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"AIDS initiative already causing lots of fireworks;" John Marelius. ''The San Diego Union''. San Diego, Calif.: Jun 26, 1986. pg. A.3}}
"AIDS initiative already causing lots of fireworks;" John Marelius. ''The San Diego Union''. San Diego, Calif.: Jun 26, 1986. pg. A.3}}

===1986 2nd half===
====1986 2nd half====
Lyndon LaRouche, designer of a state initiative that could lead to the quarantine of everyone carrying the AIDS virus, said on a radio talk show that the acquired immune deficiency syndrome is spread through the air and by mosquitoes.

LaRouche made his remarks, which are believed to be his first public comments about the measure that has qualified for the November ballot, during a telephone interview Friday with KGO radio talk show host Ronn Owens.

"A person with AIDS running around is like a person with a machine gun running around shooting up a neighborhood," LaRouche said.

Attacks Immune System

AIDS attacks the body's immune system and leaves its victims vulnerable to a variety of infections. Experts believe that it is spread through blood and semen. Health officials estimate that approximately 250,000 Californians are infected with AIDS and do not know it.

The AIDS initiative would place AIDS on the state's official list of infectious, contagious and communicable diseases. It could lead to large-scale testing for the virus and quarantine of those infected with the virus but not suffering from the disease. The California Medical Assn. and other regional medical societies have come out against the initiative.

On the talk show, LaRouche blamed the Soviet Union for engineering what he termed the the AIDS "conspiracy."

"There is no question that it can be transmitted by mosquitoes," LaRouche said, citing as supporting evidence the high incidence of the disease in Africa, the Caribbean and southern Florida.
|"AIDS Spread by Air, Mosquitoes, LaRouche Says" ''Los Angeles Times''. Los Angeles, Calif.: Jul 13, 1986. pg. 30}}

State Health Director Kenneth Kizer on Tuesday accused the Lyndon LaRouche followers who placed an AIDS initiative on the Nov. 4 ballot of wrongfully using his name, while the attorney general dealt the measure a blow by concluding that it could cost taxpayers millions of dollars more than first expected.
State Health Director Kenneth Kizer on Tuesday accused the Lyndon LaRouche followers who placed an AIDS initiative on the Nov. 4 ballot of wrongfully using his name, while the attorney general dealt the measure a blow by concluding that it could cost taxpayers millions of dollars more than first expected.

Revision as of 06:39, 1 September 2008

AIDS and gays

Primary sources

  • The British aristocracy is essentially homosexual. Jeremy Bentham's argument for the legalization of pederasty is avant-garde for its time only in respect of the fact of publishing such an argument in that form. Nowadays, the Anglican priesthood reports with pride the percentile of its ranks which has, in the jargon of these times, "come out of the closet." Take your sexual pleasures wherever convenience and impulse direct your actions at that moment, but save approximately one-hundreth of the sexual effort from your classmates, homosexual lover, or favorite beasts: to perform your conjugal duties of perpetuating the litters from which the oligarchical species culls its next generation of breeding stock.
  • I disassociate myself from a policy of persecuting the victims of a certain, dangerous variety of neurotic, over-domineering mothering. I mean those persons who have found themselves most unhappily conditioned by such rearing into what are termed today "homosexual impulses." A child of a household with a weak father, or of a broken home with no father present, is left almost defenseless against a certain type of domineering, neurotic-irrationalist, overtly sensually incestuous, mothering or surrogate mothering. Contrary to frauds more recently circulated within the psychiatric profession, the etiology of "homosexuality" is conclusively established.
    • "HOW TO DEFEAT LIBERALISM AND WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY," by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Oct. 1979.

According to a variety of very authoritative sources, Henry A. Kissinger is not a Jew, but a faggot.

I will not tolerate any denial of civil rights to a person who happens to be homosexual. Ordinarily, a homosexual is like an ordinary person suffering the affliction of nasty boils; one recognizes the distinction between the person and the affliction.

The problem with Kissinger is not simply that he has a homosexual personality. The problem with Kissinger is like that of that flaming, fascistic faggot Roy M. Cohn, who is justly hated by most of the ordinary homosexuals of the United States, and a number of those from other nations. Similarly, Henry A. Kissinger is no ordinary, common, garden-variety of homosexual. His heathen sexual inclinations are merely an integral part of a larger evil.

One does not need to catch Henry in flagrante in the Carlyle Hotel, or with a Roumanian waiter in Acapulco. Whatever he does in particular hotel-rooms, or after meetings with Roy M. Cohn at certain New York City restaurants, or by arrangement of certain California acquaintances, need not be reported here. Kissinger may wash (one hopes) and dress, before leaving a hotel-room. He does not, and cannot change his personality. [...] Take the case of Roy M. Cohn's physical assault on Barbara Dreyfuss, or Nancy Kissinger's, the "Newark Strangler's," homocidal behaviour more recently. Normal public figures do not strangle every person who says something they do not like. More lies have been told internationally about me, for example, than any living public figure of the past ten years; I have never had an impulse to strike a journalist for such reason, nor, I am more or less certain, does President Ronald Reagan, or any other psychologically normal or reasonably normal person in public life. We say of such public attacks, "It goes with the territory." We have more important issues with which to concern ourselves. Not so in the case of narcissistic, anal sado-masochists such as a Kissinger or Cohn. [...] Kissinger is the kind of homosexual personality who ordinarily makes a potential professional assassin, a gangland thug for hire. Next time you see him on the television tube, especially when he is registering indignation, think the words, "Bugsy Kissinger," and watch how well those words fit the image on the TV screen. [...] There are, unfortunately, too many persons who suffer the same mental disease as Kissinger and Cohn. One pities them; no human being, however wretched, should have to continue suffering the condition in which a Kissinger and Cohn exist; the problem is that very foolish people, world-wide, have given power to such homocidal types.

To understand the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is, what Roy Cohn is, think back to the Emperor Nero and his court. Think of Studio 54, then of Nero's court, and then of Studio 54 again. Think of Roy Cohn's parties (faithfully reported in exaggerated, name-dropping detail, in the New York Daily News). Think of Nero, and then of Kissinger, and then of Nero, and then of Roy M. Cohn. That is the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is.

That kind of faggotry destroyed Rome. Will you permit it also to destroy the United States?

— "KISSINGER, THE POLITICS OF FAGGOTRY" By Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr. August 3, 1982

We have another purpose in fighting AIDS, for our fighting AIDS — for our inducing people to do what they should have done anyway without our speaking a word. Government agencies should have done this. There should be no issue! But government agencies didn't! That's the issue. Why didn't they? Because of a cultural paradigm shift. They did not want, on the one hand, to estrange the votes of a bunch of faggots and cocaine sniffers, the organized gay lobby, as it's called in the United States. (I don't know why they're "gay", they're the most miserable creatures I ever saw! The so-called gay lobby, 8% of the population, the adult electorate; the drug users. There are 20 million cocaine sniffers in the United States, at least. Of course it does affect their mind; it affects the way they vote!

What was the problem? The problem was the cultural paradigm shift. If someone comes up and says, "Yeah, but you can't interfere with the civil rights of an AIDS victim" — what the devil is this? You can't interfere with an AIDS victim killing hundreds of people, by spreading the disease to hundreds of people, which will kill them, during the period before he himself dies? So therefore, should we allow people with guns to go out and shoot people as they choose? Isn't that a matter of the civil rights of gun carriers? Or, if you've got an ax — if you can't aim too well, and just have an ax or a broad sword — shouldn't we allow people with broad swords and axes to go out and kill people indiscriminately as they choose, as a matter of their civil rights?

Where did this nonsense come from? Oh, we don't want to offend the gays! Gays are sensitive to their civil rights; this will lead to discrimination against gays!

They're already beating up gays with baseball bats around the country! Children are going to playgrounds, they go in with baseball bats, and they find one of these gays there, pederasts, trying to recruit children, and they take their baseball bats and they beat them up pretty bad. They'll kill one sooner or later. In Chicago, they're beating up gays that are hanging around certain schools, pederasts; children go out with baseball bats and beat them up-which is perfectly moral; they have the civil right to do that! It's a matter of children's civil rights!

— Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "The End of the Age of Aquarius?" EIR (Executive Intelligence Review), January 10, 1986, p. 40.
  • ... as a category, gays and lesbians do not represent a valid voting constituency, and neither do prostitutes, drug pushers, child molesters, warlocks, witches, pornographers, or others who are morally equivalent.
    • "End Harold Washington's Consistently Disgusting Career", Illinois Tribunal, July 7, 1986, editorial page

...the refusal of governments to take credible action to stop the wildfire spread of the hideously fatal infection, is prompting the greatest rate of violence-tending qualities of fear among teenagers... The lynchers themselves are a small portion of the total population of the social strata from which they are drawn, but see themselves as ad hoc representatives of those strata and the fears and objectives of those strata. They are a special variety of political revolutionary, and express, spontaneously, the conspiratorial and other ethical characteristics of political revolutionaries ...

The impact of this pattern of developments on Britain's youth gangs of violence-prone football fans is predictable. One can read their general line of thinking in advance. Since the idea of touching the person of the carrier is abhorrent, stones and the nadiest approximation of a collection of baseball bats, come to mind. Certain individuals, of known haunts, first suggest themselves as easy targets...

The point is fast approaching, that increasing portions of these populations will focus upon the fact, that a dead AIDS carrier ceases to be a carrier. If governments were to proceed with repeated mass-screenings of the population, and isolation of carriers, the likelihood of a teenager lynch-mob phenomenon would be small. If not, then other ways of reducing the number of carriers will become increasingly popular.

In that case, the lynch-mobs might be seen by later generations’ historians, as the only political force which acted to save the human species from extinction.

— Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "Teenage Gangs’ Lynchings of Gays is Foreseen Soon", New Solidarity, February 9, 1987, p. 8.
  • The clinical essence of the homosexual pathology, is destructive rage, a Nietzschean, dionysiac quality of rage. In the pre-1970s psychiatric literature, this was frankly and extensively documented. The pleasure of the homosexual deed is the pleasure of doing evil, in that clinical sense. It is not the desire for the act in itself, but the pleasure of the destructive character of the act as an affirmation of the diabolical, which is controlling. This is a form of the mens rea; it is an evilly grimacing Eros with horns and hooves, an Osiris, a Siva, a Dionysos.
  • Toleration of lesbianism, pederasty, and other forms of so-called "homosexuality," is characteristic of those pagan cults which St. John associates with "The Whore of Babylon" (Siva, Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Mithra, et al.). This series of cults is collectively, the forms of satanism. Witchcraft, for example, is a form of satanic Ishtar-worship, or a derivative, often associated with either prostitution or militant lesbianism.
    • POLICY ON DEFENSE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FROM THE STANDPOINT OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, (The Law on Sodomy, For Example) by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., April 20, 1987, in NEW FEDERALIST, June 19, 1987.

I am happy to see that the California Medical Assn. has come out in favor of public health measures to slow the spread of HIV. In doing so, they are endorsing precisely what they denounced in 1986, when they came out against Proposition 64, which was put on the ballot by supporters of Lyndon LaRouche. I hope that CMA members have had the opportunity to reflect on how many Californians were needlessly infected with HIV during that eight-year period, because no effort was made to locate and educate asymptomatic carriers.

— DANIEL PLATT, Los Angeles "Reporting HIV Cases", LTE Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Mar 20, 1995. pg. 4

Like this question of so-called homosexuality. Look, take the case of AIDS, which I've been attacked for by all kinds of crazy people. I proposed that we mobilize $40 billion from the Federal government — that's back in the middle of the 1980s — to combat a danger, an epidemic disease of a new type, which implicitly threatens all mankind, which has — it's also in the United States, and it's in Africa: In Africa, because of environmental conditions and other tropical-disease conditions, the rate of spread of AIDS is now that most of the population of black Africa is threatened by virtual extinction — not total extinction, but near-extinction.

We have a little better conditions in the United States. Some people get drugs which they can't afford in Africa, because Al Gore won't let them, among other reasons. But that we're all victims of it. Who cares about whether the guy's a homosexual? It's irrelevant! It's a human being who is suffering from a disease, who needs help and protection — in the interests of the General Welfare. Who wants to make a category of "homosexuals"? I don't believe in it; it's not a legitimate category. It's just people, people who are suffering and dying.

Magic Johnson, the famous athlete, is fortunate enough, with his Starbuck enterprises, as he described the situation recently in Baltimore, that he can get and afford the regular treatment, the cocktail he requires, which so far has kept him functioning. How many African-Americans, for example, and others, can afford that cocktail, which might keep them alive? Well, Al Gore says Africans shouldn't get that; they have to pay full price. What do you mean, asking an {African,} whose income is like $100 a year, to pay for these drugs to keep them alive, to keep their families from being wiped out? But Al Gore says the prices have to stay up to protect the interests of Wall Street!

That's the problem. It's a way of thinking. You have to realize that what is done to one of us, is done to all of us. You can't say, "Well, the African-Americans are being victimized; that's not our problem." You can't say, "The AIDS victims are being victimized; that's not our problem: We don't have AIDS," or "We're not homosexuals," or something.

— LaRouche Webcast LA Town Meeting Questions & Answers] Dec. 11, 1999 [1]

Liebman was a bullied, fearful child, a victimized Jew who became a Communist and a homosexual, and a Zionist in the camp of the Jabotinskyites who formed the Israeli right. The Nazis killed his European relatives, and he went to work as a strategist and publicist for the managers of fascism. His autobiography laments that the right-wing movement he built became bigoted!

Liebman led a strange crew around Buckley's magazine National Review, creating the Young Americans for Freedom and the whole Conservative movement of the 1960s. Younger colleagues have related their shock and puzzlement over discovering that so many of the rightist leaders were homosexuals—or as one old timer recently put it, "self-hating, gay-bashing gays"—led by Liebman.

— This article appears in the April 22, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

"The Christian Coalition: The Nature of the Beast"

by Anton Chaitkin [2]

The Ford Foundation and its spinoffs in the "alternate philanthropy" movement paid for a new sexual politics. Homosexuality was promoted as a primary identity, to trump the self-concept of a political person passionate about mankind's betterment. [...] Stern Fund executive director David Hunter had worked at Ford Foundation pioneering their ghetto counterinsurgency projects. Hunter moved his protégé, flour-heir George Pillsbury, to organize the "Alternative Philanthropy" initiative. They created the Funding Exchange and many Lesbian/Gay-theme money channels for financier paradigm-bending projects; these comprise most of the funds eventually backing Berlet's organization PRA.

— This article appears in the June 16, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Chip Berlet and the Ford Zoo

by Anton Chaitkin [3]

Secondary sources


  • Labor also gets the party's attention. The United Auto Workers is claiming that the NCLC harassed UAW members by calling their homes 30 or 40 times a day and accusing relatives of homosexuality.
    • Business Week. "The U.S. Labor Party's radical crusade". October 2, 1978.


The Democratic primary election Tuesday has an added dimension because of the presence, in 27 of the 40 legislative races, of candidates running under the slogan Beam Technology: Stop War, End Depression.

These candidates are led by Elliot Greenspan of Haworth, a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche, the former head of the United States Labor Party and leader of the National Democratic Policy Committee.

Mr. Greenspan, who is running for a Democratic State Senate nomination in the 38th Legislative District in Bergen County, said that the aim of the effort was to build a base within the party among thinking Democrats.

The Beam Technology that Democrats call for is a crash program to develop laser and particle beam technologies for a new weapons system designed to protect the country against attack by intercontinental ballistic missiles.

They also blame liberals in the party for policies they say encourage drugs and sex in the schools, and charge that the party is being held hostage by the 'Gay Alliance.'



Carriers of the AIDS virus would be subject to state quarantine under a proposed 1986 ballot initiative that was cleared for circulation Tuesday by Secretary of State March Fong Eu.

She said proponents Khushro Ghandhi, an official of Lyndon LaRouche's Democratic Policy Committee (no connection to the Democratic Party), and Bruce Lutz of Los Angeles must submit 393,385 valid petition signatures by April 18 to qualify the measure for the November, 1986, ballot.

Ghandhi has said the proposed law would authorize the state to identify carriers of the AIDS virus and bar them from jobs in food services, teaching or any work involving physical contact with the public. However, the attorney general's summary of the proposed initiative goes further, stating that AIDS carriers would be subject to "quarantine and isolation statutes and regulations."

Quarantine enforcement is at the discretion of the state health director and can range from keeping children away from school to restricting people to their homes.

State health officials contend that such a law is unnecessary because they already have all the authority they need to control acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which breaks down the body's resistance to disease. [...]

Ghandhi, West Coast coordinator for the conservative LaRouche party, has accused state health officials of permitting AIDS to be underreported. He also has charged them with inaction against AIDS because of pressure from "a powerful gay lobby" and the Reagan Administration.

— "Proposal for Ballot Would Subject AIDS Carriers to Quarantine" Los Angeles Times . Los Angeles, Calif.: Dec 25, 1985. pg. 32

1986 1st half

In the glare of publicity, the LaRouche candidates have wavered between the idealistic and the surreal.

They list three planks in the Illinois campaign: the repeal of the Gramm- Rudman federal budget-balancing act; widespread testing for AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; and an end to what they say is the illegal laundering of drug dealer's money by banks.

The subjects--the effect of budget cuts on the poor, the epidemic of AIDS, the problem of drugs in American society--are so much on the minds of the public that the "LaRouchies" would seem to be sitting on the pulse of middle America.

But it is when they describe some of their means for answering those problems that jaws start to drop.

Hart, at a Washington press conference on Friday, bristled at a demand for an explanation of her remarks that "tanks would rumble down State Street" in the war on drugs.

"Only a poet would understand that," she said. "I'm going to use the military with the help of the federal government to wipe out drugs. The use of tanks was symbolic of a declaration of war on drugs."

Hart later said that former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was part of an international "drug mafia."

Asked if she believed Jewish persons were behind the drug traffic, she replied: "That's totally nonsense. I don't consider Henry Kissinger a Jew. I consider Henry Kissinger a homosexual."

At a Chicago press conference, LaRouche spokesman Sheila Jones said the party would use the powers of the Illinois secretary of state to revoke the licenses of banks suspected of laundering drug money, and use the "eminent domain" authority of the lieutenant governor to order AIDS testing for all state residents. State officials say those offices simply do not have those kinds of powers.

— "'LAROUCHIES' FORCE STATE TO TAKE NOTICE;" R Bruce Dold and Wes Smith Ray Gibson and Kurt Greenbaum contributed to this report. Chicago Tribune Chicago, Ill.: Mar 23, 1986. pg.

Anyway, the real point, [Mel] Klenetsky said, is that this is all related, and that there is much, much more -- like the way the "international clique of financiers" and its allies in the International Monetary Fund and State Department always crack down with austerity programs on countries that try to free themselves of dope dependence.

They also, he says, have everything to do with the spread of the AIDS virus through central Africa. Quarantining all AIDS victims is one LaRouche idea that has received some press notice in recent days -- primarily because it can be summed up in a quick phrase -- but his devotees feel the context of it has not gotten adequate attention.

"Twenty to 30 million out of 100 million people in central Africa have AIDS," Klenetsky said. "It is spreading because of impoverished economic conditions, and that is a direct result of IMF policies that have destroyed people's means of resisting the disease."

That's important, he says, because LaRouche believes the evidence is growing that the AIDS virus can infect anyone -- not just drug- users or homosexuals. To get ready, Klenetsky said, there must be universal testing and mandatory quarantining of victims in places like "old tuberculosis sanitoriums."

For this year's political campaigns -- in which a few hundred LaRouche followers will run for various offices around the country - - AIDS and drugs will be major themes, somewhat eclipsing the old standbys: laser beams, "star wars," fusion energy and the Rockefeller family's assorted crimes.

— "LOOKING AT THE WORLD AS LYNDON LAROUCHE SEES IT; HIS ENEMIES LIST AN ECLECTIC MIX" Thomas Oliphant, Globe Staff. Boston Globe Boston, Mass.: Apr 6, 1986. pg. 24
  • Later, LaRouche married Helga Zepp, another group member whom he had first met in West Germany. Even so, the organization sunk to ever-darker paranoid depths. Roy Palmer says LaRouche began to purge members and put others in "sick bays" where leaders "psychoanalyzed" them "to find out what your mother did to you when you were three years old." There were "ego stripping" sessions where members were forced to reveal intimate details of their lives. LaRouche -- defectors say -- would accuse indecisive people of being homosexual or sexually impotent, and others were pressured to divorce spouses who were not members of the group.
    • Newsweek. April 7, 1986.
  • Lyndon LaRouche, holding one of the biggest news conferences of his no-longer-obscure political career, today characterized his enemies as drug pushers, homosexuals, insane and pro-Soviet.
    • "LaRouche Brands Enemies as Drug Pushers, Insane; Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles, Calif.: Apr 9, 1986. pg. 2
  • LaRouche, who characterized his enemies as drug pushers, homosexuals, insane and pro-Soviet, said he was unable to elaborate on the identity of the group opposing his political movement in Nebraska and Iowa.
    • "LaRouche: Nebraska, Iowa Giving Me Little Support;" David C. Beeder. Omaha World - Herald. Omaha, Neb.: Apr 10, 1986. pg. 1

The Leesburg Garden Club, according to Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., is a "nest of Soviet fellow travellers," and its members are "clacking busybodies in this Soviet jellyfish front, sitting here in Leesburg oozing out their funny little propaganda and making nuisances of themselves."

At first Leesburg residents laughed. But if they laugh now, they look over their shoulders first. One merchant faces a $2-million libel and slander suit filed by a LaRouche organization, and a lawyer is in hiding and says her life has been threatened. LaRouche calls her a lesbian "tied to international terrorism." [...]

Few residents have been moved by his tales that the Queen is a drug pusher, that the International Monetary Fund is engineering the collapse of the United States, that their neighbors are Communists, terrorists or homosexuals, or that LaRouche is all that stands between the human race and Armageddon.

— Man who calls Queen a pusher worries town;" By MATTHEW WALD. The Gazette. Montreal, Que.: Apr 14, 1986. pg. A.1.FRO

According to a news release from PANIC, the proposed statute would give the state Department of Health Services "the power and obligation to apply measures of quarantine as they deem necessary to halt the spread of the disease."

The actual wording of the initiative is somewhat stronger. It says that it would provide that victims and carriers of of the disease "are subject to quarantine and isolation statutes and regulations."

Hollis said that the term "quarantine" did not necessarily mean "strict isolation."

"We're not trying to re-invent the wheel here," he said. "AIDS is a dangerous communicable disease, just like plague and typhus, and should be on a list of such diseases.

"It is a public health issue."

— LaRouche is linked to petition, Initiative proposal would quarantine AIDS patients;" Don Davis. The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: May 23, 1986. pg. A.3

Many of the persons who signed the petitions were not aware of the link between the initiative and the LaRouche group. However, a number of letters and telephone calls protesting harassment by the signature gatherers came in to the secretary of state's office, officials said.

According to one complaint, a youth yelled at a Catholic priest in Camarillo, accusing him of being a homosexual, when the priest would not sign the petition. In Huntington Beach, a woman coming from a Post Office was accosted for her signature and when she refused to sign, the petition pusher yelled, "You are going to get AIDS!" according to her letter to the secretary.

George E. Hollis of San Diego, a candidate for the Democratic nomination to Congress from the 45th District, dismissed reports of wrongdoing on the part of any LaRouche supporters. [...] According to a news release from PANIC, the proposed statute would give the state Department of Health Services "the power and obligation to apply measures of quarantine as they deem necessary to halt the spread of the disease."

The actual wording of the initiative is somewhat stronger. It says that it would provide that victims and carriers of of the disease "are subject to quarantine and isolation statutes and regulations."

Hollis said that the term "quarantine" did not necessarily mean "strict isolation."

"We're not trying to re-invent the wheel here," he said. "AIDS is a dangerous communicable disease, just like plague and typhus, and should be on a list of such diseases.

"It is a public health issue."

— "LaRouche is linked to petition, Initiative proposal would quarantine AIDS patients;" Don Davis. The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: May 23, 1986. pg. A.3

Lyndon LaRouche's organization has endorsed William F. Rosa, the only opponent so far to Rep. Barney Frank's bid for a fourth term in Congress.

David Peterson, a spokesman for LaRouche's National Democratic Policy Committee, disclosed the endorsement in an interview yesterday. Rosa, a former postal worker who - like Frank - is a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the Fourth Congressional District, said he accepted LaRouche's backing.

Rosa said he has "a meeting of the minds" with some people in the NDPC, even though he does not agree with parts of the group's platform, including its support for the colonization of Mars. Frank said he was not surprised that LaRouche's group had endorsed Rosa. [...] Rosa said he is not a member of the LaRouche group, two of whose members shocked the Illinois political establishment in March by winning statewide Democratic primaries.

He said he agrees with "about half" of their stands, including that homosexuals are "an abomination," support for nuclear power and the Strategic Defense Initiative, and rejection of the Gramm-Rudman budget-balancing bill.

— "LaRouche backs Barney Frank challenger William F. Rosa says he agrees with half group's stands" ELIZABETH S. SCHWARTZ Journal-Bulletin Reporter/Intern. Providence Journal. Providence, R.I.: Jun 7, 1986. pg. A-05

Just how sweeping the provisions would be is open to interpretation. The attorney general is preparing a detailed legal analysis, but LaRouche spokesman Brian Lantz said Tuesday that the initiative was written to flatly bar suspected AIDS carriers from attending or teaching school or working in restaurants.

Opponents said the pressure will be great on local health directors to impose quarantines, and by some readings of the initiative such drastic steps could be required under a clause that says officials "shall" take all actions available. [,,,]

Secretary of State March Fong Eu in May warned the initiative's two sponsors, Khushro Ghandi and Bruce Lutz, to stop "harassing" petition signers and making false claims in gathering signatures. Eu said she had received numerous complaints about the LaRouche organization's tactics.

— "LaRouche Backers Qualify AIDS Measure for Fall Vote" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Jun 25, 1986. pg. 1

LaRouche backers say the intent of the initiative is to stop the spread of an epidemic that they describe as "worse than the Black Death" that devastated 14th-Century Europe and Asia, "a disease more deadly to mankind than a full-scale thermonuclear war." Moreover, LaRouche followers say AIDS is "the leading political issue" of the times.

Secretary of State March Fong Eu in May warned the initiative's two sponsors, Khushro Ghandi and Bruce Lutz, to stop "harassing" petition signers and making false claims in gathering signatures. Eu said she had received numerous complaints about the LaRouche organization's tactics.

— "LaRouche Backers Qualify AIDS Measure for Fall Vote" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Jun 25, 1986. pg. 1

The opponents' main objection to the initiative is that it would define AIDS as an infectious disease -- like measles or tuberculosis -- and could open up AIDS victims or carriers to possible quarantine.

"There's no comparison with AIDS and communicable diseases like measles and scarlet fever," said Jean O'Leary, director of the National Gay Rights Advocates organization. "(AIDS is) not transmitted by air ... But the onus is now on us to try to prove this man (LaRouche) is crazy."

Lantz said he would not quarrel with opponents' characterization that the initiative mandates a "quarantine" in that it restricts AIDS victims' freedom to some extent.

"Quarantine is something that should be seriously considered," Lantz said.

He added, "We want to err on the side of caution."

Lantz, whose group goes by the acronym PANIC (Prevent Aids Now Action Committee), accused liberal politicians of "spreading hysteria" about the disease.

"They attempt to treat AIDS as some sort of civil rights issue rather than a health issue," he said.

Lantz said the LaRouche organization and other supporters of the AIDS initiative has "the wherewithal to do whatever is necessary" to pass it in November.[...] The anti-LaRouche effort got an immediate endorsement from the Los Angeles City Council, which unanimously voted 13-0 to oppose the ballot measure and hold public meetings to inform the public of its implications.

Mayor Tom Bradley's representatives also released a letter sent yesterday to Deukmejian, asking the governor to participate in "a joint campaign" to help defeat the controversial initiative. Bradley, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, is opposing the Republican governor on the November ballot.

"Regardless of whether you or I are elected governor this fall, this initiative could require us to condemn anyone who has AIDS or has tested positively for the AIDS virus to quarantine and isolation ... To call this initiative bad public health policy is a vast understatement," said Bradley. "On this one issue, I believe we can work together."

— "AIDS initiative already causing lots of fireworks;" John Marelius. The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: Jun 26, 1986. pg. A.3

1986 2nd half

Lyndon LaRouche, designer of a state initiative that could lead to the quarantine of everyone carrying the AIDS virus, said on a radio talk show that the acquired immune deficiency syndrome is spread through the air and by mosquitoes.

LaRouche made his remarks, which are believed to be his first public comments about the measure that has qualified for the November ballot, during a telephone interview Friday with KGO radio talk show host Ronn Owens.

"A person with AIDS running around is like a person with a machine gun running around shooting up a neighborhood," LaRouche said.

Attacks Immune System

AIDS attacks the body's immune system and leaves its victims vulnerable to a variety of infections. Experts believe that it is spread through blood and semen. Health officials estimate that approximately 250,000 Californians are infected with AIDS and do not know it.

The AIDS initiative would place AIDS on the state's official list of infectious, contagious and communicable diseases. It could lead to large-scale testing for the virus and quarantine of those infected with the virus but not suffering from the disease. The California Medical Assn. and other regional medical societies have come out against the initiative.

On the talk show, LaRouche blamed the Soviet Union for engineering what he termed the the AIDS "conspiracy."

"There is no question that it can be transmitted by mosquitoes," LaRouche said, citing as supporting evidence the high incidence of the disease in Africa, the Caribbean and southern Florida.

— "AIDS Spread by Air, Mosquitoes, LaRouche Says" Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Jul 13, 1986. pg. 30

State Health Director Kenneth Kizer on Tuesday accused the Lyndon LaRouche followers who placed an AIDS initiative on the Nov. 4 ballot of wrongfully using his name, while the attorney general dealt the measure a blow by concluding that it could cost taxpayers millions of dollars more than first expected.

At a press conference here, Kizer said the LaRouche backers misled voters by including his name in statements they submitted for the official ballot pamphlet to be sent to all voters before the election.

He demanded that his name be deleted before the pamphlet is published, and Secretary of State March Fong Eu agreed Tuesday afternoon.

The measure, designated Proposition 64 on the ballot, would give AIDS the legal status of an infectious disease and would attempt to bar AIDS victims and carriers of the AIDS antibody from jobs in restaurants, schools and medical facilities. It would specifically authorize quarantines of acquired immune deficiency syndrome victims and give officials the authority to order blood tests and report the results to the state.

The LaRouche group's ballot statements, which have become controversial on several counts, included a paragraph that states: "Many health officials are demanding public health measures. Dr. Kizer, California's top health official, has called for more reporting and testing powers."

That is apparently a reference to Kizer's request last April for broader state powers to require that potential AIDS victims undergo testing. Kizer also proposed that the state loosen its promise to keep test results confidential. Both are steps the LaRouche-affiliated initiative sponsors, Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee (PANIC), have recommended.

However, Kizer said Tuesday that he has never supported the initiative and in the past has described its backers as "ill-informed and misguided on this issue."

"What is the most upsetting to me is they have used my name and implied my support for the initiative," he said Tuesday.

Unlike most of the state's medical leadership, which has strongly blasted the initiative as a threat to the fight against AIDS, Kizer said the state Department of Health Services is still studying Proposition 64 and will take a position within a few weeks.

The LaRouche group's ballot arguments were also attacked Tuesday by the California Medical Assn. The physician group's president, Gladden V. Elliott, joined the heads of the California Hospital Assn. and the California Nurses Assn. in signing a rebuttal to the LaRouche group's ballot statement, and a spokesman said the LaRouche argument contains several factual errors.

In contrast to the positions of the vast majority of AIDS experts, the LaRouche group's ballot argument states that "potential insect and respiratory transmission" of the AIDS virus and transmission of the disease by "casual contact" are "well established."

Virtually all public health experts agree that the AIDS virus is primarily transmitted by intimate sexual contact, by exposure to contaminated blood and from mothers to their newborn babies. The overwhelming consensus is also that the virus has not been shown to be transmitted by insects, through the air or by casual contact.

"That's as close to a blatant lie as you can possibly get," said Mark Madsen, a public health expert with the California Medical Assn., about the threat of casual contact.

The LaRouche organization's ballot arguments are signed by Khushro Ghandhi, the group's Los Angeles head, and by three people who claim medical expertise: Dr. John Grauerholz, a Virginia physician, who has written treatises on AIDS for LaRouche publications; Dr. Nancy T. Mullan, a Burbank physician, and Gus S. Sermos, who lives in Mississippi and is listed on the ballot statement as a former public health adviser in Florida for the federal Centers for Disease Control.

Neither Ghandhi nor any of those listed as medical experts could be reached for comment Tuesday.

Also Tuesday, state Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp released a report concluding that Proposition 64 may have no financial impact if the law does not require any new enforcement activities by state and local health authorities.

However, the report said that should courts conclude that widespread testing for AIDS antibodies is needed, the cost to taxpayers "could range to hundreds of millions of dollars per year."

Opponents of the measure had sought to persuade Van de Kamp's staff to conclude that the initiative would require quarantine and other drastic measures against AIDS victims. However, the report Tuesday concluded that Proposition 64 probably does not require health officials to act any differently toward AIDS victims than they do now.

— "AIDS Ballot Measure Attacked on 2 Fronts;" KEVIN RODERICK, ROBERT STEINBROOK. Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext). Los Angeles, Calif.: Jul 23, 1986. pg. 3
  • Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs, an advocate of anti-discrimination protections for homosexuals, said the initiative "almost gives a license to go out and discriminate. It would be a tremendous deprivation of people's rights." Like other critics, he noted that LaRouche's theories on AIDS suggest the disease is being spread as part of a Soviet conspiracy and that elected officials supported by homosexuals are attempting to cover up the epidemic.
    • "PANIC fuels AIDS initiative", UPI, 8/4/86.

The initiative declares that people who have AIDS, or who are "carriers" of the virus generally believed to cause AIDS, would have an "infectious, contagious and communicable" condition. The initiative would require that people in these categories be reported to public health authorities. Opponents, including state, political, and medical leaders and gay-rights activists, say there is little simple or reasonable about the initiative. AIDS victims and those exposed to the virus — many of whom, researchers believe, probably will never contract the disease — could be barred from jobs involving the handling of food and could be banned from working in, or even attending, schools. The initiative also could bar people from traveling without permission of health officials, opponents say. Possible use of the state's quarantine powers has led Bruce Decker, chief fund-raiser of the opposition effort and head of a state advisory committee on AIDS, to raise the specter of "concentration camps" for AIDS patients.

[...] PANIC criticizes health officials' response to AIDS as inadequate and politicized. Mr. Lantz says, "Being a public health official is a very political position (that) comes under all the pressures of being political, especially on the AIDS question."

Mr. Lantz says the small group of researchers who believe AIDS may be spread in other ways, such as insect bites, is growing. But health authorities, including the federal Centers for Disease Control, say the evidence doesn't support such theories.

Of course, science won't be the only issue in the campaign. Mr. Lantz describes Mr. LaRouche as an "avid" backer of the initiative, known as Proposition 64. Mr. Decker's opposition group has taken the name "No on 64 -- Stop LaRouche."

In his thrashings through the political fringes, Mr. LaRouche has accused the British Crown of leading the drug lobby, and the International Monetary Fund of creating the AIDS epidemic. [...] Of PANIC's funding, Mr. Lantz says only that the organization, which has received almost all of its money from a LaRouche-associated operation in New York, "will have the resources" to ensure its message gets to the voters. [...] Both sides say they expect the campaign over the initiative to get nasty, and some evidence shows it already has. March Fong Eu, California secretary of state, sent a telegram to PANIC in May threatening to sue because of "numerous" complaints from citizens subjected to "outrageous verbal abuse" by petition circulators.

Mr. Lantz says that the "handful" of complaints shows that the petition drive was "a very smooth operation." He calls the secretary of state's telegram a "dirty little trick."

The secretary of state recently filed suit in Sacramento Superior Court trying to force PANIC to remove certain statements from its ballot argument, such as claims that AIDS may be transmittible by insects and is "easy to get." It was the first such suit by the secretary of state and was prompted by the "blatantly false" statements being made, a spokesman said.

PANIC subsequently sued the secretary of state for removing from the group's ballot argument the mention of Dr. Kizer talking about the need for more reporting and testing powers on AIDS. Dr. Kizer had asked that his name be removed, but Mr. Lantz says his group has a right to quote public statements of a public official. As for the secretary of state's suit, Mr. Lantz defends the statements' accuracy and notes that the state routinely disclaims responsibility for the accuracy of ballot arguments anyway. The secretary of state's action is a violation of the First Amendment, Mr. Lantz says.

Friday, a judge granted the secretary of state's request to strike some of the ballot argument, but at the same time reinstated Dr. Kizer's name.

Mr. Lantz also complains that opponents are lying about the contents of the initiative. PANIC's vice president says that while he personally favors quarantine of AIDS victims and testing all residents for antibodies to the virus, the initiative doesn't mandate those things. Dr. Kizer, the state health services chief, says that what is or isn't mandated by the initiative probably will end up being determined in court.

— "LaRouche-Supported Initiative on AIDS Policy In California Spurs Debate on Handling Disease"By John Emshwiller. Wall Street Journal. New York, N.Y.: Aug 11, 1986. pg. 1

At best, medical leaders feel that Proposition 64 is a nonsensical diversion. At worst, they view the AIDS initiative as a pernicious measure that could drive AIDS victims underground and force millions, if not billions, of dollars to be wasted on mandatory screening of the entire population for infection with the AIDS virus and the isolation of everyone who tested positive.

These leaders already fear that LaRouche's unorthodox positions on AIDS, including his claim to have the world's best experts at his side, will further confuse the public about how to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

"What they are proposing is just sort of off the wall," said Dr. James Chin, chief of the infectious disease branch of the state Department of Health Services, who is one of a number of AIDS experts who claim their views have been misrepresented by LaRouche and his backers.

In their public statements, Proposition 64 sponsors say that Chin agreed in a private meeting early this year that mass screening and quarantine are the only methods that will control the spread of AIDS. Chin confirmed that he met with Khushro Ghandhi, the top LaRouche aide in California, in the Sacramento office of Republican State Senator John T. Doolittle of Roseville. But Chin said in an interview that he spent the whole time trying to convince Doolittle and Ghandhi that such approaches were wrong.

"The initiative is dangerous and deceptive," Chin added. "It is an initiative against AIDS when I don't think there is anybody in the world who is for AIDS. The stuff they are proposing is not going to have any effect on the way the disease is transmitted."

Indeed, Secretary of State March Fong Eu challenged in court what she called "blatantly false" sections of the ballot argument for Proposition 64 submitted by LaRouche backers, including claims that "AIDS is not hard to get," and that potential insect and respiratory transmission of the disease and transmission by casual contact are "well established." On August 8 the Sacramento County Superior Court ruled in Eu's favor, striking out those sections of the ballot argument.

The consensus medical view, as expressed by Dr. Merle Sande, chief of medicine at San Francisco General Hospital, in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this year, is that the AIDS virus is spread by sexual contact, the injection of contaminated blood or from an infected mother to her newborn child. High-risk groups in the United States include homosexual and bisexual men, intravenous drug users and hemophiliacs. [...] Proposition 64 is sponsored by the Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee. Ghandhi, the president of PANIC, is also West Coast coordinator for the National Democratic Policy Committee, a national LaRouche organization that has no tie to the Democratic Party.

"I'd say right now the only place where you can get competent medical information publicly on AIDS is from us," Ghandhi said at a June 25 press conference where he announced that Proposition 64 had qualified for the November ballot. "We are the world's leading experts."

Ghandhi explained that LaRouche, who calls himself the leading economist of the century, had created a group known as the Biological Holocaust Task Force at his Virginia headquarters. It pulls together data on the AIDS virus and has collected material on the spread of infectious diseases, particularly in Africa, since 1974.

Another arm of the LaRouche empire, Caucus Distributors Inc., supplied most of the $215,000 spent to gather signatures for the AIDS initiative.

— "AIDS a la LaRouche" ROBERT STEINBROOK, KEVIN RODERICK. San Francisco Chronicle (pre-1997 Fulltext). San Francisco, Calif.: Aug 17, 1986. pg. 19

Meanwhile, after a half-day trial, Judge James Ford ruled in favor a suit by Secretary of State March Fong Eu, who sought removal of the disputed statements favoring Proposition 64 from arguments on ballot measures to be mailed to California's 12 million voters.

The phrases rejected by the judge are:

o "AIDS is not `hard to get'; it is easy to get."

o "There is no evidence that it cannot be transmitted by casual contact."

o "Potential insect and respiratory transmission has been established by numerous studies."

Accepting written testimony of Dr. Mervyn Silverman, president of the American Foundation for AIDS Research, and other San Francisco Bay area AIDS specialists, Ford ruled that the preponderance of scientific evidence is that the disease is not easily transmitted.

Kenneth Robbin, attorney for Proposition 64's backers, argued that the statements in question came from physicians. Ford ruled they are casual opinions and not the result of formal scientific studies subjected to peer review.

The judge ruled that the AIDS initiative's backers have the right to quote state Director of Health Services Kenneth Kizer in their argument, even though Kizer opposes the AIDS measure.

Proponents of the initiative used a statement by Kizer that more testing for the AIDS virus is needed.

"How can Dr. Kizer complain, when they're saying exactly what he said?" Ford commented. "Anyone who has read anything about Kizer knows he's against this measure."

Ford's most severe criticism was for the statement that "there is no evidence that (AIDS) cannot be transmitted by casual contact."

"The court finds that this statement is false and intended to mislead," Ford said.

He ruled the contention that AIDS could be transmitted by insects or by respiration to be "statements of doctors not based on studies."

"We must avoid instilling fear," Ford said. "There is no evidence AIDS is transmitted by casual contact."

— "Charter cities out of tax initiative: Court also strikes statements from November AIDS measure;" The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: Aug 9, 1986. pg. A.3

Executive Intelligence Review, a magazine founded by LaRouche and published by one of his Virginia enterprises, referred to an aide of New York Gov. Mario Cuomo as "one of the nation's leading perverts for 15 years" when it reported his AIDS-related death in March.

In 1982, LaRouche issued a tome called "Kissinger, the Politics of Faggotry" that described how former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger-whom LaRouche has declared a major nemesis-"is not a Jew but a faggot. . . . His heathen sexual inclinations are merely an integral part of a larger evil." [...] Proposition 64 backers say they do not consider acquired immune deficiency syndrome a gay disease and have not aimed the measure at gays. But suspicions among gays were heightened last week when New Solidarity, a newspaper affiliated with LaRouche, printed a column attacking the plans for Monday's night rally.

The column ran under a picture showing gay protesters and the caption "Sodom and Gomorrah on the march-for the `civil right' to spread AIDS." The article also said state Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp, whose office is investigating the signature-gathering process for Proposition 64, was using a "Gaystapo" to harass the initiative's sponsors.

On Tuesday, the measure's chief sponsor, longtime LaRouche follower Khushro Ghandhi, made a point of disavowing one comment that gays had taken as an attack.

New Solidarity said in its Sept. 12 issue that the march by gays Monday night had been called a "public health threat" by officials of the Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee. Ghandhi, who is president of the committee, said the campaign for Proposition 64 is independent, even though its press releases and statements are distributed under the banner of the newspaper's New Solidarity International Press Service. "I never said it was a public health threat," Ghandhi said.

However, he stuck by a New Solidarity International Press Service dispatch that described the march as a "terrorist incident" and which quoted Ghandhi as warning public officials, including Los Angeles City Councilmen Joel Wachs and Michael Woo, that they would be held responsible for any violence.

— "Prop. 64 Feud Between Gays, LaRouche Backers Grows" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Sep 17, 1986. pg. 25

Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. and his political camp followers have taken up a new cause. They are out to make prejudice against AIDS victims respectable. If California voters approve a LaRouche-sponsored initiative that is to appear on the November ballot, doctors and public health authorities fear they will be forced to begin mass testing for AIDS and, worse yet, quarantine all Californians who have been exposed to AIDS.

In Mr. LaRouche's fantastical view of the world - a world where Walter F. Mondale is a Soviet agent and the Queen of England pushes drugs -AIDS has become the No. 1 menace. According to the LaRouche scenario, AIDS is a plot by the Soviet war machine to conquer America - or else a plot by the International Monetary Fund to wipe out the excess eaters from starving Africa.

Those claims, as well as Mr. LaRouche's insistence that a person with AIDS running around is like a person with a machine gun running around, are nonsense, of course. But Mr. LaRouche is being treated with deadly seriousness in California.

— "LaRouche Turns To AIDS Politics;" [OP-ED] Berkeley., David L. Kirp: David L. Kirp is professor of public policy at the University of California at. New York Times. ' New York, N.Y.: Sep 11, 1986. pg. A.27

he most notable of the bunch this time is Proposition 64, the so- called AIDS initiative sponsored by supporters of Virginia-based political extremist Lyndon LaRouche.

Some LaRouche followers have suggested AIDS is a tropical disease transmitted by insects and one that can be spread through the air or even casual, non-sexual contact with those infected.

'Blatantly false'

"A person with AIDS is like a person running around with a machinegun shooting up a neighborhood," LaRouche told a San Francisco radio talk show earlier this year.

Secretary of State March Fong Eu has persuaded the courts to remove what she called "blatantly false" sections of the ballot argument for 64. (All households are mailed a pamphlet before the election listing the arguments for and against election measures).

The measure calls for anyone having AIDS or being infected with its virus but not necessarily having the disease (a much more common occurrence) to be subject to state quarantine and isolation rules.

Victims could also be denied certain jobs, barred from schools, restaurants and other public places and tattooed for easy identification.

— "Californians face tough choices" Jim Byers Toronto Star. Toronto Star. Toronto, Ont.: Sep 21, 1986. pg. B.3
  • Increasing the anti-homosexual rhetoric from Lyndon LaRouche supporters, a newspaper tied to LaRouche said this weekend that communist gangs of the "lower sexual classes" controlled by the major parties are opposing Proposition 64, the AIDS measure on the California ballot. The latest issue of New Solidarity, a newspaper that is the most widely read of several publications that espouse LaRouche's extremist political views, included the slur in a story about gay activists who picketed LaRouche's Los Angeles headquarters to protest the initiative. LaRouche supporters placed the measure on the Nov. 4 ballot. [...] But the new attacks on gays lend credence to critics who contend that LaRouche and his followers are motivated by a long-standing hatred of homosexuals. LaRouche and his supporters also frequently attack people they consider enemies by labeling them as homosexuals in print, often in vulgar slang terms. In his 1984 presidential campaign platform, LaRouche broke from prevailing medical opinion and said homosexuality is a disease whose spread can only be stopped by law. When he declared a year ago that he would be a candidate for the presidency in 1988, LaRouche wrote about the recruitment of "millions of Americans into the ranks of AIDS-riddled homosexuality."
    • "Paper Tied to LaRouche Attacks Gay Movement;" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 6, 1986. pg. 21
  • AIDS was presented as the leading plank of the LaRouche platform for 1988, and also as the political issue that will allow LaRouche to win the favor of more voters than he has wooed the three times he has run for President before. AIDS, the book predicts, will be the "last straw" for voters who believe the nation has gone into moral and educational decay. AIDS is the best issue to use to get Americans aroused politically because they fear for their families, the book says. "The AIDS epidemic and the growing signs of a government cover-up are beginning to move the majority of the citizens to a mood of political revolt," LaRouche wrote in a personal message included in the book. "Those citizens, set into motion by the AIDS crisis, are . . . a political army on the move." The "silent majority," as LaRouche called them, will also rally behind him because they are fed up with the Democrats' catering to gays. Homosexuality, the book said, is a "filthy and immoral practice" and people have come to resent gays for spreading the deadly disease.
    • "LaRouche Wrote of Using AIDS to Win Presidency" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 17, 1986. pg. 3

LaRouche, who sent President Reagan a telegram vowing to resist if arrested, said the accusations are orchestrated by the Kremlin and others who oppose his view that AIDS is spread by, among other things, poor economic conditions.

The charges brought by the government reflect what some groups who watch LaRouche have long believed. They say he is more than a benign spouter of fanciful conspiracy tales-the Queen of England pushes drugs, AIDS is caused by the banks-and backer of odd, hopeless candidates who sell books and magazines at airports. [...] But many critics of LaRouche report that they have been harassed. Flyers appear calling women prostitutes, men are called homosexuals and government officials are called agents of the British-Zionist drug conspiracy. Reader's Digest, after a story about LaRouche, was called a Soviet tool in a long article in New Solidarity, a LaRouche newspaper published three times a week. [...] On the Proposition 64 campaign, much of the $200,000 spent to gather signatures was sent to California by a New York unit, Caucus Distributors Inc., and was largely paid in salary to local LaRouche candidates. [...] Court records show that a Virgina state police agent received 22 "abusive and demanding" phone calls from LaRouche associates in the week after he posed as a potential donor at National Airport near Washington. Callers said $5,000 and more was needed to keep LaRouche out of jail and stop AIDS, the agent said. [...] In documents from the early days of the National Caucus of Labor Committees, LaRouche talks about the wide-ranging role he plays in members' lives.

He warned members in 1973 that devotion to him would involve some stress.

"In respect of the mental processes, absolutely nothing is secret; there is merely blindness. . . . In Germany I am Der Abscheulicher (the abominable one); I shall soon be regarded similarly here," he said

The beginnings of his U.S. movement in place, LaRouche wrote in a confidential message to organizers in 1973, titled, "The Politics of Male Impotence," that he had set up a European base "on the premise that our growing importance in the world would close borders to me very soon."

He also predicted seizure of world power within the decade-through curing the sexual impotence of his followers.

"The principal source of impotence, both male and female, is the mother. . . . If you are sexually impotent-as most of our members inevitably are-then you are impotent as political organizers," he wrote.

Sexual performance and motherhood were common themes in LaRouche's early essays.

"All Germany is a heaving mass of sexual impotence," he writes. Latin machismo "is nothing but the fear of homosexuality, of male impotence in the extreme." Blacks have a special problem, he said: "Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the black ghetto mother?"

— "Authorities See Pattern of Threats, Plots Dark Side of LaRouche Empire Surfaces;" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 14, 1986. pg. 1

Increasing the anti-homosexual rhetoric from Lyndon LaRouche supporters, a newspaper tied to LaRouche said this weekend that communist gangs of the "lower sexual classes" controlled by the major parties are opposing Proposition 64, the AIDS measure on the California ballot.

The latest issue of New Solidarity, a newspaper that is the most widely read of several publications that espouse LaRouche's extremist political views, included the slur in a story about gay activists who picketed LaRouche's Los Angeles headquarters to protest the initiative. LaRouche supporters placed the measure on the Nov. 4 ballot.

As the election nears, items attacking gays have become more common in the paper, which is sold by LaRouche organizers in airports nationwide and handed out free in sections of Los Angeles.

Other issues of New Solidarity published last week attacked the state's Roman Catholic bishops-who strongly oppose Proposition 64-for aligning with "the degraded homosexual culture so pervasive in California" and made a vulgar joke about gays receiving Communion at a Catholic mass in West Hollywood, a city with a high percentage of gay residents.

An issue of the newspaper last week joked about AIDS, made flippant references to actors Frank Sinatra, Robert Redford, Tony Curtis and Patty Duke and attacked Elizabeth Taylor, who has become a frequent LaRouche target since she became a visible champion of AIDS research. [...] In the latest issue, New Solidarity said that three different "militant communist gangs" have been unleashed against the initiative by the Republican and Democratic parties. The groups it names are loose organizations of gay activists.

The paper used the phrase "lower sexual classes" to describe members of those groups and about 2,000 people, including clergy and public officials, who demonstrated outside LaRouche's Los Angeles headquarters in the Los Feliz area Sept. 15.

LaRouche and his supporters, who say they predicted the AIDS crisis a decade ago, have maintained that the initiative does not single out gays but calls for strong measures to protect everyone.

But the new attacks on gays lend credence to critics who contend that LaRouche and his followers are motivated by a long-standing hatred of homosexuals. LaRouche and his supporters also frequently attack people they consider enemies by labeling them as homosexuals in print, often in vulgar slang terms.

In his 1984 presidential campaign platform, LaRouche broke from prevailing medical opinion and said homosexuality is a disease whose spread can only be stopped by law. When he declared a year ago that he would be a candidate for the presidency in 1988, LaRouche wrote about the recruitment of "millions of Americans into the ranks of AIDS-riddled homosexuality."

The latest issue also claims, based on a letter published in the British medical journal The Lancet, that AIDS can be transmitted by one child biting another without breaking skin. However, the study that the letter is based on has not been validated by other scientists. American health officials said privately it is "inconceivable" the virus could be transmitted that way.

LaRouche and his supporters contend that most AIDS cases that are not classified as those of homosexually active men or infected blood exchange can be explained by insect bites and other forms of casual transmission. Health officials say virtually all the cases that LaRouche attributes to casual contact actually got the virus through sexual activity.

— "Paper Tied to LaRouche Attacks Gay Movement;" KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 6, 1986. pg. 21

Political extremist Lyndon LaRouche believes that many homosexuals support Proposition 64, the AIDS initiative, and those who do not have been duped by a "a little mafia among the so-called gay community."

In a copyrighted interview in the November issue of San Francisco Focus magazine, LaRouche says the initiative is a pragmatic step to stem "the worst epidemic in the history of the human race."

"I think a lot of this homosexual riot against me is crazy, because I think there are a great number of people who may be homosexual, for example, who have the stuff (AIDS) and would agree perfectly with what I'm saying," LaRouche told an interviewer. "Look, they don't want to die. It's that simple."

Asked why the gay community has expressed outrage over the initiative, LaRouche blamed "a little mafia among the so-called gay community and the drug community."

"I think you will find that the average homosexual is much quieter than the people who are vocal. And I think that privately they're terrified of this disease. They don't see much hope," he said. "And I think they think about me, `. . . If this guy is gonna save our lives, more power to him.' " [...]

Commenting on his use of the term "politics of faggotry" to explain Henry Kissinger, LaRouche said: "Henry is a - well, Henry's got a big closet."

— "LaRouche Claims Gays Support His Prop. 64;" Marc Sandalow. San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco, Calif.: Oct 25, 1986. pg. 16

Supporters of the initiative have come under fire from several quarters. Last week a U.S. District judge in San Francisco froze the bank accounts of the measure's sponsors after an 83-year-old widow filed suit claiming she was defrauded out her her savings.

Also last week, telephones at the Los Angeles office of LaRouche's Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee (PANIC) were disconnected after the committee's checks to the phone company bounced.

Lantz predicts, however, that the vast reservoir of undecided voters will mean victory for the initiative.

"AIDS is the hand grenade thrown into the foxhole of American politics," Lantz said. "It's making people wake up."

Lantz wrote the measure last year, he said. Petitions to put it on the ballot started circulating in January with the backing of California organizers of LaRouche's National Democratic Policy Committee.

Both Lantz and co-author Khushro Ghandhi have long been active in various efforts by LaRouche, who gained notoriety by calling Henry Kissinger a KGB agent and accusing Queen Elizabeth of running drugs. Since last year, AIDS has emerged as the centerpiece of LaRouche's political platform.

The initiative is rooted in the contention of LaRouche supporters that AIDS may be spread easily by insects or by casual contact with people infected with the AIDS.

Without the stern measures of Proposition 64, Lantz warned, "AIDS will be spreading outside the risk groups. That will happen. This may be our last chance to limit it."

Thus far, proponents have waged their campaign in the controlled formats of news conferences, interviews and television and radio debates.

AIDS, they argue, is the product of a conspiracy of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, environmentalists, the KGB and the CIA, all of which want to see large segments of the world die off.

A LaRouche newspaper, New Solidarity, said California's Roman Catholic archbishops had aligned themselves with "the degraded homosexual culture so pervasive in California" by coming out against Proposition 64.

The publication also said that recent anti-LaRouche demonstrators in Los Angeles included "militant Communist gangs" made up in part of "lower sexual classes."

— "AIDS Initiative Opponents Say 'Race Is Up for Grabs';" Randy Shilts. San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco, Calif.: Oct 22, 1986. pg. 14
  • But many critics of LaRouche report that they have been harassed. Fliers appear calling women prostitutes, men are called homosexuals and government officials are called agents of the British-Zionist drug conspiracy.
    • "FBI probing dark side of LaRouche organization;" KEVIN RODERICK. Houston Chronicle Houston, Tex.: Oct 19, 1986. pg. 1

Sponsored by a Lyndon LaRouche organization called PANIC (the Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee), Proposition 64 embodies all of the deepest fears about AIDS in one cold legislative package. PANIC, based in Los Angeles, had no trouble getting 683,000 California voters to sign the petition that put Proposition 64 on the ballot....

Calling for "An emergency war plan to fight AIDS and other pandemics," the 138- page report raises the spectre of mosquitoes spreading AIDS willy-nilly like "flying syringes," an idea flatly rejected by essentially every reputable epidemiologist who has studied AIDS. It says the threat of AIDS "is potentially far deadlier than even a full-scale thermonuclear war." Incorporating political theories expounded by LaRouche for 15 years, it declares that AIDS and other lethal contagions were "deliberately created" by the International Monetary Fund, that Henry Kissinger and Zionism somehow played a role by curtailing U.S. biological warfare abilities and helped open the door to AIDS, and that U.S. policy on AIDS is dictated by the Soviet government via the World Health Organization. At the same time, the article reflects a careful reading of scientific literature on AIDS, and is larded with graphs, charts, and diagrams, many taken from generally accepted publications, to accurately show the known structure of the AIDS virus, its effects on AIDS victims, and to summarize tests used to detect it. The ballot measure that voters will see, however, "masks its real intention," said Scott Shafer, a San Francisco organizer of the No On 64 campaign. "It doesn't refer specifically to the fact that it will require mandatory testing of millions of people, and that it compels local health officials to take such actions as quarantining those who test positive." He added, "the numbers are pretty large. We find it particularly frightening, in that the test currently available is inaccu- rate at least 1% of the time."

— "California to Vote on AIDS Proposition", Charles Petit, Science, New Series, Vol. 234, No. 4774 (Oct. 17, 1986), pp. 277-278.

Sen. Pete Wilson, R-Calif, an early opponent of the proposition, warned the dinner crowd: "We cannot laugh this man off. He and his henchmen have qualified ... an evil measure (for the ballot)."

State Sen. Jim Ellis, R-San Diego, one of only two public officials in California to endorse the measure, recently complained: "The anti campaign is against Mr. LaRouche. I don't agree with him very often either, but I think it's unfortunate that a very important issue of this sort is being campaigned against an individual instead of against the issue."

Still others say a broader look at LaRouche's world view is essential to understanding why he is focusing his energies on AIDS, a thus-far incurable condition that destroys an individual's immune system and allows commonplace infections to become fatal.

LaRouche apparently hopes that fear of AIDS, and the policies outlined in Proposition 64, can provide him with the emotional issue he needs to capture the White House in 1988.

In announcing his fourth bid for the presidency last year, LaRouche predicted that "the AIDS crisis will transform U.S. politics" and become "the hottest political issue" in the world. He said there is a worldwide conspiracy of government institutions and medical professionals to cover up evidence that AIDS can be transmitted much more easily than thought -- such as through food, sneezing, kissing and mosquito bites.

To foment rebellion against this so-called conspiracy, LaRouche urged his followers: "Spread panic, not AIDS" -- an instruction that his California contingent apparently took to heart when they named the pro-64 campaign the "Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee," or PANIC.

In transforming AIDS from a medical issue to a political one, LaRouche takes aim at homosexuality, sexual permissiveness and drug abuse.

All are somewhat germane to the AIDS epidemic, in that medical authorities have determined that the primary carriers of the AIDS virus are homosexual and bisexual men, prostitutes and users of intravenous drugs, who transmit the virus by sharing needles.

Moreover, LaRouche doctrine is riddled with references to all three, particularly homosexuality and other sexual practices he deems "filthy and immoral."

Conspiracy theories are nothing new to LaRouche or his supporters, who believe that LaRouche has been marked for assassination by the KGB, Henry Kissinger and an international drug cabal that at times includes Queen Elizabeth II, the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the Rockefeller family.

He is said to have thought he was a topic of discussion at the Reykjavik summit between President Reagan and Soviet Communist Party leader Mikhail Gorbachev

He claims that Adolf Hitler was put into power "on orders from London" and that that jazz was "foisted upon black Americans by the same oligarchy which had run the slave trade, with the help of the classically trained but immoral George Gershwin."

LaRouche believes that world leaders have adopted genocidal economic policies designed to depopulate the Third World -- a theory he espoused long before it was understood how widespread the AIDS virus is in Central Africa.

Over the years LaRouche has frequently claimed his political opponents are homosexuals. He made that accusation against Kissinger in an August 1982 press release titled "Kissinger, the Politics of Faggotry," in which LaRouche wrote that "faggotry destroyed Rome."

When LaRouche follower Will Wertz ran for the U.S. Senate in California four years ago -- on a platform calling for industrial investment and massive public works projects -- he also attacked the Democratic Party's eventual nominee, then-Gov. Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Jr., as a closet homosexual.

As the Proposition 64 campaign has unfolded, its central theme has been that the AIDS virus can be spread by homosexuals and other carriers to "your family" through food, sneezing, kissing and mosquito bites -- theories that are unanimously rejected by AIDS experts, the American Red Cross and California Medical Association. [...]

PANIC has studiously avoided outward attacks on homosexuals, though inferences have been drawn from its campaign pamphlet, titled "A Vote for Proposition 64 Could Save the Life of Someone in Your Family." The back page of the pamphlet includes a photos of two transvestites, a billboard appealing for help finding a missing child and the message, "Had enough?"

— "AIDS initiative talk centers on LaRouche;" Gerry Braun. The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: Nov 3, 1986. pg. A.3

The California initiative was put on the ballot by the organization of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, who has claimed the ``Soviet war machine uses AIDS as a biological weapon against the United States.

Unless Americans act quickly to adopt laws like his Proposition 64, LaRouche has warned, AIDS ``could conceivably wipe out every U.S. man, woman and child by 1991. His organization gathered 680,000 voter signatures for the initiative.

AIDS actually had killed about 10,500 Americans as of mid-September, according to the U.S. Public Health Service.

Opponents say the initiative wouldn't stem that death toll, but would force creation of ``concentration camps for the estimated 250,000 AIDS carriers in California.

The LaRouche proposition calls for physical isolation of people whose blood carries the HTLV virus known to cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS. It would ban carriers from jobs in public schools and food handling.

State officials say the proposition also would probably force mandatory blood tests for everyone now in such jobs. [...] Those arguments and the unusual unity of political leaders on both the left and right don't faze the LaRouche organization.

``They have turned their back on classic public health policy in dealing with an epidemic, says Brian Lantz, co-head of the ``Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee.

And Khushro Ghandhi, another leader of the LaRouche committee, declares in the pro-initiative ballot argument that ``AIDS is the gravest public health threat our nation has ever faced. You and your family have the right to be protected from all contagious diseases, including AIDS - the deadliest of them all.

Lantz claimed earlier this year that ``Any politician who opposes this proposition will be defeated, but virtually all the candidates on next month's California ballot oppose it. Polls indicate the proposition is running behind among the approximately 40 percent of the voters familiar with it.

— "Initiative on AIDS in California will gauge public's fear of disease;" THOMAS D. ELIAS. Houston Chronicle Houston, Tex.: Nov 2, 1986. pg. 20

More bitterness surrounded Proposition 64, the AIDS initiative that would force authorities to test for the fatal virus, collect the names of its victims and remove them from schools and some jobs.

The initiative, mounted by political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, drew anger from the homosexual community and alarm from the scientific arena. Medical leaders nationwide stepped out in opposition to the initiative, stating in television and radio ads that the measure would devastate AIDS research and blood supplies.

Its backers distributed more than a million pamphlets printed at the LaRouche national headquarters in Virginia that promote his unique vision that AIDS is spread by casual contact, insects and U.S. economic policies. They have also produced television spots aired free by some stations to provide balance on the issue.

A dozen loosely affiliated groups have reported spending more than $2 million to defeat the measure, while LaRouche's political forces have spent $283,000-almost all donated by various LaRouche organizations. Proposition 64 trails in the polls, but many voters say they are undecided.

— California Elections Measures: AIDS, English-Only and Limits on Pay Put California in the Limelight;" CATHLEEN DECKER. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Nov 2, 1986. pg. 3
  • In the middle-class community of Ventura, LaRouche supporters have set up tables outside post offices and supermarkets with their petitions denouncing homosexuals. One local minister who refused to sign was called 'a queer' and his mother a 'lesbian'.
    • "California extremist whips up Aids crusade / US public health debate stirred up by controversial politician Lyndon LaRouche". The Times. London. November 1 1986.
  • Last spring, the man who has accused a host of public figures of being drug dealers, homosexuals or agents of influence of the Soviet Union, burst into the national spotlight when Hart and Fairchild won the Illinois primary.
    • United Press International. November 5, 1986.
  • Denounced as an anti-Semite and a fascist, LaRouche, 64, has accused a bevy of public figures - from the queen of England to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger - of being drug dealers, Soviet agents or homosexuals.
    • "Indictment says LaRouche wanted to smear official to block probe;" Houston Chronicle Houston, Tex.: Dec 17, 1986. pg. 14


As early as the spring of 1973 LaRouche had begun to articulate a psychosexual theory of political organizing and began descending into a paranoid style of historical analysis that stressed not Marxist dialectical materialism and class analysis, but macabre conspiracy theories and a subjective egocentric analysis. LaRouche warned of a global plot by the CIA/KGB to kidnap and program his membership to assassinate him. His homophobia became a central theme of the organization's conspiracy theories. He said women's feelings of degradation in modern society could be traced to the physical placement of sexual organs near the anus which caused them to confuse sex with excretion.

A September, 1973 editorial in the NCLC ideological journal <Campaigner> charged that "Concretely, all across the USA., there are workers who are prepared to fight. They are held back, most immediately, by pressure from their wives...." Writing in an August, 1973 memo, LaRouche propounded the startling and sexist psychological theory that "the principle source of impotence, both male and female, is the mother." LaRouche claimed only he could cure the political and sexual impotence of his followers. NCLC members were forced into what was called psychological therapy and "deprogramming" but were what former members call "brainwashing" and "egostripping" sessions. The NCLC rapidly became totalitarian in style, with a peculiar obsession with sexuality and homophobia used as a weapon against internal dissent." To the extent that my physical powers do not prevent me," LaRouche told his followers in August, 1973, "I am now confident and capable of ending your political--and sexual-impotence; the two are interconnected aspects of the same problem."

— "Clouds Blur the Rainbow". By Chip Berlet Public Eye Research, 1987.

Don't call Sheila Jones a minor mayoral candidate, especially to her face.[...] Jones is impatient not only with reporters but with anyone who does not subscribe to her world view--or, more accurately, to that of her political mentor, right-wing extremist Lyndon LaRouche. [...] To stop the spread of AIDS, which she insists "will kill us all," she proposes quarantining patients because she says the American medical community does not really know how the disease is transmitted.

Jones said the disease will spread to people outside the major risk categories--homosexual men and intravenous drug users--unless the economy provides for full employment because "disease is caused by economic breakdown."

"The solution is simple," she said. "You bring the top scientists in; you debunk this lie about condoms. If your research is based on condoms and safe sex, you're never going to get to the essence of solving the problem, which is the economy." [...]

She describes her target constituency as people "who are worried about homosexuality, morality and traditional family values."

— "LAROUCHIE DEMANDS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY;" Cheryl Devall. Chicago Tribune Chicago, Ill.: Feb 16, 1987. pg. 5
  • He describes homosexuals as "a well-connected network of pederastic satanists," and native Indians as "a miserable, relatively bestial culture."
    • "U.S. extremist called threat to Canadian democracy;" Olivia Ward Toronto Star. Toronto Star. Toronto, Ont.: Mar 31, 1987. pg. A.8

There are grounds for doubt. In late July 1976, a seemingly new disease appeared in persons attending the American Legion convention in Philadelphia. Legionnaires' disease was subsequently found to be caused by a newly discovered bacterium, and to have been around, unrecognized, for 20 years. In the six months between the outbreak at the Legion convention and isolation of Legionella pneumonophila, health authorities were deluged with theories of the disease's origin varying from the Jews (yet again) to eating infected pork.

Finally, the US Labour Party put out a two-page 'Fact Sheet' on the Philadelphia disease that was wholly bereft of facts. The Labour Party concluded that the malady was swine flu (which struck the United States that same year), and that this fact was being suppressed by Senator Edward Kennedy, and Senators Schweiker, Javits and Mondale, who had opposed the swine flu programme. The outbreak of 'swine flu' in Philadelphia would expose the Senators' position 'for the genocidal policy it in fact is'.

The US Labour Party is noteworthy not just as the standard-bearer of galloping paranoia, but because it subsequently metamorphosed into the National Democratic Policy Committee. This is part of the hydra-headed organization run by right-wing extremist Lyndon H LaRouche, Jr. whose views on AIDS are the modern manifestation of the plague mentality - one that has captured a massive popular following in the US.

The LaRouchean crusade against AIDS is outlined in a Special Report of the Executive Intelligence Review1 (EIR), a weekly magazine published by LaRouche and his associates. This report, entitled 'An emergency war plan to fight AIDS and other pandemics,' was prepared by the EIA Biological Holocaust Task Force under the the direction of Warren J. Hamerman. The central thesis is that AIDS is being downplayed (and may even have been created as a biological weapon) by the US Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Soviet Union, the CIA, the Pentagon, etc., in one or another combination (like lepers, Jews, and the king of Grenada). This conspiracy involves a variety of dramatis personae including Dr Armand Hammer, Donald Regan (at the time of writing still President Reagan's chief of staff), Henry Kissinger and many others.

The motive for the cover-up by the various agencies and people, in LaRouche's view, is that AIDS will decimate the African continent (another genocidal policy), eliminating a large number of 'useless eaters' and thereby make the continent a better investment for the IMF, World Bank, etc.

The cover-up in the US, according to EIR, is necessary because Donald Regan realises that dealing effectively with the disease would destroy the Administration's budget.

The LaRoucheans believe with passionate intensity that AIDS is spread by casual contact, despite the irrefutable evidence that it is not. Part of the Special Report presents the PANIC (Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee) measure that became Proposition 64 in the November 1986 California election.

Proposition 64 required that all cases of AIDS be reported, and that carriers of the AIDS virus (i.e. those with antibodies to it) could not be teachers, employees, or students in public or private schools and could not be employed as commercial food handlers. 'The State is obliged to test and quarantine as much as required to stop the spread of the disease.'

Realistic measures to reduce the spread of AIDS through 'safe sex' (see article) are held in utter contempt by LaRouche and his associates, as they must be if they believe that AIDS is spread by casual contact. John Seale, a Harley Street consultant on venereal disease, toured the US prior to the California election giving unqualified support to Proposition 64, with the predictable result that he became a darling of the LaRouche organization.

The Centers for Disease Control, The California Medical Association, The California Public Health Association, the American Red Cross, the deans of California's distinguished schools of public health, the Governor of California and both Democratic Senator Alan Cranston and his Republican opponent, Ed Zschau, were appalled by Proposition 64. It was defeated by a two to one margin.

It is my personal belief that the human spirit has been elevated since the Middle Ages. Indeed we are no longer burning witches and the good news is that Proposition 64 was resoundingly defeated. Even so, a full one-third of the electorate voted 'yes'. The measure was carefully advertised to the gullible as a simple requirement for reporting the disease. To this the celebrated person in the street might readily assent. Few bothered, I would guess, actually to read what was being proposed.

The bad news is that Proposition 64 lives on, as does the plague mentality that gave it birth. LaRouche assures us that it will surface in subsequent elections both in the US and abroad. The cover story of the Executive Intelligence Review for 21 November 1986 was 'Britain battles to survive against AIDS, drugs, terror.' The cure for the first of these, in EIR's view, is a British Proposition 64 for which majority support was allegedly given in polls conducted by the This Week television programme, and by the Sunday newspapers The Observer, and The People.

— Charles Gregg, a microbiologist, is scientific director of Los Alamos Diagnostics. He is the author of Plague! and The Virus of Love and other Tales of Medical Detection, both published by the University of New Mexico Press. new internationalist issue 169 - March 1987 [4]
  • Last week, federal agents in the U.S. seized the Leesburg, Va., headquarters of the ultra-right-wing LaRouche who dismisses the Holocaust as a delusion, denounces Jews, Catholics, homosexuals and Indians and espouses theories of world conspiracy.
    • "Minority-rights group calls for a crackdown on LaRouche;" By ANN LAUGHLIN of The Gazette. The Gazette. Montreal, Que.: Apr 29, 1987. pg. A.4

Gay City Councilor David Scondras accused fellow Councilor Albert "Dapper" O'Neil of supporting right-wing extremist and AIDS quarantine proponent Lyndon LaRouche at a June 10 City Council meeting.

O'Neil responded by taunting Scondras to "get up and be a man, if that is possible."

The conflict erupted as a result of a speech by self-proclaimed "AIDS expert" Dr. John Seale, who advocated universal mandatory testing in his 20 minute speech before the City Council. Seale, who believes that doctors, scientists and "homosexuals" have conspired to create the illusion of an AIDS "epidemic," was invited by City Council President Burce Boiling. Boiling said he invited Seale as a courtesy to O'Neil, but admitted that "he knew nothing about him."

Seale, a veneriologist at St. Thomas Hospital in England, was recommended to O'Neil by Richard Black, a perennial LaRouche candidate for office in Massachusetts, Black was indicted last year for credit card fraud involving fundraising for LaRouche's organization.

O'Neil, who did not return calls from GCN, has ties to LaRouche dating back to 1975 when he introduced tax legislation on behalf of the group. O'Neil agreed to renounce LaRouche and Seale in exchange for an apology from Scondras. Scondras grudgingly obliged.

— "Scondras Assails Dapper on LaRouche Support" Bull, Chris. Gay Community News. Boston: Jun 14-Jun 20, 1987. Vol. 14, Iss. 46; pg. 1

  • There are those out there who despise Dr. Robert Gallo. He discovered the cause of AIDS and is now at work on a vaccine, and yet he needs only to open his mail or make a trip, and there they are, the bizarre accusations, the flashes of hatred. Recently, critics in the Eastern Bloc accused him of creating the AIDS virus in his lab in Bethesda as a weapon of chemical warfare. A few months ago in Wiesbaden, he had to walk past a phalanx of West German acolytes of Lyndon LaRouche who were passing out leaflets denouncing him. He has had to stand before a huge audience at Cambridge University and listen as a British scientist in the audience, Alexander Karpas, accused him of stealing key AIDS data from a lab in Paris.
    • "Robert Gallo Goes To War; America's Leading AIDS researcher just can't stop fighting- whether it's against disease, his fellow scientists or his own ego;" David Remnick. The Washington Post Washington, D.C.: Aug 9, 1987. pg. w.10

LaRouche's followers denounce every critic-prosecutors, politicians, people at the airport who disagree with them-as cretins, communists, traitors or homosexuals. They believe the world is in danger of imminent collapse for any number of reasons, which vary-nuclear war, global starvation, and lately AIDS. They think LaRouche is the planet's only chance for survival-and people must be crazed not to accept him. [...] The federal indictment alleges that, soon after the FBI started investigating the group in 1984, members discussed ways to scuttle the probe, sent witnesses to Europe to keep them from investigators, hid and burned subpoenaed documents, investigated the friends and family of the prosecutor, even put out leaflets saying he was a homosexual and a dope pusher. Their failure to respond to the grand jury prompted contempt of court judgments of $21 million, and the forced bankruptcy of three LaRouche companies.

— "Inside the Weird World of Lyndon LaRouche;" John Mintz. The Washington Post Washington, D.C.: Sep 20, 1987. pg. c.01

Followers of extremist Lyndon LaRouche have placed a new AIDS initiative on the California ballot that is nearly identical to Proposition 64, the measure soundly rejected by voters a year ago.

Secretary of State March Fong Eu announced Monday that initiative petitions turned in by the LaRouche followers, Khushro Ghandhi and Brian Lantz, carried signatures of 508,695 voters, about 100,000 more than required.

The initiative, which will appear on the June, 1988, ballot, is essentially the same as Proposition 64, spokesmen for Eu and Atty. Gen. John K. Van de Kamp said. It would require doctors and local health officials to report the names of AIDS patients and people who test positive for AIDS antibodies. Both AIDS patients and those with positive tests would be subject to quarantine laws, the official state summary of the measure says.

A year ago, health officials and gay groups joined in a campaign that spent nearly $3 million to defeat the LaRouche effort. Opponents said Proposition 64 was a thinly veiled attack on homosexuals by LaRouche, who has a long history of writings abusive to gays, and would only hurt efforts to find a cure for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It was defeated by a 71% to 29% margin.

— "Followers of LaRouche Put AIDS Initiative on June Ballot"KEVIN RODERICK. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Dec 1, 1987. pg. 3
  • The pleasant-looking men and women who gathered outside Chicago's Pilsen Community Academy in March of 1987 looked like Jehovah's Witnesses in their go-to-meeting clothes, but the message they brought was not the Word. "The blood of your own children will be on your hands," they shouted, "if you allow this child with AIDS in your school." Those words, uttered by strangers eventually unmasked as camp followers of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, words that would scare anyone, were particularly chilling to the people living in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.
    • "THE HIGH ROAD WHEN A CHILD WITH AIDS COMES TO SCHOOL, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A CRISIS; " Article by David L. Kirp. David L. Kirp is a professor of Public Policy and lecturer in law at the University of California in Berkeley He has spent the last 18 months researching "Suffer the Children," a book on AIDS in U S schools, for fall, 1988,. Chicago Tribune 'Chicago, Ill.: Dec 6, 1987. pg. 12


DEMOCRAT MARQUIS Just because he follows the policies of Lyndon LaRouche, that shouldn't "make a monster out of me," Don Marquis said recently.

Marquis, regional manager for an engineering firm, said the radical leader should be applauded for taking on the establishment of world governments and tackling unpopular issues, such as drug abuse and the AIDS epidemic. [...] However, he said he supports Dannemeyer on one issue, albeit reluctantly. Marquis said he plans to vote for Dannemeyer's Prop. 102, which would require AIDS to be treated as a communicable disease and require notification of sexual partners. He said the measure doesn't go far enough.

"I don't like it but AIDS is doubling every nine months," he said. "There are 300,000 to 1 million carriers in the state of California alone. But there's no good data because there's been no testing."

— "39th: Dannemeyer faces LaRouche backer;" The Register. Orange County Register. Santa Ana, Calif.: Oct 30, 1988. pg. L.08
  • [Commonwealth of Canada Party] The controversial party has been accused of being an anti-Semitic, racist adherent of U.S. right-wing extremist and perennial U.S. presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche, a former Trotskyite, is on record as saying that Queen Elizabeth is the head of an international drug conspiracy and that homosexuals are "pederast satanists."
    • "Life at the fringe -- and beyond Our eight 'alternative' political parties may not get much publicity -- but there's somethingg here for just about everyone; " Lynda Hurst Toronto Star. Toronto Star. Toronto, Ont.: Oct 30, 1988. pg. B.1
  • [Rep. William E. Dannemeyer, R-Fullerton] was one of two California elected officials to support extremist Lyndon LaRouche's Proposition 64, which would have provided for mandatory AIDS testing and quarantine in some cases. Dannemeyer signed an argument in favor of the proposition in the California Voters Pamphlet, but it was defeated at the polls in 1986.
    • "Dannemeyer to represent Bush at AIDS event Members of California GOP question choice of controversial congressman" Robin Goldstein, Jean O. Pasco:The Register. Orange County Register. Santa Ana, Calif.: Sep 10, 1988. pg. A.01

Even two conservative politicians who supported Proposition 64 have said they are backing away from its successor. Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), who signed the ballot argument for the 1986 measure, said he will not support Proposition 69 because he does not want to be linked with LaRouche.

"He is a political extremist with his own agenda," Dannemeyer said. "Let him paddle his own canoe. I don't want anything to do with him."

Denounces LaRouche

State Sen. John Doolittle (R-Rocklin), another Proposition 64 supporter, denounced LaRouche as "a very clever manipulator" who has a "hidden agenda." Doolittle, the author of a number of bills to promote widespread testing for AIDS, said he will oppose Proposition 69.

[...] In a separate legal action in California, three LaRouche aides will face court hearings in Los Angeles in coming weeks on charges they fraudulently collected signatures to qualify Proposition 64 for the ballot.

The proponents of Proposition 69 are saying little about their campaign plans and would not discuss how much money they expect to spend. During the 1986 campaign, they spent little on Proposition 64 once it had qualified for the ballot but circulated a booklet on AIDS prepared by LaRouche's headquarters in Virginia.

"We will definitely mount a very serious campaign," said Duree, the proponents' spokesman. "The campaign is going to focus on educating people about the threat that AIDS poses. We think there's a lot of support for measures like this."

In the kind of rhetoric LaRouche and his followers are noted for, Duree also accused the Proposition 64 opponents of mounting a dishonest campaign against the measure and a "witch hunt of Lyndon LaRouche."

"It was the big lie campaign reminiscent of the KGB or the Nazis which completely misrepresented the contents of the initiative itself," he said.

He also accused government and health officials of hiding the extent of the AIDS epidemic to avoid spending funds on the disease. "There's general agreement that there's been an AIDS cover-up in the interest of not spending the large amounts of money needed to combat this epidemic," Duree said.

— "LaRouche Back With a New AIDS Proposition, Old Pitch;" RICHARD C. PADDOCK. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: Apr 24, 1988. pg. 3
  • At the rally of gays and lesbians in Sacramento's Capitol Park, [Jesse] Jackson called Proposition 69, the AIDS initiative on the June 7 ballot, "an ineffective and punitive response born out of bigotry and panic." He said the AIDS-quarantine initiative sponsored by political extremist Lyndon LaRouche is an example of "the homophobia, the racism, the irrational and divisive fear, the victim-baiting that impede our efforts to combat this disease."
    • "Jackson challenges Bush's `stability' : Candidate reacts to `hustler' reference; hits amnesty bill;" John Marelius. The San Diego Union. San Diego, Calif.: May 8, 1988. pg. A.12
  • Before the hearing began, 12 members of a Lyndon Larouche organization gathered on City Hall Plaza to protest the needle-exchange program. The protesters held placards, dispensed Larouche literature and took turns on a bullhorn denouncing Flynn's proposal. A spokesman for the group, Anthony DeFranco, said the plan amounted to "a surrender," adding: "We've got to always be against drugs, and government has to represent that. This is like saying drugs are all right."
    • "TACKLE AIDS, HELP ADDICTS, SPEAKERS URGE CITY COUNCIL;" Peggy Hernandez, Globe Staff. Boston Globe . Boston, Mass.: Apr 13, 1988. pg. 77


  • AIDS also has been the weapon of choice for far-right leaders. Lyndon LaRouche, whose nutty blend of super-patriotism, anti- Semitism and conspiracy theories has no chance of winning popular support, has tried to expand his appeal by playing on fear caused by AIDS. In 1986, LaRouche supporters managed to get an initiative on the California ballot that called for testing and even the quarantining of the estimated quarter of a million Californians who might have the virus. The initiative was defeated, but other far-right groups decided LaRouche was on the right track. In 1988, they placed a similar AIDS measure, Proposition 102, on the California ballot. LaRouche's strategy became public when a letter from a major supporter of Proposition 102 to leaders of the extremist John Birch Society found its way into the press. The letter urged the John Birch Society to use the AIDS epidemic to "rejuvenate" the organization.
    • "Ignore claim of extremists about AIDS;" JOHN H. BUCHANAN. The Tribune. San Diego, Calif.: May 16, 1989. pg. B.7


  • In addition, this is the first state election in several years in which gays are not pinned down fighting repressive AIDS initiatives sponsored by extremist Lyndon Larouche or Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), freeing activists to contribute to and work for candidates.
    • "The Gay Vote Is Hotly Pursued in Governor's Race Elections: Hard work in building political muscle is paying off for homosexual groups. A close contest makes their backing especially sought after.;" VICTOR F. ZONANA. Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, Calif.: May 20, 1990. pg. 3
  • LYNDON LAROUCHE, Independent: LaRouche is serving a 15-year sentence for fraud in federal prison in Rochester, Minn. A perennial candidate, he has run for president four times. He has promoted a quarantine of AIDS victims and has maintained that the virus is transmitted much like any other virus and that most medical warnings about how it is spread are "an outright lie." He also has stated that the International Monetary Fund is "engaged in mass murder" by spreading AIDS through its economic policies and he's accused Queen Elizabeth II of England of being a drug dealer. In 1988, LaRouche detailed a plan to colonize Mars. A spokesperson for LaRouche said he expects the candidate to be certified in 21 states by November.

Compare the position on orifices held by Lyndon LaRouche, Jr., in "My Program against AIDS": "I hold it to be true, that Creation has endowed our bodies with certain functions, including the body's orifices, each to be used in one way, and not contrary ways; ... AIDS demonstrates afresh . . . that if society promotes the violation of the principles of our bodies' design, that society shall suffer in some way or another for this obscenity" (p. 6) Whether blood transfusions violate "the principles of our bodies' design" is not addressed.

— Kauffman, Linda S. (1993). American Feminist Thought at Century's End: A Reader (Feminist Thought). Blackwell Publishing, Incorporated. ISBN 1-55786-347-4.
  • Lyndon LaRouche: A Special Case
  • Lyndon LaRouche is a far-right political extremist who is now serving a 15-yearsentence in federal prison for mail fraud and tax evasion. LaRouche runs a vast empire of organizations with ideological positions that exactly mimic his bizarre conspiracy theories. His followers are seen in airports and on street corners, often campaigning to free LaRouche from jail or attacking the organization's mortal enemy--Henry Kissinger. LaRouche's many organizations have always incorporated sexual themes into their analysis, and have been obsessed with AIDS since the pandemic began. LaRouche has conducted a long-running and fanatical campaign against homosexuality. Most recently, LaRouche spearheaded Proposition 64 in California, which would have established restrictive public health policies regarding AIDS. Proposition 64 was opposed by virtually all public health officials and elected officials (one exception was legislator William Dannemeyer). A public health specialist for the California Medical Association described Proposition 64 as "absolute hysteria and calculated deception." LaRouche organizers continue to peddle hysteria over AIDS and homosexuality. Their embrace of anti-Jewish and other scapegoating conspiracy theories and use of demagoguery add a firm base to the claim that the LaRouchians are a neo-fascist movement. Many New Right groups avoid any official alliance with the LaRouchians.

Memoir of a Race Traitor makes the skin crawl and the mind boggle--all because of the terrifying veracity of Mab Segrest's personal account of activism against organized racism and homophobia in North Carolina in the 1980s. [...] The report describes, clearly, the link between racism and homophobia as practiced by groups ranging from the White Patriot Party the Moral Majority, and neo-Nazis to Lyndon LaRouche's various organizations.

— "Bookmarks -- Memoir of a Race Traitor by Mab Segrest" Wilson, Karen S. Lambda Book Report. Washington: Mar 1994. Vol. 4, Iss. 3; pg. 33

[Nicholas] Clement, 40, is a Post-Dispatch carrier from St. Louis. He ran for the House in 1990 and for the Senate in 1992. Clement tops a slate of nine LaRouche candidates in Missouri who have filed for congressional and legislative seats. [...]Clement also contends that there is no world population problem, saying studies to the contrary are plots to empty Africa. He charges that scientists are lying when they say AIDS cannot be spread through casual contact or through the air.

— "3 KINDS OF DEMOCRATIC SENATE CANDIDATE: `CHRISTIAN,' `LAROUCHE' AND PERENNIAL;" Jo Mannies Post-Dispatch Political Correspondent. St. Louis Post - Dispatch . St. Louis, Mo.: Jul 18, 1994. pg. 01.B
  • During the election campaign, Duclos did not reveal his views on the LaRouche organization, known for its denial of the Holocaust and vitriolic opposition to homosexuals and Indians.
    • "On the fringe; Is Duclos obtuse, cunning or just plain ignorant?;" PEGGY CURRAN. The Gazette. Montreal, Que.: Dec 14, 1994. pg. A.3

Greenfield Park Mayor Marc Duclos yesterday steadfastly refused to denounce American right-wing ideologue Lyndon LaRouche or his anti-Semitic beliefs.

"It is not for me to judge people," Duclos told reporters after a two-hour meeting with executive members of the Canadian Jewish Congress. [...]

Duclos, 35, claimed he was unaware of LaRouche's well-documented statements against Jews, aboriginals and homosexuals, among others.

— Duclos won't denounce racist group; But Greenfield Park mayor says he severed all ties with LaRouche; [FINAL Edition] LYNN MOORE. The Gazette. Montreal, Que.: Feb 8, 1995. pg. A.3
  • Lyndon LaRouche's followers put the first AIDS measure on California's state ballot in November 1986. Voters rejected this initiative, which would have barred people with AIDS from teaching or from working in foodrelated jobs. Californians voted on the issue of AIDS again in June 1988. This time they cast their ballots against a proposal to declare AIDS a communicable disease and make people with AIDS subject to quarantine.
    • "Putting civil rights to a popular vote" Gamble, Barbara S. American Journal of Political Science. Austin: Jan 1997. Vol. 41, Iss. 1; pg. 245, 25 pgs


  • He [Larouche] says people who lynch homosexuals are "the only force acting to save the human species from extinction" and that wealthy Jews encourage homosexuality as a way of undermining Western civilisation.
    • "Cult gears up for poll drive." Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) 6/10/2001.

LaRouche moved into a rented mansion patrolled by heavily armed guards. According to a 1985 Washington Post series, there were sandbag-buttressed guard posts and metal spikes in the driveway. The gun-toting guards alarmed the locals. So did LaRouche's rhetoric. LaRouche said he needed the security because teams of assassins were gunning for him and just might start slaughtering people on the streets of Leesburg. Civic leaders who criticized LaRouche were denounced by followers and in LaRouche literature as commies, homosexuals, drug pushers or international terrorists. According to one published report, LaRouche denounced the Leesburg Garden Club as a "nest" of Soviet sympathizers.

— "No Joke; Eight-time presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche may be a punchline on 'The Simpsons,' but his organization -- and the effect it has on young recruits -- is dead serious;" April Witt. The Washington Post. Washington, D.C.: Oct 24, 2004. pg. W.12
  • Lyndon LaRouche is a homophobic American millionaire and indefatigable conspiracy theorist.
    • "The Queen's tormentors are off their heads;" Michael Gove. The Times. London (UK): Nov 19, 2002. pg. 20
  • Among the bizarre theories LaRouche and his followers peddled were that Britain's political leaders were "puppets of Jewish banking families," that Queen Elizabeth II headed a drug cartel and that Kissinger was a homosexual as well as a murderer.
    • "Argentina crying over 'hired guns'" Martin Edwin Andersen. Insight on the News. Washington: Jun 10, 2002. Vol. 18, Iss. 21; pg. 22, 3 pgs
  • The disease was giving conservative political forces ample ammunition for anti-gay legislative attempts. By that June, rabid right-wing politician Lyndon LaRouche had collected enough signatures for a statewide November California ballot initiative that would have banned people with HIV from attending school or working as commercial food handlers, teachers or school administrators, and would have allowed for mass testing and quarantining of anyone "suspected" of carrying HIV.
    • "Gay Parade an Event To Celebrate -- and Remember;" Dave Ford. San Francisco Chronicle. San Francisco, Calif.: Jun 25, 2000. pg. 5



The proposal: To add AIDS to a state roster of highly contagious diseases. Thus, anyone infected with the AIDS virus would have been barred from working as a food handler or from working at or attending any school or college in the state. It also would have provided for the quarantine of AIDS patients in certain instances. Who brought it: Followers of fringe presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche.

Who fought it: An unprecedented array of conservative and liberal political leaders, and medical, public health, labor and business groups.

Quote: A LaRouche newspaper denounced critics as "militant communist gangs" made up of "sexual lower classes."

Outcome: Rejected, 71-29 percent. A similar measure, Prop. 69, was put on the June 1988 ballot -- and it, too, was soundly defeated.

— "The Chronicle Recommends / Defend Family Values: Vote No on Prop. 22; " San Francisco Chronicle. San Francisco, Calif.: Feb 20, 2000. pg. 8


Primary sources

  • The "LaRouche-Riemann Model" Problem. (Memo from Alice Roth calling on NCLC members to resign) January 22, 1981 [5]
  • "DO YOU REMEMBER RIEMANN?" Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. September 9, 2007 [6]

Secondary sources

  • Despite the unrelenting loyalty of his followers, LaRouche has never come remotely close to being elected president. In fact, no LaRouche cadre has been elected to office at any level higher than school board. Nor have his economic theories attained any kind of recognition. The LaRouche-Riemann Method, an economic model that LaRouche calls "the most accurate method of economic forecasting in existence," has gone unnoticed by the social science indexes. Many former members admit to not understanding it.
    • "Publish and Perish: The mysterious death of Lyndon LaRouche's printer", By Avi Klein, The Washington Monthly November 2007 [7]
  • "Lyndon LaRouche Mystery Theater" by Scott McLemee on July 11, 2007. This is the blog companion to the above article, with some interesting commentary that touches on the lack of notability of these concepts.
