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Invasive species are a threat to the native biodiversity of Australia and are an ongoing cost to Australian agriculture. The management of weeds costs AUD $3.5 billion yearly, management and the prevention of the introduction of new invasive species are key enviromental and agricultural policy issues for the Australian Federal and State governments

Invasive species

Diseases, fungi and parasites

Invasive diseases, fungi and parasites in Australia affect many native plants and animals and agricultural crops.

Cane Toad

Feral animals

Australia is host to 56 invasive vertebrate animal species. Feral animals in Australia are mainly domestic animals that have gone wild or were brought in for recreational use or in the case of the cane toad, were introduced as biological control of another pest. Feral animals causing most public concern and economic and ecological damage include the Cane toad (Bufo marinus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), feral camels (Camelus dromedarius), feral cats (Felis catus), feral goats (Capra hircus), feral horses (Equus caballus) and feral donkeys (Equus asinus), feral pigs (Sus scrofa)and feral water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Feral animals have very few predators in Australia.

See also: Rabbits in Australia.

Fire Ant

Insects and other invertebrates

Problem insects include, Red Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta), Yellow Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes), honeybees (Apis mellifera) and European wasps (Vespula germanica)

Introduced marine pests

A number of marine pests have arrived in Australia in the ballast water of cargo ships. Marine pests include the Black-striped mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), the Asian Green mussel and the Northern Pacific seastar.


Weeds invade natural ladscapes, waterways and agricultural land. A list of weeds of National significance was created in 1999, it includes the species in the following table.

Common Name Scientific Name Extent in Australia Image
Alligator Weed Alternanthera philoxeroides WA, NT, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS [[Image:Alligator-Weed1web.jpg ]]
Athel Pine Tamarix aphylla WA, NT, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA [[Image:Tamarix aphylla.jpg ]]
Bitou bush / Boneseed Chrysanthemoides monilifera WA, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS [[Image:Bitoubush2.jpg ]]
Blackberry Rubus fruticosus agg. WA, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS, ACT [[Image:Blackberries on bush.jpg ]]
Bridal Creeper Asparagus asparagoides WA, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS [[Image:Asparagus asparagoides.jpg ]]
Cabomba Cabomba caroliniana NT, QLD, NSW, VIC [[Image:Cabomba caroloniana.jpg ]]
Chilean Needle Grass Nassella neesiana NSW, VIC, SA, ACT
Gorse Ulex europaeus WA, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS, ACT [[Image:Ulex europaeus.jpg ]]
Hymenachne Hymenachne amplexicaulis NT, QLD, SA
Lantana Lantana camara WA, NT, QLD, NSW [[Image:Lantana camara.jpg ]]
Mesquite Prosopis spp. WA, NT, QLD, NSW, VIC, SA [[Image:Prosopis pallida.jpg ]]
Mimosa Mimosa pigra NT [[Image:Mimosa pigra.jpg ]]
Parkinsonia Parkinsonia aculeate WA, NT, QLD [[Image:Parkinsonia aculeata.jpg ]]
Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus QLD, NSW, VIC [[Image:False ragweed.jpg ]]
Pond Apple Annona glabra NT, QLD, NSW [[Image:Annonaglabra1web.jpg ]]
Prickly Acacia Acacia nilotica ssp. indica QLD, NSW
Rubber Vine Cryptostegia grandiflora WA, QLD [[Image:Cryptostegia grandiflora.jpg ]]
Salvinia/ Giant salvinia Salvinia molesta WA, NT, QLD, NSW, SA [[Image:Giant_Salvinia.jpg ]]
Serrated Tussock Nassella trichotoma NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT [[Image:Serrated tussock.jpg ]]
Willows Salix spp. except S. babylonica, S. X calodendron and S. X reichardtiji NSW, VIC, ACT [[Image:Willow.jpg ]]

Weed management costs the Australian economy AUD$3.5 billion yearly, weeds are also an environmental problem, they are the second greatest threat to biodiversity after land clearing. Almost half of Australia's 220 declared noxious weeds (under legislation) were introduced deliberately, one third of these as garden ornamentals.

Management of invasive species

The management of invasive species is carried out by individuals, conservation groups and government agencies.

The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service is responsible for ensuring that no new species with the potential to beceome invasive species enter Australia.

There a number of scientific bodies that are involved in research for the control invasive species. The CSIRO has been involved in the release of several successful biological control agents and the development of chemical agents for pest and weed control. For example the CSIRO released myxoma virus and rabbit calicivirus disease for the control of rabbits, the moth Cactoblastis cactorum for the control of prickly pear, and the salvina weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae for the control of aquatic weed Salvinia.

Cooperative Research Centres for weed management and pest animal control, have been established by the federal government. They coordinate research and funding between a number of university and government labs for research into control of invasive species.


  • The Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management [1]
  • CSIRO maine pest fact sheets [2]
  • The Department of Environment and Heritage, Invasive Species [3]
  • Weeds of National Significance [4]
  • The Cooperative Research Centre for Pest Animal Control [5]
  • feral.org.au [6]