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List of political parties in France: Difference between revisions

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|[[Left-wing populism]]
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King Baldwin is cold{{Update|section|date=June 2022}}

=== Other nationwide represented parties ===
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Revision as of 10:01, 30 April 2024

Name Abbr. Leader Députés Senators MEPs Presidency of
regional councils
Presidency of
departmental councils
Position Ideology
Renaissance RE Stéphane Séjourné
155 / 577
13 / 348
11 / 74
1 / 18
2 / 98
Centre[1] to centre-right Liberalism, Pro-Europeanism
The Republicans LR Eric Ciotti
62 / 577
116 / 348
7 / 74
3 / 18
39 / 98
Centre-right to right-wing Liberal conservatism, Gaullism
National Rally RN Jordan Bardella
88 / 577
3 / 348
19 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Far-right Right-wing populism
Socialist Party PS Olivier Faure
27 / 577
63 / 348
2 / 74
5 / 18
27 / 98
Centre-left Social democracy
La France Insoumise FI Manuel Bompard
69 / 577
0 / 348
3 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing to far-left Left-wing populism

King Baldwin is cold

Party Abbr. National
Leader or chair Députés Senators MEPs Presidency of
regional councils
Presidency of
departmental councils
Democratic Movement MoDem Ensemble François Bayrou
49 / 577
3 / 348
6 / 74
0 / 18
1 / 98
Centre to centre-right Liberalism, social liberalism, Christian democracy
Horizons Ensemble Édouard Philippe
28 / 577
13 / 348
2 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-right Liberal conservatism
Left Party PG NUPES Eric Coquerel,
Danielle Simonnet
20 / 577
0 / 348
2 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Democratic socialism, left-wing populism, left-wing nationalism
The Ecologists NUPES Marine Tondelier
16 / 577
12 / 348
9 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left to left-wing Green politics
French Communist Party PCF GDR, NUPES Fabien Roussel
12 / 577
14 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing to far-left Communism, soft Euroscepticism
Union of Democrats and Independents UDI UDC Jean-Christophe Lagarde
10 / 577
32 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
8 / 98
Centre to centre-right Centrism, social liberalism, pro-Europeanism, Christian democracy
Ecosocialist Left [fr] GES FI group, NUPES
4 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Socialism, eco-socialism, anti-globalisation
Radical Party RAD Ensemble, LT Laurent Hénart,
Sylvia Pinel
5 / 577
8 / 348
2 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre Liberalism, pro-Europeanism
Génération.s NUPES Benoît Hamon
4 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left to left-wing Social democracy, democratic socialism
En Commun EC Ensemble Philippe Hardouin
4 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left Green politics
The Centrists LC LT, UDC Hervé Morin
1 / 577
7 / 348
1 / 74
1 / 18
2 / 98
Centre to centre-right Centrism, conservative liberalism, Christian democracy
Soyons libres SL LR, UDC Valérie Pécresse
2 / 577
6 / 348
0 / 74
1 / 18
1 / 98
Centre-right Liberal conservatism, Gaullism, economic liberalism, pro-Europeanism
Ecology Generation GE NUPES Delphine Batho
1 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre Green politics, integral ecology, eco-feminism
Radical Party of the Left PRG Guillaume Lacroix [fr]
0 / 577
4 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
2 / 98
Centre-left Social liberalism, Pro-Europeanism
Ecological Revolution for the Living REV NUPES Aymeric Caron
1 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Animal rights, Social democracy
Ecologist Party PE LREM François de Rugy
1 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left Green politics, green liberalism, environmentalism, social-liberalism, European federalism
Debout la France DLF None Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
1 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Right-wing to far-right French nationalism, national conservatism, Gaullism, Republicanism, souverainism, social conservatism, Euroscepticism
Independent Workers' Party POI FI group, NUPES
1 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98


Reconquête R! None Éric Zemmour
1 / 577
1 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Far-right National conservatism, Anti-immigration, Gaullism, Soft Euroscepticism
Democratic European Force FED UDI, UDC Jean-Christophe Lagarde
0 / 577
2 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-right Centrism, social liberalism, pro-Europeanism, Christian democracy
Centrist Alliance AC LaREM Philippe Folliot
2 / 577
4 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre Centrism, liberalism
La Force du 13 LFD13 None Jean-Noël Guérini
0 / 577
1 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Social democracy
Modern Left LGM UDI Jean-Marie Bockel
0 / 577
1 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre Social liberalism
Democracy and republic
0 / 577
1 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Republican and Socialist Left GRS FI group, FGR Emmanuel Maurel,
Marie-Noëlle Lienemann
0 / 577
0 / 348
1 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Socialism, Euroscepticism, economic interventionism, statism
Place Publique PP NUPES Raphaël Glucksmann
0 / 577
0 / 348
2 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left Social democracy, Pro-Europeanism
Cap Ecology Cap écologie LREM Corinne Lepage
0 / 577
0 / 348
1 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre to centre-left Environmentalism, Green liberalism, Green politics
New Deal ND NUPES Arnaud Lelache & Aline Mouquet
0 / 577
0 / 348
1 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-left to left-wing Progressivism, Keynesianism, European federalism
French Future LAF National Rally group Jean-Philippe Tanguy
5 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Right-wing to far-right Gaullism
National conservatism
Progressive Federation FP Renaissance group François Rebsamen
2 / 577
0 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Left-wing Social democracy
La France Audacieuse LFA Senate Republicans Christian Estrosi
0 / 577
2 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
Centre-right Gaullism Liberal conservatism Christian democracy Pro-Europeanism
Dare France OLF Senate Republicans Julien Aubert
5 / 577
4 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
0 / 98
The Convention LC Bernard Cazeneuve
3 / 577
2 / 348
0 / 74
0 / 18
2 / 98
Left-wing Socialism

Regional parties with national representation

Territory Party Abbr. National
Leader or chair Députés Senators MEPs Presidency of
regional councils
Presidency of
departmental councils
 Corsica Femu a Corsica Femu LT Gilles Simeoni
2 / 4
1 / 2
1 / 79
1 / 1
Centre Corsican nationalism, Corsican autonomism
 Neukaledonien Caledonia Together CE UDI Philippe Gomès
1 / 2
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-right Anti-separatism, progressivism, protectionism, environmentalism, Christian democracy
 Französisch-Polynesien Tapura Huiraatira TH Ensemble Édouard Fritch
0 / 3
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-right Liberalism, autonomism, anti-independence
 Guadeloupe United Guadeloupe, Solidary and Responsible GUSR LREM Guy Losbar
0 / 4
2 / 3
0 / 79
1 / 1
Centre-left Social democracy, social liberalism, autonomism
 Französisch-Guayana Guiana Rally GR LREM Rodolphe Alexandre
0 / 2
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
 Réunion For Réunion PLR GDR, NUPES Huguette Bello
2 / 7
1 / 348
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Post-Marxism, social democracy, regionalism
 St. Pierre und Miquelon Cap sur l'avenir [fr] LREM Annick Girardin
0 / 1
1 / 1
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-left Classical radicalism
 Französisch-Polynesien Tavini Huiraatira TH GDR Oscar Temaru
3 / 3
0 / 2
0 / 79
1 / 1
Left-wing French Polynesian independence, social democracy, democratic socialism, progressivism
 Corsica Party of the Corsican Nation PNC LT Jean-Christophe Angelini
1 / 4
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Corsican nationalism, left-wing nationalism, social democracy
 Martinique Péyi-A GDR Jean-Philippe Nilor, Marcelin Nadeau
2 / 4
0 / 348
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Post-Marxism, separatism
 Réunion Rézistans Equality 974 RÉ974 FI group, NUPES Jean-Hugues Ratenon
2 / 7
0 / 348
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Social democracy, regionalism
 Picardy[a] Picardie debout FI group, NUPES François Ruffin
1 / 10
0 / 348
0 / 79
0 / 1
0 / 3
Far-left Anti-capitalism, protectionism, left-wing souverainism, left-wing populism, participatory democracy, eco-socialism
 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur League of the South LS RN group Jacques Bompard
1 / 20
0 / 348
0 / 79
0 / 1
0 / 5
Far-right National conservatism, souverainism, identitarian, anti-globalization, regionalism, patriotism, localism, Poujadism, liberal conservatism
 St. Pierre und Miquelon Archipelago Tomorrow AD RDSE Gérard Grignon
1 / 1
0 / 1
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-right Christian democracy, Social conservatism
 Corsica Bonapartist Central Committee CCB Horizons group André Villanova
1 / 4
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-right Ajaccio localism, Corsican regionalism, Bonapartism, Conservatism, Constitutional monarchism
 Guadeloupe Progressive Democratic Party of Guadeloupe PPDG NUPES Jacques Bangou
1 / 4
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-left to left-wing Democratic socialism, Post-Marxism, Guadeloupean autonomy
 Neukaledonien Générations NC GNC Renaissance group Nicolas Metzdorf
1 / 2
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre to centre-right Anti-separatism, Autonomism, Conservative liberalism, Centralism, Ecologism
 Martinique Martinican Progressive Party PPM NUPES Serge Letchimy
1 / 4
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Progressivism, Democratic socialism, Autonomism
 Martinique Eko Zabym EK LIOT Olivier Serva
1 / 4
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
 Französisch-Guayana Decolonization and Social Emancipation Movement MDES NUPES Fabien Canavy
1 / 2
0 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Far-left Guianese nationalism, Anti-colonialism,Marxism
 Réunion Le Progrès LP NUPES
1 / 7
0 / 4
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Social democracy
 Réunion For Réunion PLA NUPES Huguette Bello
2 / 7
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Left-wing Post-Marxism, Democratic socialism
 St. Martin Saint-Martinois Rally RSM NUPES Huguette Bello
1 / 1
1 / 2
0 / 79
1 / 1
Left-wing Autonomism
 Neukaledonien The Rally The Republicans Thierry Santa
0 / 2
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Right-wing Anti-separatism, Gaullism, Conservatism, Liberal conservatism, Christian democracy
Frankreich French diaspora Solidarity alliance of French people abroad [fr] ASFE The Republicans Évelyne Renaud-Garabedian [fr]
0 / 11
2 / 6
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-right to Right-wing
 Französisch-Guayana New Force of Guyana [fr] NFG RDPI Marie-Laure Phinéra-Horth
0 / 2
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
 Neukaledonien Caledonian Union UC CRCE-Kanaky, Ensemble Citoyens Daniel Goa
0 / 2
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre-left Separatism, Melanesian socialism, Christian left
 Französisch-Polynesien Ia Ora te Nuna'a RDPI, Ensemble Citoyens Teva Rohfritsch
0 / 3
1 / 2
0 / 79
0 / 1
Centre to Centre-right French Polynesian autonomy
 Guadeloupe Guadeloupean Federation of the Socialist Party [fr] FGPS NUPES Olivier Nicolas
1 / 4
1 / 3
0 / 79
0 / 1
0 / 1
Centre-Left Democratic socialism, Progressivism, Social democracy, Social-ecology, Pro-Europeanism
 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes The Localists [fr] LL National Rally Hervé Juvin
0 / 577
0 / 348
1 / 79
0 / 1
Right-wing Identitarian movement
 Brittany Breton Democratic Union UBD Lydie Massard & Pierre-Emmanuel Marais
0 / 577
0 / 348
1 / 79
0 / 1
0 / 4
Left-wing Autonomism, Environmentalism, Pro-Europeanism

Region-only parties

Acronym and Name National coalition Leader or Chairman Territorial councillors Ideology
LMR: Rurality Movement None Eddie Puyjalon Regional:
4 / 1,880
Traditional rural values; refusal of environmental legislation and regulations restricting the right to hunt and fish, conservative, Eurosceptic
MEI: Independent Ecological Movement None Antoine Waechter Regional:
3 / 1,880
Green politics, Centrism, anti-nuclear
CNIP: National Centre of Independents and Peasants None Bruno North Regional:
4 / 1,880
French nationalism, Conservatism, Agrarianism, Euroscepticism
VIA: VIA, the Way of the People None Jean-Frédéric Poisson Regional:
2 / 1,880
Christian democracy,Social conservatism, Christian right, Soft Euroscepticism
PLB: Brittany Movement and Progress None André Lavanant Regional:
1 / 1,880
Breton nationalism, Regionalism, Socialism, Ecology
PA: Animalist Party None Antoine Stathoulias, Douchka Markovic, Hélène Thouy, Pierre Mazaheri Regional:
1 / 1,880
Animal welfare, Animal rights
BE: Brittany Ecology None None Regional:
1 / 1,880
Progressivism, Green politics, European federalism, Alter-globalization, Regionalism

Non-elected parties

Acronym and Name National coalition Leader or Chairman Political Position
UPR: Popular Republican Union None François Asselineau French nationalism, Hard Euroscepticism
CJ: Comités Jeanne None Jean-Marie Le Pen Nationalism, Euroscepticism, souverainism
AR: Royal Alliance None Pierre Bernard Monarchism (Orléanism), conservatism, Euroscepticism
NAR: New Royalist Action None Bertrand Renouvin Monarchism, conservatism, Euroscepticism, Gaullism
RD: Democratic Rally None Philippe Cartellier Monarchism, conservatism, Gaullism, Capetism
GE: Ecology Generation None Yves Piétrasanta Green politics, green conservatism, centre-right
GR: Revolutionary Left None Collective Marxism, socialism, Trotskyism
PCOF: Workers' Communist Party of France None Collective Communism, Marxism–Leninism, Hoxhaism, Anti-revisionism
PRCF: Pole of Communist Revival in France None Léon Landini Communism, Marxism-Leninism, Left-wing nationalism
OCML-VP: Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization – Proletarian Way None Collective Communism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
PP: Pirate Party None Maxime Rouquet, Guillaume Lecoquierre Intellectual property reform, protection of privacy and individual liberty
LO: Workers' Struggle None Nathalie Arthaud, spokeswoman Trotskyism, internationalism, feminism
PL: Libertarian Party None Guilhem d'Urbal Libertarianism
PT: Workers' Party None Collective Communism, Trotskyism, Lambertism, Internationalism, Euroscepticism
UCL: Libertarian Communist Union None Collective Anarchist Communism, Anarcha-feminism
JC: New Jacobin Party None Gerald d'Ouvril, acting leader

Maximilien Robespierre, youth leader

Jacobinism, Republicanism
Volt: Volt France None Cécile Richard, Adrien Copros European federalism, Social liberalism, Progressivism, Pro-Europeanism
SP: Solidarity and Progress None Jacques Cheminade Euroscepticism, LaRouchism

French Revolution

Historical parties

Political parties in French overseas possessions

Historical parties

See also


  1. ^ part of Hauts-de-France


  1. ^ "Will Macron's Centrism Defeat France's Growing Right Wing?". The New Yorker. 14 April 2022.