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Meagre set

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In the mathematical field of general topology, a meagre set (also called a meager set or a set of first category) is a subset of a topological space that is small or negligible in a precise sense detailed below. A set that is not meagre is called nonmeagre, or of the second category. See below for definitions of other related terms.

The meagre subsets of a fixed space form a σ-ideal of subsets; that is, any subset of a meagre set is meagre, and the union of countably many meagre sets is meagre.

Meagre sets play an important role in the formulation of the notion of Baire space and of the Baire category theorem, which is used in the proof of several fundamental results of functional analysis.


Throughout, will be a topological space.

A subset of is called meagre in a meagre subset of or of the first category in if it is a countable union of nowhere dense subsets of (where a nowhere dense set is a set whose closure has empty interior).[1] The qualifier "in " can be omitted if the ambient space is fixed and understood from context.

A subset that is not meagre in is called nonmeagre in a nonmeagre subset of or of the second category in [1]

A topological space is called meagre (respectively, nonmeagre) if it is a meagre (respectively, nonmeagre) subset of itself.

A subset of is called comeagre in oder residual in if its complement is meagre in . (This use of the prefix "co" is consistent with its use in other terms such as "cofinite".) A subset is comeagre in if and only if it is equal to a countable intersection of sets, each of whose interior is dense in

The notions of nonmeagre and comeagre should not be confused. If the space is meagre, every subset is both meagre and comeagre, and there are no nonmeagre sets. If the space is nonmeager, no set is at the same time meagre and comeager, every comeagre set is nonmeagre, and there can be nonmeagre sets that are not comeagre, that is, with nonmeagre complement. See the Examples section below.

The terms first category and second category were the original ones used by René Baire in his thesis.[2] The meagre terminology was introduced by Bourbaki.[3]

Meager subsets versus meager subspaces

It may be important to distinguish nonmeagre subspaces from nonmeagre subsets.[4] If is a subset of then being a "meagre subspace" of means that when is endowed with the subspace topology (induced on it by ) then is a meagre topological space (that is, is a meagre subset of ). In contrast, being a "meagre subset" of means that is equal to a countable union of nowhere dense subsets of The same warning applies to nonmeagre subsets versus nonmeagre subspaces. More details on how to tell these notions apart (and why the slight difference in these terms is reasonable) are given in this footnote.[note 1]

For example, if is the set of all positive integers then is a meager subset of but not a meager subspace of If is not an isolated point of a T1 space (meaning that is not an open subset of ) then is a meager subspace of but not a meager subset of [1]


Every nowhere dense subset of is meagre. Consequently, any closed subset with empty interior is meagre. Thus a closed nonmeagre subset of must have nonempty interior.

(1) Any subset of a meagre set is meagre; (2) any countable union of meagre sets is meagre. Thus the meagre subsets of a fixed space form a σ-ideal of subsets, a suitable notion of negligible set. And, equivalently to (1), any superset of a nonmeagre set is nonmeagre.

Dually, (1) any superset of a comeagre set is comeagre; (2) any countable intersection of comeagre sets is comeagre.

Suppose where has the subspace topology induced from The set may be meagre in without being meagre in However the following results hold:[3]

  • If is meagre in then is meagre in
  • If is open in then is meagre in if and only if is meagre in
  • If is dense in then is meagre in if and only if is meagre in

And correspondingly for nonmeagre sets:

  • If is nonmeagre in then is nonmeagre in
  • If is open in then is nonmeagre in if and only if is nonmeagre in
  • If is dense in then is nonmeagre in if and only if is nonmeagre in

Any topological space that contains an isolated point is nonmeagre (because no set containing the isolated point can be nowhere dense). In particular, every nonempty discrete space is nonmeagre.

A topological space is nonmeagre if and only if every countable intersection of dense open sets in is nonempty.[5]

Every nonempty Baire space is nonmeagre. In particular, by the Baire category theorem every complete (pseudo)metric space and every locally compact Hausdorff space is nonmeagre.

Banach category theorem:[6] In any topological space the union of an arbitrary family of meagre open sets is a meagre set.

Meagre subsets and Lebesgue measure

A meagre set in need not have Lebesgue measure zero, and can even have full measure. For example, in the interval fat Cantor sets are closed nowhere dense and they can be constructed with a measure arbitrarily close to The union of a countable number of such sets with measure approaching gives a meagre subset of with measure [7]

Dually, there can be nonmeagre sets with measure zero. The complement of any meagre set of measure in (for example the one in the previous paragraph) has measure and is comeagre in and hence nonmeagre in since is a Baire space.

Here is another example of a nonmeagre set in with measure :

where is a sequence that enumerates the rational numbers.

Relation to Borel hierarchy

Just as a nowhere dense subset need not be closed, but is always contained in a closed nowhere dense subset (viz, its closure), a meagre set need not be an set (countable union of closed sets), but is always contained in an set made from nowhere dense sets (by taking the closure of each set).

Dually, just as the complement of a nowhere dense set need not be open, but has a dense interior (contains a dense open set), a comeagre set need not be a set (countable intersection of open sets), but contains a dense set formed from dense open sets.


The empty set is a meagre subset of every topological space.

In the nonmeagre space the set is meagre. The set is nonmeagre and comeagre.

In the nonmeagre space the set is nonmeagre. But it is not comeagre, as its complement is also nonmeagre.

A countable T1 space without isolated point is meagre. So it is also meagre in any space that contains it as a subspace. For example, is both a meagre subspace of (that is, meagre in itself with the subspace topology induced from ) and a meagre subset of

The Cantor set is nowhere dense in and hence meagre in But it is nonmeagre in itself, since it is a complete metric space.

The line is meagre in the plane But it is a nonmeagre subspace, that is, it is nonmeagre in itself.

The space (with the topology induced from ) is meagre. Its meagre subset is nonmeagre in itself.

There is a subset of the real numbers that splits every nonempty open set into two nonmeagre sets. That is, for every nonempty open set , the sets and are both nonmeagre.

In the space of continuous real-valued functions on with the topology of uniform convergence, the set of continuous real-valued functions on that have a derivative at some point is meagre.[8][9] Since is a complete metric space, it is nonmeagre. So the complement of , which consists of the continuous real-valued nowhere differentiable functions on is comeagre and nonmeagre. In particular that set is not empty. This is one way to show the existence of continuous nowhere differentiable functions.

Banach–Mazur game

Meagre sets have a useful alternative characterization in terms of the Banach–Mazur game. Let be a topological space, be a family of subsets of that have nonempty interiors such that every nonempty open set has a subset belonging to and be any subset of Then there is a Banach–Mazur game In the Banach–Mazur game, two players, and alternately choose successively smaller elements of to produce a sequence Player wins if the intersection of this sequence contains a point in ; otherwise, player wins.

Theorem — For any meeting the above criteria, player has a winning strategy if and only if is meagre.

See also


  1. ^ This distinction between "subspace" and "subset" is a consequence of the fact that in general topology, the word "space" means "topological space", which is a pair consisting of a set and topology, and (similarly) the word "subspace" means "topological subspace"; consequently, "subspace of " refers to the pair consisting of the subset together with the subspace topology that it inherits from whereas "subset of " refers only to the set. Consequently, if the subset lacks any topology then " is meagre of subset of " is not well-defined, leaving " is a meagre subset of " as the only possible meaning of " is meagre". But if is endowed with a topology then (by definition) " is meagre" means " is a meagre subset of " Saying " is a meagre subspace of " is just a combination of the following two statements: (1) " is a subspace of ", which by definition means that is endowed with a topology that is equal to the subspace topology induced by on it by (denote this topology by ), and (2) " is a meagre space", which by definition means " is a meagre subset of ". However, if happens to be endowed with a topology (say ) then the statement " is a meagre subset of " does not mean " is a meagre subset of " because in this statement, is being considered as a set (and not as a topological space). The same is true of a statement such as "let be a subspace of that is a meagre subset of " and its more succinct equivalent "let be a subspace that is meagre in " (note that the meaning is completely changed without the words "in ").
  1. ^ a b c Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 389.
  2. ^ Baire, René (1899). "Sur les fonctions de variables réelles". Annali di Mat. Pura ed Appl. 3: 1–123., page 65
  3. ^ a b Bourbaki 1989, p. 192.
  4. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 389, Example 11.6.2 (c) "Singletons are always nonmeager subspaces. A singleton is a nonmeager subset of a topological space iff the point is isolated.".
  5. ^ Willard 2004, Theorem 25.2.
  6. ^ Oxtoby 1980, p. 62.
  7. ^ "Is there a measure zero set which isn't meagre?". MathOverflow.
  8. ^ Banach, S. (1931). "Über die Baire'sche Kategorie gewisser Funktionenmengen". Studia Math. 3 (1): 174–179. doi:10.4064/sm-3-1-174-179.
  9. ^ Willard 2004, Theorem 25.5.
