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Antonio Caso Andrade
Rector de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Personal details
BornDecember 19, 1883
ResidenceMexico City
Known forRectorate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Antonio Caso Andrade (December 19, 1883- March 6, 1946) a Mexican philosopher and president of the former Universidad Nacional de Mexico, now known as the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (from December 1921-August 1923). Along with Jose Vasconcelos, he founded the Ateneo de la Juventud, a humanist group against philosophical positivism. The Athenian generation opposed Augustus Comte and Herbert Spencer’s philosophical views, giving credence to and expanding on the ideas of Henri Bergson, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Jose Enrique Rodo. Andrade opposed rationalism. His group the ateneistas believed in a moral, willing, and spiritual individual being.

Philosophical Work

In the summer of 1909, Caso presented his critiques of positivism in a series of conferences later expanded in the third edition by the Athenians of Youth. He was inspired by the Christian philosophical tradition, in particular by Pascal and Tolstoy. Caso distinguishes three aspects of human existence: economic, aesthetic, and moral. Caso refuted Gabino Barreda’s thesis and the first Justo Sierra that the future of Mexico was built primarily on basis of a scientific doctrine. In the work “Catholism, Jacobinism and Positivism” included in the book Discursos a la nacion mexicana (Speeches to the Mexican nation) Caso deepens his criticism of two of the hegemonic ideologies in the late nineteenth century: Jacobinism (or extreme liberalism) and positivism. The supporters of the first accuses them of ignoring reality, while those in the second get the blame for the alleged inevitability of reality. Antonio Caso is a pioneer in the Mexican philosophy that was developed later by Samuel Ramos, Leopoldo Zea, and Octavio Paz among others. In his book El problema de México y la ideología nacional, (The problem ,of Mexico and the nation ideology) published in 1924, Caso argues Mexico’s biggest problem is the lack of unity (racial, cultural and social). Towards the end of his life, Caso was influenced by the philosophies of Husserl, Scheler, and Heidegger, especially Husserl, who’s ideas were reflected in the book La filosofía de Husserl, El acto ideatorio, La persona humana y el estado totalitario y El peligro del hombre ).


• La filosofía de la intuición , 1914 The philosophy of intuition, 1914 • El concepto de la historia universal , 1918 The concept of universal history, 1918 • Principios de estética , 1925 Principles of aesthetics, 1925 • El acto ideatorio , 1934 The act ideatorio, 1934 • El peligro del hombre , 1942 The danger of man, 1942
