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→‎Games based on the GPL source release: <ref>{{cite web|url=https://download.tuxfamily.org/sdtraces/BottinHTML/Bottin_D-J_files/FortressOne-15511.html|title=FortressOne|website=The Linux Game Book|access-date=2024-07-29}}</ref>
wdym 2012, the source code was released in 1999
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[[File:Nexuiz (screenshot 04).jpg|thumb|Ingame screenshot of the first-person shooter ''[[Nexuiz]]'', running on a modified ''Quake'' engine]]
[[File:Nexuiz (screenshot 04).jpg|thumb|Ingame screenshot of the first-person shooter ''[[Nexuiz]]'', running on a modified ''Quake'' engine]]

The '''''Quake'' engine''' is the [[game engine]] developed by [[id Software]] to power their 1996 video game ''[[Quake (video game)|Quake]]''. It featured [[true 3D]] [[real-time rendering]]. Since 2012, it has been licensed under the terms of [[GNU General Public License|GNU General Public License v2.0 or later]].
The '''''Quake'' engine''' is the [[game engine]] developed by [[id Software]] to power their 1996 video game ''[[Quake (video game)|Quake]]''. It featured [[true 3D]] [[real-time rendering]]. Since 1999, it has been licensed under the terms of [[GNU General Public License|GNU General Public License v2.0 or later]].

After release, the ''Quake'' engine immediately [[fork (software development)|fork]]ed. Much of the engine remained in ''[[Quake II]]'' and ''[[Quake III Arena]]''. The ''Quake'' engine, like the [[Doom engine|''Doom'' engine]], used [[binary space partitioning]] (BSP) to optimise the world rendering. The ''Quake'' engine also used [[Gouraud shading]] for moving objects, and a static [[lightmap]] for non-moving objects.
After release, the ''Quake'' engine immediately [[fork (software development)|fork]]ed. Much of the engine remained in ''[[Quake II]]'' and ''[[Quake III Arena]]''. The ''Quake'' engine, like the [[Doom engine|''Doom'' engine]], used [[binary space partitioning]] (BSP) to optimise the world rendering. The ''Quake'' engine also used [[Gouraud shading]] for moving objects, and a static [[lightmap]] for non-moving objects.
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[[John Romero]] initially conceived of ''Quake'' as an [[action game]] taking place in a fully [[3D computer graphics|3D polygon]] world, inspired by [[Sega AM2]]'s 3D [[fighting game]] ''[[Virtua Fighter]]''. ''Quake'' was also intended to feature ''Virtua Fighter''-influenced third-person [[Beat 'em up|melee combat]]. However, id Software considered it to be risky, and it would've taken longer to develop the engine. Because the project was taking too long, the third-person melee was eventually dropped.<ref name="nextgen">{{cite magazine|magazine=[[Next Generation (magazine)|Next Generation]]|issue=30|date=June 1997|pages=9–12|title=Does John Romero Still Enjoy Shooting People?|url=https://archive.org/stream/NextGeneration30Jun1997/Next_Generation_30_Jun_1997#page/n9/mode/2up}}</ref><ref>{{citation|title=[[Edge (magazine)|Edge]]|issue=45|date=May 1997|quote=My original idea was to do something like ''Virtua Fighter'' in a 3D world, with full-contact fighting, but you'd also be able to run through a world, and do the same stuff you do in ''Quake'', only when you got into these melees, the camera would pull out into a third-person perspective. It would've been great, but nobody else had faith in trying it. The project was taking too long, and everybody just wanted to fall back on the safe thing – the formula.}}</ref>
[[John Romero]] initially conceived of ''Quake'' as an [[action game]] taking place in a fully [[3D computer graphics|3D polygon]] world, inspired by [[Sega AM2]]'s 3D [[fighting game]] ''[[Virtua Fighter]]''. ''Quake'' was also intended to feature ''Virtua Fighter''-influenced third-person [[Beat 'em up|melee combat]]. However, id Software considered it to be risky, and it would've taken longer to develop the engine. Because the project was taking too long, the third-person melee was eventually dropped.<ref name="nextgen">{{cite magazine|magazine=[[Next Generation (magazine)|Next Generation]]|issue=30|date=June 1997|pages=9–12|title=Does John Romero Still Enjoy Shooting People?|url=https://archive.org/stream/NextGeneration30Jun1997/Next_Generation_30_Jun_1997#page/n9/mode/2up}}</ref><ref>{{citation|title=[[Edge (magazine)|Edge]]|issue=45|date=May 1997|quote=My original idea was to do something like ''Virtua Fighter'' in a 3D world, with full-contact fighting, but you'd also be able to run through a world, and do the same stuff you do in ''Quake'', only when you got into these melees, the camera would pull out into a third-person perspective. It would've been great, but nobody else had faith in trying it. The project was taking too long, and everybody just wanted to fall back on the safe thing – the formula.}}</ref>

==Engine design and milestones==

===Reducing 3D complexity to increase speed===
[[Image:QuakeMapTrim.PNG|500px|thumb|Simplified process of reducing map complexity in ''[[Quake (video game)|Quake]]'']]
[[Image:QuakeMapTrim.PNG|500px|thumb|Simplified process of reducing map complexity in ''[[Quake (video game)|Quake]]'']]
''Quake'' was the first true-3D game to use a special map design system that preprocessed and pre-rendered some elements of the 3D environment, so as to reduce the processing required when playing the game on the 50–75 MHz [[CPU]]s of the time. The 3D environment in which the game takes place is referred to as a ''map'', even though it is three-dimensional in nature rather than a flat 2D space. The map editor program uses a number of simple convex 3D geometric objects known as ''[[Brush (video game)|brushes]]'' that are sized and rotated to build the environment. The brushes are placed and oriented to create an enclosed, empty, volumetric space, and when the design is complete, the map is run through the rendering preprocessor. The preprocessor is used to locate two types of empty space in the map: the empty space enclosed by brushes where the game will be played and the other empty space outside the brushes that the player will never see. The preprocessor then strips away the back faces of the individual brushes, which are outside the game space, leaving only a few polygons that define the outer perimeter of the enclosed game space.

Generally, once a map has been preprocessed, it cannot be re-edited in a normal fashion because the original brushes have been cut into small pieces. Instead, the original map editor data with the brushes is retained and used to create new versions of the map. But it is possible to edit a processed map by opening it in a special [[Vertex (computer graphics)|vertex]] editor and editing the raw vertex data, or to add or remove individual triangle faces. Though difficult, this technique was occasionally used by cheaters to create windows in walls, to see normally hidden enemies approaching from behind doors and walls, and resulted in an anti-cheat mechanism used in recent 3D games that calculates a [[checksum]] for each file used in the game, to detect players using potentially hacked map files.

A processed map file can have a much lower polygon count than the original unprocessed map, often by 50–80%. On the 50–75 MHz PCs of the time, it was common for this pruning step to take many hours to complete on a map, often running overnight if the map design was extremely complex.

This preprocessing step cannot work if there are any small holes or "leaks" that interconnect the interior game space with the exterior empty space, and it was common for complex map-building projects to be abandoned because the map designer could not locate the leaks in their map. To prevent leaks, the brushes should overlap and slightly interpenetrate each other; attempting to perfectly align along the edges of unusually shaped brushes on a grid can result in very small gaps that are difficult to locate. Modern level editors feature leak detection, alleviating this issue.

The open sky in ''Quake'' maps is in fact not open, but is covered over and enclosed with large brushes, and textured with a special [[Skybox (video games)|skybox]] texture, which is programmed to use [[sphere mapping]], and thus always looks the same from any viewing position, giving the illusion of a distant sky.

===Precalculating lighting and shadows===
''Quake'' also incorporated the use of lightmaps and 3D light sources, as opposed to the sector-based static lighting used in games of the past. id Software's innovation has been used for many 3D games released since, particularly first-person shooters, though id Software switched to a [[Unified lighting and shadowing]] model for ''[[Doom 3]]'' (however, they switched back to a lightmapped or semi-lightmapped method starting with ''[[Rage (video game)|RAGE]]''). After a map had been pruned of excess polygons, a second preprocessing system was used to precalculate and ''bake'' the lightmaps into the game map to further reduce load on the CPU when playing the game. However, full light processing could take an extremely long time, so for the initial map design process, lesser-quality light processing could be done, but at the cost of creating a jagged stair-step lightcast around lights.

===Sectioning the map to increase speed===
To further decrease the workload of 3D rendering, a mechanism was developed to section off large regions of the map not currently visible to the player, so the engine would [[Fillrate|not need to render those unseen spaces]]. A 3D rendering engine without any such optimizations must draw every part of the world and then attempt to determine which polygons are the closest, then hide all polygons located behind these closest polygons (a technique known as [[Z-buffering]]). Just because a polygon is not visible does not mean it is excluded from the scene calculations.

The ''Quake'' engine was optimized specifically to obviate this problem. The engine could be told ahead of time to not calculate rendering for all objects in any space out of the player's view, greatly reducing the rendering load on the CPU. This effect is noticeable in the game as small tunnels with sharp 90-degree bends leading from one large space into another. This small tunnel serves to block view into the adjoining unrendered space, and a special type of transparent brush (called a ''visportal'') is placed within it to define the edge of where the engine should stop rendering the adjoining space. It is uncommon in the original ''Quake'' to be able to see across the entire length of a map, and outdoor spaces are often very tall and narrow, primarily utilizing distance above into open sky or below into lava to create a low-polygonal illusion of expanse.

====How sectioning is performed====
A [[binary space partitioning]] (BSP) tree is built from the map, simplifying complexity of searching for a given polygon to [[Big-O notation|O]](number of polygons). Each leaf creates some area of 3D space (imagine cutting a pie into arbitrary pieces). The leaves of this [[binary tree]] have polygons of the original map associated with them, which are then used for computing each area's visibility. For each area, the [[Hidden-surface determination|VSD]] algorithm finds the parts of the map for which a line of sight exists. This is called the [[potentially visible set]] (PVS).<ref name=Engine>{{cite web |last=Abrash |first=Michael |title=Quake's 3-D Engine: The Big Picture |url=http://www.bluesnews.com/abrash/ |access-date=August 22, 2012}}</ref>

This process uses large amounts of memory, since it should take <math>O(n^2)</math> (where <math>n</math> is the number of polygons) bits (only visible/hidden information is needed). [[John D. Carmack|John Carmack]] realized that one area sees just a small fraction of the other areas, so he compressed this information by using [[run-length encoding]] (RLE). This is what allowed ''Quake''{{'}}s complex geometry to be rendered so quickly on the hardware of the time.

===Speeding up the rendering, and rendering order===
To reduce overdraw (rendering a new pixel that hides a previously rendered point, meaning the previous work was useless and wasted), the environment was displayed first, from front to back. To hide parts of walls hidden by other walls, a Global Edge List was sorting edges of already rendered polygons; new polygons were first clipped against previous edges so that only visible parts would get to the frame buffer.

Also while rendering the environment, a [[Z-buffering|z-buffer]] was filled but never read while rendering the environment, as the BSP tree and Global Edge List ensured that each pixel was rendered only once. The ZBuffer was later used to render correctly characters and other moving objects that were partially hidden by the environment.

The pixel rendering loop was implemented in assembly. The texture coordinates [[Texture mapping#Perspective correctness|perspective correction]] and [[Image scaling|interpolation]] was done using the [[floating-point unit]], due to the limited number of integer registers; it also allows to compute expensive division operation (part of perspective correction) on the floating-point unit in parallel with integer interpolation (in other words, at no cost).

The base texture and the lightmap of a wall were rendered at the same time: a "surface cache" was creating new surfaces, which are new pre-lighted textures which combines the base and light map textures [[Baking (computer graphics)|baked]] together. Surfaces not used since a few frames were released, while new required Surfaces were dynamically created. Generating the surfaces was consuming less time than a secondary lighting pass would have.
To save memory, smaller surfaces using [[mipmap]]s of the original texture were generated first for further walls.

Characters were lit by an ambient light and fixed distant light both dependent on the light level of the spot on the floor where the character was standing. Close-by characters were Gouraud shaded and affinely textured, whereas faraway characters were rendered using triangle subdivision.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://bluesnews.com/abrash/chap69.shtml|title = Surface Caching Revisited, Quake's Triangle Models, and More}}</ref>

===Hardware 3D acceleration===
''Quake'' was one of the first games to support 3D [[hardware acceleration]]. {{citation needed|date=August 2022}} While initially released with only [[software rendering]], John Carmack created a version of the ''Quake'' executable that took advantage of [[Rendition (company)|Rendition]]'s Vérité 1000 graphics chip ([[VQuake]]). [[OpenGL]] support was added in the form of the ''[[GLQuake]]'' executable for Windows 95 and higher. Other cards capable of rendering ''GLQuake'' were a professional (and very expensive) [[Intergraph]] 3D OpenGL card and later, the [[PowerVR]] cards.

To optimize the software rendering engine, lightmaps were shared by polygons that were close in space, and in the same leaf of the BSP tree. This means that quite often polygons using the same main texture could not be rendered at the same time with the 3D acceleration, due to the multi-texturing second unit having to be reconfigured with another lightmap. This architecture decision reduced hardware-accelerated rendering performance.{{clarify|reason=comes across as non sequitur, someone who knows how both the original Quake and GLQuake work should rewrite this paragraph|date=September 2021}}

===Network play===
''Quake'' includes [[Cooperative video game|cooperative]] and [[deathmatch (gaming)|deathmatch]] multiplayer modes over [[local area network|LAN]] or the [[Internet]]. Additional multiplayer modes were later added using [[Mod (computer gaming)|mods]].

''Quake'' uses the [[client–server model]], where a [[game server|server]] has control of all game events. All players connect to this server in order to participate, with the server telling the clients what is happening in the game. The server may either be a [[dedicated server]] or a [[Listen Server]]. Even in the latter situation, ''Quake'' still uses the client-server model, as opposed to the [[peer-to-peer]] networking used by some other games. ''Quake'' thus cannot suffer from de-synchronized network games that could occur from different clients disagreeing with each other, since the server is always the final authority.

==Derivative engines==
==Derivative engines==
[[Image:Quake - family tree.svg|thumb|[[Family tree]] illustrating derivations of Quake engines |alt=]]
[[Image:Quake - family tree.svg|thumb|[[Family tree]] illustrating derivations of Quake engines |alt=]]

On December 21, 1999, John Carmack of id Software released the ''Quake'' engine [[source code]] on the Internet under the terms of GPL-2.0-or-later, allowing programmers to edit the engine and add new features. Programmers were soon releasing new versions of the engine on the net. Some of the most known engines are:
On December 21, 1999, John Carmack of id Software released the ''Quake'' engine [[source code]] on the Internet under the terms of GPL-2.0-or-later, allowing programmers to edit the engine and add new features. Programmers were soon releasing new versions of the engine on the net. Some of the most known engines are:
* '''[[GoldSrc]]''' – The first engine to be created by [[Valve Corporation|Valve]]. It was used in the [[Half-Life series|''Half-Life'' series]], and gave rise to the [[Source engine]]. The Xash3D projects, as well as the FreeHL and FreeCS ports,<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.phoronix.com/news/FreeCS-Open-Counter-Strike|title=FreeCS: Aiming For An Open-Source Counter-Strike Implementation|first=Michael|last=Larabel|date=2017-11-10|access-date=2024-07-14|website=[[Phoronix]]}}</ref> use ''Quake'' source code in part to recreate this engine, even with a wrapper for running the game.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2020/08/half-life-absolute-zero-mimics-half-lifes-original-vibe-run-it-on-linux-with-xash3d-fwg/|title=Half-Life: Absolute Zero mimics Half-Life's original vibe, run on Linux with Xash3D FWGS|author=BTRE|date=2020-08-03|access-date=2024-07-15|website=GamingOnLinux}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://boingboing.net/2022/03/09/play-the-original-half-life-in-the-browser.html|title=Play the original Half-Life in the browser|first=Rob|last=Beschizza|date=2022-03-09|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Boing Boing]]}}</ref>
* '''[[GoldSrc]]''' – The first engine to be created by [[Valve Corporation|Valve]]. It was used in the [[Half-Life series|''Half-Life'' series]], and gave rise to the [[Source engine]]. The Xash3D projects, as well as the FreeHL and FreeCS ports,<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.phoronix.com/news/FreeCS-Open-Counter-Strike|title=FreeCS: Aiming For An Open-Source Counter-Strike Implementation|first=Michael|last=Larabel|date=2017-11-10|access-date=2024-07-14|website=[[Phoronix]]}}</ref> use ''Quake'' source code in part to recreate this engine, even with a wrapper for running the game.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2020/08/half-life-absolute-zero-mimics-half-lifes-original-vibe-run-it-on-linux-with-xash3d-fwg/|title=Half-Life: Absolute Zero mimics Half-Life's original vibe, run on Linux with Xash3D FWGS|author=BTRE|date=2020-08-03|access-date=2024-07-15|website=GamingOnLinux}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://boingboing.net/2022/03/09/play-the-original-half-life-in-the-browser.html|title=Play the original Half-Life in the browser|first=Rob|last=Beschizza|date=2022-03-09|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Boing Boing]]}}</ref>
* '''DarkPlaces''' – A significantly modified engine used in several standalone games and ''Quake'' mods.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.linuxlinks.com/darkplaces/|title=DarkPlaces – Quake modification|date=2023-10-29|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Steve|last=Emms|website=LinuxLinks}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/ |title=DarkPlaces Homepage |website=icculus.org |access-date=November 6, 2017}}</ref> Although the last stable release was on May 13, 2014, it has received numerous updates through its [[Apache Subversion|SVN]] repository since then.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/|title=Darkplaces subversion repository|website=svn.icculus.org|access-date=August 9, 2019}}</ref> Its home page was hosted on [[Icculus.org]] until 2021, when the engine switched to a [[Git]] repository hosted on [[GitHub]].<ref>{{Citation|title=darkplacesengine/darkplaces|date=June 14, 2021|url=https://github.com/darkplacesengine/darkplaces|publisher=DarkPlaces Engine|access-date=June 21, 2021}}</ref> The developers of ''[[Xonotic]]'' provide mirrors of DarkPlaces source code on various social coding platforms<ref>{{cite web |url=https://gitlab.com/xonotic/darkplaces |title=DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitLab |access-date=February 3, 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://github.com/xonotic/darkplaces |title=DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitHub |website=[[GitHub]] |access-date=November 6, 2017}}</ref> since the game is built on and distributed with the development version of the engine.
* '''DarkPlaces''' – A significantly modified engine used in several standalone games and ''Quake'' mods.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.linuxlinks.com/darkplaces/|title=DarkPlaces – Quake modification|date=2023-10-29|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Steve|last=Emms|website=LinuxLinks}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/ |title=DarkPlaces Homepage |website=icculus.org |access-date=November 6, 2017}}</ref> Although the last stable release was on May 13, 2014, it has received numerous updates through its [[Apache Subversion|SVN]] repository since then.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/|title=Darkplaces subversion repository|website=svn.icculus.org|access-date=August 9, 2019}}</ref> Its home page was hosted on [[Icculus.org]] until 2021, when the engine switched to a [[Git]] repository hosted on [[GitHub]].<ref>{{Citation|title=darkplacesengine/darkplaces|date=June 14, 2021|url=https://github.com/darkplacesengine/darkplaces|publisher=DarkPlaces Engine|access-date=June 21, 2021}}</ref> The developers of ''[[Xonotic]]'' provide mirrors of DarkPlaces source code on various social coding platforms<ref>{{cite web |url=https://gitlab.com/xonotic/darkplaces |title=DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitLab |access-date=February 3, 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://github.com/xonotic/darkplaces |title=DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitHub |website=[[GitHub]] |access-date=November 6, 2017}}</ref> since the game is built on and distributed with the development version of the engine.
* '''QuakeForge''' - One of the earlier major community ports.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1|title=Game Engines|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''QuakeForge''' - One of the earlier major community ports.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1|title=Game Engines|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''DirectQ''' – Source port targeting [[DirectX]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.quaddicted.com/quake/recommended_engines|title=Recommended Quake Engines|website=Quaddicted|date=2021-07-10|author=Spirit|access-date=2024-07-14}}</ref>
* '''Super8''' - Source port aimed at enhanced [[software rendering]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?threads/quake-engines-source-ports-a-beginners-guide.11/|title=Quake Engines & Source Ports: A Beginners Guide|author=Fairweather|date=2022-02-19|access-date=2024-07-15|website=Slipgate Sightseer}}</ref>
* '''NPRQuake''' - Fork of ''Quake'' featuring non-photorealistic rendering giving it a pencil drawn look.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://boingboing.net/2018/07/30/quake-but-every-frame-rendered.html|title=Quake on me: classic shooter rendered with pencil sketch filter|first=Rob|last=Beschizza|date=2018-07-30|access-date=2024-07-15|website=[[Boing Boing]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.slideserve.com/parley/non-photorealistic-rendering-techniques-for-a-game-engine|title=Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques for a Game Engine|date=2014-09-11|access-date=2024-07-15|publisher=University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill|website=SlideServe|first=Adrian|last=Ille}}</ref>
* '''NPRQuake''' - Fork of ''Quake'' featuring non-photorealistic rendering giving it a pencil drawn look.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://boingboing.net/2018/07/30/quake-but-every-frame-rendered.html|title=Quake on me: classic shooter rendered with pencil sketch filter|first=Rob|last=Beschizza|date=2018-07-30|access-date=2024-07-15|website=[[Boing Boing]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.slideserve.com/parley/non-photorealistic-rendering-techniques-for-a-game-engine|title=Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques for a Game Engine|date=2014-09-11|access-date=2024-07-15|publisher=University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill|website=SlideServe|first=Adrian|last=Ille}}</ref>
* '''Tenebrae''' - Custom ''Quake'' engine with real time lighting and bumpmapping among other features.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.shacknews.com/article/22796/new-tenebrae|title=New Tenebrae|first=Maarten|last=Goldstein|date=2002-09-25|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Shacknews]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://lowendmac.com/2015/tenebraequake-enhanced-quake-front-end/|title=TenebraeQuake, an Enhanced Quake Front End|first=Simon|last=Royal|date=2015-10-10|access-date=2024-07-16|website=Low End Mac}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insidemacgames.com/historical/news/story.php%3FArticleID=8023.html|title=New Tenebrae Release for PC|date=2003-07-14|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Galen|last=Wiley|website=[[Inside Mac Games]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insidemacgames.com/historical/news/story.php%3FArticleID=6328.html|title=New PC Tenebrae Quake, Mac Update Soon|date=2002-10-27|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Andy|last=Largent|website=[[Inside Mac Games]]}}</ref>
* '''Tenebrae''' - Custom ''Quake'' engine with real time lighting and bumpmapping among other features.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.shacknews.com/article/22796/new-tenebrae|title=New Tenebrae|first=Maarten|last=Goldstein|date=2002-09-25|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Shacknews]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://lowendmac.com/2015/tenebraequake-enhanced-quake-front-end/|title=TenebraeQuake, an Enhanced Quake Front End|first=Simon|last=Royal|date=2015-10-10|access-date=2024-07-16|website=Low End Mac}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insidemacgames.com/historical/news/story.php%3FArticleID=8023.html|title=New Tenebrae Release for PC|date=2003-07-14|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Galen|last=Wiley|website=[[Inside Mac Games]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insidemacgames.com/historical/news/story.php%3FArticleID=6328.html|title=New PC Tenebrae Quake, Mac Update Soon|date=2002-10-27|access-date=2024-07-16|first=Andy|last=Largent|website=[[Inside Mac Games]]}}</ref>
* '''PanQuake''' - Custom ''Quake'' engine that adds a 360 degree [[panorama|panoramic]] view by Wouter van Oortmerssen, the creator of ''[[Cube (video game)|Cube]]'' and ''[[Cube 2: Sauerbraten]]''.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://games.slashdot.org/story/01/05/10/031239/panquake|title=PanQuake|author=michael|date=2001-05-10|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Slashdot]]}}</ref>
* '''Fisheye Quake''' - Custom ''Quake'' engine with [[Fisheye lens|fisheye]] [[distortion (optics)|distortion]] by the author of PanQuake.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.shacknews.com/article/125425/cquake-how-to-run-classic-quake-maps-and-mods-on-modern-pcs?page=6|title=Part 5: Source Ports and Fisheye Quake|first=Patrick|last=Bosworth|date=2021-07-02|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Shacknews]]}}</ref>
* '''Fisheye Quake''' - Custom ''Quake'' engine with [[Fisheye lens|fisheye]] [[distortion (optics)|distortion]] by the author of PanQuake.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.shacknews.com/article/125425/cquake-how-to-run-classic-quake-maps-and-mods-on-modern-pcs?page=6|title=Part 5: Source Ports and Fisheye Quake|first=Patrick|last=Bosworth|date=2021-07-02|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[Shacknews]]}}</ref>
* '''Blinky''' - Fork of the fisheye view along with the TyrQuake software renderer.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/peripheral-vision-in-games-gets-ultrawide-boost-with-new-quake-mod/|title=Peripheral vision in games goes ultrawide with new Quake mod|first=Andy|last=Chalk|date=2015-10-10|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/peripheral-vision-in-game-goes-ultrawide-thanks-to-the-new-quake-mod|title=Peripheral Vision in game goes Ultrawide thanks to the new Quake Mod|first=Aditya|last=Chakrabarty|date=2015-03-12|access-date=2024-07-16|website=sportskeeda}}</ref>
* '''Blinky''' - Fork of the fisheye view along with the TyrQuake software renderer.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/peripheral-vision-in-games-gets-ultrawide-boost-with-new-quake-mod/|title=Peripheral vision in games goes ultrawide with new Quake mod|first=Andy|last=Chalk|date=2015-10-10|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/peripheral-vision-in-game-goes-ultrawide-thanks-to-the-new-quake-mod|title=Peripheral Vision in game goes Ultrawide thanks to the new Quake Mod|first=Aditya|last=Chakrabarty|date=2015-03-12|access-date=2024-07-16|website=sportskeeda}}</ref>
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* '''TyrQuake''' - A conservative focused source port.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1|title=Game Engines|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''TyrQuake''' - A conservative focused source port.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1|title=Game Engines|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''NehQuake''' - Custom engine for the [[The Seal of Nehahra|Nehara]] mod.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-4.html|title=Mods|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''NehQuake''' - Custom engine for the [[The Seal of Nehahra|Nehara]] mod.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-4.html|title=Mods|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-15}}</ref>
* '''Telejano''' (Derivative of TomazQuake) - high resolution makeover port.
* '''Richter''' - port of ''Quake'' to [[Rust (programming language)|Rust]].
* '''FitzQuake''' (Derivative of [[GLQuake]]) - Seminal port whose [[Simple DirectMedia Layer|SDL]] version was later forked into numerous others.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://slayersclub.bethesda.net/en-US/article/nods-to-mods-interview-rubicon-2-for-quake|title=Nods to Mods Interview: Rubicon 2 for Quake|date=2022-08-18|access-date=2024-07-15|first=Joshua|last=Boyle|website=[[Bethesda Softworks|Slayer's Club]]}}</ref>
* '''FitzQuake''' (Derivative of [[GLQuake]]) - Seminal port whose [[Simple DirectMedia Layer|SDL]] version was later forked into numerous others.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://slayersclub.bethesda.net/en-US/article/nods-to-mods-interview-rubicon-2-for-quake|title=Nods to Mods Interview: Rubicon 2 for Quake|date=2022-08-18|access-date=2024-07-15|first=Joshua|last=Boyle|website=[[Bethesda Softworks|Slayer's Club]]}}</ref>
* '''MarkV''' (Derivative of FitzQuake, successor to DirectQ) - Came in both [[GLQuake]] and [[WinQuake]] derived versions.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.dsogaming.com/news/quake-xmas-jam-2018-adds-21-new-maps-to-id-softwares-classic-shooter-available-for-download/|title=Quake Xmas Jam 2018 adds 21 new maps to id Software's classic shooter, available for download|date=2018-12-11|access-date=2024-07-15|first=John|last=Papadopoulos|website=DOSGaming}}</ref>
* '''MarkV''' (Derivative of FitzQuake, successor to DirectQ) - Came in both [[GLQuake]] and [[WinQuake]] derived versions.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.dsogaming.com/news/quake-xmas-jam-2018-adds-21-new-maps-to-id-softwares-classic-shooter-available-for-download/|title=Quake Xmas Jam 2018 adds 21 new maps to id Software's classic shooter, available for download|date=2018-12-11|access-date=2024-07-15|first=John|last=Papadopoulos|website=DOSGaming}}</ref>
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* '''vkQuake''' – (Derivative of Quakespasm) – Uses [[Vulkan (API)|Vulkan]] API for rendering programmed by id Software employee Axel Gneiting, released under the [[GPLv2]].<ref>{{cite web | url = https://twitter.com/axelgneiting/status/755988244408381443 | title = My Vulkan Quake 1 Port running "In the Shadows" mod. Some stuff still missing. Code is here <nowiki>https://github.com/Novum/vkQuake</nowiki> | last = Gneiting | first = Axel | date = July 20, 2016 | website = [[Twitter]] |access-date=August 6, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://github.com/Novum/vkQuake |title=Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm |website=github.com/Novum/vkQuake|access-date=August 6, 2016}}</ref>
* '''vkQuake''' – (Derivative of Quakespasm) – Uses [[Vulkan (API)|Vulkan]] API for rendering programmed by id Software employee Axel Gneiting, released under the [[GPLv2]].<ref>{{cite web | url = https://twitter.com/axelgneiting/status/755988244408381443 | title = My Vulkan Quake 1 Port running "In the Shadows" mod. Some stuff still missing. Code is here <nowiki>https://github.com/Novum/vkQuake</nowiki> | last = Gneiting | first = Axel | date = July 20, 2016 | website = [[Twitter]] |access-date=August 6, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://github.com/Novum/vkQuake |title=Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm |website=github.com/Novum/vkQuake|access-date=August 6, 2016}}</ref>
* '''Ironwail''' - (Derivative of Quakespasm) – An engine aiming at maximum performance.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insideqc.com/ironwail-a-high-performance-quakespasm-fork/|title=Ironwail, a high-performance QuakeSpasm fork|date=2022-01-30|access-date=2024-07-14|author=Spirit|website=InsideQC}}</ref>
* '''Ironwail''' - (Derivative of Quakespasm) – An engine aiming at maximum performance.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insideqc.com/ironwail-a-high-performance-quakespasm-fork/|title=Ironwail, a high-performance QuakeSpasm fork|date=2022-01-30|access-date=2024-07-14|author=Spirit|website=InsideQC}}</ref>
* '''ProQuake''' (Derivative of [[NetQuake]]) - Deathmatch oriented port.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-5.html|title=Multiplayer|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-16}}</ref>
* '''FTEQW''' (Derivative of [[QuakeWorld]]) - A modern client for online multiplayer.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/this-mod-turns-quake-into-a-top-down-shooter/|title=This mod turns Quake into a top-down shooter|first=Andy|last=Chalk|date=2021-02-17|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://neogeographica.com/site/pages/guides/engines.html#04|title=Quake Engines, Old and New|first=Joel|last=Baxter|website=Neogeographica|date=2015-05-03|access-date=2024-07-16}}</ref>
* '''FTEQW''' (Derivative of [[QuakeWorld]]) - A modern client for online multiplayer.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/this-mod-turns-quake-into-a-top-down-shooter/|title=This mod turns Quake into a top-down shooter|first=Andy|last=Chalk|date=2021-02-17|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://neogeographica.com/site/pages/guides/engines.html#04|title=Quake Engines, Old and New|first=Joel|last=Baxter|website=Neogeographica|date=2015-05-03|access-date=2024-07-16}}</ref>
* '''ZQuake''' (Derivative of [[QuakeWorld]]) - Foundational multiplayer port.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-5.html|title=Multiplayer|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2010-03-01|access-date=2024-07-16}}</ref>
* '''FuhQuake''' (Derivative of ZQuake) - Fork of ZQuake with new features.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://linux.die.net/HOWTO/Quake-HOWTO-5.html|title=Multiplayer|website=Linux Quake HOWTO|author=Stevenaaus|date=2007-02-09|access-date=2024-07-16}}</ref>
* '''ezQuake''' (Derivative of FuhQuake) - Multiplayer focused port often paired with the nQuake launcher.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/were-running-a-quake-server-all-weekcome-play-with-us/|title=We're running a Quake server all week—come play with us!|first=Alex|last=Campbell|date=2016-05-20|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/were-running-a-quake-multiplayer-server-all-week-for-the-25th-anniversary/|title=We're running a Quake multiplayer server all week for the 25th anniversary|first=Wes|last=Fenlon|date=2021-05-22|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref>
* '''ezQuake''' (Derivative of FuhQuake) - Multiplayer focused port often paired with the nQuake launcher.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/were-running-a-quake-server-all-weekcome-play-with-us/|title=We're running a Quake server all week—come play with us!|first=Alex|last=Campbell|date=2016-05-20|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pcgamer.com/were-running-a-quake-multiplayer-server-all-week-for-the-25th-anniversary/|title=We're running a Quake multiplayer server all week for the 25th anniversary|first=Wes|last=Fenlon|date=2021-05-22|access-date=2024-07-16|website=[[PC Gamer]]}}</ref>
* '''JoeQuake''' (Derivative of FuhQuake) - A port popular with [[speedrunner]]s.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?threads/quake-engines-source-ports-a-beginners-guide.11/|title=Quake Engines & Source Ports: A Beginners Guide|author=Fairweather|date=2022-02-19|access-date=2024-07-15|website=Slipgate Sightseer}}</ref>
* '''JoeQuake''' (Derivative of FuhQuake) - A port popular with [[speedrunner]]s.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?threads/quake-engines-source-ports-a-beginners-guide.11/|title=Quake Engines & Source Ports: A Beginners Guide|author=Fairweather|date=2022-02-19|access-date=2024-07-15|website=Slipgate Sightseer}}</ref>
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| rowspan="2" | 2018
| rowspan="2" | 2018
| ''[[Team Fortress|FortressOne]]''<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2018/11/get-some-classic-fps-action-on-with-quakeworld-team-fortress/|title=Get some classic FPS action on with QuakeWorld Team Fortress|first=Liam|last=Dawe|date=2018-11-21|access-date=2024-07-29}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://download.tuxfamily.org/sdtraces/BottinHTML/Bottin_D-J_files/FortressOne-15511.html|title=FortressOne|website=The Linux Game Book|access-date=2024-07-29}}</ref>
| ''[[Team Fortress|FortressOne]]''<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2018/11/get-some-classic-fps-action-on-with-quakeworld-team-fortress/|title=Get some classic FPS action on with QuakeWorld Team Fortress|first=Liam|last=Dawe|date=2018-11-21|access-date=2024-07-29}}</ref>
| FortresssOne Team
| FortresssOne Team
| FortressOne Team
| FortressOne Team

Revision as of 23:02, 31 August 2024

Quake engine
Developer(s)id Software, (John Carmack, Michael Abrash, John Cash)
Final release
1.09 / December 21, 1999; 24 years ago (1999-12-21)
Written inC, Assembly (for software rendering & optimization)
PlatformDOS, AmigaOS, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Nintendo 64, Zeebo, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
PredecessorDoom engine
SuccessorQuake II engine, GoldSrc
LicenseGNU GPL-2.0-or-later
Websitewww.idsoftware.com Edit this on Wikidata
Ingame screenshot of the first-person shooter Nexuiz, running on a modified Quake engine

The Quake engine is the game engine developed by id Software to power their 1996 video game Quake. It featured true 3D real-time rendering. Since 1999, it has been licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.

After release, the Quake engine immediately forked. Much of the engine remained in Quake II and Quake III Arena. The Quake engine, like the Doom engine, used binary space partitioning (BSP) to optimise the world rendering. The Quake engine also used Gouraud shading for moving objects, and a static lightmap for non-moving objects.

Historically, the Quake engine has been treated as a separate engine from its successor, the Quake II engine. Although the codebases for Quake and Quake II were separate GPL releases,[1][2] both engines are now considered variants of id Tech 2.[3]


The Quake engine was developed from 1995 for the video game Quake, released on June 22, 1996. John Carmack did most of the programming of the engine, with help from Michael Abrash in algorithms and assembly optimization. The Quake II engine (id Tech 2.5) was based on it.

John Romero initially conceived of Quake as an action game taking place in a fully 3D polygon world, inspired by Sega AM2's 3D fighting game Virtua Fighter. Quake was also intended to feature Virtua Fighter-influenced third-person melee combat. However, id Software considered it to be risky, and it would've taken longer to develop the engine. Because the project was taking too long, the third-person melee was eventually dropped.[4][5]

Simplified process of reducing map complexity in Quake

Derivative engines

Family tree illustrating derivations of Quake engines

On December 21, 1999, John Carmack of id Software released the Quake engine source code on the Internet under the terms of GPL-2.0-or-later, allowing programmers to edit the engine and add new features. Programmers were soon releasing new versions of the engine on the net. Some of the most known engines are:

  • GoldSrc – The first engine to be created by Valve. It was used in the Half-Life series, and gave rise to the Source engine. The Xash3D projects, as well as the FreeHL and FreeCS ports,[6] use Quake source code in part to recreate this engine, even with a wrapper for running the game.[7][8]
  • DarkPlaces – A significantly modified engine used in several standalone games and Quake mods.[9][10] Although the last stable release was on May 13, 2014, it has received numerous updates through its SVN repository since then.[11] Its home page was hosted on Icculus.org until 2021, when the engine switched to a Git repository hosted on GitHub.[12] The developers of Xonotic provide mirrors of DarkPlaces source code on various social coding platforms[13][14] since the game is built on and distributed with the development version of the engine.
  • QuakeForge - One of the earlier major community ports.[15]
  • NPRQuake - Fork of Quake featuring non-photorealistic rendering giving it a pencil drawn look.[16][17]
  • Tenebrae - Custom Quake engine with real time lighting and bumpmapping among other features.[18][19][20][21]
  • Fisheye Quake - Custom Quake engine with fisheye distortion by the author of PanQuake.[22]
  • Blinky - Fork of the fisheye view along with the TyrQuake software renderer.[23][24]
  • Engoo (Derivative of WinQuake) - Graphically enhanced software renderer based port.[25]
  • Fruitz of Dojo - Source port aimed at Mac OS X.[26][27][28]
  • TyrQuake - A conservative focused source port.[29]
  • NehQuake - Custom engine for the Nehara mod.[30]
  • FitzQuake (Derivative of GLQuake) - Seminal port whose SDL version was later forked into numerous others.[31]
  • MarkV (Derivative of FitzQuake, successor to DirectQ) - Came in both GLQuake and WinQuake derived versions.[32]
  • Quakespasm (Derivative of FitzQuake) – Commonly used source port.[33]
  • Quakespasm-Spiked (Derivative of Quakespasm) - Limit-removing fork. [34]
  • vkQuake – (Derivative of Quakespasm) – Uses Vulkan API for rendering programmed by id Software employee Axel Gneiting, released under the GPLv2.[35][36]
  • Ironwail - (Derivative of Quakespasm) – An engine aiming at maximum performance.[37]
  • FTEQW (Derivative of QuakeWorld) - A modern client for online multiplayer.[38][39]
  • ezQuake (Derivative of FuhQuake) - Multiplayer focused port often paired with the nQuake launcher.[40][41]
  • JoeQuake (Derivative of FuhQuake) - A port popular with speedrunners.[42]

Games using the Quake engine

Games using a proprietary license

Year Titel Developer(s) Publisher(s)
1996 Quake id Software GT Interactive
1997 Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon Hipnotic Interactive 3D Realms
Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity Rogue Entertainment 3D Realms
Hexen II Raven Software id Software, Activision
Malice Ratloop Quantum Axcess
Shrak Quantum Axcess Quantum Axcess
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse Zero Gravity Entertainment WizardWorks
1998 Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus Raven Software id Software
Abyss of Pandemonium - The Final Mission Impel Development Team Perfect Publishing
2000 Laser Arena Trainwreck Studios ValuSoft
2001 CIA Operative: Solo Missions Trainwreck Studios ValuSoft
Urban Mercenary Moshpit Entertainment Moshpit Entertainment

Games based on the GPL source release

Year Titel Developer(s) Publisher(s)
2000 OpenQuartz[43] OpenQuartz Team SourceForge
2001 Transfusion[44] Transfusion Project SourceForge
2002 Eternal War: Shadows of Light Two Guys Software Two Guys Software
2007 Nexuiz Alientrap Alientrap
2005 The Hunted[45] Chris Page ModDB
2011 Xonotic Team Xonotic Team Xonotic
Steel Storm Kot-in-Action Creative Artel Kot-in-Action Creative Artel
2012 Forced: Leashed[46] Kepuli Games Kepuli Games
RetroBlazer[47][48][49] Hydra Game Works Hydra Game Works
2013 Choas Esque Anthology[50] Chaos Esque Team Chaos Esque Team
2015 Rexuiz[51] Rexuiz Team Rexuiz Team
2017 FreeCS[52] FreeCS Team GitHub
2018 FortressOne[53] FortresssOne Team FortressOne Team
The Wastes[54] Vera Visions L.L.C Vera Visions L.L.C
2019 LibreQuake[55] LibreQuake Team GitHub
2021 (Early access) Doombringer[56] Anomic Games Anomic Games
2023 Wrath: Aeon of Ruin Killpixel 3D Realms
1C Entertainment
Station 37[57] Rory Lambert Rory Lambert

See also


  1. ^ "Quake engine GPL release". GitHub. Retrieved May 24, 2020.
  2. ^ "id Tech 2 GPL release". GitHub. Retrieved May 24, 2020.
  3. ^ "id Tech 2 page". id Software. Archived from the original on September 17, 2008.
  4. ^ "Does John Romero Still Enjoy Shooting People?". Next Generation. No. 30. June 1997. pp. 9–12.
  5. ^ Edge, May 1997, My original idea was to do something like Virtua Fighter in a 3D world, with full-contact fighting, but you'd also be able to run through a world, and do the same stuff you do in Quake, only when you got into these melees, the camera would pull out into a third-person perspective. It would've been great, but nobody else had faith in trying it. The project was taking too long, and everybody just wanted to fall back on the safe thing – the formula.
  6. ^ Larabel, Michael (November 10, 2017). "FreeCS: Aiming For An Open-Source Counter-Strike Implementation". Phoronix. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
  7. ^ BTRE (August 3, 2020). "Half-Life: Absolute Zero mimics Half-Life's original vibe, run on Linux with Xash3D FWGS". GamingOnLinux. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  8. ^ Beschizza, Rob (March 9, 2022). "Play the original Half-Life in the browser". Boing Boing. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  9. ^ Emms, Steve (October 29, 2023). "DarkPlaces – Quake modification". LinuxLinks. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  10. ^ "DarkPlaces Homepage". icculus.org. Retrieved November 6, 2017.
  11. ^ "Darkplaces subversion repository". svn.icculus.org. Retrieved August 9, 2019.
  12. ^ darkplacesengine/darkplaces, DarkPlaces Engine, June 14, 2021, retrieved June 21, 2021
  13. ^ "DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitLab". Retrieved February 3, 2020.
  14. ^ "DarkPlaces Quake Engine on Xonotic GitHub". GitHub. Retrieved November 6, 2017.
  15. ^ Stevenaaus (March 1, 2010). "Game Engines". Linux Quake HOWTO. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  16. ^ Beschizza, Rob (July 30, 2018). "Quake on me: classic shooter rendered with pencil sketch filter". Boing Boing. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  17. ^ Ille, Adrian (September 11, 2014). "Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques for a Game Engine". SlideServe. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  18. ^ Goldstein, Maarten (September 25, 2002). "New Tenebrae". Shacknews. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  19. ^ Royal, Simon (October 10, 2015). "TenebraeQuake, an Enhanced Quake Front End". Low End Mac. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  20. ^ Wiley, Galen (July 14, 2003). "New Tenebrae Release for PC". Inside Mac Games. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  21. ^ Largent, Andy (October 27, 2002). "New PC Tenebrae Quake, Mac Update Soon". Inside Mac Games. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  22. ^ Bosworth, Patrick (July 2, 2021). "Part 5: Source Ports and Fisheye Quake". Shacknews. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  23. ^ Chalk, Andy (October 10, 2015). "Peripheral vision in games goes ultrawide with new Quake mod". PC Gamer. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  24. ^ Chakrabarty, Aditya (March 12, 2015). "Peripheral Vision in game goes Ultrawide thanks to the new Quake Mod". sportskeeda. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  25. ^ Baxter, Joel (May 3, 2015). "Quake Engines, Old and New". Neogeographica. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  26. ^ Cook, Brad (March 19, 2006). "Quake Gets Universal Binary". The Mac Observer. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  27. ^ Monks, Neale (August 1, 2003). "Classic Games: Quake". MyMac.com. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  28. ^ "Frank's Craptacular House of Mac Quake Stuffs". pOx's Playhouse. July 1, 2019. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  29. ^ Stevenaaus (March 1, 2010). "Game Engines". Linux Quake HOWTO. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  30. ^ Stevenaaus (March 1, 2010). "Mods". Linux Quake HOWTO. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  31. ^ Boyle, Joshua (August 18, 2022). "Nods to Mods Interview: Rubicon 2 for Quake". Slayer's Club. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  32. ^ Papadopoulos, John (December 11, 2018). "Quake Xmas Jam 2018 adds 21 new maps to id Software's classic shooter, available for download". DOSGaming. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  33. ^ Yang, Robert (August 23, 2021). "Quake Renaissance: a short history of 25 years of Quake modding". Rock Paper Shotgun. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
  34. ^ Dawe, Liam (April 27, 2022). "Block Quake is basically Quake made into LEGO". GamingOnLinux. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
  35. ^ Gneiting, Axel (July 20, 2016). "My Vulkan Quake 1 Port running "In the Shadows" mod. Some stuff still missing. Code is here https://github.com/Novum/vkQuake". Twitter. Retrieved August 6, 2016.
  36. ^ "Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm". github.com/Novum/vkQuake. Retrieved August 6, 2016.
  37. ^ Spirit (January 30, 2022). "Ironwail, a high-performance QuakeSpasm fork". InsideQC. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
  38. ^ Chalk, Andy (February 17, 2021). "This mod turns Quake into a top-down shooter". PC Gamer. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  39. ^ Baxter, Joel (May 3, 2015). "Quake Engines, Old and New". Neogeographica. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  40. ^ Campbell, Alex (May 20, 2016). "We're running a Quake server all week—come play with us!". PC Gamer. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  41. ^ Fenlon, Wes (May 22, 2021). "We're running a Quake multiplayer server all week for the 25th anniversary". PC Gamer. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  42. ^ Fairweather (February 19, 2022). "Quake Engines & Source Ports: A Beginners Guide". Slipgate Sightseer. Retrieved July 15, 2024.
  43. ^ neozeed (June 24, 2018). "Open Quartz". Virtually Fun. Retrieved February 8, 2023.
  44. ^ Von Kallenbach, Gareth (2003). "Devoted to the cause - Blood Transfusion to save aging game". Game Industry News. Archived from the original on April 8, 2003.
  45. ^ "The Hunted Chronicle 2 review". Nixbit. Retrieved April 23, 2023.
  46. ^ Tricky (August 25, 2012). "Force: Leashed". Jay Is Games. Retrieved April 24, 2023.
  47. ^ Yu, Derek (January 16, 2012). "RetroBlazer (Alpha)". TIG Source. Retrieved April 24, 2023.
  48. ^ Priestman, Chris (January 21, 2015). "RetroBlazer Has The Fast Pace, Bright Colors Of 1990s FPS". Siliconera. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
  49. ^ Tarason, Dominic (January 12, 2012). "16-Bit Killer – RetroBlazer Demo Offers 2.5d FPS Nostlagia With A Twist". DIY Gamer. Archived from the original on March 21, 2012. Retrieved July 14, 2024.
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