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{{Nofootnotes|date=January 2008}}
{{Infobox Television episode|
{{Infobox Television episode|
Title=Bad Girls|
Title=Bad Eggs|
Series=[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]|
Series=[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]|
Airdate=[[February 9]] [[1999]]|
Airdate=[[January 12]] [[1998]]|
Writer=[[Douglas Petrie]]|
Writer=[[Marti Noxon]]|
Director=[[Michael Lange]]|
Director=[[David Greenwalt]]|
Episode list=[[List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes]]|
Episode list=[[List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes]]|
Prev=[[The Zeppo]]|
Prev=[[Ted (Buffy episode)|Ted]]|
Next=[[Consequences (Buffy episode)|Consequences]]
Next=[[Surprise (Buffy episode)|Surprise]]

"'''Bad Girls'''" is Episode 14 of Season 3 of the TV series ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''.
"'''Bad Eggs'''" is episode 12 of season 2 of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''.

==Plot synopsis==
== Plot synopsis ==
=== Expanded overview ===
Buffy and her mother Joyce are at a mall discussing how inappropriate a dress is to wear. [[Joyce Summers|Joyce]], realizing the stores are closing and she still has some necessary shopping to do, sends Buffy to pick up her dress while she runs some errands. On her way to the store, Buffy sees a guy wearing a cowboy hat romancing a girl. As she's going down the escalator, she looks in the mirror to see this guy has no reflection. She follows him upstairs, scares the girl off, and fights with him for a while. He runs away and she heads to her mom. As Buffy has forgotten to get the dress, her mom gives her a lecture on responsibility.
Buffy gets a new Watcher; Faith lures Buffy into reckless abandon.

The next day, [[Cordelia Chase|Cordelia]] and [[Xander Harris|Xander]] are making out in a closet until Cordy mentions that she doesn't want anyone to know about their relationship. They reach for the doorknob, but stop and go back to making out. They fall to the floor and Xander reaches up to turn the light off. Later that day in health class, the teacher asks the students to list consequences of sex, and Xander and Cordy list each other's faults as consequences. Finally [[Willow Rosenberg|Willow]] gives the intended answer - pregnancy - and Mr. Whitmore says to learn about parenthood, the students will pair off to take care of an egg.
===Expanded overview===
While patrolling, Faith asks Buffy if she's ever had sex with Xander, and Buffy says they're just friends. They slay a vampire wielding a short blade and long blade. The next day at school, the gang is looking into college and they discuss future plans. Wesley, Buffy's stuffy new Watcher annoys Giles in the library while both Slayers attempt to ignore him. Buffy is instructed to go retrieve an amulet that once belonged to a demon named Balthazar, who led a cult of swordsman vampires before he was killed. Faith expresses to Buffy her belief that as the Slayers, they can do what they want, and enjoy it. Buffy is skeptical, but Faith believes Buffy gets off on slaying as much as she does.

Xander and Willow enter the library with their eggs. Buffy, who had skipped health class, is handed an egg ("As a punishment, it's a little abstract...") that she will have to take care of as a single mother. [[Rupert Giles|Giles]] looks up the cowboys - the Gorch brothers - and suggests Buffy should hunt them with Angel's help. However, that night Buffy and Angel make out in the cemetery instead of hunting. The Gorch brothers watch from the cemetery wall, commenting that Buffy wasn't doing much slaying with Angel. That night, while Buffy is sleeping, her egg breaks open and an arm emerges and attaches itself to Buffy's face.
That night, Buffy finds the amulet but a group of Balthazar's vamps enter before she can take it. Faith arrives and the two slay some of the vamps before retrieving the amulet. After handing over the amulet to Wesley, Buffy leaves to take a necessary chemistry test, but she can't stop talking through the whole test about the previous night and how much she ended up enjoying it. Faith shows up at the window and she and Buffy leave to destroy a vampire nest. The two go dancing afterwards at the Bronze where Buffy meets up with Angel. She's acting very strange and he tries to ignore it and tells her that Balthazar isn't dead and he's looking for his amulet. When Wesley comes looking for Buffy, she takes the amulet from him and gives it to Angel.

The next morning when she wakes up, the egg is back to normal. Back at the library, Giles finds Buffy, Willow, and Xander who have been excused from class because their teacher did not show. Willow and Buffy are tired and sit down on the stairs. Xander begins to toss his egg nonchalantly in the air, as worried looks cross Buffy and Willow's faces. He hits the egg and it goes crashing to the ground, but doesn't break. He then reveals that he cooked it. Giles suggests that Buffy should go back to hunting with Angel since last night was a bust. Buffy and Angel are yet again kissing instead of hunting in the cemetery. They stop to talk and the subject of children comes into play. Angel reveals how he can't have children. Buffy is shocked but that doesn't change how she feels for him.
Buffy and Faith go out and find Balthazar, an obese and ugly demon that must live in a large pool of water and constantly be kept wet. At a loss for weapons against a large group of vampires, they break into a hardware shop and steal some. Faith continues to expound on her philosophy of being a Slayer to Buffy. "Life as a Slayer is very simple. Want, take, have." The police arrive and arrest them, but in the car, the two Slayers kick down the metal gate separating them from the cops, causing the car to crash and the cops to be injured. The following morning, Buffy checks the local newspaper for any news regarding the accident, but finds nothing. The Mayor is attacked by one of Balthazar's vampires, who is foiled by Mr. Trick.

That night, Buffy sneaks back in through her window and sees her egg is moving. She gets closer and the creature inside leaps at her face. She pushes it onto the floor and it crawls under the bed. She uses an iron as a mirror to look around and sees nothing. It crawls on the floor some more. She grabs some scissors and stands waiting for it to show itself. It climbs the wall behind her and she kills it with the scissors. Buffy calls Willow to warn her but Willow's egg has already hatched. Buffy's mom then comes in and sees she is dressed. Buffy is grounded and sentenced to no after-school activities, and to only go to the library until her mother picks her up.
Balthazar demands his minions bring him the Watchers and kill the Slayers. No matter the cost, he must have his amulet. The enemy who crippled him is about to gain ultimate power and he refuses to let this come to pass. Willow presents Buffy with a protection spell and is ready to go slaying that night, but Buffy tells her that it's too dangerous and that she's going with Faith instead. This leaves Willow feeling hurt. The two run into several vampires and stake them, then Allan, the Mayor's secretary walks out and Faith accidentally stakes him, too. He dies before anything can be done and both Slayers flee the scene of the crime in separate directions. Buffy runs into Angel and he tells her about Balthazar taking Giles while Faith returns to the scene where Allan is and just stares at the body.

The next day at school, Willow tries to convince Buffy that her egg must have been a trap set by the cowboys. As they walk, the camera shows the little creature from the egg is hooked to Willow's spine. Xander, hungry, decides to eat his egg. He cracks it and when he is about to eat it screams when he sees the creature inside. In the science lab the gang debates over dissecting the creatures. Willow volunteers and moments later, Cordelia's egg wakes up from inside her backpack. She suddenly picks up a rod and hits Buffy across the face with it. Willow grabs a microscope and hits Xander. They are thrown into a closet. Then Willow and the others are seen grabbing hoes and pickaxes.
With the two Watchers in his possession, Balthazar searches for answers as to who has his amulet. Wesley is cowardly willing to give up anything in exchange for his life. Angel shows up with Buffy, frees Giles and everyone fights. When Balthazar captures Angel, Buffy tosses a live wire into his tub of water, electrocuting him. With his dying breath, Balthazar warns them of his enemy. "When he rises, you'll wish I'd killed you all." In his office that night, the Mayor performs a ritual that makes him invincible. He is now unable to be killed. Buffy confronts Faith about Allan's death but Faith doesn't want to talk about it.

Mrs. Summers comes to school to pick up Buffy but is instead turned into a host by Giles who puts a creature on her back. The two head down to the basement where they begin their work for the mother Bezoar. Buffy and Xander wake up and find two eggs by their side. Buffy smashes them and they head to the library in search of Giles. They find that Giles has been turned into one of these creatures. Just as they begin to find information, [[Jonathan Levinson|Jonathan]] cries out in pain in the hall. They rush out only to find that he has been transformed. They follow and find everyone digging at and pulling eggs from the mother Bezoar. Xander pretends to be a host while Buffy fends off the Gorches. She hits them several times and then is thrown into the working pit.
Buffy is aghast. "Faith, '''you don't get it''', you killed a man."

Xander follows Cordelia and another guy. As they walk down a tunnel, he smashes the guy's head into the wall. Cordelia stops to swing at him and he ducks. She then hits him right on his bump. He screams in pain and then hits her across the face. The cowboys follow Buffy into the basement area and attract attention to them. Willow gives orders to have them killed. Everyone attacks them and Buffy and the cowboys manage to fight them off. The second cowboy comes out and is drawn to the mother creature. She grabs him and sucks him in. The first cowboy blames Buffy for what happened to his brother and throws her to the ground. She is sucked into the mother but grabs a pickax on the way. She beats up the mother creature and then all the workers fall to the ground.
Faith's reply: "No '''you don't get it''', I don't care."

Buffy comes up and out of the creature covered in black goo. She scares off the vampire. The next scene shows all the students leaving. Giles explains that it was a gas leak. Buffy finds her mother, who is upset that Buffy had not studied in the library as she was instructed, and is confined to her room as punishment. Cut to Buffy and Angel kissing through Buffy's window as the camera pulls out.

== Acting ==
Faith follows Angel as a character who fought on Buffy's side but turns into a villain. While Angel's turn was sudden and caused by his curse, Faith's transformation is more gradual; the seeds were planted in her first appearance.

After Faith accidentally kills Allan, Buffy finds her in her hotel room obsessively scrubbing his blood from her shirt. As Richardson and Rabb note, this scene is reminiscent of Lady Macbeth’s "equally futile attempt to wash away guilt by washing away its physical signs." When Buffy reminds Faith that "you can shut off all the emotions that you want... but eventually, they’re gonna find a body," she is referring to the authorities’ finding Allan’s body; however the ambiguous grammar suggests that it is Faith's emotions of guilt and shame that will eventually find a body as well.<ref>{{Citation | last =Richardson | first =J. Michael | last2 =Rabb | first2 =J. Douglas | title =Buffy, Faith and Bad Faith: Choosing to be the Chosen One| journal =Slayage | volume =23 | year =2007 | url =http://slayageonline.com/essays/slayage23/Richardson_Rabb.htm | accessdate = 7-26-2007 }}</ref>

Buffy's instantly antagonistic relationship with Wesley recalls her first meeting with Giles, revealing how far they have come.

*[[Sarah Michelle Gellar]] as Buffy Summers
*[[Sarah Michelle Gellar]] as Buffy Summers
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*[[Charisma Carpenter]] as Cordelia Chase
*[[Charisma Carpenter]] as Cordelia Chase
*[[David Boreanaz]] as Angel
*[[David Boreanaz]] as Angel
*[[Seth Green]] as Oz
*[[Anthony Stewart Head]] as Rupert Giles
*and [[Anthony Stewart Head]] as Rupert Giles

===Guest Starring===
===Guest starring===
*[[Kristine Sutherland]] as Joyce Summers
*[[Kristine Sutherland]] as Joyce Summers
*[[Harry Groener]] as Mayor Wilkins
*[[Jeremy Ratchford]] as Lyle Gorch
*[[K. Todd Freeman]] as Mr. Trick
*[[James Jean Parks|James Parks]] as Tector Gorch
*[[Jack Plotnick]] as Deputy Mayor
*[[Rick Zieff]] as Mr. Whitmore
*[[Alexis Denisof]] as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
*[[Christian Clemenson]] as Balthazar
*[[Eliza Dushku]] as Faith

*[[Alex Skuby]] as Vincent
*[[Wendy Clifford]] as Mrs. Taggert
*[[Ron Roggé]] as Cop

==Production details==

*[[Curve (band)|Curve]] - "Chinese Burn". - Plays whilst Faith and Buffy dance in the Bronze.

==Quotes and trivia==
{{Trivia|date=December 2007}}
{{wikiquotepar|Buffy the Vampire Slayer#Bad Girls}}
:'''Buffy''': ''(sarcastically to Wesley)'' "Whenever Giles sends me on a mission, he always says 'please.' And afterwards I get a cookie."

* The song playing during Faith and Buffy's dance at the Bronze is also the song playing during the opening sequence of the Season 3 DVDs.

* In this episode, Oz wears a T-shirt for the early English punk band [[Eater]].
*[[Danny Strong]] as [[Jonathan Levinson]]
*[[Brie McCaddin]] as Cute Girl
*[[Eric Whitmore]] as Night Watchman

== Production details ==
* Alyson Hannigan first met future-husband Alexis Denisof on the set of this episode. While Alyson was immediately attracted to Alexis and asked him out, he declined saying that he didn't date coworkers. The two remained friends for over a year before they started dating. They married in September 2003.
=== Music ===
* [[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]] - "[[Eine kleine Nachtmusik]]"
* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Overture to [[The Magic Flute]]

==Trivia ==
* The vampire Balthazar kills a little over 20 minutes into the episode doesn't dust, he just falls down dead.
* This episode contains the first direct reference that Willow is Jewish (although there is a hint with her last name, Rosenberg).

* This is also the episode in which it's stated for the first time that vampires are sterile and cannot have children. Ironically, this is said by Angel, who will be the one and only vampire to be a father.
* When Buffy tells Faith, "I hate it when they drown me," it's an allusion to the season one finale in which the Master drowns Buffy (she was revived by CPR).

* Among the movies referenced in this episode are ''[[Invasion of the Body Snatchers]]'', ''[[Alien (film)|Alien]]'', ''[[Children of the Corn]]'', and ''[[The Wild Bunch]]'' (from which the Gorch brothers' names were derived{{Fact|date=November 2007}}).
* [[Italian language|Italian]] title: "Balthzar" (sic! Balthazar with an "a" missing!)
* [[German language|German]] title: "Der neue Wächter" ("The new watcher")
* [[French language|French]] title: "El Eliminati"
* [[Japanese language|Japanese]] title: "バッドガールズ" ("Baddo Gāruzu" - "Bad Girls")
* [[Spanish language|Spanish]] title: "Chicas malas" ("Bad girls")

* The Gorch brothers know of Angel, although their knowledge of him is never explained.
===Arc significance===

*Angel says to Buffy 'you don't care what happens in a year, five years from now' In a year's time Angel will leave Buffy and in 5 years the Hellmouth and Sunnydale will be destroyed.
* This episode is the major turning point of season three. Faith has been a loose cannon with issues of trust, and she enjoys slaying a little too much, but she has been fighting for the right cause. She will not for much longer. The Mayor's plan becomes clearer, and Wesley has arrived and will bug the Scoobies until the end.

== Continuity ==
* Willow gives Buffy the protection spell she has been working on since "[[Gingerbread (Buffy episode)|Gingerbread]]" in a lavender-scented pouch.
=== Arc significance ===

This episode introduces the Gorch brothers, Lyle and Tector, as minor villains. Tector is eaten, but Lyle returns in Season 3's "[[Homecoming (Buffy episode)|Homecoming]]".
* This episode marks the first appearance of [[Wesley Wyndam-Pryce]] who goes on to become a prominent member of [[Angel Investigations]] in L.A.

The physical relationship between Buffy and Angel is intensifying, foreshadowing the events of ''[[Innocence (Buffy episode)|Innocence]]''.

== Translations ==
*Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:

* [[French language|French]] title: "Oeufs-surprises" ("Surprises-eggs")</br>The title refers to chocolate eggs with toys or other eggs hidden inside, much like Easter Eggs, but not necessarily during Easter.
* [[Italian language|Italian]] title: "Uova cattive" ("Bad eggs")
* [[German language|German]] title: "Faule Eier" ("Bad eggs")
* [[Japanese language|Japanese]] title: "不気味な卵" ("Bukimi na Tamago" - "Weird Eggs")

==External links==
=== Timing ===
* Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
* {{imdb episode|id=0533392|episode=Bad Girls}}
* {{tv.com episode|id=48|title=Bad Girls}}

*[http://www3.sympatico.ca/jenoff/btvs314.htm Peripheral Visions Review]
*[http://www.section31.com/guideextras.php?id=178 Section 31 Review]
*[http://tv.swingthesickle.com/ststv/Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer/Season_3/14.review Swing the Sickle Review]

== External links ==
{{wikiquotepar|Buffy the Vampire Slayer#Bad Eggs|Bad Eggs}}
* {{imdb episode|id=0533391|episode=Bad Eggs}}
* {{tv.com episode|id=24|title=Bad Eggs}}


Revision as of 03:08, 12 February 2008

"Bad Girls (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)"

"Bad Eggs" is episode 12 of season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Plot synopsis

Expanded overview

Buffy and her mother Joyce are at a mall discussing how inappropriate a dress is to wear. Joyce, realizing the stores are closing and she still has some necessary shopping to do, sends Buffy to pick up her dress while she runs some errands. On her way to the store, Buffy sees a guy wearing a cowboy hat romancing a girl. As she's going down the escalator, she looks in the mirror to see this guy has no reflection. She follows him upstairs, scares the girl off, and fights with him for a while. He runs away and she heads to her mom. As Buffy has forgotten to get the dress, her mom gives her a lecture on responsibility.

The next day, Cordelia and Xander are making out in a closet until Cordy mentions that she doesn't want anyone to know about their relationship. They reach for the doorknob, but stop and go back to making out. They fall to the floor and Xander reaches up to turn the light off. Later that day in health class, the teacher asks the students to list consequences of sex, and Xander and Cordy list each other's faults as consequences. Finally Willow gives the intended answer - pregnancy - and Mr. Whitmore says to learn about parenthood, the students will pair off to take care of an egg.

Xander and Willow enter the library with their eggs. Buffy, who had skipped health class, is handed an egg ("As a punishment, it's a little abstract...") that she will have to take care of as a single mother. Giles looks up the cowboys - the Gorch brothers - and suggests Buffy should hunt them with Angel's help. However, that night Buffy and Angel make out in the cemetery instead of hunting. The Gorch brothers watch from the cemetery wall, commenting that Buffy wasn't doing much slaying with Angel. That night, while Buffy is sleeping, her egg breaks open and an arm emerges and attaches itself to Buffy's face.

The next morning when she wakes up, the egg is back to normal. Back at the library, Giles finds Buffy, Willow, and Xander who have been excused from class because their teacher did not show. Willow and Buffy are tired and sit down on the stairs. Xander begins to toss his egg nonchalantly in the air, as worried looks cross Buffy and Willow's faces. He hits the egg and it goes crashing to the ground, but doesn't break. He then reveals that he cooked it. Giles suggests that Buffy should go back to hunting with Angel since last night was a bust. Buffy and Angel are yet again kissing instead of hunting in the cemetery. They stop to talk and the subject of children comes into play. Angel reveals how he can't have children. Buffy is shocked but that doesn't change how she feels for him.

That night, Buffy sneaks back in through her window and sees her egg is moving. She gets closer and the creature inside leaps at her face. She pushes it onto the floor and it crawls under the bed. She uses an iron as a mirror to look around and sees nothing. It crawls on the floor some more. She grabs some scissors and stands waiting for it to show itself. It climbs the wall behind her and she kills it with the scissors. Buffy calls Willow to warn her but Willow's egg has already hatched. Buffy's mom then comes in and sees she is dressed. Buffy is grounded and sentenced to no after-school activities, and to only go to the library until her mother picks her up.

The next day at school, Willow tries to convince Buffy that her egg must have been a trap set by the cowboys. As they walk, the camera shows the little creature from the egg is hooked to Willow's spine. Xander, hungry, decides to eat his egg. He cracks it and when he is about to eat it screams when he sees the creature inside. In the science lab the gang debates over dissecting the creatures. Willow volunteers and moments later, Cordelia's egg wakes up from inside her backpack. She suddenly picks up a rod and hits Buffy across the face with it. Willow grabs a microscope and hits Xander. They are thrown into a closet. Then Willow and the others are seen grabbing hoes and pickaxes.

Mrs. Summers comes to school to pick up Buffy but is instead turned into a host by Giles who puts a creature on her back. The two head down to the basement where they begin their work for the mother Bezoar. Buffy and Xander wake up and find two eggs by their side. Buffy smashes them and they head to the library in search of Giles. They find that Giles has been turned into one of these creatures. Just as they begin to find information, Jonathan cries out in pain in the hall. They rush out only to find that he has been transformed. They follow and find everyone digging at and pulling eggs from the mother Bezoar. Xander pretends to be a host while Buffy fends off the Gorches. She hits them several times and then is thrown into the working pit.

Xander follows Cordelia and another guy. As they walk down a tunnel, he smashes the guy's head into the wall. Cordelia stops to swing at him and he ducks. She then hits him right on his bump. He screams in pain and then hits her across the face. The cowboys follow Buffy into the basement area and attract attention to them. Willow gives orders to have them killed. Everyone attacks them and Buffy and the cowboys manage to fight them off. The second cowboy comes out and is drawn to the mother creature. She grabs him and sucks him in. The first cowboy blames Buffy for what happened to his brother and throws her to the ground. She is sucked into the mother but grabs a pickax on the way. She beats up the mother creature and then all the workers fall to the ground.

Buffy comes up and out of the creature covered in black goo. She scares off the vampire. The next scene shows all the students leaving. Giles explains that it was a gas leak. Buffy finds her mother, who is upset that Buffy had not studied in the library as she was instructed, and is confined to her room as punishment. Cut to Buffy and Angel kissing through Buffy's window as the camera pulls out.



Guest starring


Production details



  • This episode contains the first direct reference that Willow is Jewish (although there is a hint with her last name, Rosenberg).
  • This is also the episode in which it's stated for the first time that vampires are sterile and cannot have children. Ironically, this is said by Angel, who will be the one and only vampire to be a father.
  • The Gorch brothers know of Angel, although their knowledge of him is never explained.
  • Angel says to Buffy 'you don't care what happens in a year, five years from now' In a year's time Angel will leave Buffy and in 5 years the Hellmouth and Sunnydale will be destroyed.


Arc significance

This episode introduces the Gorch brothers, Lyle and Tector, as minor villains. Tector is eaten, but Lyle returns in Season 3's "Homecoming".

The physical relationship between Buffy and Angel is intensifying, foreshadowing the events of Innocence.


  • French title: "Oeufs-surprises" ("Surprises-eggs")
    The title refers to chocolate eggs with toys or other eggs hidden inside, much like Easter Eggs, but not necessarily during Easter.
  • Italian title: "Uova cattive" ("Bad eggs")
  • German title: "Faule Eier" ("Bad eggs")
  • Japanese title: "不気味な卵" ("Bukimi na Tamago" - "Weird Eggs")


  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
