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== First Balkan War ==
== First Balkan War ==
=== Capture of Berane ===
=== Capture of Berane ===
On 8 October 1912 Cemović was promoted to the rank of brigadier.<ref>{{cite book|title=Pravni zbornik|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DB0OAQAAIAAJ|year=1967|page=120|quote=Унапријеђен је у чин бригадира Авро Цемовић са рангом од 8. октобра 1912.}}</ref> On 16 October 1912 the Montenegrin army captured Berane from the Ottomans and established Berane brigade with 3,200 volunteers commanded by Cemović.<ref>{{harv|Ratković|1972|p=190}}:" Од 3.200 васојевићких добровољоца формирана је Беранска бригада, за чијег је команданта постављен Авро Цемовић"</ref>
On 8 October 1912 Cemović was promoted to the rank of brigadier.<ref>{{cite book|title=Pravni zbornik|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DB0OAQAAIAAJ|year=1967|page=120|quote=Унапријеђен је у чин бригадира Авро Цемовић са рангом од 8. октобра 1912.}}</ref> On 16 October 1912 the Montenegrin army captured [[Berane]] from the Ottomans and established Berane brigade with 3,200 volunteers commanded by Cemović.<ref>{{harv|Ratković|1972|p=190}}:" Од 3.200 васојевићких добровољоца формирана је Беранска бригада, за чијег је команданта постављен Авро Цемовић"</ref>

=== Capture of Rožaje ===
=== Capture of Rožaje ===

Revision as of 21:02, 6 May 2020

Avram Cemović
Native name
Аврам Цемовић
Buče, Berane, Ottoman Empire (modern-day Montenegro)
Allegiance Montenegro
  • 8 October 1912 - Brigadier
Commands held
  • ( — 1912) commander of Vasojević volunteer detachment
  • (1912 — ) commander of the Vasojević brigade

Avram Cemović nicknamed Avro (1864-1914)[1] was a member of notable Serb family Cemović from Vasojevići who is best known as one the commander of rebels against Ottoman Empire in the Lower Vasojevići region and military officer in the Army of Montenegro during the First Balkan War.

Cemović was born in 1864 in a notable Cemović family. His father was Panto Cemov Delević, one of the leaders of the Vasojevići clan. Cemović was leader of Serb rebels against Ottomans in the region of Berane. Because of his anti-Ottoman activities Cemović was persecuted by the Ottomans who did not allow him and several other rebel leaders to return to Berane after two years spent as refugee in Montenegro. In October 1912 he commanded Serb rebel detachments of Lower Vasojevići that captured Berane from Ottomans during the First Balkan War. For his merits he was appointed as commander of the Berane briaged and promoted to the rank of Brigadier. After initial engagement of Cemović and his brigade in actions during the capture of Rožaje from Ottomans he was appointed as governor of towns Plav and Gusinje captured from Ottomans by Montenegrin army. In 1914 Cemović entered in conflict with King Nikola. According to some sources he was pretender to Montenegrin throne so King Nikola had him murdered.

Some authors claim that wave of voluntary Christianization of Muslim population of Plav and Gusinje became forcible after Cemović was appointed as governer of this two towns, while the other authors reject such claims emphasizing that they are not based on valid historical sources but on politically motivated statements and war-time journalist propaganda.


Avram Cemović was son of notable Panto Cemović. According to pro-Chetnik sources, daughter of Avram Cemović was Draga, mother of Chetnik officer Radomir Popović who was chief of staff of Chetnik HQ of Pavle Đurišić.[2] Another member of Cemović family was the last person who saw Đurišić alive in Stara Gradiška on 25 April 1945 from where he was taken to Jasenovac camp.[3]

In Ottoman Berane

At the beginning of 1909 the Ottoman authorities in Berane tried to disarm local Serb population which was subjected to sistematic Ottoman regime and refused to be disarmed. Cemović and some other local Serb leaders met with kaymakam of Berane several times to negotiate about the order and respecting rights of local Serbs, but without success.[4] In August 1909 during traditional gathering of Serbs in front of the Đurđevi Stupovi monastery the Ottoman soldiers attacked and killed two Serbs and caused the conflict and subsequent retiliation campaign of the Ottoman authorities. The local Serbs, including Cemović, took refugee in the Kingdom of Montenegro and Ottoman authorities refused to allow their return to their homes during next two years.[5] When after two years of Montenegrin-Ottoman negotiations the Ottomans agreed to allow about 1,000 Serb refugees to return to their homes in region of Berane, but not to 83 people, including Cemović who was accused by Ottomans to be the most responsible for the conflict.[6]

The Montenegrin border authorities put Cemović under survelience because he was most influential and most reputable person from Lower Vasojevići region.[7]

Berane uprising

In August 1912 the Serbs from region of Berane under leadership of Cemović rebelled against the Ottomans and attacked several units on Montenegrin-Ottoman border. The Ottoman soldiers supported by bashibozuk units from Plav, Gusinje and Albanian volunteers from Metohija launched another terror campaign against the local Serbs.

First Balkan War

Capture of Berane

On 8 October 1912 Cemović was promoted to the rank of brigadier.[8] On 16 October 1912 the Montenegrin army captured Berane from the Ottomans and established Berane brigade with 3,200 volunteers commanded by Cemović.[9]

Capture of Rožaje

According to some contemporary reports, Cemović and his forces during cleansing and disarming operation of the Rožaje region (nahia) shot five poeple in five villages for refusing to surrender to new authorities and had Usein Škrijel hanged for murder of the kaymakam Popović. Cemović also put houses, factories and mill of Alidragić beys to fire and captured their 100 cattles and 200 sheeps and handed them to regional command. The supperior command condemned Cemović for burning of the property of Alidragić and ordered him not to shoot captured enemies but to hand them over to the court and to continue to chase and to shoot only to those who refuse to surrender.[10][11]

Christianization of Muslims in Plav and Rožaje

When the Montenegrin army captured the territory of Ottoman towns Plav and Gusinje in the First Balkan War, this two towns were initially governed by serdar Janko Vukotić who was suceeded by Cemović.[12] Many islamized people from Plav and Gusinje voluntarily requested to be christianized. There are no formal data about the number of Muslims who embraced Christianity. Cemović claimed about 3,000 while the actual number could have been even bigger for at least several thousand people.[13]

Some authors claim that wave of voluntary christianisation of Muslim population of Plav and Gusinje became forcible after Cemović was appointed as governer of this two towns, while other authors reject such claims emphasizing that they are not based on valid historical sources but on politically motivated statements and war-time journalist propaganda.[14]

Conflict with king Nikola

The relation between Cemović and king Nicholas deteriorated to the level that they exchanged direct offenses and threats. According to one anecdote, Cemović said to king Nicholas that he should be grateful becuase it was he and his father Panto who captured the half of Montenegro for Nicholas to govern and enjoy. Cemović also proposed to Nicholas not to continue the argue because if they began with divisions, the country of Cemović would be bigger than country of Nicholas for at least one čepenak (arhaic dimension measure equal to distance between thumb and index finger).[15]


  1. ^ (Guberinić 1996, p. 145):"Бригадир Авро Цемовић (1864-1914) Бригадир Аврам-Авро Цемовић, рођен је на Бучу."
  2. ^ Гласник Српског историјско-културног друштва "Његош". Његош. 1975. p. 139.
  3. ^ (Komarica 2008, p. 281):"Najzad, M. Cemović tvrdi da je Pavla Đurišića posljednji put vidio u Staroj Gradiški 25. travnja 1945., odakle su ga ustaše odveli s većom grupom četničkih oficira za Jasenovac."
  4. ^ Istorija srpskog naroda: pt. 1. Od Berlinskog kongresa do ujedinjenja 1878-1918. Srpska knjiiževna zadruga. 1983.
  5. ^ Istorija srpskog naroda: pt. 1. Od Berlinskog kongresa do ujedinjenja 1878-1918. Srpska knjiiževna zadruga. 1983. p. 289.
  6. ^ Istorija srpskog naroda: pt. 1. Od Berlinskog kongresa do ujedinjenja 1878-1918. Srpska knjiiževna zadruga. 1983. p. 289. Споразум је најзад постигнут: турске власти су дозволиле да се избеглице врате сем осамдесет тројице, међу којима се налазио Авро Цемовић, најистакнутији доњовасојевићки првак кога су турске власти највише окривљавале.
  7. ^ (Rakočević 1981, p. 143):"Под присмотру црногорских пограничних власти били су стављени и неки прваци из Доњих Васојевића, а међу њима и Авро Цемовић, најутицајнији и најугледнији човјек тога краја"
  8. ^ Pravni zbornik. 1967. p. 120. Унапријеђен је у чин бригадира Авро Цемовић са рангом од 8. октобра 1912.
  9. ^ (Ratković 1972, p. 190):" Од 3.200 васојевићких добровољоца формирана је Беранска бригада, за чијег је команданта постављен Авро Цемовић"
  10. ^ Записи. Обод. 1935. p. 169. Авро Цемовић, обилазећи с војском рожајску нахију ради разоружавања, мушкета у је пет људи у пет села, за то како каже, што су били непокорни властима. Такође је наредио, те су објесили Усеина Шкријела, убицу покојног кајмекана Поповића. Попалио је куће неких бегова, Алидрагића, а покретно имање т. ј. стоку (стотину говеди и двјеста оваца) одузео је и предао обласној управи . За паљевину кућа , фабрика и млина Алидрагића прекорио сам га , ма да је у неколико имао разлога , јер су они оставили били чивчије, да им имање пазе, а они отишли у Митровицу, као да им је онамо бајаги слободније. Са мушкетавањем наредио сам да престане, него кривце да предаје суду, а само да војском гони и може убити оне, који се не даду хватати
  11. ^ (Mušović & Vlahović 1985, p. 64)
  12. ^ (Andrijašević & Stanojević 2003, p. 56):"Poslije odlaska Janka Vukotića najvišu vojnu vlast u pećkom i đakovičkom kraju imao je vojvoda Lakić Vojvodić, dok je u beranskom, rožajskom i plavsko-gusinjskom kraju najvišu vojnu vlast imao brigadir Avro Cemović."
  13. ^ (Andrijašević & Stanojević 2003, p. 72):"Brigadir Avro Cemović je u to vrijeme tvrdio da je u Plavsko-gusinjskoj oblasti, do 23. marta 1913. godine pokršteno tri hiljade muslimana (3.000).“ Tačan broj pokrštenih muslimana u ovoj oblasti teško je utvrditi. Vjerovatno da je od kraja marta do kraja aprila 1913. broj pokrštenih muslimana mogao biti veći, čak i za nekoliko hiljada, no preciznijih podataka o tome nema. "
  14. ^ (Andrijašević & Stanojević 2003, p. 12)
  15. ^ Ђурић, Новица. "Страх Црногораца од подвига предака". Politika. Politika. Retrieved 6 May 2020. „Господару, ја сам ти са мојим оцем и ђедом освојио по' земље, па ти је дао да ш' њом управљаш и на њу живиш! Немој, господару, да се свађамо, јер ако се станемо дијелити виша ће моја држава од твоје бити, макар један чеперак!"
