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Malawi's former President Bakili Muluzi continued the pro-Western foreign policy established by his predecessor, Hastings Banda. It maintains excellent diplomatic relations with principal Western countries. Malawi's close relations with South Africa throughout the apartheid era strained its relations with other African nations. Following the collapse of apartheid in 1994, Malawi developed, and currently maintains, strong diplomatic relations with all African countries.

Bilateral donors

Important bilateral donors include Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Republic of China (Taiwan), the United Kingdom, and the United States. Multilateral donors include the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the African Development Bank, and the United Nations organizations.


Malawi assumed the chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 2001. Muluzi took an active role in SADC on issues such as the global coalition against terrorism and land reform in Zimbabwe.


Malawi has been a member of the ACP group since Lomé I and is also a party to the Cotonou Agreement, the partnership agreement between the European Community/European Union and 77 states from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Memberships in international organizations

Malawi is a member of the following international organizations: the Commonwealth of Nations, the United Nations and some of its specialized and related agencies (i.e. UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO), IMF, World Bank, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, Organization of African Unity (OAU), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Lomé Convention, African Development Bank (AFDB), Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Non-Aligned Movement, G-77, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Malawi is also a member of the International Criminal Court with a Bilateral Immunity Agreement of protection for the US-military (as covered under Article 98).

Diplomatic relations

List of countries which Malawi maintains diplomatic relations with:

# Land Date
1  Vereinigtes Königreich 6 July 1964[1]
2  Frankreich 6 July 1964[2]
3  Deutschland 6 July 1964[3]
4  Vereinigte Staaten 6 July 1964[4]
5  Ghana 8 July 1964[5]
6  Israel 15 July 1964[6]
7  Äthiopien 30 July 1964[7]
8  Indien 19 October 1964[1]
9  Ägypten 25 November 1964[8]
10  Norwegen 9 March 1965[9]
11  Südkorea 9 March 1965[10]
12  Portugal 27 May 1965[1]
13  Kenia 28 September 1965[11]
14  Österreich 2 December 1965[12]
15  Niederlande 16 December 1965[13]
16  Pakistan 1965[14]
17  Schweden 1965[15]
18  Belgien 28 January 1966[16]
 Holy See 5 February 1966[17]
19  Dänemark 22 February 1966[18]
20   Schweiz 19 May 1966[1]
21  Japan 17 June 1966[1]
22  Italien 20 September 1966[1]
23  Botswana 1 July 1967[19]
24  Südafrika 10 September 1967[20]
25  Türkei 4 August 1969[21]
26  Nigeria 29 November 1969[22]
27  Griechenland 30 April 1970[23]
28  Sambia 15 September 1970[24]
29  Spanien 27 October 1972[25]
30  Kanada 12 February 1974[26]
31  Kamerun 10 September 1974[27]
32  Lesotho 4 September 1976[28]
33  Luxemburg 28 October 1980[29]
34  Democratic Republic of the Congo November 1980[30][31]
35  Algerien 19 June 1981[32]
36  Mosambik 1 July 1981[33]
37  Simbabwe 17 July 1981[34]
38  Uganda 1981[35]
39  North Korea 25 June 1982[36]
40  Australien 1 July 1983[37]
41  Tansania 16 May 1985[38]
42  Albanien 11 July 1985[39]
43  Rumänien 15 July 1985[40]
44  Finnland 1 May 1986[41]
45  Thailand 1 June 1987[42]
46  Namibia 21 March 1990[43]
47  Brasilien 23 August 1990[44]
48  Chile 30 November 1990[45]
49  Ungarn 26 December 1990[46]
50  Tschechische Republik 20 March 1991[47]
51  Malaysia 6 November 1991[48]
52  Polen 10 July 1992[49]
53  Russland 2 November 1993[50]
54  Angola 9 November 1993[51]
55  Slowakei 30 December 1993[52]
56  Bulgarien 23 November 1994[53]
57  Kuwait 19 June 1995[54]
58  Iran 18 February 1996[55]
59  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 12 June 1996[56]
60  Cuba 10 December 1997[57]
61  Serbien 13 February 1998[58]
62  Turkmenistan 20 February 1998[59]
63  Kolumbien 30 March 1998[60]
64  Trinidad und Tobago 21 April 1998[61]
65  Bahrain 9 June 1998[62]
66  Island 14 August 1998[63]
67  Singapur 24 August 1998[64]
68  Lettland 10 September 1998[65]
 State of Palestine 23 October 1998[66]
69  Kroatien 13 November 1998[67]
70  Mexiko 10 December 1998[68]
71  Ukraine 22 December 1998[69]
72  Libyen 1998[70]
73  Argentinien 11 March 1999[71]
74  Jordanien 23 June 1999[72]
75  Saudi-Arabien 15 August 1999[73]
76  North Macedonia 27 September 1999[74]
77  Jamaika 30 September 1999[75]
78  Sudan 12 April 2000[76]
79  Zypern 22 June 2000[77]
80  Brunei 11 October 2000[78]
81  Marokko 31 January 2001[79]
82  Mauritius 9 February 2001[80]
83  Philippinen 3 May 2001[81]
84  Seychellen 22 May 2001[82]
85  Ruanda 26 June 2001[83]
86  Weißrussland 13 July 2001[84]
87  Irland 2002[85]
88  Aserbaidschan 21 May 2004[86]
89  Venezuela 31 January 2007[87]
90  China 28 December 2007[88]
91  Liberia 26 February 2009[89]
92  Sri Lanka 9 June 2011[90]
93  Fidschi 25 June 2011[91]
94  Estland 19 July 2011[92]
95  Kambodscha 20 July 2011[93]
96  Malta 21 July 2011[94]
97  Slowenien 21 July 2011[95]
98  Montenegro 16 September 2011[96]
99  Georgien 19 September 2011[97]
100  South Sudan 26 September 2011[98]
101  Bosnien und Herzegowina 18 October 2011[99]
102  Litauen 18 November 2011[100]
103  Mongolei 21 December 2011[101]
104  Burkina Faso 2011[102]
105  Armenien 20 January 2012[103]
106  Myanmar 30 January 2012[104]
107  Bangladesch 15 March 2012[105]
108  Monaco 31 July 2012[106]
109  Katar 26 September 2012[107]
110  Neuseeland 20 March 2013[108]
111  Indonesien 29 September 2014[109]
112  Niger 8 March 2016[110][111]
113  Sierra Leone 8 March 2016[110][111]
114  Senegal 9 March 2016[112]
 Kosovo 20 July 2016[113]
115  Oman 7 December 2016[114]
116  Tunesien 3 May 2017[115]
117  Eritrea 20 July 2017[116]
118  Libanon 18 October 2017[117]
119  Benin 19 February 2019[118]
120  Gambia 19 February 2019[119]
121  Kirgisistan 22 September 2022[120]
122  Malediven 24 September 2022[121]
123  Nicaragua 25 September 2022[122]
124  Republic of the Congo 18 October 2022[123]
125    Nepal 16 February 2023[124]
126  Mali 2 August 2023[125]
127  Dominikanische Republik 1 November 2023[126]
128  San Marino 8 December 2023[127]
129  Bahamas Unknown
130  Burundi Unknown
131  Äquatorial-Guinea Unknown
132  Eswatini Unknown
133  Madagaskar Unknown
134  Mauretanien Unknown

Bilateral Relations

Land Formal Relations Began Notes
 Australien 1 July 1983
 Bahrain 9 June 1998 See Bahrain–Malawi relations
 Botswana 1 July 1967

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 July 1967 when first High Commissioner of Botswana Mr. H. Mannathoko presented his credentials to President of Malawi.[19]

Both countries are full members of the Southern African Development Community, Commonwealth of Nations and of the Non-Aligned Movement.

 Kanada 12 February 1974
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 12 February 1974[26]
  • Both countries are full members of the Commonwealth of Nations.
 China 28 December 2007

Hastings Banda recognized the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 1967. In January 2008, Malawi switched this recognition to the People's Republic of China.[1]

Since 2008 there has been a significant shift by the Malawian government towards accepting investment from China.[129] Potentially this may be part of a wider power struggle between the East and West in Africa.[130]

 Zypern 22 June 2000
 Dänemark 22 February 1966
  • Denmark is represented in Malawi by its embassy in Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Malawi is represented in Denmark by its embassy in London, England, United Kingdom.
 Griechenland 30 April 1970
 Indien 19 October 1964 See India–Malawi relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 October 1964 when has been accredited Acting High Commissioner of India to Malawi Mr. Dileep S. Kamtekar.[1]

 Iran 5 April 1971 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 April 1971.[132] But diplomatic relations were severed on 11 February 1979 and re-established on 18 February 1996.[55]
 Israel 15 July 1964 See Israel–Malawi relations
 Mexiko 10 December 1998
  • Malawi is accredited to Mexico from its embassy in Washington, D.C., United States.[133]
  • Mexico is accredited to Malawi from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.[134]
 Mosambik 1 July 1981 See Malawi–Mozambique relations

Between 1985 and 1995, Malawi accommodated more than a million refugees from Mozambique. The refugee crisis placed a substantial strain on Malawi's economy but also drew significant inflows of international assistance. The accommodation and eventual repatriation of the Mozambicans is considered a major success by international organizations.

 Philippinen 3 May 2001

Neither country has an embassy in each other's territories. The Philippines's embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, is accredited to Malawi; on the other hand, Malawi's embassy in Tokyo, Japan, is accredited to the Philippines.

As of 25 May 2018, the date of presentation of credentials of Philippine non-resident ambassador Uriel Norman Garibay to President Arthur Peter Mutharika, there are 41 Filipino nationals residing in Malawi, mainly in Blantyre and Lilongwe.[135]

 Polen 10 July 1992 See Malawi–Poland relations
 Katar 26 September 2012 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 September 2012 when Ambassador of Malawi to Qatar (resident in Kuwait City) Mr. Yunis Abdul Karim has presented his credentials.[107]
 Ruanda 26 June 2001

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 June 2001 when accredited first Ambassador of Rwanda to Malawi (resident in Dar es Salaam) Mr. Zephyr Mutanguha[83]

In 1996, Malawi received a number of Rwandan and Congolese refugees seeking asylum. The government did not turn away refugees, but it did invoke the principle of "first country of asylum." Under this principle, refugees who requested asylum in another country first, or who had the opportunity to do so would not subsequently be granted asylum in Malawi. There were no reports of the forcible repatriation of refugees.

 Südafrika 10 September 1967 See Malawi–South Africa relations

The colonial structures of Malawian labour export to South African mines continued after Malawi achieved independence in 1964. Led by dictator Hastings Banda, Malawi was the only African country to maintain close relations with White-ruled South Africa until the 1994 election of Nelson Mandela. Malawians were viewed as important workers in the South African mines due to their "skills, work discipline and lack of militancy"[136] From 1988 to 1992, around 13,000 Malawian migrant laborers were forcefully repatriated out of South Africa. Officially, this was because 200 Malawians had tested positive for HIV in the previous two years, but many believe that it was due to the need for retrenchment of laborers during a crisis in South Africa's mining industry.[136]

Since South Africa and Malawi had their first democratic elections in 1994, Malawi and South Africa have enhanced relations. In 2008, the two governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding designed to enhance the relationship between the two countries through enhanced security cooperation.[137]

 Südkorea 9 March 1965

In 2011 Bilateral Trade between both nations totaled US$31 million.[138]

 Spanien 27 October 1972 See Malawi–Spain relations
 Tansania 16 May 1985

Malawi has a dispute with Tanzania over the boundary in Lake Nyasa (Lake Malawi).

 Türkei 4 August 1969
  • Embassy of Malawi in Berlin is accredited to Turkey.[139]
  • Turkish Embassy in Lusaka is accredited to Malawi.[139]
  • Trade volume between the two countries was US$21 million in 2019 (Malawi's exports/imports: 16.4/4.67 million USD).[139]
 Ukraine 22 December 1998 See Malawi–Ukraine relations
 Vereinigtes Königreich 6 July 1964 See Malawi–United Kingdom relations

Historical ties make the UK historically one of the more important donors and supporters of Malawi. However, the expulsion of the UK's High Commissioner in April 2011 may change this relationship. Since the expulsion the UK has suspended direct government aid,[140] citing concerns over governance and human rights.

 Vereinigte Staaten 6 July 1964 See Malawi–United States relations

The transition from a one-party state to a multi-party democracy significantly strengthened the already cordial U.S. relationship with Malawi. Significant numbers of Malawians study in the United States. The United States has an active Peace Corps program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, and an Agency for International Development (USAID) mission in Malawi.

In July 2011, the United States suspended direct funding. The US government agency responsible, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, suspended aid because it was 'deeply upset' by the deaths of the 19 people during the July protests.[141]

 Simbabwe 17 July 1981 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 July 1981 when has been appointed first High Commissioner of Malawi to Zimbabwe Mr. M. A. Banda and open High Commission of Malawi in Harare.[34]

Malawi became a full member of the Commonwealth on independence from the United Kingdom in 1964. Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Commonwealth, was Queen of Malawi, represented by the Governor-General of Malawi, until the country became a republic in the Commonwealth of Nations in 1966, when the then Prime Minister of Malawi, Hastings Banda, declared himself the first President of Malawi.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Diplomatic and Consular List Issue 3. Malawi. Ministry of External Affairs. 1967. p. 1.
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