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Participants in Operation Enduring Freedom

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The United States was supported by several nations during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan during initial combat operations starting in October 2001, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, and during 2002 and 2003.

This list covers US and coalition forces and other forms of support for Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) from October 2001.

See the article Afghanistan War order of battle for the current disposition of coalition forces in Afghanistan.

For coalition forces involved in NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) combat operations in southern Afghanistan in 2006, see the article Coalition combat operations in Afghanistan in 2006. For coalition forces in Afghanistan in 2007, see the article Coalition combat operations in Afghanistan in 2007. And the article International Security Assistance Force for coalition forces in Afghanistan as part of ISAF.

Primary sources U.S. Department of Defense [1] and US State Department [2].

A rare occurrence of a 5-country multinational fleet, during Operation Enduring Freedom in the Oman Sea. In four descending columns, from left to right: MM Maestrale (F 570), FS De Grasse (D 612); USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74), FS Charles De Gaulle (R 91), FS Surcouf (F 711); USS Port Royal (CG-73), HMS Ocean (L 12), USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67), HNLMS Van Amstel (F 831); and MM Durand de la Penne (D 560).

Albania offered the United States and its allies use of its airspace, ports, and airports.

Armenia offered the use of its airspace.

Australia invoked Article IV of the Australia, New Zealand, and United States (ANZUS) security treaty after the attacks of September 11th and Australian military and intelligence support was pledged. About 300 Australian SAS special forces troops, air-to-air refueling tankers, Navy frigates, two Orion electronic intelligence gathering aircraft, and F/A-18 fighter aircraft for Diego Garcia.

Naval vessels during 2002.

Bangladesh offered the use of its airspace, ports and aircraft refueling stations.

In 2002, a tri-national detachment known as the European Participating Air Forces of 18 Danish, Netherlands and Norwegian F-16 ground attack fighters aircraft deployed to Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan to support operations in Afghanistan. Belgium contributed a C-130 Hercules and 4 F-16 aircraft.

In 2002, Canada had 2,025 personnel in the CENTCOM region (1,100 land, 225 air (6 aircraft) and 700 naval personnel (3 ships)). Ground troops included the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and JTF2 special forces. Since initial deployments supporting OEF, Canadian forces have supported OEF and ISAF. Since the summer of 2006, the expanded Canadian force supported the NATO ISAF mission in south Afghanistan.

Congo offered the United States and allies logistical support.

Cyprus offered the United States and allies use of its airspace and airports.

Provided training and material support for allied Afghan forces.

In 2002, a tri-national detachment known as the European Participating Air Forces of 18 Danish, Netherlands and Norwegian F-16 ground attack fighters aircraft deployed to Manas in Kyrgyzstan to support operations in Afghanistan. Denmark contributed 6 F-16 aircraft. Danish Jægerkorpset special forces were also deployed.

Egypt offered the use of its airspace.

Estonia offered the use of its airspace and provided logistical support in theatre. Today, about 150 troops are deployed in Afghanistan. [1]

Over 4,000 personnel including 3,500 for the Marine Nationale (one CVBG, comprising the FS Charles de Gaulle, frigates La Motte-Picquet, Jean de Vienne and Jean Bart, the nuclear attack submarine Rubis, the tanker Meuse and the aviso Commandant Ducuing) 600 ground troops and 600 from the Armée de l'Air (12 Mirage 2000, Mirage F1 and Mirage IV ground-attack and reconnaissance aircraft). A French task force composed of soldiers from the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment deployed on November 17, 2001, to Mazar-e Sharif. Six French soldiers have died during OEF (as well as 3 under ISAF): all 6 in various hostile incidents.

In 2001 and beginning again in the summer of 2003, 200 soldiers from various units of the Army Special Forces Brigade (BFST), including marine and air commandos, have conducted operations against the Taliban, under command and in co-operation with U.S. special operations forces present in the area. French forces have since supported the ISAF mission.

In 2002, Germany had 2,560 personnel in the region. German KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte special forces were involved in combat operations. The German Navy has had three Frigates, one Fast Patrol Boat Group (five units) and four supply ships operating out of Djibouti, in the Gulf of Aden. A German Airbus A310 aircraft was on alert in Germany for use as a medevac platform. German forces have since supported the ISAF mission.

Naval vessels during 2002. Greek forces have since supported the ISAF mission.

Opened ports to naval vessels. Has deployed paramilitary engineering force 'GREF' to Afghanistan to aid in the construction of essential infrastructure, telecommunications, etc. Also deployed paramilitary force 'ITBP' as security in aid of this effort.

Italy has in Afghanistan 2,160 men. Italian naval warships including its only Carrier Battle Group (with the aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi) supported combat operations in the North Arabian Sea. Italy deployed a 43-man engineer team to Bagram, Afghanistan to repair the runway in May 2002.

In its first military deployment since World War II, contributed naval support for non-combat reinforcement of the operation.

Jordan provided basing and overflight permissions for U.S. and coalition forces and a mine clearing team.

Kuwait provided basing and overflight permissions for all U.S. and coalition forces.

Kyrgyzstan allowed US and allied aircraft to use Manas Air Base

Provided logistical support.

40 Special Forces AITVARAS troops, from 2002-2004.

The Republic of Macedonia has provided close to 130 military persons. [3] [4]

Malaysia provided use of its airspace and logistical support.

In 2002, a tri-national detachment known as the European Participating Air Forces of 18 Danish, Netherlands and Norwegian F-16 ground attack fighters aircraft, of which 6 to 8 were Dutch and one Netherlands KDC-10 refuelling tanker was deployed to Manas in Kyrgyzstan to support operations in Afghanistan. The Royal Netherlands Navy deployed two frigates.

In 2006, the Netherlands increased its contribution to Afghanistan as part of NATO’s expanded operations in the south, including 1,700 troops and Royal Netherlands Air Force assets.

Two C-130 Hercules and one Boeing 757 transport aircraft and an unstated number of New Zealand Special Air Service special forces soldiers, around 120 and 2 ANZAC class frigates in the Persian Gulf. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark has begun to increase NZSAS presence in Afghanistan to well over 200 in the coming months (until around September 2009) following the first death of a New Zealand soldier (consequently nephew of New Zealand's Minister for Defence) in November 2007.

In 2002, a tri-national detachment known as the European Participating Air Forces of 18 Danish, Dutch and Norwegian F-16 ground attack fighters aircraft was deployed to Manas International Airport in Kyrgyzstan to support operations in Afghanistan. Norway contributed four to six F-16s. Also deployed from Norway were logistic teams, mine clearance teams, a Marinejegerkommandoen special forces commando group and several C-130 transport aircraft. Norway also has an army training base located in Afghanistan. Currently, they have lost one soldier in a RPG attack and one special forces lieutenant in a shoot-out with hostile gunmen.[2][3] Norway redeployed F-16 ground attack aircraft in 2006 as part of a joint Dutch-Norwegian unit supporting expanded NATO operations in Afghanistan.[4]

Oman offered the United States and allies use of its airspace and air bases.

Pakistan has been helping in the war against the Taliban. Pakistan and Iran agreed to open borders to receive the expected increased migration of refugees from Afghanistan. Earlier, Pakistan had supported the Taliban, especially during the 1996-1998 period when they were establishing control - later relations between the two were not as close. After the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan allocated three airbases to the United States for the invasion of Afghanistan.

The Philippines provided landing rights and base support for U.S. aircraft and offered medical and logistical support.

Poland provided combat engineers and logistical support.

As a NATO member, it supported the invocation of Article V, and offered support. They participated in Operation Hoover in 2007.

Qatar offered the United States and allies use of the Al Udaid Airbase.

Romania gave basing and overflight permissions to US and allied aircraft and would later provide significant forces as part of ISAF.

Russia provided a field hospital as well as a hospital in Kabul for allies and Afghan civilians.

South Korea provided logistical support and a field hospital.

As a NATO member, Spain supported the invocation of Article V of the NATO charter. Spain made available Spanish military bases for military operations. Spanish forces have since supported the ISAF mission.

Sudan offered logistical support.

Tajikistan provided use of its airspace, airbases and facilities for humanitarian aid.

Thailand offered America and its allies a fueling station for aircraft and provided logistical support.

Turkey offered the United States use of its airspace and air refuelling for US aircraft deploying to the region. Turkey would later provide significant forces as part of ISAF.

Turkmenistan offered the use of its airspace.

United Arab Emirates provided 3 security personnel.

Ukraine allowed use of its airspace and airbases to America and its allies, but only for cargo flights.

The United Kingdom deployed air, sea and land assets for the initial offensive against the Taliban/al-Qaeda in 2001-2. The naval element consisted of one Invincible class aircraft carrier, one amphibious ship (, one destroyer, one frigate, three nuclear fleet submarines and seven Royal Fleet Auxiliaries. The submarines HMS Trafalgar and HMS Triumph launched Tomahawk missiles on targets inside Afghanistan. SBS and 22 Squadron SAS special forces also deployed. Later 45 Commando Royal Marines deployed as part of Operation Jacana. The Royal Air Force contributed Tristar and VC-10 tanker aircraft, E-3D Sentry surveillance and control aircraft, Nimrod R1 surveillance aircraft, Nimrod MR2 maritime reconnaissance aircraft, Canberra PR9 reconnaissance aircraft, C-130 Hercules air transport aircraft and Chinook helicopters from 27 Squadron. 94 members of the British Armed Forces have died during OEF (see British forces casualties in Afghanistan).

Since initial deployments supporting OEF, British forces have mainly supported the ISAF mission, whilst British special forces have supported OEF and ISAF. In January 2006, Defence Secretary John Reid announced the UK would send a PRT with several thousand personnel to Helmand for at least three years. This had been planned as part of the gradual expansion of ISAF's area of responsibility from the Kabul region to the rest of Afghanistan. An initial strength of 5,700 personnel in Afghanistan was planned, which would stabilise to around 4,500 for the rest of the deployment.[5]

In 2002, there were approximately 7,000 troops in Afghanistan, including United States Army Rangers, troops from the 10th Mountain Division, 187th Infantry Regt. "Rakkasans" 101st Airborne (Air Assault) and US Marines. Marines of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit and 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit were the first conventional forces into Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in November of 2001.

The United States Navy aircraft carriers USS Enterprise (CVN 65) with an 8 ship and submarine task group, followed by the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) with 9 other ships and submarines deployed for operations over Afghanistan at different stages to the end of 2002. The USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) with a 11 ship and submarine task group also deployed.

Roughly 150 aircraft were initially deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom, including some two dozen B-52 bombers and support aircraft.

In 2007, 23,000 American troops were in Afghanistan.

Uzbekistan had allowed the U.S. to place troops on the ground as well as use the Uzbek airbase, K2, for support activities and for deployment and command and control of Special Forces into all of Afghanistan except for the Khandahar region. K2 is no longer in use by the U.S.
