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Richard Cornish

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Richard R Cornish (b.1942) A.E.S.T.C. National Art School , Australia 1967. Dip Ed. I.T.A.T.E Sydney 1989. M.A. Art History Flinders University SA 1983.He was born in Summer Hill, Sydney. He is both art theoretician and arts practitioner. As an art theoretician, he has added ‘new insights’ into the crisis of Mannerist art of the 16th C Richard is also an Australian multicultural artist, writer, poet and art teacher, He has won many prizes for his art and draughtsmanship and was a top student at the National Art School, Sydney. His art works span the period from 1955 until today- showing the influence of modernism, Mexican social realism and Asian multiculturalism. He is also known as an allegorical painter (ref) Concise Dictionary of Australian Artists’. Comp Gwenda Robb ,Elaine Smith ed, Robert Smith ,UP 1993 (/ref). The artwork and writing exhibits very human and political responses to the main themes of our time Richard has now produced over fifty years of creative work that he regards as a chronicle.

Contents; (1) Prizes and Awards (2) Exhibitions (3) Guest Lectures, Articles, Plays and Poetry (4) Reviews

(1) Prizes and Grants References; Prizes and Grants: Grant from Australia Council to travel to China and begin a multicultural book on the history of ideas in that country and culture. 1984: (ref) South Australian Literature Board (/ref) Grant to write autobiography 1980. Grant to assist in the publication of The Woman Lilith 1975. Grant from Experimental Film and TV Fund to make documentary about pollution in Newcastle region titled ‘The Corruption of Nature’, a lyric documentary, 1973. Directed film ‘Lesson in Degree’ which won Hunter Valley Tertiary award from Kodak and Channel 3, 1972. Won May Day Prize for Protest Paintings on Vietnam War subjects 1968-1969 Won Le Gay Breton Prize for best draughtsmanship at Art Gallery of NSW.. 1967. Won Readers Digest prize for best draughtsmanship (ref) National Art School (/ref) , East Sydney 1967. Won Newcastle University Prize for Painting 1966


(2) Exhibitions Richard has had 9 solo Exhibitions and been in over 3o Group Exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions of Richard Cornish: Cell Block Theatre, National Art School, East Sydney, 1967 ‘Against the Wind-One Blade of Grass’. Oct, 1969. Retrospective ‘Ricordanza’ exhibition, Flinders University S.A. 1980. ‘Cornish and Marko Koludrovic’, Tamworth March/April, 1990. ‘Across Cultural Lines; Towards New Identities’ Multicultural Exhibition, Grafton,1997. Group Exhibitions. Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of NSW, 1975. ‘Modern Art’ selected works from Sydney’s Public Schools, Inner Sydney, 1955. Organized by Ken Reinhardt and Keith Molde Students Exhibition Art Gallery of Newcastle,1965. Exhibition, Newcastle School of Art and Design, NTC student show, City Art Gallery, 1966. Mattara Art Exhibition, Civic Park, Newcastle 1965/66. NSW. 1964/65 May Day Art Exhibitions, The Realist Group Art Exhibition, (touring Australia) Newcastle City Art Gallery, Newcastle, June 1968. Perth Prize for Drawing, Perth, WA 1969. National Art School, End of the Year show-East Sydney 1966/67. National Art School, selected show 1967. Travelling Scholarship Art Gallery of NSW, 1966. Le Gay Breton Prize for Painting and Drawing.Art Gallery of NSW. Ashfield Art Prize exhibition, Ashfield 1967/67.. Artist for Labour] Art Sale for ALP Paddington Town Hall,1975.Von Bertough’s Art Gallery, Collectors Choice exhibition, Cooks Hill, Newcastle, 1975. 7th ] Collector Choice Art Exhibitions Von Bertough Art Gallery, Newcastle 1977, 78, 79, 1975. Newcastle May Day Prize for Political Cartoons, Newcastle Workers Club,1983/4. Kempsey Art Show 1987. Little Treasures, Big Pleasures, 1991/2. MID North Coast Society and 7th Art Exhibition,Taree,1983.. Lismore Art Gallery.1991/2. Expression Session Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award, Grafton Regional Gallery, 1996. Living treasures, Art Exhibition . Portraits of Senator Ian Cohen 1999/2000 School of Artsm Art Gallery Nimbin, 12 Exhibitions on various themes.

(3) Guest lectures, Articles and Plays and Poetry

Art Criticism: The Third Asia –Pacific Triennial Excites and Inspirers’ Nimbin News, Nov 1999. Review of Asia Pacific Triennial at (ref) Queensland Art Gallery (/ref) ‘Confronting Eastern Dragons’’ (ref) Nimbin News (/ref) , 2001.‘Lecturers Protest Painting Goes into War Memorial’, Smartarz , (ref) Southern Cross Uni magazine(/ref). Library, Lismore, May 1993. ‘On Peter Fuller: Death of Leading Art Theorist’ Chiaroscuro, Tamworth, TAFE, Tamworth, July 1990. Delzoppo’s Dialogue’, (ref) Periphery Art Magazine(/ref) , issue No 6, Nov 1990. ‘Across Cultural Lines’ Statement on Multiculturalism ‘Introductory catalogue, (ref) Grafton Regional Gallery, Grafton(/ref) , ‘In Response to Criticism’ Periphery Issue no 4, Aug 1990. ‘Wanted! An Ecological Aesthetic For the Antipodes’ Periphery, No 8 Feb ‘On the American Exhibition’ Article for (ref) National Art School magazine(/ref) , .Archives East Sydney Tech College.1967, ‘ ‘On Art and Alienation’ for Arena Magazine, Aug 1968, lecture also give at (ref) Monash Uni, Melbourne,1968 (/ref) .‘Lessons from the Past ‘On the Western History of Art Schools -From Vasari to the Present’, Paper ‘School of Art and Design, Newcastle. (ref) Newcastle TAFE. Library archives,1971 (/ref). Pontormo: ‘Introspection and Estrangement’ Flinders Uni, SA 1982. ‘Pontormo: New Insights into his painting ‘The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand’, Southern Cross Uni, Fine Arts holiday camp, Gunundi NSW, 1994 ‘The Challenge of China’: Questions of Multiculturalism’ Organized John MacGrath, Fine Arts Department, (ref) Newcastle University, 1988 (/ref). On Picasso’s Death Australian Left Review No 41, Aug 1973. There are more reviews in Smartartz journal of (ref) Southern Cross Uni, Library, Lismore,1992(/ref). MS,The Seven Remonstrations of the Chinese Jester Dong –Fang Shuo now titled simply ‘The Ninth Immortal’. A didactic/humorous meditation manual, a pop History of Chinese philosophical thought with illustrations. (ref) ANU library 1988(/ref). Art Novel ‘In Search of Malgudi’ set in India. A Comic /Tragedy Play: ‘The Girls in Our Town’ (ref) Newcastle University Library (/ref). Newcastle.1974. Published Poetry: ‘Upon Tienanmen Square’ Poem in World Anthology ‘Earth Against Heaven ’ Five Islands Press, 1990. ‘A Small Feat Cooked for my New Lover’ Suzhou, China, Smartarz (ref) Southern Cross Uni, Lismore, June 1993(/ref). ‘Beloved Ilsa’ Published in Anthology ‘The Liquid Mirror’ Green Apples of Ornans ‘Winning prize North Coast Region of S.A.W. 1991. ‘An Australian Artist Confronts Chinese Ghosts’ Poems –Seven Sardonic Senryu’s Chiaroscuro, (ref) Tamworth TAFE, library archives (/ref). TTC, May 1987. A Suite of Haiku Poems (ref) Nimbin News, March 1999(/ref) .’ Arguments Against Over Loud Opera Singers’ (ref) Chiaroscuro TTC June 1987(/ref) .Video; ‘Art Evaluation Criteria’ Art Education with other students on finding way to evaluate art. (ref) C.A.E. ITATE Library,1989(/ref) .

4. Reviews References: Nigel Krauth, ‘The Woman Lilith’ Westerly. Australia No 1, p87.1976. Mark Macleod ‘Adams First Wife’ ].(ref) Literary Critic, SMH, 2nd Aug, 1975 (/ref) . Adele Twomey, ‘Artist Honoured by Recognition’ (ref) Northern Daily Leader, Tamworth, 2nd Nov 1990(/ref) . ‘Christine Ross, ‘Humanist Finds High Romance’, Art Critic, (ref) Newcastle Morning Herald, 20th Oct 1974 (/ref) .’Jude MacBean’ Artist Depicts Cultural Mix’. Art Review, (ref) Daily Examiner, Grafton, NSW. Wed 17th Sept 1997 (/ref) . Nigel Krauth,’Portrait of a Woman’ Bathurst Advocate, Sept 75.L.V Kepert ‘This Ridiculous World,’ Literary Critic, (ref) Sun Herald, Sydney, 6th July, 1975 (/ref). John Tittensor ‘The Absence of the Vital Core’ Literary Critic, (ref) National Review, 11 July, 1975(/ref) . Elizabeth Riddell, ‘Corowegians and Others’, (ref) The Australian, March 1975 (/ref).’The Search for Lilith’ art critic Geelong News, July 1995. (ref) Cleo Magazine(/ref) ,’ Lilith Fiction from Richard Cornish’ Winter issue, Feb 1975.Felicity Fenner, ‘Cornish and Mark Koludrovic’, Periphery, Issue No 3 May 1990.Dora Chapman, ‘Contemporary art Soothes, Excites’ Art critic, Advertiser, 24th Oct 1969..‘Man of Letters’ (ref) Womans Weekly (/ref) , art critic, July, 1975.

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