) - Third Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua, he served as the rabbi of the city of Lugano. He was a member of the Agudat Yisrael.
                • Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Dov Rabinowicz - Fourth and current Biala Rebbe. The son of R. Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion.
                • Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Leibish Rabinowicz - Rov of K'hal Shaarei Mordechai in Manchester. The son of R. Bezalel Simcha Menachem Ben-Zion.
                  • Grand Rabbi Asher Yeshaya Rabinowicz - Current Biala Rebbe of New City. The son of R. Chaim Yehuda Leibish.
              • Grand Rabbi David Matisyahu Rabinowicz (1927 - 1997) - Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak. He founded the Yeshiva "Biala Or Kedoshim". The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua.
                • Grand Rabbi Yaakov Menachem - Biala Rebbe of Bnei Brak. The son of R. David Matisyahu.
                • Grand Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Chaim Eleazar Rabinowicz, Biala Rebbe of Boro Park. The son of R. David Matisyahu.
                • Grand Rabbi Avraham Yerachmiel Rabinowicz - Ostrov-Biala Rebbe. The son of R. David Matisyahu.
              • Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem Rabinowicz (1926 - 2010) - Biala Rebbe of Ramat Aharon. The Son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua. Was from the first students with which the Punivitz Rosh Yeshiva opened the Yeshiva in 1943. First lived in Petach Tikva where he gave lectures in Gemura Beiyun (in-depth) in the Viznitz Bais Hamedrash at the request of the Viznitz Rabbi the Yeshuois Moshe. Later moved to Bnei Brak and opened a Bais Hamedrash for his followers.
                • Grand Rabbi Baruch Shlomo Leib Rabinowicz - Biala Rebbe of Har Yonah. The son of R. Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem.
                • Grand Rabbi David Yerachmiel Tzvi Rabinowicz - Biala Rebbe of Ramat Aharon. The son of R. Yitzchak Yaakov Menachem.
              • Grand Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda Rabinowicz (1923 - 2003) - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe. The son of R. Yechiel Yehoshua. He moved to the neighbourhood of Har Nof, where he established the Beit Midrash "Toldot Yechiel Biala-Peshisha".
                • Grand Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Rabinowitz - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe of Ashdod. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
                • Grand Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Menachem Mendel Rabinowicz - Biala-Peshischa Rebbe of Bnei Brak. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
                • Grand Rabbi Moshe Rabinowicz - Current Biala-Peshischa Rebbe. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda, he took over his father's Beit Midrash in Har Nof.
                • Grand Rabbi Baruch Leib Rabinowicz - Current Biala Rebbe of London. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
                • Grand Rabbi Simcha Ben-Zion Yitzchak Rabinowicz - Biala-Peshicha Rebbe of Ramat Shlomo. The son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi Yehuda.
            • Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowicz (1899 - 1947) - Son of R. Yerachmiel Tzvi (II), he was the Biala Rebbe of London. He married the daughter of R. Alter Yisroel Shimon Perlow I (1874 - 1933), 2nd Novominsker Rebbe. He moved to London in 1927 where he established a shtiebel off Brick Lane. His ethical will, "Divrei David" was published in London in 1948.
              • Rabbi Tzvi Rabinowicz (1919 - 2002) - Author of several academic works on Hasidism.
          • Grand Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowicz (II) (1868 - 1930) - Parzcever / Partzover Rebbe. The son of R. Yaakov Yitzchak (II), and a staunch opponent of the Haskalah and Zionism. He married the daughter of R. Yechiel Yaakov Hopsztajn (1846–1866), the fifth Kozhnitzer Rebbe.
            • Grand Rabbi Moshe Yechiel Elimelech Rabinowicz (1895 - 1942) - Son of R. Natan David (II). He married the daughter of R. Yisroel Szapira, son of R. Elimelech Szapira, the Grodzhisker Rebbe (1823 - 1892). He authored several works in Warsaw.
            • Avraham Yaakov Shapira, Drohobycer Rebbe, son in law of Rabbi Nosson Dovid, married Esther Golda and lived in Yerushalayim. His son in law, Dr. Avrohom Glasner lived in Yerushalayim. Dr. Glasner's son in law Dr. Moshe Shmuel Glasner resides in Yerushalayim.
            • Grand Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinowicz (1913 - 1997) - Son of R. Natan David (II). He married the daughter of R. Chaim Elazar Spira, the fifth Munkacser Rebbe, after he death he succeeded. Unlike his both his father and father-in-law, R. Baruch was sympathetic to Zionism and the State of Israel. Because of his progressive beliefs, the Hasidim of Munkacs crowned his son, R. Moshe Leib as the Munkacser Rebbe. R. Baruch later moved to Petah Tikva where he headed a small Beis Hamedrash until his death in 1997.
              • Grand Rabbi Moshe Leib Rabinovich (b. 1940) - Seventh and present Munkacser Rebbe. Son of R. Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel. Throughout his life, he maintained a close relationship with the Satmar Rebbe, R. Joel Teitelbaum, several of whose children his children married.
              • Grand Rabbi Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowicz (b. circa 1942) - Current Dinover Rebbe. Son of R. Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel. His Chassidus and Beis Medrash relocated to Williamsburg (Brooklyn) NY, where a large mosdos has grown with his guidance.

Main books

  • Toldos Adam (by Rebbe Yehoshua of Ostrova, the father-in-law of the first Biala Rebbe)
  • Divrei Binah (by the first Biala Rebbe)
  • Aron Eidus (by Rebbe Shraga Yoir of Białobrzegi, the brother of the Divrei Binah)
  • Zichron Mishlei (by Rebbe Meir Shlomo of Mezritch, the son of the Divrei Binah)
  • Yeshuas Avraham (by Rebbe Avrohom Yehoshua Heshl of Lublin, the son of the Divrei Binah)
  • Chelkas Yehoshua and Seder HaYom (by Rebbe Yechiel Yehoshua)
  • Lehavas David' (by Rebbe Dovid Matisyahu of Biala-Bnei Brak)
  • Mevaser Tov (by Rebbe Ben-Zion of Biala)—parts of which have been translated into English

A translation of Seder HaYom into English has been published by the Biala Rebbe of America. The version of the prayer-book used by Biala Hasidim is called Siddur Chelkas Yehoshua.

See also
