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Laser tag

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Soldiers of the 2e REI training with laser tag equipment.

Laser tag is a team or individual sport where players attempt to score points by engaging targets, typically with a hand-held infrared-emitting targeting device. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within arena in which the game is played. Since its birth in 1979, with the release of the Star Trek Electronic Phasers toy manufactured by South Bend,[citation needed] Laser tag has evolved into both indoor and outdoor styles of play and includes simulations of combat, role play-style games, and competitive sporting events with tactical configurations and precise game goals.

Although the name implies the use of lasers, real lasers are generally not used except as aiming devices. The actual transmitting element of almost all lasertag gear is in Infra-Red Light Emitting Diode such as those used in household remote controls. The term lazer/laser is simply a marketing device. The computerized targeting device wielded by a player commonly emits a brief infrared beam which carries an identifying signal, the targets record the signal when they are hit by the beam. In many cases the targeting device also houses a visible light beam, to assist the player in aiming and to create ambiance. Laser tag is similar to paintball and other simulation-shooting or targeting sports, but diverges in its dependence on and use of a computerized control system. The computer system provides score tracking as well as enforcing some rules of engagement - such as an enforced period when a player is unable to shoot after being hit by another player, or discounting all friendly fire. Most laser tag equipment may be used for one style of play, rules, timing and goals, known as a game format, then switched rapidly to another game format. Differences can include switching from solo to team play, or from direct player interaction to siege-style rules, with the software altering both general game play and equipment behavior. Many modern laser tag systems allow for different characteristics to be applied on a per-individual basis, based on game progress or personal in-game adjustment, allowing for even greater customization.

Laser tag requires specialized, sturdy electronics, and usually requires computing power and unique software for scoring. Proprietary equipment is created by a number of manufacturers. Some supply everything from personal equipment to interactive arena components such as "mines" or "bases", and even physical arena construction. There are also open specifications for creating laser tag equipment by the hobbyist (e.g., EWoW,[1] MilesTag[2]) which have also been embraced by some manufacturers.

Laser tag is popular with a wide range of ages. Laser tag is considered to be less painful than paintball due to the lack of physical projectiles, while indoor versions may be considered less physically demanding because many indoor venues prohibit running or roughhousing. At this time there are no known professional laser tag players. There are amateur tournaments in several countries, featuring one or, occasionally, multiple laser tag systems.


In late 1970s and early 1980s, the United States Army deployed a system using infrared beams for combat training. The MILES system functions like laser tag in that beams are "fired" into receivers that score hits.[3] Similar systems are now manufactured by several companies and used by various armed forces around the world.

The first known toy to use infrared light and a corresponding sensor was manufactured and marketed in 1979 as the Star Trek Electronic Phaser Guns set.[4], though this system did not keep any type of score and players could not be "tagged out."

In 1982, George Carter III began the process of designing an arena-based system for playing a scored version of the game, a possibility which had initially occurred to him in 1977 while watching the movie Star Wars. He opened the first Photon center in Dallas, Texas in 1984 and as a result is generally credited as the originator of the sport in its arena based form. Players could come to one of the centers (there were as many as 45 operational in the US in the mid-1980s) and compete against each other, but the equipment was not sold in stores.

In 1986, the first Photon toys hit the market, nearly simultaneously with the Lazer Tag toys from Worlds of Wonder and several other similar infrared and visible light based toys. The Christmas season of 1986 was the real beginning of home laser tag, and soon millions of kids would be playing laser tag with each other anyplace they could. Worlds of Wonder went out of business around 1988, and Photon soon followed in 1989, as the fad of the games wore off. Today there are laser tag arenas all over the world bearing various names and brands, as well as a large variety of consumer equipment for home play and professional grade equipment for outdoor laser tag arenas and businesses.[5]

Arenas, Playing Fields, and Organizations

There are dozens of different manufacturers of Laser Tag equipment, such as Ultrazone, Darklight, LaserStorm,LaserTron, LaserQuest, LaserTrek, LaserGame, Q-Zar, etc. Each system has somewhat different equipment design, mechanics, game play, and rules. Most systems sell the rights to use the equipment in lieu of operating their own sites, however there have been a few exceptions such as Photon and LaserQuest.

Arenas typically are large dark rooms lit by black lights with many walls or other obstructions to clutter the field. Many are multi-level or themed to look 'futuristic' or like an 'urban jungle' or other design. Laser Tag also exists in an outdoor incarnation played on fields similar to paintball.

Individual Laser Tag systems often develop active tournament scenes. Unfortunately, due to the business practice of manufacturers not owning sites, these scenes tend to last only a few years and are player-organized and run. Ultrazone, when it had corporate-owned sites, ran tournaments up until about 2000. Laser Quest, with corporately-owned sites across North America, have operated the North American Challenge since 1996 and many local tournaments throughout the year. LaserForce has also maintained an international tournament scene for many years. LaserTron has also supported a tournament program for the past three years. [6]. LaserStorm may have the most successful tournament scene, as they have regularly held on going regional tournaments in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colarado, Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York for the past decade. The "LaserStorm National Championship" has also be played for over a decade, with the best teams from those regions traveling to one choosen host site every summer for a week long tournament to crown the yearly National Champions, and the best player in the country.

Armageddon, a multi-system tournament has operated since 2000 giving players of many diverse systems the opportunity to play against each other in 10 or more different systems to see who is the best "cross-system" player. The tournament was founded by Ricky Vega in Dallas, TX and changes location every few years. In 2000, 2001 and 2007 the tournament took place in Texas, in 2002, 2003, and 2006 it took place in Maryland, and in 2004 and 2005 it took place in Ohio, New York, and Canada. It will be taking place in the NY-NJ region in 2008. Armageddon takes place every year on the week of July 4th. 6-8 teams of 8 players per team compete over a four day period on 8 different systems. Players from all over the world travel to Armageddon to test their skills against each other. In 2007 alone players from the United States, Canada, Sweeden, and the U.K. were all in attendance.

Game mechanics

Laser tag systems vary widely in their technical capabilities and their applications. The game mechanics in laser tag are closely linked to the hardware used, the communication capabilities of the system, the embedded software that runs the equipment, the integration between the player's equipment and devices in the facility, the environment, and the configuration of the software that runs the equipment.

The resulting game play mechanics can result in anything from the highly realistic combat simulation used by the military to far fetched scenarios inspired by science fiction and video games.

Rate of fire, objectives, effects of being "tagged", and other parameters can often be altered on the fly to provide for varied game play.

Tactical Missions

Along with death matches, where one team tries to get the members of the other team "out", many laser tag venues hold "tactical missions". These tactical missions are usually comprised of various objectives and missions. Capture the flag is a more popular tactical mission. This where a player steals the opponents flag and takes it back to their own base in order to score a point or win the match (depending on score system). Another popular tactical mission is protect the VIP. The team with the VIP must hide and conceal him for 10 - 30 minutes while the opposing team tries to assassinate the VIP within the given time limit.

Equipment and Technology

At their core, laser tag systems typically use infrared signaling to track firing of the laser. In indoor play, a visible laser combined with theatrical fog typically provide the visual effect of firing, while having no actual role in transmitting the fire signal.

In all but the most basic of systems, the infrared signal sent by the laser when it fires is encoded with information such as the identity of the pack from which it originated. This coding allows for scoring and may also act to discourage interference from unauthorized devices in the playing area.

Indoor equipment

Indoor laser tag is typically played in a darkened arena run by a commercial laser tag operator. The packs are tightly integrated with the devices inside the arena. The arena devices, and the packs themselves may be linked into a control computer for scoring and control over game parameters using radio equipment or infrared links. The game computer often serves to control other game effects and to manage player scores.

The dimensions of an indoor laser tag arena makes for close quarters, so there is a large design focus on performance and game play under these conditions.

Outdoor equipment

Outdoor equipment requires different design concerns from indoor equipment. The equipment is generally expected to function well at longer ranges, even in daylight, so higher output power and specially designed optics are often a requirement. The scenarios for outdoor laser tag often approximate real-world combat, so durability and replication of actual weapon appearance and qualities is also a concern.


  1. ^ EWOW Protocol Document from RealTag.
  2. ^ MilesTag, an open specification for laser tag IR communications.
  3. ^ Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System, the Federation of American Scientists Military Analysis Network, accessed 13 November 2006
  4. ^ TagFerret's Laser Tag History Page, a historical reference to consumer laser tag product from a toy industry insider.
  5. ^ History of Laser Tag, International Laser Tag Association, accessed 17 September 2006
  6. ^ LaserTron World Championships, LaserTron World Championships, accessed 28 October 2007