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List of university and college mottos

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by LtPylon (talk | contribs) at 01:07, 5 April 2009 (Added Syracuse University to the table). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Buenos Aires Argentina Virtus Robur et Studium Latin Argentine virtue is strength and study
National University of Tucuman Pedes in Terra ad Sidera Visus Latin Feets on the ground and sight to the universe


University Motto Sprache Translation
Australian National University Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum Latin First, to know the nature of things
Bond University Bringing Ambition To Life Englisch
Central Queensland University Doctrina Perpetua Latin Forever Learning
Curtin University of Technology Look Ever Forward Englisch
James Cook University Crescente Luce Italian Light ever increasing
La Trobe University Qui cherche trouve French Whoever seeks, finds
Monash University Ancora imparo Italian I am still learning
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Perita manus mens exculta Latin [a] Skilled hand [and] cultivated mind
University of Adelaide Sub Cruce Lumen Latin The light [of learning] under the [Southern] Cross
University of Canberra New Intelligence Englisch
The University of Melbourne Postera Crescam Laude Latin We grow in the esteem of future generations
University of New England Ex sapientia modus Latin Out Of Wisdom Comes Moderation
University of New South Wales Scientia Manu et Mente Latin Knowledge by Hand and Mind
University of Queensland Scientia ac Labore Latin Through knowledge and hard work
University of Southern Queensland Per Studia Mens Nova Latin Through study the mind is made new
University of Sydney Sidere mens eadem mutato Latin The stars change, [but] the mind [remains] the same
University of Technology, Sydney Think. Change. Do. Englisch
University of Western Australia Seek Wisdom Englisch


University Motto Sprache Translation
Université Libre de Bruxelles Scientia vincere tenebras Latin "Conquering darkness by science"
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Scientia vincere tenebras Latin "Conquering darkness by science"
Université catholique de Louvain Sedes sapientiae Latin "Seat of wisdom"
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Sedes sapientiae Latin "Seat of wisdom"
Universiteit Gent Inter Utrumque Latin "In Between Both Extremes"


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Botswana Thuto Ke Thebe[1] Setswana "Education is a shield"


University Motto Sprache Translation
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Fide Splendet et Scientia Latin "May it shine with truth and knowledge"
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Alis grave nil Latin "Nothing is too heavy for those who have wings"
Universidade de São Paulo Scientia Vinces Latin "Through knowledge you win"
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Incipit Vita Nova Latin "A new life begins"
Universidade Estadual do Ceará Lumen Ad Viem Latin "Enlightening life"


University Motto Sprache Translation
Acadia University In pulvere vinces Latin In dust, you conquer
Atlantic Baptist University Christus Praeeminens Latin Christ is preeminent
Bishop's University Recti cultus pectora roborant Latin Sound learning strengthens the spirit
Brock University Surgite! Latin Push on!
Cape Breton University Theid Dìchioll Air Thoiseach Scottish Gaelic Perseverance will Triumph
Carleton University Ours the Task Eternal Englisch
Concordia University Real education for the real world Englisch
Dalhousie University Ora et Labora Latin Pray and work
École Polytechnique de Montréal Ut tensio sic vis Latin As the extension, the force
Lakehead University Vos persolvo pro angustus obvius Latin Achievement through effort
Laurentian University Emitte lucem et veritatem Latin Send forth thy light and thy truth
McGill University Grandescunt aucta labore Latin By work, all things increase and grow
McMaster University Τα παντα εν Χριστωι συνεστηκεν Greek All things cohere in Christ
Memorial University of Newfoundland Provehito in Altum Latin Launch forth into the deep
Mount Allison University Litterae, Religio, Scientia Latin Writing, Divinity, Knowledge
Mount Saint Vincent University Veritas ad Deum ducit Latin Truth leads to God
Nipissing University Integritas Latin Integrity
Queen's University Sapientia et Doctrina Stabilitas Latin Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times
Royal Military College of Canada Truth, Duty, Valour Englisch French: Vérité, Devoir, Vaillance
Royal Roads University Living Our Learning Englisch
Ryerson University Mente et Artificio Latin With mind and hand
Saint Francis Xavier University Quaecumque Sunt Vera Latin Whatsoever things are true
Saint Mary's University Age Quod Agis Latin What you do, do well
Simon Fraser University Nous sommes prêts French We are ready
St. Thomas University Doce Bonitatem Scientiam et Disciplinam Latin Teach me Goodness and Knowledge and Discipline
Thompson Rivers University Quansem Ilep Secwepemc To strive ahead
Trent University Nunc cognosco ex parte Latin Now I know in part
Trinity Western University Turris Fortis Deus Noster Latin A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Université de Montréal Fide splendet et scientia Latin May it shine with truth and knowledge
Université Laval Deo favente haud pluribus impar Latin By the grace of God, to no one equal
University of Alberta Quaecumque Vera Latin Whatsoever things are true
University of British Columbia Tuum est Latin It's up to you or It is yours
University of Calgary Mo Shùile Togam Suas Scottish Gaelic I will lift up my eyes
University of Guelph Rerum cognoscere causas Latin To learn the meaning of reality
University of King's College Deo Legi Regi Gregi Latin For God, Law, King, People
University of Lethbridge Fiat Lux Latin Let there be light
University of Manitoba Floreat Latin Flourish" or "Prosper"
University of New Brunswick Sapere Aude Latin Dare to know / Dare to be wise
University of Northern British Columbia En Cha Huná Dakelh language literally 'He/she too lives", figuratively "Other people have their point of view")
University of Ontario Institute of Technology Cogitando et Agendo Ducemus Latin By thinking and doing, we shall lead
University of Ottawa Deus Scientiarum Dominus Est Latin God is the Lord of Knowledge
University of Prince Edward Island Faith, Knowledge, Service Englisch
University of Regina As One Who Serves Englisch
University of Saskatchewan Deo et Patriae Latin For God and Country
University of Sherbrooke Veritatem in charitate Latin Truth in charity
University of Toronto Velut arbor ævo Latin As a tree with the passage of time
University of Victoria Let there be light (shown in Hebrew characters) and Multitudo sapoentum sanitas orbis Latin A multitude of the wise is the health of the world
University of Waterloo Concordia cum veritate Latin In harmony with truth
University of Western Ontario Veritas et Utilitas Latin Truth and usefulness
University of Windsor Bonitatem, disciplinam, scientiam Latin Goodness, discipline, knowledge
University of Winnipeg Lux et Veritas Floreant Latin Let Light and Truth Flourish
Wilfrid Laurier University Veritas Omnia Vincit Latin Truth conquers all
York University Tentanda via Latin The way must be tried


University Motto Sprache Translation
Fudan University 博学而笃志,切问而近思 Chinese "Rich in knowledge and tenacious of purpose; inquiring with earnestness and reflecting with self-practice"
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 厚德 博学 敬业 乐群 Chinese "Virtue, erudite, dedication, companionship"
Chongqing University 耐劳苦 尚俭朴 勤学业 爱国家 Chinese "Endurance, thrifty, diligence, patriotism"
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 明德 厚学 求是 创新 Chinese "Illustrious virtue, erudite, truth-seeking, innovation"
Peking University 勤奋 严谨 求实 创新 Chinese "Diligence, rigorousness, pragmatism, innovation"
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 饮水思源 爱国荣校 Chinese "when you drink water, never shall you forget its source; love your motherland and add credit to your almamater"[2]
Sichuan University 海纳百川 有容乃大 Chinese "Sea encompasses hundreds of rivers, willingness to accept all is virtuous"
Tianjin University 实事求是 Chinese "Seek Truth from Facts"
Tsinghua University 自强不息 厚德載物 Chinese "Self-discipline and Social Commitment"
Wuhan University 自强 弘毅 求是 拓新 Chinese "Get bestirred, Develop perseverance, Aspire after truth and Blaze new trails"


University Motto Sprache Translation
Aalborg University Learning seriously affects your brain Englisch
University of Aarhus Solidum petit in profundis Latin "Seek a firm footing in the depths"
University of Copenhagen Coelestem adspicit lucem Latin "It looks at the celestial light"


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Fiji Affordability, Quality, Innovation, Creativity


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Art and Design Helsinki Pro Arte Utili Latin For useful abilities
Helsinki University of Technology Labor et scientia Latin Work and science


University Motto Sprache Translation
RWTH Aachen University Zukunft beginnt bei uns German Future starts with us
Free University of Berlin Veritas - Iustitia - Libertas Latin Truth - Justice - Freedom
Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg Semper apertus Latin Always open
University of Potsdam Klein aber fein German Small but excellent


University Motto Sprache Translation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 求進,求新,創未來。 Contemporary Chinese Hands on the Present and Eyes for the Future
The University of Hong Kong Sapientia Et Virtus/明徳格物 Latin/Classical Chinese Wisdom and virtue/To disseminate virtue and to investigate the way of things
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 博文約禮。 Classical Chinese To broaden one's intellectual horizon and to keep within the bounds of propriety.


University Motto Sprache Translation
Pontifical Gregorian University Religioni et Bonis Artibus Latin For Religion and Culture
Sapienza University of Rome Il futuro è passato qui Italian The future is past here or The future has passed here
University of Bologna Alma mater studiorum Latin Nourishing mother of the studies
University of Padua Universa Universis Patavina Libertas Latin Liberty of Padua, universally and for all
University of Pisa In Supremae Dignitatis Latin
University of Venice (Ca' Foscari) Venetiarum universitas in domo Foscari Latin University of the Venices in Foscari's house


University Motto Sprache Translation
Sogang University 그대 서강의 자랑이듯, 서강 그대의 자랑이어라
(Sogang gudae-e jarang e dut, gudae Sogang-ui jarang e o ra)
Korean Be proud of Sogang, as Sogang is proud of you.
Seoul National University (SNU) Veritas lux mea Latin Truth is my light.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Education for the world, research for the future Englisch
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 성실, 창의, 진취
(Sungsil, Changeu, Jinchi)
Korean Integrity, Creativity, and Aspiration
Yonsei University 진리가 너희를 자유롭게 하리라.
(Jilli-ga neohui-rul jayuropke-harira)
Korean Truth will set you free.
Korea University 자유, 정의, 진리
(Jayu, Jungeu, Jinli)
Korean Liberty, Justice, and Truth
Hanyang University 사랑의 실천
(Sarang-eui shilcheon)
Korean Love in truth in deed.


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Latvia Scientiae et patriae [3] Latin For science and fatherland


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Antananarivo Izay adala no toa an-drainy Malagasy Foolish is he who seeks only to emulate his father


University Motto Sprache Translation
Universiti Malaya Ilmu Punca Kemajuan Malay Knowledge is the Key to Success
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Ilmu Memimpin Malay Knowledge Guides
Universiti Sains Malaysia Kami Memimpin Malay We Lead
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kerana Tuhan Untuk Manusia Malay By the Name of God for the Mankind
Universiti Putra Malaysia Berilmu Berbakti Malay With Knowledge We Serve
Universiti Teknologi Mara Usaha Taqwa Mulia Malay Endeavour Religious Dignified
Universiti Utara Malaysia Ilmu Budi Bakti Malay Scholarship Virtue Service
Universiti Darul Iman Terengganu Malaysia Ilmu Demi Faedah Insan Malay Knowledge for the Benefit of Humanity
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Bersifat Sezaman dan Berpandangan Jauh Malay Contemporary and Forward Looking
International Islamic University Malaysia Taman Ilmu dan Budi Malay Garden of Knowledge and Virtue


University Motto Sprache Translation
Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico - UNITEC Ciencia y Técnica con Humanismo Spanish Science and technics with humanism
Autonomous University of Campeche Del Enigma sin Albas a Triángulos de Luz Spanish From Mystery Without a Dawn to Triangles of Light
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon Alere Flammam Veritatis Latin Let the Flame of Truth Shine
Universidad Iberoamericana La Verdad Nos Hará Libres Spanish Truth will set us free
Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco Estudio en la Duda, Acción en la Fe Spanish Study when in Doubt, Action on Faith
National Autonomous University of Mexico Por mi raza hablará el espíritu Spanish The Spirit will speak for my race
National Polytechnic Institute La técnica al servicio de la patria Spanish The technique to the service of the fatherland
Universidad Veracruzana Lis de Veracruz, Arte, Ciencia, Luz Spanish Lily of Veracruz, Art, Science, Light

The Netherlands

University Motto Sprache Translation
Eindhoven University of Technology Mens Agitat Molem Latin The mind moves matter
Erasmus University Main port of knowledge Englisch
Groningen University Verbum domini lucerna pedibus nostris Latin The word of the Lord is a light for our feet
Kampen Theological University In lumine tuo videmus lumen Latin In Your Light we see the light
Leiden University Praesidium Libertatis Latin Bastion of Freedom
Universiteit Maastricht International and Innovative Englisch
Nyenrode Business Universiteit The Spirit of Enterprise Englisch
Open University Ik sta open voor studeren Dutch I am open for studying
Radboud University Nijmegen In Dei Nomine Feliciter Latin May we proceed with happiness in God's name
Universiteit Twente De ondernemende universiteit Dutch The entrepreneurial university
Utrecht University Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos Latin Sun of Justice, shine upon us
Vrije Universiteit Gewoon bijzonder Dutch Plain special
Wageningen University For quality of life Englisch


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Auckland Ingenio et Labore Latin By natural ability and hard work
University of Otago Sapere aude Latin Dare to be wise
Victoria University of Wellington Sapientia magis auro desideranda Latin Wisdom is preferable to gold


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Karachi رَبِّ زدْنيِ علماً Arabic O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge
Institute of Business Administration (Karachi) Leadership and Ideas for Tomorrow
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology We Aim to Inspire

The Philippines

University Motto Sprache Translation
Adamson University Education with a Heart Englisch
Ateneo de Davao University Fortes In Fide Latin Strong in Faith
Ateneo de Manila University Lux In Domino Latin Light in the Lord
Centro Escolar University Ciencia y Virtud Spanish Science and Virtue
Colegio de San Juan de Letran Patria, Deus, Letran Latin/Spanish Country, God, Letran
De La Salle University-Manila Religio, Mores, Cultura Latin Religion, Morals, Culture
Laguna State Polytechnic University Agriculture, Fisheries, Technology Englisch
New Era University Godliness is the foundation of knowledge. Englisch
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Karunungan, Kaunlaran, Kadakilaan Filipino Wisdom, Prosperity, Honor
Philippine Normal University Truth, Excellence, Service Englisch
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Tanglaw ng Bayan Filipino The Torch of the Nation
Saint Louis University Sapientia Aedificat Latin Wisdom Builds
University of Asia and the Pacific Unitas Latin Unity
University of Perpetual Help Character Building is Nation Building Englisch
University of the Philippines Honor and Excellence Englisch
University of Santo Tomas Veritas Cum Caritatae Latin Truth with Charity
University of San Carlos Scientia Virtus Devotio Latin Knowledge, Virtues and Devotion
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan Veritas Liberabit Vos Latin The truth shal set you free


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Łódź Veritas et Libertas Latin Truth and Liberty
Jagiellonian University Plus ratio quam vis Latin Let reason prevail over force


University Motto Sprache Translation
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Scientia unescamus[4] Latin Let us combine knowledge.
St. Petersburg State University Hic tuta perennat Latin Here we stay in peace

Sri Lanka

University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Vijja Uppaththang Settah[5] Sanskrit Science is the Greatest of that which is born.


University Motto Sprache Translation
Rhodes University Vis, virtus, veritas[6] Latin "Strength, courage, truth"
Stellenbosch University Pectora roborant cultus recti[7] Latin "Sound learning strengthens the spirit"
University of Cape Town Spes Bona[8] Latin "Good Hope"
University of Fort Hare In lumine tuo videbimus lumen[9] Latin "In Thy light we see light"
University of Pretoria Ad Destinatum Persequor[10] Latin "Pursuing towards destiny"
University of South Africa Pro Gentibus Sapientia[11] Latin "Learning in Service to Humanity"
University of the Western Cape Respice Prospice[12] Latin "look to the future, learn from the past"
University of the Witwatersrand Scientia et Labore[13] Latin "Knowledge and Labour"
University of Venda Knowledge is Precious[14] Englisch
University of Zululand Diligentia Cresco[15] Latin "By Diligence we shall lead"


University Motto Sprache Translation
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio Bonum est diffusivum sui [citation needed] Latin Goodness is diffusive of itself
Universidad del País Vasco Eman ta zabal zazu Basque Give and spread it
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Quid ultra faciam? Latin What more should I do?
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Homo homini sacra res Latin Man must be sacred for man
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Libertas Perfundet Omnia Luce Latin
Universidad de Burgos In itinere veritas [citation needed] Latin In travel, the truth
Universidad de Cádiz Non plus ultra Latin Nothing further beyond
Universidad de Granada Carolus Romanus Imperator Semper Augustus Hispaniarum Rex Fundator Universitatis Granatensis Latin Charles, ever Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, founder of Granada University
Universidad de Huelva Sapere aude [citation needed] Latin Dare to know
Universidad de La Laguna Reg. Sancti Ferdinandi Vniversitatis Canariarvm Stemma Latin From the King Saint Ferdinand, Canary Islands University shield
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Ad Orbem per Technicam Latin To the world through technics
Universidad de Salamanca Quod Natura Non Dat, Salmantica non praestat (unofficial) Latin What nature does not provide, Salamanca does not add
Universidad de Valladolid Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum Latin Wisdom hath built herself a house
Real Centro Universitario Escorial-María Cristina Vox veritatis non tacet Latin The voice of truth is not silent


University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Gothenburg Tradita innovare innovata tradere Latin A Tradition of Invention, an Inventor of Tradition
University of Uppsala Gratiae veritas naturae Latin Truth through God's mercy and nature

Taiwan (Republic of China)

University Motto Sprache Translation
National Chiao Tung University 知新致遠 崇實篤行 Traditional Chinese Creating Knowledge to Reach Far, Honoring Truths to Guide Acts
National Defense Medical Center 精愛精誠 博愛忠真 Traditional Chinese
National Taiwan University 敦品 勵學 愛國 愛人 Traditional Chinese Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country, Love Your People
National Tsing Hua University 自强不息 厚德載物 Traditional Chinese Self-Discipline and Social Commitment
Ching Yun University 敬業樂群 Traditional Chinese Diligence and Companionship.
Tzu Chi University 慈悲喜捨 Traditional Chinese Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Unselfish Giving


University Motto Sprache Translation
Université de Lomé Futurae Generis Humani Fides Latin


University Motto Sprache Translation
Crimea State Medical University Scientia Potentia Est[16] Latin For also knowledge itself is power
University of Kiev Utilitas honor et gloria Latin Utility Honor and Glory
Ukrainian Catholic University Nosce te ipsum Latin Know Thyself

Vereinigtes Königreich

University Motto Sprache Translation
Durham University Fundamenta eius super montibus sanctis Latin Her foundations are set upon the holy hills
Imperial College London Scientia imperii decus et tutamen Latin Knowledge is the adornment and safeguard of the Empire
King's College London Sancte et sapienter Latin With holiness and with wisdom
Napier University, Edinburgh Nisi sapientia frustra Latin Without knowledge, all is in vain
London School of Economics and Political Science Rerum cognoscere causas Latin To understand the causes of things
Queen Mary, University of London Coniunctis viribus Latin With united power
University of Aberdeen Initium sapientiae Timor domini Latin The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
University of Birmingham Per Ardua Ad Alta Latin Through hard work, great heights are achieved
Bournemouth University Discere Mutari Est Latin To Learn is to Change
University of Bristol Vim promovet insitam Latin (Learning) promotes one's innate power
University of Cambridge Hinc lucem et pocula sacra Latin From here, light and sacred draughts
University College London Cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae Latin Let all come who by merit most deserve reward
University of Derby Experientia Docet Latin Experience Teaches
University of East Anglia Do Different Englisch
University of Essex Thought the harder, heart the keener Englisch
University of Exeter Lucem sequimur Latin We follow the light
University of Glasgow Via, Veritas, Vita Latin The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Keele University Thanke God for All Englisch
University of Lancaster Patet omnibus veritas Latin Truth lies open to all
University of Leeds et augebitur scientia Latin And Knowledge Will Be Increased
University of Lincoln Excellentia per studium Latin Excellence through study
University of Liverpool Haec otia fovent studia Latin These days of peace foster learning
University of Leicester Ut vitam habeant Latin So that they may have life
University of Manchester Cognitio, sapientia, hvmanitas Latin Knowledge, wisdom, humanity
University of Nottingham Sapientia urbs conditur Latin A city is built on wisdom
University of Oxford Dominus Illuminatio Mea Latin The Lord is my Light
University of Salford Altiora Petamus Latin Let us seek higher things
University of Sheffield Rerum cognoscere causas Latin To discover the causes of things
University of Southampton Strenuis Ardua Cedunt Latin The Heights Yield to Endeavour
University of St Andrews Αιέν αριστεύειν Greek Ever to be the best
University of Sussex Be Still and Know Englisch
University of Teesside Facta Non Verba Latin Deeds Not Words
University of Wales, Aberystwyth Nid Byd, Byd Heb Wybodaeth Welsh A world without knowledge is no world at all
University of Wales, Bangor Gorau Dawn Deall Welsh The best gift is understanding
University of Wales, College Of Medicine Gwybod Medr Iachau Welsh
University of Warwick Mens agitat molem Latin Mind over matter
University of York In limine sapientiae Latin On the threshold of wisdom
City University, London To serve mankind Englisch

Vereinigte Staaten

University Motto Sprache Translation
University of Alaska Fairbanks Ad Summum Latin To the top
Albright College Veritas et Justita Latin Truth and Justice
Amherst College Terras Irradient Latin Let them give light to the world
Andrews University Corpus, Mens, Spiritus Latin Body, Mind, Spirit
Barton College Habebunt Lumen Vitae Latin They shall have the light of life
Belmont Abbey College That in all things God may be glorified. Englisch
Bob Jones University Petimus Credimus Latin We seek, we trust
Boston College Αιεν αριστευειν Greek Ever to Excel
Boston University Learning, Virtue, Piety Englisch
Brandeis University Truth Even Unto its Innermost Parts Englisch
Brown University In deo speramus Latin In God we hope
University of California Fiat lux Latin Let there be light
Calvin College My heart I offer to you, Lord, promptly and sincerely Englisch
California Institute of Technology The truth shall make you free Englisch
California State University, Chico Today decides tomorrow Englisch
Campbell University Ad astra per aspera Latin To the stars through difficulties
Carnegie Mellon University My heart is in the work Englisch
Catawba College Scholarship, Character, Culture, Service Englisch
The Catholic University of America Deus Lux Mea Est Latin God Is My Light
University of Chicago Crescat scientia; vita excolatur Latin Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched
Chowan University Lux et Veritas Latin Light and Truth
Christian Brothers University Virtus et Scientia Latin Character and Knowledge
University of Cincinnati Juncta Juvant Latin Strength in Unity
Colby College Lux Mentis Scientia Latin Knowledge is the Light of the Mind
University of Colorado Let your light shine Englisch
Columbia University In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen Latin In Thy light shall we see light
Cornell University I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study – Ezra Cornell, 1865 Englisch
Crichton College Think. Grow. Change. Englisch
Dartmouth College Vox clamantis in deserto Latin A voice crying in the wilderness
Davidson College Alenda Lux Ubi Orta Libertas Latin Let Learning Be Cherished Where Liberty Has Arisen
Drew University δωρεαν ελαβετε δωρεαν δοτε Greek Freely you have received, Freely give (Matthew 10:8)
Duke University Eruditio et Religio Latin Erudition and Religion
Duquesne University Spiritus est qui vivificat Latin It is the Spirit that giveth life
East Carolina University Servire Latin To Serve
Eastern Nazarene College Via, Veritas, Vita Latin The Way, the Truth, and the Life
University of Florida Civium in moribus rei publicae salus Latin The welfare of the state depends upon the morals of its citizens
Fordham University Sapientia et Doctrina Latin Wisdom and Learning
Furman University Christo et Doctrinae Latin For Christ and Learning
Gallaudet University Ephphatha Aramaic Be opened
(Mark 7:34)
Gardner-Webb University Pro Deo et Humanitate Latin For God and Humanity
George Washington University Deus Nobis Fiducia Latin In God Our Trust
Georgetown University Utraque Unum Latin Both and One
Georgia Institute of Technology Progress and Service
(formerly "To Know, To Do, To Be")
Guilford College I strive for wisdom and virtue Englisch
Hampshire College Non Satis Scire Latin To Know Is Not Enough
Harvard University Veritas Latin Truth
High Point University Nil Sine Numine Latin Nothing Without Divine Guidance
Hillsdale College Virtus Tentanime Gaudet Latin Strength Rejoices in the Challenge
Howard University Veritas et Utilitas Latin Truth and Service
Huntington University The Truth Will Make You Free Englisch
University of Illinois Learning and Labor Englisch
Illinois State University Gladly we Learn and Teach Englisch
Indiana University Lux et Veritas Latin Light and Truth
University of Indianapolis Education for Service Englisch
Johns Hopkins University Veritas vos liberabit Latin The truth shall make you free
Johnson C. Smith University Sit Lux Latin Let There Be Light
Johnson State College Docendo discimus Latin By teaching, we learn
Kalamazoo College Lux esto Latin Be light
Kansas State University Rule by Obeying Nature's Laws Englisch
University of Kansas Videbo visionem hanc magnam quare non comburatur rubus Latin I will see this great sight, how the bush does not burn
University of Kentucky Dream, Challenge, Succeed Englisch
Lees-McRae College In Montibus, Ex Montibus, Pro Montibus Latin In the mountains, of the mountains, for the mountains
Loyola University Chicago Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam Latin For the greater glory of God
University of Louisiana at Monroe Seek the Truth Englisch
Louisiana Tech University Non Sibi Sed Suis Latin Not for one's self, but for one's own
Marylhurst University Cor Sapientis Quaerit Doctrinam Latin "The wise of heart seek knowledge" Proverbs XV
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mens et Manus Latin Mind and Hand
Methodist University Veritas et Virtus Latin Truth and Virtue
University of Miami Magnus est Veritas Latin Great is the Truth
University of Michigan Artes Scientia Veritas Latin Art, Science, Truth
Middlebury College Scientia et Virtus Latin Knowledge and Virtue
University of Minnesota Commune Vinculum Omnibus Artibus Latin A Common Bond for All the Arts
University of Missouri Salus Populi Latin The Welfare of the People
Montana State University - Billings Access and Excellence Englisch
Montclair State University Carpe Diem Latin Seize The day
Morehead State University Lux Latin Light
State University of New York To learn, to search, to serve Englisch
University of North Carolina at Asheville Levo Oculos Meos In Montes Latin I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lux Libertas Latin Light, Liberty
University of North Carolina at Greensboro Service Englisch
University of North Carolina at Wilmington Discere Aude Latin Dare to Learn
University of North Dakota Lux et Lex Latin Light and law
University of Northern Colorado Sapientia In Aeterum Est Latin Wisdom is eternal
Northeastern University Lux, Veritas, Virtus Latin Light, Truth, Courage
Northwestern University Quaecumque sunt vera Latin Whatsoever things are true
University of Notre Dame Vita, Dulcedo, Spes Latin Mary, our Life, Sweetness, and Hope
The Ohio State University Disciplina in civitatem Latin Education for Citizenship
University of Oregon Mens Agitat Molem Latin Minds Move Mountains
Peace College Esse Quam Videri Latin To be, rather than to seem
University of Pennsylvania Leges sine moribus vanae Latin Laws without morals are useless
Pennsylvania State University Making life better Englisch
Pepperdine University Freely you have received, Freely give (Matthew 10:8) Englisch
Princeton University Dei sub numine viget Latin Under God's power she flourishes
Providence College Veritas Latin Truth
Queens University of Charlotte Non ministrari sed ministrare Latin Not to be served but to serve
University of Richmond Verbum Vitae et Lumen Scientiae Latin The Word of Lfe and the Light of Knowledge
Roanoke Bible College Set for the Defense of the Gospel Englisch
University of Rochester Meliora Latin Ever better
St. Augustine's College (Raleigh) Veritas vos liberabit Latin The truth will set you free
St. John's University (New York City) Educatio Christiana Animae Perfectio Latin A Christian Education Perfects the Soul
San Francisco State University Experientia Docet Latin Experience Teaches
Stanford University Die Luft der Freiheit weht German The wind of freedom blows
Salem College Reach Within, Shape the Future Englisch
University of San Francisco Pro Urbe et Universitate Latin For City and University
University of Southern California Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat Latin Let him who deserves it bear away the palm
Syracuse University Suos Cultores Scientia Coronat Latin Knowledge crowns those who seek her
University of Texas Disciplina praesidium civitatis Latin Education, the Guardian of Society
Texas Woman's University Scientia Lumen Vitae Latin Knowledge Brings Light to Life
Texas Tech University From here, it's possible Englisch
Tulane University Non Sibi Sed Suis Latin Not for one's self, but for one's own
University of Tulsa Wisdom, Faith, Service Englisch
Valparaiso University In Tua Luce Videmus Lucem Latin In Thy Light We See Light
University of Vermont Studiis Et Rebus Honestis Latin Through Studies and Upright Affairs
Villanova University Veritas Unitas Caritas Latin Truth Unity Love
Virginia Tech Ut prosim Latin That I may serve
University of Washington Lux sit Latin Let there be light
Wake Forest University Pro humanitate Latin For humanity
Warren Wilson College We're not for everyone... but then, maybe you're not everyone. Englisch
Washington University in St. Louis Per veritatem vis Latin Strength through truth
Wellesley College "Non Ministrari sed Ministrare" Latin Not to be ministered unto, but to minister.
Western Carolina University Facultas Vestri Mentis Latin The Power of Your Minds
Western Kentucky University The spirit makes the master Englisch
Wingate University Faith, Knowledge, Service Englisch
Yale University Lux et veritas Latin Light and truth
