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In electrical engineering, the susceptance (B) is the imaginary part of the admittance. In SI units, the susceptance is measured in siemens. In June of 1887, Oliver Heaviside used the term "permittance" which later became susceptance.



Y is the admittance, measured in siemens

G is the conductance, measured in siemens

B is the susceptance, measured in siemens.

The admittance (Y) is the inverse of the impedance (Z)


Z is the impedance, measured in ohms

R is resistance, measured in ohms

X is the reactance, measured in ohms.

Note: The susceptance is NOT the inverse of the reactance.

The magnitude of admittance is given by:

SI electricity units

Symbol[1] Name of quantity Unit name Symbol Base units
E energy joule J = C⋅V = W⋅s kg⋅m2⋅s−2
Q electric charge coulomb C A⋅s
I electric current ampere A = C/s = W/V A
J electric current density ampere per square metre A/m2 A⋅m−2
U, ΔV; Δϕ; E, ξ potential difference; voltage; electromotive force volt V = J/C kg⋅m2⋅s−3⋅A−1
R; Z; X electric resistance; impedance; reactance ohm Ω = V/A kg⋅m2⋅s−3⋅A−2
ρ resistivity ohm metre Ω⋅m kg⋅m3⋅s−3⋅A−2
P electric power watt W = V⋅A kg⋅m2⋅s−3
C capacitance farad F = C/V kg−1⋅m−2⋅A2⋅s4
ΦE electric flux volt metre V⋅m kg⋅m3⋅s−3⋅A−1
E electric field strength volt per metre V/m = N/C kg⋅m⋅A−1⋅s−3
D electric displacement field coulomb per square metre C/m2 A⋅s⋅m−2
ε permittivity farad per metre F/m kg−1⋅m−3⋅A2⋅s4
χe electric susceptibility (dimensionless) 1 1
p electric dipole moment coulomb metre C⋅m A⋅s⋅m
G; Y; B conductance; admittance; susceptance siemens S = Ω−1 kg−1⋅m−2⋅s3⋅A2
κ, γ, σ conductivity siemens per metre S/m kg−1⋅m−3⋅s3⋅A2
B magnetic flux density, magnetic induction tesla T = Wb/m2 = N⋅A−1⋅m−1 kg⋅s−2⋅A−1
Φ, ΦM, ΦB magnetic flux weber Wb = V⋅s kg⋅m2⋅s−2⋅A−1
H magnetic field strength ampere per metre A/m A⋅m−1
F magnetomotive force ampere A = Wb/H A
R magnetic reluctance inverse henry H−1 = A/Wb kg−1⋅m−2⋅s2⋅A2
P magnetic permeance henry H = Wb/A kg⋅m2⋅s-2⋅A-2
L, M inductance henry H = Wb/A = V⋅s/A kg⋅m2⋅s−2⋅A−2
μ permeability henry per metre H/m kg⋅m⋅s−2⋅A−2
χ magnetic susceptibility (dimensionless) 1 1
m magnetic dipole moment ampere square meter A⋅m2 = J⋅T−1 A⋅m2
σ mass magnetization ampere square meter per kilogram A⋅m2/kg A⋅m2⋅kg−1
  1. ^ International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1993). Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 2nd edition, Oxford: Blackwell Science. ISBN 0-632-03583-8. pp. 14–15. Electronic version.