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Anti-war protests in Russia (2022–present)

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2022 anti-war protests in Russia
Part of the protests against the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Russian opposition protest rallies
Protesters in Moscow on 24 February 2022
Date24 February 2022 (2022-02-24) – present (2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 2 days)
Caused by
  • Withdrawal of troops from Ukraine
  • Demonstrations
  • Internet activism
  • Strike action
  • Crowds
  • Crackdown leads to 13,000+ arrests
Lead figures

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, daily anti-war demonstrations and protests broke out across Russia.[29] The protests have been met with widespread repression by the Russian authorities, with over 8,000 arrests being made[30][31][32][33] from 24 February to 4 March.[34][35][36][37] By 27 February, 4,000 scientists and science journalists, 6,200 medics, 5,000 architects and 6,700 artists in Russia have signed electronic petitions against the invasion.[38] On 6 March, the monitoring group OVD-Info reported over 5,000 arrests throughout the day,[39][40] bringing the total number of arrests since the start to over 12,000.

Street protests


On the afternoon of the invasion, the Investigative Committee of Russia issued a warning to Russians that they would face legal repercussions for joining unsanctioned protests related to "the tense foreign political situation".[41][42] The opposition activist Marina Litvinovich called on Instagram for street protests on the evening of 24 February[43] but was detained by police as she left her house.[44] That evening, thousands took to the streets in cities across Russia to protest the war. The largest demonstrations were in Moscow, where 2,000 protesters gathered near Pushkin Square, and Saint Petersburg, where up to 1,000 protesters gathered.[45][46] Hundreds demonstrated in Yekaterinburg,[47] and there were also demonstrations in Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Perm.[48] By the end of the evening of the day of the invasion, according to the OVD-Info monitor, there had been 1,820 arrests in 58 cities, of which 1,002 were carried out in Moscow.[49] Russia's interior ministry justified these arrests with continued "coronavirus restrictions, including on public events".[50]

On the following day, 25 February, further protests continued in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other cities. In Saint Petersburg several hundred people gathered in the city center, chanting 'No to war!' OVD-Info reported 437 detentions in 26 Russian cities on that day, including 226 in Moscow and 130 in Saint Petersburg.[51]

On 26 February, some Russian protestors chose to reduce the chances of arrest by staging single-person protests in Moscow and other city squares. Others gathered in small groups in order to move more nimbly around the streets.[52] In Yekaterinburg hundreds gathered, shouting 'No to war!'.[53] Throughout the day at least 469 people were arrested in 34 cities, of which around half in Moscow, bringing the total number of arrests to over 3,000.[52]

Protests continued on 27 February.[54] The protests coincided with the seventh anniversary of the murder of the opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, and arrests took place at an improvised memorial outside the Kremlin where Nemtsov was shot.[55] Around 1,000 people gathered for a spontaneous anti-war rally near Great Gostiny Dvor in Saint Petersburg.[56] According to OVD-Info, by early Sunday evening, police had detained at least 900 Russians in 44 cities, bringing the total number of arrests to over 4,000 since the war began.[55] By the end of the day, that number had grown to around 2,710 arrests (at least 5,844 in total since the beginning of the war), including at least 1,269 arrests in Moscow and 1,034 in Saint Petersburg.[57] KPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation),[58][59] People's Freedom Party,[60] and Yabloko, spoke out against the invasion.[61][62] On the same day, a van with markings that read "People, wake up!", "This is war", "Putin is scum!" crashed and caught fire in Pushkinskaya Square.[63][64]


The inscription on the snow "NO WAR", Petrozavodsk, March 5.

On 1 March, reports and photographs appeared in social media, also republished and confirmed by Novaya Gazeta, showing primary school children behind bars, arrested by police in Moscow for laying flowers at the Ukrainian embassy and holding signs saying "No to war".[65] A special detention center set up in Yekaterinburg ran out of room for prisoners arrested from protests.[66]

On 2 March, the artist Yelena Osipova, aged 77 and born to survivors of the Siege of Leningrad, was amongst those arrested at an anti-war protest in Saint Petersburg. Videos of her arrest were widely shared on Twitter and Reddit.[67] Police action against the protesters continued the following day.[68]

On 4 March, the activist Yulia Galyamina was detained and held in custody pending trial, charged with violating the law on public events by trying to organize an anti-war protest.[69]

On 5 March, ahead of protests planned for 6 March, police raided, searched and detained hundreds of Russian journalists, politicians and activists.[70]

On 6 March, there were protests in at least 60 cities,[39] including Vladivostok, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk.[71] OVD-Info reported over 5,000 arrests throughout the day.[39] The Russian interior ministry reported over 3,500 detentions.[72] A video showing Kemerovo Oblast governor Sergey Tsivilyov attempting to justify the invasion to protestors that day went viral.[73]

On 8 March, over 100 protestors were detained.[74] To mark International Women's Day, women in cities including Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Syktyvkar, Moscow, Novosibirsk and Saint Petersburg laid flowers at monuments to the Great Patriotic War. Police ordered women laying flowers at the Gostiny Dvor in Saint Petersburg to disperse, and made over five arrests. In Moscow the Alexander Garden was closed to block access to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, so flowers were left nearby. 11 girls were also detained in Moscow's Manezhnaya Square.[75]

Petitions and open letters

In the weeks preceding the invasion, there were signs that anti-war sentiment was growing in Saint Petersburg.[76] At the beginning of February, over 150 prominent Russian activists, authors, and academics signed an open letter, 'If Only There Is No War!',[77] protesting the "party of war in the Russian leadership" and state media.[76]

After the invasion, Russian Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitry Muratov announced that the Novaya Gazeta newspaper would publish its next edition in both Ukrainian and Russian. Muratov, the journalist Mikhail Zygar, the film director Vladimir Mirzoyev, and others signed a document stating that Ukraine is not a threat to Russia and calling for Russian citizens "to say no to this war."[78] The Kommersant reporter Elena Chernenko launched an anti-war petition,[43] which was signed by over 250 journalists. Another letter condemning the war was signed by over 250 scientists, and a third open letter was signed by almost 200 municipal council members in Moscow and other cities.[47] On 24 February, human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov started an online petition to protest against the invasion, garnering 289,000 signatures by the end of the day.[79] By 1 March, the petition had gathered more than a million votes.[80] On 26 February, a petition for the impeachment of Putin was published by a Russian citizen on the Change.org website, gathering more than 200,000 signatures by the end of February 27.[81]

More than 30,000 technology workers,[82] 6,000 medical workers, 3,400 architects,[83] more than 4,300 teachers,[84] more than 17,000 artists,[85] 5,000 scientists,[86] and 2,000 actors, directors, and other creative figures signed open letters calling for Putin's government to stop the war.[87][88] Some Russians who signed petitions against Russia's war in Ukraine lost their jobs.[89]

1,200 students, faculty and staff of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed an open letter stating that they "consider it morally unacceptable to stay on the sidelines and keep silent when people are dying in a neighboring state. They are dying through the fault of those who preferred weapons instead of peaceful diplomacy. .... Many generations of future diplomats will have to rebuild the trust in Russia and the good relations with our neighbors that have been lost."[90]

Igor Kochetkov, the head of the Russian LGBT Network, launched an open letter against the war and stating that "There are a lot of problems in our country, including the spread of anti-human ideas, which often come from high-ranking officials. Let’s start ‘denazification’ with them." The open letter received signatures from 150 Russian LGBT+ rights activists.[91]

Statements against the war

Police detain a Moscow protester, 24 February

Statements against the war by Russian politicians and political parties

On 26 February Mikhail Matveyev, a State Duma representative for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) called for an immediate end to offensive operations in the war, saying he voted for the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics "to shield them, not to bomb Kiev."[92] State Duma deputy Oleg Smolin, also with the KPRF, said he was "shocked" by the invasion.[93]

Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who was imprisoned in January 2021, called Putin an "obviously insane tsar" and urged Russians to continue daily street protests: "Go out onto the main square of your city every weekday at 19.00 and at 14.00 at weekends and on holidays".[94]

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last head of the Soviet Union, stated that "everything possible must be done to stop the threat of a nuclear war".[95]

The website of Russian political party New People released a statement that it is against the war.[96] The party's leader, Alexey Nechayev, previously made statements in support of military action (starting on the day the invasion began).[97]

Other groups which have expressed their opposition to the war include the Revolutionary Workers Party,[98][99][100] the Libertarian Party of Russia,[101] Socialist Alternative,[102] the Pirate Party of Russia,[103] the United Communist Party,[104] the Left Bloc[105] and Autonomous Action.[106]

Statements against the war by public figures

After the invasion began on 24 February, several Russian celebrities, including pop star Valery Meladze, television host Ivan Urgant and television presenter Ksenia Sobchak, unambiguously criticized it on social media.[43] The comedian and television presenter Maxim Galkin, singer Valery Meladze and television comedian Alexander Gudkov also condemned the war.[107] Vlogger Yury Dud received a million 'likes' for a post criticising the war:

I write these words for a reason. When my children grow up and discover this moment in history... and ask me 'Dad, what did you do?', I want to have written proof that I did not choose this regime and did not support its imperialist rage.[108]

Ukrainian-born pop star Svetlana Loboda asked "How is this possible? Lord, stop all this!" Figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva called for "this all [to end] as soon as possible, like a bad dream". Chess player Yan Nepomniachtchi tweeted in protest: "History has seen many Black Thursdays. But today is blacker than the others. #saynotowar".[109] Tennis world number one Daniil Medvedev and world number seven Andrey Rublev both spoke out in favour of peace on the day of the invasion. On the following day Rublev wrote "No war please" on the camera after winning his match.[110] The hip-hop artist Oxxxymiron cancelled upcoming shows and called for mass protest, calling the invasion "a crime and a catastrophe".[111] Yelena Kovalskaya resigned her position as director of the state-owned Meyerhold Theater Center, writing that it was "impossible to work for a murderer and receive salary from him".[43]

Pianist and composer Evgeny Kissin described Russia's invasion as a crime that cannot be justified.[85] The pianist Alexander Melnikov said "I'm furious with [Putin's government] for making me feel guilty about being Russian."[85] Pop singer Sergey Lazarev called for the war to stop.[112]

On 25 February, the ice hockey star Alex Ovechkin, an ardent Putin supporter, made an ambiguous statement against the war without mentioning Ukraine or Russia.[113] On 26 February, Georgian basketball player Tornike Shengelia announced he was prematurely terminating his contract with CSKA Moscow "in protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine". Citing the club's historical links to the Red Army, Shengelia said: "I do not consider it possible to continue playing for the Russian army club".[114]

Liza Peskova, the daughter of Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, shared an image of the "No to war" hashtag on her Instagram story.[115] Russia's richest billionaire, Mikhail Fridman, called for the "bloodshed to end".[116] Another oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, called for peace talks to begin "as fast as possible." An anonymous Russian billionaire told Reuters, "It is going to be catastrophic in all senses: for the economy, for relations with the rest of the world, for the political situation."[117] Russian billionaire and owner of the REN TV television network Alexei Mordashov spoke out against both the fighting and the economic fallout that has resulted from it. “It is terrible that Ukrainians and Russians are dying, people are suffering hardships, the economy is collapsing. We must do everything necessary so that a way out of this conflict is found in the very near future and the bloodshed stops in order to help the affected people restore normal life.”[118]

Mikhail Shishkin, winner of the 2000 Russian Booker Prize, wrote in The Guardian that "Putin is committing monstrous crimes in the name of my people, my country, and me" and saying that "in Putin’s Russia it’s impossible to breathe. The stench from the policeman’s boot is too strong."[119]

Statements against the war by organizations

The founders of the "Immortal Regiment" commemoration movement, in which ordinary Russians carry photographs of veteran family members in marches around Russia held annually to mark WWII Victory Day on 9 May, addressed Vladimir Putin in a statement, asking him to "stop the bloodshed".[120] Svetlana Golub, head of the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia told The Guardian that "Wars always lead to deaths. From the many conversations I have been sent between soldiers and their families, I believe many Russians have already died... Conflicts always mean lots of suffering. Please, both sides have to stop."[121]

Memorial, the oldest human rights organization in Russia, which has been repressed against by the Russian government and forced to shut down in 2021, described the invasion as "a crime against peace and humanity" in a statement, adding that it "will remain a shameful chapter in the Russian history."[122]

On 3 March, the multinational company Lukoil, the second largest company in Russia after Gazprom, called for a ceasefire and diplomatic means to solve the conflict.[123]


A spokesperson for the United Nations condemned the "arbitrary arrests" of protestors, and called for their immediate release.[21] On 8 March, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet expressed concerns over "the use of repressive legislation that impedes the exercise of civil and political rights and criminalising non-violent behaviour."[124]

On 26 February, Human Rights Watch stated that videos of the crack down it analysed showed "brutal arrests of peaceful activists by police officers" and stated that "authorities' actions to prevent people from participating in peaceful public protests and freely expressing their opinions violate fundamental rights."[125] On 3 March, it stated that the Russian government had blocked access to at least eight independent Russian media outlets, along with a number of Ukrainian media outlets, and that it was "bluntly imposing censorship combined with a false narrative that they demand everyone must parrot."[126] Amnesty International stated that the Russian government was "hellbent on stifling state critics as it coerces domestic media into supporting its policies" and "routinely used force to disperse nationwide anti-war protests."[127] International human rights NGO Civil Rights Defenders stated that there had been a "serious crackdown" on freedom of expression in Russia and that people who had been arrested for protesting against the war were being restricted from having access to lawyers.[128]

On 4 March, seven international and Russian human rights groups (Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Human Rights House Foundation, the International Federation for Human Rights, the International Service for Human Rights, the Memorial Human Rights Centre, and Komitet Grazhdanskoe Sodeistvie) released a joint letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council stating that Russia was experiencing a "fully-fledged witch hunt against independent groups, human rights defenders, media outlets and journalists, and political opposition" that was "decimating civil society and forcing many into exile."[129]


On 1 March, the Moscow radio station Echo of Moscow,[130] as well as the independent television channel Dozhd,[131] was forced off air for having aired opposition to the war.[132][133] After completing their final broadcast, Dozhd put on a loop of Swan Lake, echoing the efforts of Soviet authorities to bury bad news, including the 1991 attempted coup d'état as the USSR was breaking up.[134] On 4 March, independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta announced that it was pulling all material related to the war from its website, saying that military censorship "has moved to the threat of criminal prosecution of both journalists and citizens who spread information about military hostilities that is different from the press releases of the Ministry of Defence."[135] That same day, Yekaterinburg-based independent news outlet Znak.com announced that it would be suspending its operations due to political repression.[136]

That same week, Russian telecom regulator Roskomnadzor restricted access to social media websites Facebook and Twitter and restricted access to a number of international news organisations, including the BBC, German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle, American broadcasters Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Ukrainian newspaper Svoboda, and Latvian news website Meduza.[137] A number of other international news organisations suspended operations in Russia due to potential threats to their journalists, including ABC, Bloomberg News, CBC/Radio-Canada, CBS News, and CNN, with Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait stating that "the change to the criminal code, which seems designed to turn any independent reporter into a criminal purely by association, makes it impossible to continue any semblance of normal journalism inside the country."[138] On 6 March, Roskomnadzor restricted access to Mediazona, demanding that the website close itself down. Mediazona defiantly promised to continue, providing tips to evade censorship.[139]

Prohibition of calls against use of armed forces and Banning of non-official information about its operations Law

On 4 March, the Russian parliament passed a law aimed at stifling reporting and opposition to the war which punishes citizens with up to 15 years in jail for spreading "fake information" about the Russian military and its operations.[140] This law also makes it illegal "to make calls against the use of Russian troops to protect the interests of Russia" or "for discrediting such use" with a penalty possible of up to three years in prison. The same provision applies to calls for sanctions against Russia.[141] This law effectively criminalizes any public opposition to or independent news reporting about the war against Ukraine and could make it a crime to simply call the war a “war” — the Kremlin says it is a “special military operation” — on social media or in a news article or broadcast.[142] Later that day, Putin signed the bill into law; he also signed into law a bill that would allow fines or prison sentences of up to 3 years for those calling for sanctions.[143]

According to the news website Agenstvo, over 150 journalists left Russia since Putin signed the bill into law.[144]


The Moscow Times has reported that some Russian workers who have signed petitions against the war have been told to withdraw their signatures by their employers, and have been fired if they refused. The newspaper also reported that some companies have warned employees against "making posts about political topics on Facebook."[145]

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has reported that students in some universities have been threatened with expulsion over acts of anti-war protest.[146]

The Z symbol, which has achieved prominence in Russian popular culture as a symbol of support for the war, in part through state promotion of the symbol, has been used to graffiti the homes of several anti-war activists.[147] Film critic Anton Dolin, among those targeted with the symbol, described it as a threat, stating that "The purpose of this is clear: we know where your family live, beware."[148]

Mass arrests

The estimated number of anti-war protestors arrested by day is:

Police brutality

Russian NGO OVD-Info reported that it had confirmed at least 30 cases of protestors being beaten by police on the weekend of 5-6 March, as well as several cases of arrested protestors being tortured in detention, while saying that "it is likely that this number is much higher. There are many videos on social networks in which police officers are seen beating anti-war protesters."[156] An audio recording from a protestor arrested that weekend who managed to conceal her phone while detained and interrogated by multiple police documented 11 minutes of physical and verbal abuse, with one officer telling her that "You are the enemies of Russia. You are the enemies of the people."[157]


Domestic opposition to anti-war sentiment

A number of people affiliated with the Russian government have spoken out against the protests. Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, stated that "now is not the time to be divided. Now is the time to unite, to unite around our president," while acknowledging that "there are heated debates among cultural figures."[158] Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of Russian state-controlled news agencies RT and Rossiya Segodnya, stated that "If you are ashamed of being Russian now, don't worry, you are not Russian."[159] In response to Simonyan's statement, Vitalik Buterin, programmer and one of the co-founders of Ethereum, said: "Go fuck yourself".[160]

On 3 March, the Russian Ministry of Education instructed teachers to hold lessons telling students "why the liberation mission in Ukraine is a necessity."[161][162]

Exodus of anti-war Russians from Russia

Since the beginning of the invasion, thousands of Russians have fled the country, particularly citizens opposed to the war, in response to increasing repression and rumours of conscription and martial law.[163] Journalist Boris Grozovski published a Facebook post saying that "We are not tourists, dear citizens of Georgia. We are refugees. Personally, I was wanted by the police in Russia for distributing anti-war petitions... We ran not from bullets, bombs and missiles, but from prison. If I wrote what I write now while in Russia, I would inevitably go to prison for 15–20 years."[164]

International support for anti-war protestors

In a recorded speech released on 25 February, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Russian anti-war protesters, addressing them directly in Russian:

To all citizens of the Russian Federation who are coming out to protest, I want to say we see you. It means that you heard us.[52]

Opinion polls

A state-run poll published on 28 February by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center claimed that 68% of Russians supported the "special military operation", 22% opposed, and 10% found it difficult to answer.[165] However, a series of four online polls by Alexey Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation claimed to show sentiment rapidly shifting among Moscow residents. Between 25 February and 3 March, those blaming Russia for the war increased from 14% to 36%, with 79% now in favour of stopping the conflict and engaging in peace negotiation.[166]


Several commentators have noted the significant presence of youth in the anti-war protests in Russia.[167][168] Cynthia Hooper of the College of the Holy Cross said that protests against the war represented a "generational struggle" in Russia, pitting "those who believe in the stories of state-run television against their own children."[169] CNN International's diplomatic editor Nic Robertson stated that "a generation here has grown up willfully ignorant of state disinformation, weaned instead on social media, so are impervious to the lies that cowed their parents," but that they were "still contained by the massive state security infrastructure that is the real muscle behind state media's messaging."[170] Ben Noble of University College London stated that:

"Russian state media continues to portray a very different reality to the coverage in western media. Rather than a full-scale assault, the narrative is of a “special operation” to protect ethnic Russians in the so-called “republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk from “genocide” being carried out by Ukraine's “neo-Nazi” government. Words like “invasion” and “war” are banned in Russian media. Independent outlets have been blocked or shut down. And Russians face the prospect of harsh punishment for challenging the state's line on the conflict."[171]

Alvina Hoffmann of King's College London said that the "seemingly broad anti-war coalition is remarkable, given that the "Russian political apparatus has been systematically dismantling opposition movements, creating a climate where any form of protest is met with oppression."[172] Russian journalist Alexander Bidin, writing for openDemocracy, stated that "Russian society lacks institutions that are capable of taking up the organisation of protests, especially at short notice" and that "for the majority, going out into the streets is a moral duty and a symbolic act, rather than a functional instrument of resistance to the authorities."[173] Maria Popova of McGill University stated that "you're not only taking a risk by showing up to a protest, you're taking a risk of being put on a list and being systematically harassed by authorities for having taking part in a protest," further saying that the levels of repression in Russia were "way worse than they have been at any point since Stalinist time."[174]

Grigory Durnovo, analyst for Russian NGO OVD-Info, told France 24 that "we have never seen such a large number of detainees per day," with protestors risking fines "from 2,000 to 300,000 rubles (from €17 to more than €2,500) and risk up to 30 days in detention." Durnovo further stated that Russian state media "sometimes mentions anti-war protests but we can't use them as a source because they don't tell the whole story."[175] On 4 March, OVD-Info coordinator Leonid Drabkin told Al Jazeera that "in over 100 cities, we know that there were detentions" since the start of the invasion and that "this topic really touches everyone. Because it's not really about your political views, but many Russians have relatives and friends in Ukraine."[176]

Kremlinologist Lilia Shevtsova stated that "the ‘Crimea effect’ is vanishing. The war in Ukraine creates ‘our’ casualties – this will have an impact. Moreover, in 2008 and 2014, the wars were relatively short and they ended with ‘our’ victory. At the moment, a lot of Russians accept Putin's ‘peace operation.’ But they may change their attitude if the operation will be long and bloody."[177]

However, the effect of international sanctions and condemnation of the war at domestic anti-war protests has been debated.[178][179][180][181] Brian Grodsky of the University of Maryland warned that the weight of sanctions might hurt the Russian opposition more than help it, saying that "the very sanctions that encourage Russians to attack the regime also narrow their available opportunities to do so."[182] Carnegie Moscow Center scholar Andrey Movchan wrote that sanctions aimed at ordinary Russians could be "exactly what the Kremlin wants – that tens of millions of Russians who oppose the regime will be unable to leave the country and even temporarily find themselves in a world free of Russian propaganda," stating that sanctions should instead "uncompromisingly block the Kremlin’s access to its financial and technological resources."[183]

See also


  1. ^ Мнение: «Уже есть первые звоночки — появление альтернативной государственной символики России ex-press.by (tr. "Opinion: “There are already the first signs - the emergence of an alternative state symbolism of Russia")Archived 2022-03-05 at the Wayback Machine
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