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|1 {{Date table sorting|November 1843}}<ref>{{Cite web |date=26 November 2018 |title=Bolivia y Uruguay conmemoran 175 aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas |url=https://cancilleria.gob.bo/webmre/noticia/2943 |access-date=18 May 2022}}</ref>
|{{Date table sorting|1 November 1843}}<ref>{{Cite web |date=26 November 2018 |title=Bolivia y Uruguay conmemoran 175 aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas |url=https://cancilleria.gob.bo/webmre/noticia/2943 |access-date=18 May 2022}}</ref>
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|30 September 1999<ref>{{Cite book |url=https://www.google.com.ua/books/edition/Liechtenstein_Country_Study_Guide_Strate/rVutDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Liechtenstein:+ambassador+of+Uruguay+....+30+September+1999&pg=PA116&printsec=frontcover |title=Liechtenstein Country Study Guide - Strategic Information and Developments |publisher=IBP USA |year=2017 |pages=116}}</ref>
|{{Date table sorting|30 September 1999}}<ref>{{Cite book |url=https://www.google.com.ua/books/edition/Liechtenstein_Country_Study_Guide_Strate/rVutDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Liechtenstein:+ambassador+of+Uruguay+....+30+September+1999&pg=PA116&printsec=frontcover |title=Liechtenstein Country Study Guide - Strategic Information and Developments |publisher=IBP USA |year=2017 |pages=116}}</ref>

Revision as of 13:39, 28 June 2023

This article deals with the diplomatic affairs, foreign policy and international relations of Uruguay. At the political level, these matters are officially handled by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, also known as Cancillería, which answers to the President.


Uruguay traditionally has had strong political and cultural links with its neighbours and Europe. British diplomat Alfred Mitchell-Innes was Minister to Uruguay throughout the crucial years of World War I (1913–1919).

With globalization and regional economic problems, its links to North America have strengthened. Uruguay is a strong advocate of constitutional democracy, political pluralism, and individual liberties. Its international relations historically have been guided by the principles of nonintervention, multilateralism, respect for national sovereignty, and reliance on the rule of law to settle disputes. Uruguay's international relations also reflect its drive to seek export markets and foreign investment. It is a founding member of MERCOSUR. In June 1991, MERCOSUR and the United States signed the Rose Garden Agreement (also known as the "Four Plus One" Agreement). The agreement was non-operational until June 2001 when MERCOSUR invited the U.S. to discuss the feasibility of market access negotiations. The first U.S.-MERCOSUR meeting was held on September 24, 2001, and resulted in the creation of four working groups on industrial trade, e-commerce, agriculture, and investment.

Uruguay is a member of the Rio Group, an association of Latin American states that deals with multilateral security issues (under the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance). Uruguay's location between Argentina and Brazil makes close relations with these two larger neighbors and MERCOSUR associate members Chile and Bolivia particularly important. An early proponent of the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative, Uruguay has actively participated in the follow-up process to the periodic Summits of the Americas, especially the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). Often considered a neutral country and blessed with a professional diplomatic corps, Uruguay is often called on to preside international bodies. Most recently, Uruguay was selected to chair the FTAA and WTO agricultural committees and a Uruguayan presides over the WTO General Assembly. Uruguay also is a member of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), a trade association based in Montevideo that includes 10 South American countries plus Mexico and Cuba.

In 2020, the new right-wing president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, announced that he will implement radical changes in Uruguay's foreign policy, taking a harder attitude against disputed President Nicolas Maduro's regime in Venezuela and improving relations with the U.S. The previous left-wing government of Uruguay had recognized Maduro as Venezuela's president. President Luis Lacalle Pou also declared the presidents of Venezuela and Cuba to be "dictators."[1]

Disputes - international: Uncontested disputes with Brazil over tiny Isla Brasilera at the mouth of the Quarai/Cuareim River near the Argentina tripoint, and, 225 kilometers upriver, over the 235 km2. Invernada River region, as to which tributary is the legitimate source of the Quarai/Cuareim River.

In the 1960s, the US Office of Public Safety helped in training Uruguayan police officers. Dan Mitrione taught torture methods used against the civilian population and the Tupamaros.[2]

Diplomatic relations

Countries which Uruguay maintains diplomatic relations with

List of countries with which Uruguay maintains diplomatic relations: Dates are not known for Argentina, Haiti, Honduras, Jordan, Kuwait, Mali, Malta, Mozambique, the Netherlands and Zimbabwe.

# Land Date
1   Schweiz 1828[3]
2  Brasilien 15 May 1831[4]
3  Mexiko 1831[5]
4  Frankreich 8 April 1836[6]
5  Italien 29 October 1840[7]
6  Spanien 9 October 1841[8]
7  Dänemark 28 February 1842[9]
8  Vereinigtes Königreich 15 July 1842[10]
9  Bolivien 1 November 1843[11]
10  Paraguay 15 June 1845[12]
11  Peru 1849[13]
12  Portugal 16 October 1852[14]
13  Belgien 16 September 1853[15]
14  Deutschland 23 June 1856[16]
15  Russland 9 September 1857[17]
16  Vereinigte Staaten 2 October 1867[18]
17  Chile 9 July 1869[19]
18  Österreich 7 December 1870[20]
 Holy See 1877[21]
19  Kolumbien 25 August 1888[22]
20  Venezuela 27 May 1891[23]
21  Cuba 1 September 1902[24]
22  Panama 28 October 1904[25]
23  Norwegen 3 April 1906[26]
24  Schweden 6 August 1906[27]
25  Guatemala 16 March 1907[28]
26  Costa Rica 1907[29]
27  Ecuador 1 June 1914[30]
28  Polen 22 July 1920[31]
29  Tschechische Republik 16 August 1921[32]
30  Japan 1921[33]
31  Griechenland 1928[34]
32  Türkei 4 January 1929[35]
33  El Salvador 11 January 1929[36]
34  Ägypten 25 February 1932[37]
35  Luxemburg 6 January 1934[38]
36  Finnland 21 March 1935[39]
37  Rumänien 24 July 1935[40]
38  Dominikanische Republik 5 September 1945[41]
39  Libanon 25 October 1945[42]
40  Syria 11 October 1946[43]
41  Israel May 1948[44]
42  Serbien 1950[45]
43  Kanada January 1951[46]
44  Australien 1954[47]
45  Irland 19 January 1955[48]
46  Ungarn 14 June 1956[49]
47  Bulgarien 21 May 1958[50]
48  Indien 1960[51]
49  Marokko 1962[37]
50  Südkorea 7 October 1964[52]
51  Algerien 1964[37]
52  Nicaragua 1964[53]
53  Pakistan 1964[53]
54  Nigeria 20 February 1965[37]
55  Tunesien 16 September 1965[37]
56  Trinidad und Tobago 22 November 1965[54]
57  Zypern 24 November 1965[55]
58  Indonesien 1965[56]
59  Barbados 6 December 1967[57]
60  Südafrika 1968[37]
61  Saudi-Arabien 1974[58]
62  Philippinen 29 December 1975[59]
63  Neuseeland 1975[60]
64  Iraq 22 March 1976[61]
65  Thailand 15 June 1976[62]
66  Senegal 8 May 1978[37]
67  Surinam 9 March 1979[63]
68  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 1 April 1980[64]
69  Äquatorial-Guinea 15 September 1981[37]
70  Ghana 24 May 1982[37]
71  Gabun 14 June 1982[37]
72  Kenia 20 July 1982[65]
73  Bahamas 25 November 1982[66]
74  Iran May 1983[67]
75  Democratic Republic of Congo 31 April 1984[37]
76  Ivory Coast 1 September 1984[37]
77  Jamaika 23 May 1985[68]
78  Guyana 3 June 1985[68]
79  St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 13 June 1985[69]
80  Grenada 20 September 1985[68]
81  Angola 6 March 1987[37]
82  Katar 16 March 1987[70]
83  Tansania 1 April 1987[37]
84  Oman 7 April 1987[71]
85  Antigua und Barbuda 27 April 1987[72]
86  Bangladesch 21 July 1987[73]
87  Singapur 15 September 1987[74]
88  Republic of Congo 22 September 1987[37]
89  Belize 28 September 1987[68]
90  Albanien 18 October 1987[75]
91  Malaysia 5 January 1988[68]
92  China 3 February 1988[68]
93  Zentralafrikanische Republik 1988[37]
94  St. Kitts und Nevis 1988[76]
95  Mauretanien 25 March 1989[37]
96  St. Lucia 1 September 1989[68]
97  Cabo Verde 17 April 1990,[37]

10 September 2013[68]

98  Sao Tome und Principe 26 September 1990[37]
99  Afghanistan 4 October 1990[68]
100  Island 18 June 1991[77]
101  Libyen 4 October 1991[37]
102  Ukraine 18 May 1992[78]
103  Armenien 27 May 1992[79]
104  Lettland 6 July 1992[68]
105  Weißrussland 7 July 1992[68]
106  Estland 30 September 1992[68]
107  Slowakei 1 January 1993[80]
108  Litauen 8 March 1993[68]
109  Slowenien 26 April 1993[68]
110  Kroatien 4 May 1993[81]
111  Kasachstan 30 July 1993[68]
112  Vietnam 11 August 1993[68]
113  Kirgisistan 13 August 1993[68]
114  Georgien 11 May 1994[82]
115  Namibia 13 September 1994[37]
116  Kambodscha 29 September 1994[68]
117  Brunei September 1994[83]
118  Aserbaidschan 11 January 1995[68]
119  Bahrain 25 May 1995[84]
120  Bosnien und Herzegowina 28 September 1995[68]
121  Moldawien 14 May 1996[68]
122  Turkmenistan 16 July 1996[85]
123  Fidschi 17 September 1996[68]
124  Andorra 27 November 1996[86]
125  Mongolei 7 October 1997[68]
126  Usbekistan 25 May 1998[87]
127  Lesotho 26 May 1998[37]
128  Tadschikistan 1 October 1998[68]
129  Sri Lanka 21 July 1999[68]
130  San Marino 22 September 1999[68]
131  Liechtenstein 30 September 1999[88]
132  Myanmar 22 February 2001[68]
133  Monaco 10 April 2001[89]
134  North Macedonia 17 May 2002[90]
 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 26 December 2005[37]
135  Botswana 4 May 2007[37]
135  Liberia 1 June 2007[37]
137  Guinea 19 June 2007[37]
138  Burkina Faso 28 August 2007[37]
139  Gambia 25 September 2007[37]
140  Togo 28 September 2007[37]
141  Dschibuti 12 February 2008[37]
142  Benin 14 February 2008[37]
143  Timor-Leste 23 September 2008[91]
144  Seychellen 12 November 2008[37]
145  Malediven 24 February 2009[68]
146  Montenegro 25 February 2009[92]
147  Komoren 14 May 2009[37]
148  Ruanda 16 June 2009[37]
149  Vanuatu 6 August 2009[68]
150  Marshallinseln 2 December 2009[68]
151  Guinea-Bissau 26 March 2010[37]
152  Sierra Leone 22 September 2010[37]
153  Salomonen 4 February 2011[68]
154  Dominica 1 March 2011[93]
155  Nauru 23 March 2011[94]
156  Äthiopien 23 March 2011[37]
 State of Palestine 29 March 2011[68]
157  Tuvalu 9 September 2011[68]
158    Nepal 18 April 2012[68]
159  Niger 6 March 2013[37]
160  Samoa 21 May 2013[68]
161  Federated States of Micronesia 5 September 2013[68]
162  Kamerun 18 December 2017[37]
163  Mauritius 15 May 2019[68]
164  Argentinien Unknown
165  Haiti Unknown
166  Honduras Unknown
167  Jordanien Unknown
168  Kuwait Unknown
169  Mali Unknown
170  Malta Unknown
171  Mosambik Unknown
172  Niederlande Unknown
173  Simbabwe Unknown

Bilateral relations


Land Formal Relations Began Notes
  • Algeria is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Algeria from its embassy in Paris, France.
 Angola See Angola–Uruguay relations
  • Angola has a consulate-general in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Angola from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.
 Democratic Republic of the Congo

In December 2021, President Luis Lacalle Pou paid a visit to Bukavu and Goma and visited with Uruguayan soldiers stationed there as part of MONUSCO in Eastern DR Congo.[95]

  • DR Congo is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to the DR Congo from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.
 Ägypten See Egypt–Uruguay relations
  • Egypt has an embassy in Montevideo.[96]
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Cairo and an honorary consulate in Alexandria.[97]
  • Ethiopia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Addis Ababa.
  • Ghana is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay does not have an accreditation to Ghana.
  • Namibia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Namibia from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Nigeria is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Nigeria from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.
 SADR 26 December 2005
  • Senegal is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Senegal from its embassy in Paris, France.
 Südafrika See South Africa–Uruguay relations
  • South Africa is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Pretoria.


Land Formal Relations Began Notes
 Argentinien 20 July 1811 See Argentina–Uruguay relations

Uruguay and Argentina established diplomatic relations on July 20, 1811. Uruguay gained its independence after the Cisplatine War, with Argentine aid. During the Uruguayan Civil War, Argentina supported the National Party. The countries were allied during the Paraguayan War.

Since the end of the 19th century, both countries have shared a similar pattern of European immigration. They have very close economic, cultural and political ties with each other. Between the 1960s and the 1990s there was much Uruguayan immigration to Argentina. Today, there are around 120,000 people of Uruguayan descent living in Argentina.

In 2006 the countries had their first diplomatic tensions over the Pulp mill dispute, which was resolved in 2010.

  • Argentina has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Buenos Aires.
 Bolivien See Bolivia–Uruguay relations
  • Bolivia has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in La Paz.
 Belize 28 September 1987
 Brasilien See Brazil–Uruguay relations
  • Brazil and Uruguay are neighboring countries that share close historical, cultural and geographical ties. The singularity of the bilateral relationship between the two countries originates from the strong historical connection - marked by important events, such as the establishment of the Colônia do Sacramento in 1680, the annexation by Brazil and the subsequent creation of the Província Cisplatina in 1815, and Uruguay's independence from Brazil in 1828.[99]
  • The signing of the Treaty of Asunción in 1991 initiated a period of closer political, economical and diplomatic ties.
  • Brazil has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Brasília.
 Kanada 1953 See Canada–Uruguay relations
  • Canada has an embassy in Montevideo.[100]
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Ottawa, two consulates general in Montreal and Toronto, and an honorary consulate in Vancouver.[101]
  • Canada and Uruguay have a Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA) which came into force in 1999; a bilateral Social Security Agreement that came into force in January 2002; and a bilateral Audiovisual Co-Production Agreement to encourage joint film productions, which came into force in October 2005.
  • Both countries are full members of the Cairns Group and of the Organization of American States.
 Chile See Chile–Uruguay relations
  • Chile has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Santiago.
 Kolumbien See Colombia–Uruguay relations
  • Colombia has an embassy in Montevideo.[102]
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Bogotá.
 Costa Rica See Costa Rica–Uruguay relations
  • Costa Rica has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in San José.
 Cuba See Cuba–Uruguay relations
  • Cuba has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Havana.
 Dominikanische Republik See Dominican Republic–Uruguay relations
  • Dominican Republic has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Santo Domingo.
 Ecuador See Ecuador–Uruguay relations
  • Ecuador has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Quito.
 El Salvador See El Salvador–Uruguay relations
  • El Salvador has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in San Salvador.
 Guatemala See Guatemala–Uruguay relations
  • Guatemala has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Guatemala City.
 Guyana 3 June 1985
  • Hait is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Haiti from its embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
 Honduras See Honduras–Uruguay relations
  • Honduras is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Honduras from its embassy in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
  • Jamaica is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Jamaica from its embassy in Havana, Cuba.
 Mexiko 22 February 1831 See Mexico–Uruguay relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on the 22 February 1831.

 Nicaragua See Nicaragua–Uruguay relations
  • Nicaragua has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Nicaragua from its embassy in San José, Costa Rica.
 Panama See Panama–Uruguay relations
  • Panama has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Panama City.
 Paraguay See Paraguay–Uruguay relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on April 6, 1845. During the Paraguayan War, even if Uruguay was the smallest member of the coalition which Paraguay had to face, soldiers of both countries fought each other during three major battles: Battle of Jataí, Battle of Tuyutí and Battle of Curupaity. Both countries were founding members of the Mercosur. Both countries are full members of the Rio Group, of the Latin Union, of the Association of Spanish Language Academies, of the Organization of American States, of the Organization of Ibero-American States and of the Union of South American Nations.

  • Paraguay has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Asunción.
 Peru See Peru–Uruguay relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations in 1912, but various agreements were informally passed during the second half of the 19th century. Both countries are full members of the Rio Group, of the Latin Union, of the Association of Spanish Language Academies, of the Organization of American States, of the Organization of Ibero-American States and of the Union of South American Nations.

  • Peru has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Lima.
  • Suriname is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasilia, Brazil.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Suriname from its embassy in Panama City, Panama.
 Vereinigte Staaten See United States–Uruguay relations

Uruguay cooperates with the U.S. on law enforcement matters, such as regional efforts to fight drug trafficking and terrorism. It has also been very active in human rights issues. In 2002, Uruguay and the U.S. created a Joint Commission on Trade and Investment (JCTI) to exchange ideas on a variety of economic topics. In March 2003, the JCTI identified six areas of concentration until the eventual signing of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): customs issues, intellectual property protection, investment, labor, environment, and trade in goods. In late 2004, Uruguay and the U.S. signed an Open Skies Agreement, which was ratified in May 2006. In November 2005, they signed a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), which entered into force on November 1, 2006. A Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) was signed in January 2007. More than 80 U.S.-owned companies operate in Uruguay, and many more market U.S. goods and services.

 Venezuela See Uruguay–Venezuela relations
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Caracas.
  • Venezuela has an embassy in Montevideo.


Land Formal Relations Began Notes
 Armenien 27 May 1992 See Armenia–Uruguay relations
  • Armenia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina and an honorary consulate in Montevideo.[107]
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Yerevan.
  • There are around 19,000 people of Armenian descent living in Uruguay. Uruguay was the first country to recognize the Armenian genocide on April 20, 1965.
  • In May 2022, the two countries agreed to open embassies in each other's countries; Yerevan and Montevideo.[108]
 Aserbaidschan 11 January 1995[109] See Azerbaijan–Uruguay relations
  • Azerbaijan has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Azerbaijan from its embassy in Tehran, Iran.
 China 1988 See China–Uruguay relations
  • China has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Beijing.
  • Georgia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Georgia from its embassy in Bucharest, Romania.
 Indien See India–Uruguay relations
  • India is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in New Delhi.
  • Indonesia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Indonesia from its embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam.
 Iran See Iran–Uruguay relations
  • Iran has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Tehran.
 Israel See Israel–Uruguay relations
 Japan September 1921 See Japan–Uruguay relations
  • Jordan is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Santiago, Chile.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Jordan from its embassy in Cairo, Egypt.
 Libanon 1945 See Lebanon–Uruguay relations
  • Lebanon has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Beirut.
 Malaysia See Malaysia–Uruguay relations
  • Malaysia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
  • In 2006 a commercial agreement was celebrated between Pakistan and Mercosur (a trade bloc of which Uruguay is part).[113] There is a Pakistan-Uruguay Chamber of Commerce.[114][115][116] *When war broke out in East Pakistan in 1971, Uruguay initially hesistated to take sides. However, on August 24, 1971, Uruguay recognized Bangladesh (hithero East Pakistan) as an independent state.[117]
  • In 2007 Montevideo hosted the first 'International Kashmir Conference'. The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan took part in the event, which was co-organized by the Catholic University of Uruguay.[118][119] Khan met with a number of Uruguayan senators during his stay.[120]
  • Pakistan is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Pakistan from is embassy in Tehran, Iran.
 Palestine See Palestine–Uruguay relations
  • Palestine has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Ramallah.
  • Philippines is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to the Philippines from its embassy in Seoul, South Korea.
  • Qatar has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Doha.
  • Saudi Arabia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Riyadh.
  • Singapore does not have an accreditation to Uruguay.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Singapore from its embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam.
 Südkorea 7 October 1964[121] See South Korea–Uruguay relations
 Türkei 1929[123] See Turkey–Uruguay relations
  • Turkey has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Ankara and a consulate-general in Istanbul.[123]
  • Trade volume between the two countries was US$341.4 million in 2019 (Uruguay's exports/imports: 298.6/42.8 million USD).[123]
 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • United Arab Emirates is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Abu Dhabi.
 Vietnam See Uruguay–Vietnam relations
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietname is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Land Formal Relations Began Notes
 Andorra 27 November 1996
  • Andorra does not have an accreditation to Uruguay.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Andorra from its embassy in Madrid, Spain.
 Österreich See Austria–Uruguay relations
  • Austria is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Vienna.
 Weißrussland 1992
  • Belarus is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina and maintains an honorary consulate in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Belarus from its embassy in Warsaw, Poland.
 Belgien See Belgium–Uruguay relations
  • Belgium is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Brussels.
 Tschechische Republik See Czech Republic–Uruguay relations
  • Czech Republic is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.[124]
  • Uruguay is accredited to the Czech Republic from its embassy in Vienna, Austria.[125]
  • Denmark is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Denmark from its embassy in Stockholm Sweden and maintains an honorary consulate in Copenhagen.
 Finnland 21 March 1935 See Finland–Uruguay relations
  • Uruguay recognised the independence of Finland on August 18, 1919.
  • Finland is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina and maintains an honorary consulate in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Helsinki.
 Frankreich 1825 See France–Uruguay relations
 Deutschland 1850 See Germany–Uruguay relations
 Griechenland See Greece–Uruguay relations
  • Greece has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Athens.
 Holy See See Holy See–Uruguay relations
  • Holy See and an apostolic nunciature in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Rome accredited to the Holy See.
 Ungarn See Hungary–Uruguay relations
  • Hungary is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has an embassy office in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Hungary from its embassy in Vienna, Austria.
  • Iceland is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Washington, D.C., United States.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Iceland from its embassy in London, United Kingdom and maintains an honorary consulate in Reykjavík.
  • Approximately 120,000 Uruguayans have Irish ancestors.
  • Ireland is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Ireland from its embassy in London, United Kingdom.
 Italien 1861 See Italy–Uruguay relations
 Niederlande See Netherlands–Uruguay relations
  • Netherlands is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in The Hague.
  • Norway is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Norway from its embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.
 Polen See Poland–Uruguay relations
  • Poland is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Poland from its embassy in Berlin, Germany.
 Portugal See Portugal–Uruguay relations
  • Portugal has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Lisbon.
 Rumänien See Romania–Uruguay relations
  • Romania has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Bucharest.
 Russland See Russia–Uruguay relations

Russia is looking for cooperation with Uruguay in the field of nuclear energy, the Russian ambassador to Latin America said: "Our countries could maintain cooperation in the sphere of nuclear energy although Uruguay's legislation bans the use of nuclear energy". The diplomat said Uruguayan officials had shown interest in a floating nuclear power plant, when the project's presentation took place at the Russian Embassy recently. The first floating plant will have capacity of 70 MW of electricity, and about 300 MW of thermal power. The cost of the first plant is estimated at US$400 million, but could later be reduced to $240 million. This year marks the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Uruguay.

 Serbien 1950

Both countries have established diplomatic relations in September 1950.[128] A number of bilateral agreements in various fields have been concluded and are in force between both countries.[129]

  • Serbia is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Serbia from its embassy in Bucharest, Romania.
 Spanien 19 July 1870 See Spain–Uruguay relations
 Schweden See Sweden–Uruguay relations
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina and maintains and honorary consulate in Montevideo.
  Schweiz 1828 See Switzerland–Uruguay relations

Both countries share a long history of mutual economic relations, and they established diplomatic relations in 1828.[132] In the twentieth century, Uruguay has looked to Switzerland as a model for government, historical and cultural ties go back to at least the nineteenth century.[133] There are 956 people with Swiss passports residing in Uruguay in 2009. Uruguay was described as the "Switzerland of the Americas" in a 1951 New York Times article for its popularity as a haven for capital fleeing Europe at the time and its adoption of Swiss-inspired banking laws. Thomas J. Knight also wrote that "Uruguay has for most of its history been the 'Switzerland' of South America."[134]

  • Switzerland has an embassy in Montevideo.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Bern.
  • Ukraine is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.[135]
  • Uruguay is accredited to Ukraine from its embassy in Moscow (Russia) and through an honorary consulate in Kyiv.
  • There are around 10,000 people of Ukrainian descent living in Uruguay.
 Vereinigtes Königreich 1825 See United Kingdom–Uruguay relations

British Foreign and Commonwealth Office about the relations with Uruguay


Land Formal Relations Began Notes
 Australien See Australia–Uruguay relations
  • Fiji is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
  • Uruguay is accredited to Fiji from its embassy in Canberra, Australia.

See also


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  132. ^ "Uruguay and Switzerland — cultural and economic Benefits from new Market opportunities". Mercosur. Archived from the original on 2011-10-02. Retrieved 2009-05-14. Switzerland and Uruguay feature relatively stable and reliable democracies. And both countries share a long history of mutual economic relations. ... This Swiss settlement was soon to become known for the exceptional quality of its cheese and other dairy products. As transport developed, the farmers began selling their products on an unprecedented scale, notably to Argentina and even to Switzerland. ... Uruguay and Switzerland laid down the cornerstone of their cooperation in 1938: The two countries signed a trade agreement aimed to enhance commercial cooperation. And in 1991, an agreement on the mutual protection of investments became effective.
  133. ^ Lijphart, Arend (1980). Democracy in plural societies. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-02494-0. Switzerland and republican Austria have not been colonial powers, but some attention should be paid to the case of Uruguay for which Swiss democracy served ...
  134. ^ Thomas J. Knight, Latin America comes of age (Scarecrow Press, 1979), 24.
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  136. ^ British embassy in Montevideo Archived 2003-08-04 at the Wayback Machine

Further reading

  • Meyer, Peter J. "Uruguay: Political and Economic Conditions and US Relations." (Library Of Congress Washington Dc Congressional Research Service, 2010) online.
  • Travieso, Emiliano. "United by grass, separated by coal: Uruguay and New Zealand during the First Globalization." Journal of Global History 15.2 (2020): 269–289. online