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Check mark

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File:Check mark 63x38.jpg

A checkmark or check (American English), or tick (British English) is a mark (✓) used to indicate the concept "yes", for example "yes, this has been verified" or "yes, I agree". Its opposite is the cross (✗), although the cross can also be positive, for example in elections.

As a verb, to tick (off) or to check (off) means to add such a mark. It is quite common, especially on printed forms, printed documents, and computers, for there to be squares in which to place ticks. In America, it is more common for people to check a square box with a cross (X); while in some European countries, it is more common for people to check a square box with a v-shaped checkmark.

Unicode provides various related symbols, including:

Symbol XHTML entity Name
HEAVY CHECK MARK (bold tick)
BALLOT X (cross)
HEAVY BALLOT X (bold cross)
BALLOT BOX (square)
BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK (square with tick)
BALLOT BOX WITH X (square with cross)