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Fernando Enriquez de Ribera y de Moura, 6th Marquis of Tarifa: Difference between revisions

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Fernando Afán de Ribera y Enríquez, a.k.a. Fernando Enriquez de Ribera y de Moura, 6th Marquis of Tarifa, Viceroy of Sicily, 1632 - 1635, no issue, dead before his father, was the son of Fernando Enriquez de Ribera y Girón, 3rd duke of Alcalá de los Gazules, ( - 1636), 5th Marquis of Tarifa and Portuguese-Spanish Lady Beatriz de Moura y Corte-Real , daughter of Portuguese nobleman Cristóbal de Moura y Távora, a.k.a. Cristóvão de Moura, (1538 - 1613), 1st Marquess of Castel-Rodrigo, Viceroy of Portugal, 1603 - 1607, and a Grandee of Spain. Because he died 1 year before his father died and not having issue either, the titles of 7th Marchioness of Tarifa and 4th Duchesse of Alcalá de los Gazules were inherited by his sister, naming herself as Ana Giron y Enriquez de Ribera, as a sign of respect towards her grandmother, something not inusual for women of the High Spanish Nobility then ans/or brothers serving the Catholic Church as hierarchies.

Ana, this sister Fernando, of the Viceroy of Sicily 1632 - 1635 describing herself however as Ana Girón y Enriquez de Ribera was married to Viceroy of Sicily, 1644 - 1647, Pedro Fajardo de Zúñiga y Requesens, 5th Marquis of Los Vélez since 1631 till 1647, (Mula, region of Murcia, 1602 - Palermo, Sicily, 1647), Viceroy of Valencia, 1631 - 1635, Viceroy of Navarre, 1638 - 1640, dismissed Viceroy of Catalonia, 1640 - 1642, to be replaced as Viceroy of Catalonia by Pedro Antonio de Aragón, 1642 - 1644, Ambassador at Rome, and then , as from 1644, 9 years after the death of his brother in law , also a Viceroy of Sicily, 1644 - 1647, diyng there, too, at Palermo, Sicily, 3 November 1647.

There was no issue either from this marriage between the so called Ana Girón and Viceroy Pedro Fajardo de Zúñiga y Requesens .

An eldest sister of the above named Fernando and Ana, became then in 1636 when the father of these 3 siblings died, 4th duchess of Alcalá de los Gazules, namely, the lady described by herself and other contemporaries, as Maria Enriquez Afán de Ribera y de Moura, but died only 2 years later, in 1638.

She had married on 27th November 1629, Luigi Guglielmo Moncada d’Aragona, (Palermo, Sicily, 1614 - Madrid, Spain, 4th March 1672), 5th principe di Paternò, 7 duke of Montalto , 6 duke of Bivona, count of Caltanissetta, count of Caltabellotta, count of Adernò, count of Sclafani, count of Collesano, and many other lesser titles, also a Grandee of Spain, Viceroy of Sardinia, under the name Luis Guillem de Moncada, Duke of Monalto, 1644 - 1649, clearly with a typographical error to be corrected soon, Viceroy of Valencia under the name Luis Guillem de Moncada, 1652 - 1659, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, who afer another marriage became a priest and then a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.

There was no issue either and consequently, after Maria death in 1638 the inheritances and titles attached to the 4th dukedom of Alcalá de los Gazules passed to another woman, family related to the Enriquez de Ribera, but she would be dead by 1645. Her name was "Ana Francisca Luisa Portocarrero", (Sevilla, Spain, September 1613 - married 1625 aged 12 or 13 - Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, 21 June 1645, aged only 32), 3rd marchioness of Alcalá de la Alameda and other lesser titles, married to Antonio Juan de la Cerda y Toledo, 7th Duke of Medinaceli, [* Madrid, Spain 25 October 1607 - + 7 March 1671 ) becoming this integrated in the impressive list of titles and lands, at that time, of the ducal House of Medinaceli .

Some references