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Edward Snowden

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Edward Joseph Snowden
Edward Joseph Snowden

(1983-06-21) June 21, 1983 (age 41)[1]
OccupationSystem administrator
EmployerBooz Allen Hamilton[2] (until June 10, 2013)
Known forDisclosing classified information on NSA surveillance programs
Criminal charge(s)Theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified intelligence with an unauthorized person

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983)[1] is a former technical contractor and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who worked for Booz Allen Hamilton,[2] a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), before leaking details of classified NSA mass surveillance programs to the press.[3][4] Snowden shared classified material on a variety of top-secret NSA programs, including the interception of US telephone metadata and the PRISM surveillance program, primarily with Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian, which published a series of exposés based on Snowden's disclosures in June 2013. Snowden said the leaks were an effort "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them."[4][5][6]

Snowden's alleged leaks are said to rank among the most significant breaches in the history of the NSA.[7] Matthew M. Aid, an intelligence historian in Washington, said disclosures linked to Snowden have "confirmed longstanding suspicions that NSA's surveillance in this country is far more intrusive than we knew."[7] On June 14, 2013, US federal prosecutors filed a sealed complaint, made public on June 21,[8][9] charging Snowden with theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified intelligence with an unauthorized person; the latter two allegations are under the Espionage Act.[10]

Personal life

Family and education

Snowden grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina.[11] His father, Lonnie Snowden, a resident of Pennsylvania, was an officer in the United States Coast Guard,[12] and his mother, a resident of Baltimore, Maryland, is a clerk at a federal court in Maryland.[11][13]

By 1999, Snowden had moved with his family to Ellicott City, Maryland, where he studied computing at Anne Arundel Community College[11] to gain the credits necessary to obtain a high school diploma, but he did not complete the coursework.[14] Snowden's father explained that his son missed several months of school due to illness and rather than return tested out for his GED at a local community college,[15] which he later attained.[6][16] Snowden worked online towards a Master's Degree at the University of Liverpool in 2011.[17]

On June 17, 2013, Snowden's father spoke in an interview on FOX TV through concern about the misinformation in the media. He described his son as "a sensitive, caring young man. … He just is a deep thinker.” While he is in agreement with his son in his opposition to the surveillance programs that he revealed, he asked his son to stop leaking and return home.[15]

Having worked at a US military base in Japan, Snowden reportedly had a deep interest in Japanese popular culture and studied the Japanese language.[18] He also said he had a basic understanding of Mandarin, was deeply interested in martial arts, and listed Buddhism as his religion.[19] Before leaving for Hong Kong, Snowden lived with his girlfriend, in Waipahu, Oahu, Hawaii.[20]

Political views

Snowden's laptop displays stickers supporting internet freedom organizations including the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Tor Project.[6]

In the 2008 presidential election, Snowden said he voted for third-party candidates. He said he "believed in Obama's promises, " yet "[Obama] continued with the policies of his predecessor."[21] For the 2012 election, political donation records indicate that he contributed to the primary campaign of Ron Paul.[22][23]


On May 7, 2004, Snowden enlisted in the United States Army as a Special Forces recruit but did not complete the training.[1][24] He said he wanted to fight in the Iraq war because he "felt like [he] had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression".[6] However, he said he was discharged four months later on September 28 after having broken both of his legs in a training accident.

His next employment was as a National Security Agency (NSA) security guard for the Center for Advanced Study of Language at the University of Maryland,[25] before, he said, joining the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to work on IT security.[26] In May 2006 Snowden wrote in Ars Technica, an online forum for gamers, hackers and hardware tinkerers, that he had no trouble getting work because he was a "computer wizard." In August he wrote about a possible path in government service, perhaps involving China, but said it "just doesn’t seem like as much 'fun' as some of the other places".[24]

Snowden said that in 2007 the CIA stationed him with diplomatic cover in Geneva, Switzerland, where he was responsible for maintaining computer network security.[27]

Snowden told The Guardian he left the agency in 2009 for a private contractor inside an NSA facility on a United States military base in Japan.[6] NSA Director Keith Alexander has said that Snowden held a position at the NSA for the twelve months prior to his next job as a consultant.[28]

Snowden described his life as "very comfortable," earning a salary of "roughly US$200,000." [29] At the time of his departure from the US in May 2013, he had been working for consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton for less than three months as a system administrator inside the NSA at the Kunia Regional SIGINT Operations Center in Hawaii.[30][31][32] Snowden was employed on a salary of $122,000.[33] Snowden said he had taken a pay cut to work at Booz Allen.[34] The firm said Snowden's employment was terminated on June 10 "for violations of the firm's code of ethics and firm policy".[33][35]

According to Reuters, a source "with detailed knowledge on the matter" stated that Booz Allen hiring screeners detected possible discrepancies in Snowden's résumé regarding his education since some details "did not check out precisely" but decided to hire him anyway; Reuters stated that the element which triggered concerns and the manner which Snowden satisfied the concerns were not known.[36] The resume stated that Snowden attended computer-related classes at Johns Hopkins University. Tracey Reeves, a spokesperson for Johns Hopkins, said that the university did not find records of Snowden attending and argued that he may have attended Advanced Career Technologies, a private for-profit organization which operated as "Computer Career Institute at Johns Hopkins".[36] A spokesperson for University of Liverpool said that in 2011 Snowden registered for an online master's degree program in computer security but that he did not finish the program and, as of 2013, was not active.[36] A spokesperson for University College of the University of Maryland said that Snowden attended in person a summer session at a University of Maryland campus in Asia.[36]

NSA surveillance disclosures

Media disclosures

File:The Guardian front page 10 June 2013.jpg
The Guardian front page on June 10, 2013.

Snowden first made contact with documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras in January 2013.[37] According to Poitras, Snowden chose to contact her after seeing her report on William Binney, an NSA whistleblower, in The New York Times. She is a board member of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, along with journalist Glenn Greenwald and renowned whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.[38] Greenwald, reporting for The Guardian, said he had been working with Snowden since February,[39] and Barton Gellman, writing for The Washington Post, says his first "direct contact" was on May 16.[40] However, Gellman alleges Greenwald was only involved after the Post declined to guarantee publication of the full documents within 72 hours.[40] Gellman says he told Snowden "we would not make any guarantee about what we published or when....Snowden replied succinctly, 'I regret that we weren’t able to keep this project unilateral.' Shortly afterward he made contact with Glenn Greenwald of the British newspaper The Guardian."[40]

Snowden communicated using encrypted email,[37] using the codename "Verax", meaning truth-teller in Latin. He asked not to be quoted at length for fear of identification by semantic analysis.[40]

According to Gellman, prior to their first meeting in person, Snowden wrote, "I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, and that the return of this information to the public marks my end."[40] Snowden also told Gellman that until the articles were published, the journalists working with him would also be at risk from the United States Intelligence Community, whom Snowden said "will most certainly kill you if they think you are the single point of failure that could stop this disclosure and make them the sole owner of this information."[40]

Snowden described his CIA experience in Geneva as "formative," stating that the CIA deliberately got a Swiss banker drunk and encouraged him to drive home. When the latter was arrested, a CIA operative offered to intervene and later recruited the banker. Swiss President Ueli Maurer commented, "It does not seem to me that it is likely that this incident played out as it has been described by Snowden and by the media."[41] The revelations come at a sensitive time for US-Swiss relations as the Swiss government attempts to pass legislation allowing for more banking transparency.[42]

Snowden explained his actions saying: "I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things [surveillance on its citizens]… I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded.[43]


In May 2013, Snowden was permitted temporary leave from his position at the NSA in Hawaii, on the pretext of receiving treatment for his epilepsy.[6] According to local real estate agents, Snowden and his girlfriend moved out of their home on May 1, leaving nothing behind.[14] On May 20, Snowden flew to the Chinese territory of Hong Kong.[44][45] He was staying in a Hong Kong hotel when the initial articles revealing information about the NSA that he had leaked were published.[44][46]

News stories based on documents disclosed by Snowden were as follows:

  • On June 5, The Guardian released a top secret order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that ordered a business division of Verizon Communications to provide "on an ongoing daily basis" metadata for all telephone calls “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls” and all calls made “between the United States and abroad.” [citation needed]
  • On June 6, The Guardian and the Washington Post revealed PRISM, a clandestine electronic surveillance program that allegedly allows the NSA to access e-mail, web searches, and other Internet traffic in realtime.[47][48]
  • On June 9, The Guardian revealed Boundless Informant, a system that "details and even maps by country the voluminous amount of information [the NSA] collects from computer and telephone networks."
  • On June 12, the South China Morning Post disclosed that the NSA has been hacking into computers in China and Hong Kong since 2009. [citation needed]
  • On June 17, The Guardian reported that the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a British intelligence agency, had intercepted foreign politicians' communications at the 2009 G-20 London Summit.[49]
  • On June 20, The Guardian revealed two secret documents, signed by Attorney General Eric Holder, describing the rules by which the NSA determines whether targets of investigations are foreign or domestic.[50]
  • On June 22, further disclosures were made about 18-month-old operation 'Tempora' – and capabilities to make massive interception of fiber-optic traffic by GCHQ.[51]
  • On June 23, the Sunday Morning Post reported that Snowden had said the US hacks Chinese mobile-phone companies to collect millions of text messages and has also hacked Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Asian fibre-optic network operator Pacnet. The newspaper said Snowden provided documents that listed details of specific episodes during a four-year period.[52][53]

Snowden's identity was made public by The Guardian at his request,[39] on June 9. He explained his reasoning for forgoing anonymity: "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong."[6] He also wished to protect his colleagues from being put through any inquiries.[54]

Possible political asylum

When asked why he had chosen to be in Hong Kong when the articles about NSA surveillance programs were disclosed to the public, Snowden explained:

NSA employees must declare their foreign travel 30 days in advance and are monitored. There was a distinct possibility I would be interdicted en route, so I had to travel with no advance booking to a country with the cultural and legal framework to allow me to work without being immediately detained. Hong Kong provided that. Iceland could be pushed harder, quicker, before the public could have a chance to make their feelings known, and I would not put that past the current US administration.[34]

Snowden said that he was predisposed "to seek asylum in a country with shared values," and that his ideal choice would be Iceland.[4][6] The International Modern Media Institute, an Icelandic freedom of speech advocacy organization issued a statement offering Snowden legal advice and assistance in gaining asylum.[55] However, the Icelandic ambassador to China, Kristin Arnadottir, pointed out that asylum could not be granted to Snowden because Icelandic law requires that such applications be made from within the country.[56]

Snowden vowed to challenge any extradition attempt by the US government, and he was reported to have approached Hong Kong human rights lawyers.[57] In an interview with Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, Snowden said that he planned to remain in Hong Kong until "asked to leave."[58] He added that his intention was to let the "courts and people of Hong Kong" decide his fate.[59]

Media reports emerged that the British government was strongly discouraging airlines from allowing Snowden to board any flight bound for the United Kingdom.[60][61] The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees stated that if Snowden were to apply for refugee status in Hong Kong he would receive no special treatment because Hong Kong was not a signatory to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and does not allow refugees to settle in the city.[62]

Ecuador embassy car in front of Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow on June 23, 2013.

On June 20 and 21, a representative of Wikileaks said that a chartered jet had been prepared to transport Snowden to Iceland,[63] and Julian Assange announced that he was brokering a discussion between Snowden and the Government of Iceland for Snowden to possibly be granted asylum in Iceland.[64]

On June 23, Hong Kong authorities disclosed that Snowden had not been detained as requested by the United States because the United States' extradition request had not fully complied with Hong Kong law.[65] He was reported to have taken a commercial Aeroflot flight to Moscow.[66][67][68] WikiLeaks issued a statement claiming responsibility for Snowden's safe exit from Hong Kong and that it had "assisted Mr. Snowden's political asylum in a democratic country". WikiLeaks did not initially identify any country but an updated statement revealed Ecuador as the final destination.[69][70][71] Jane Perlez and Keith Bradsher of The New York Times stated that "according to people familiar with the situation" the PRC central government made the final decision to allow Snowden to leave Hong Kong.[72]

On June 23, US officials said that Snowden's US passport had been revoked.[73] On that same day, Snowden boarded a flight to Moscow, after Hong Kong authorities refused a US request to arrest him.[74] Upon Snowden's arrival in Moscow, the Ecuadorian foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, announced that Snowden had requested asylum in Ecuador, which has an extradition treaty with the United States.[75] David Weigel of Slate stated that Ecuador's extradition treaty with the United States was "enviably loopholed" and that it allowed individuals who were accused of having crimes "of a political character" to avoid extradition.[76] Weigel explained "The oh-so-bright American senators who rushed to call Snowden a "traitor" have certainly created the impression that Snowden is wanted for political reasons, and in his interviews he's happy to reinforce this."[76] Weigel also cited the opposition to U.S. policies under the government of Rafael Correa.[76]

On Monday, June 24, Snowden's Hong Kong lawyer Albert Ho told Reuters that "a middle man claiming to represent the Hong Kong government told Snowden that he should leave the city ... By going through not entirely legal avenues, and using a person whose identity isn't entirely clear to tell him (Snowden) that the government wants him to leave. This is a highly unusual action."[77]

Reactions to the revelations

United States government

The NSA has made a request to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation into Snowden's actions, and charges have been filed. Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, said that his "reckless disclosures" have resulted in "significant misimpressions" in the media.[78] Chairman of the US Select Committee on Intelligence Mike Rogers opined that the then-unidentified leaker should be prosecuted.[79]

On June 18, Gen. Keith Alexander, the Director of the National Security Agency, testified before the US Select Committee on Intelligence that the agency would work with the director of national intelligence to take steps to prevent future removals of classified information by implementing a "two-person rule and oversight" and put in place measures to block people from taking information out of their system. Andy Greenberg, Forbes staff, described this as "...something similar to the one implemented in some cases by the military after Army private Bradley Manning was able to write hundreds of thousands of secret files to CDs and leak them to WikiLeaks. The rule required that anyone copying data from a secure network onto portable storage media does so with a second person who ensures he or she isn't also collecting unauthorized data."[28] [citation needed]

Public figures

Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower and leaker of the top-secret Pentagon Papers in 1971, stated in an interview with CNN that he thought Snowden had done an "incalculable" service to his country and that his leaks might prevent America from becoming a surveillance state. He said Snowden had acted with the same sort of courage and patriotism as a soldier in battle.[80] In an op-ed the following morning, Ellsberg added that "there has not been in American history a more important leak than Edward Snowden's release of NSA material – and that includes the Pentagon Papers, for which I was responsible 40 years ago."[81] Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer who presented White House intelligence briefs for multiple presidents, said he agreed with Ellsberg in an interview where he also said "this time today I'm feeling much more hopeful for our democracy that I was feeling this time yesterday".[82]

Julian Assange praised and lauded Snowden, calling him a "hero" who has exposed "one of the most serious events of the decade – the creeping formulation of a mass surveillance state".[83] After charges against Snowden were revealed, Assange released a statement that asked people to "step forward and stand with" Snowden.[84] Journalist Glenn Greenwald has also praised Snowden.[85] The ACLU has sued the Obama administration over the issue of NSA surveillance.[86]

Several political figures across the political spectrum have praised Snowden for exposing secret government surveillance to the public. These include Chris Hedges[87] and Michael Moore[88] on the left; and Glenn Beck,[88] Matt Drudge,[89] Alex Jones,[90] former Representative Ron Paul,[91] Michael Savage,[92] and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura[93] of conservative and US libertarian convictions on the right. And, Jeff Berwick, a leading anarchist speaker and writer.[94] William Binney said that while Snowden had previously "performed a really great public service to begin with by exposing these programs and making the government in a sense publicly accountable for what they're doing" since Snowden began leaking the China-related material "he is transitioning from whistle-blower to a traitor."[95] Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple Computers, said "I felt about Edward Snowden the same way I felt about Daniel Ellsberg, who changed my life, who taught me a lot."[96] Valerie Plame Wilson and Joseph C. "Joe" Wilson said "we owe [Snowden] a debt of gratitude for finally bringing this question into the public square for the robust discussion it deserves."[97]

Members of Congress

Members of the Republican Party differed in their stances towards Snowden. Republican-affiliated figures opposing Snowden include John Boehner, Saxby Chambliss, and Erick Erickson. House Speaker Boehner called Snowden "a 'traitor' who has put Americans at risk." Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, supported the intelligence collecting as a means to combat terrorism and Erickson "pilloried Snowden for fleeing 'to the communists'.” Republican-affiliated figures supporting Snowden include Ken Langone, Barry Loudermilk, and Ron Paul.[98] Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) said: "Whether or not this program was authorized by Congress, it seems to me that this is an unconstitutional activity ... Which would make it illegal, and he should have some kind of immunity.”[99] Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said: "If it is the case that the federal government is seizing millions of personal records about law-abiding citizens, and if it is the case that there are minimal restrictions on accessing or reviewing those records, then I think Mr. Snowden has done a considerable public service by bringing it to light."[100]

Some US politicians called for Snowden's arrest. These include senator and chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),[101] senator and chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH),[102] House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA),[103] Representative and Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Mike Rogers (R-MI),[104] and some other senators and representatives from both Republican and Democratic parties.[99][105][106][107][108][109] Of these, Peter King, formerly the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, called for Snowden's extradition[110] and the arrest of journalist Glenn Greenwald.[111]

Press and public

Public commentary about Snowden's leaks has been mostly positive. Some, such as CNN.com columnist Douglas Rushkoff, have called Snowden's leak an act of heroism.[112] Bruce Schneier, a cryptographer and security specialist who has written extensively on surveillance and privacy, remarked "I consider Snowden a hero for whistleblowing ... but not for revealing specific operational secrets to the Chinese government..".[113] He added that he has no idea whether he is cooperating with the Chinese government or whether "they're part of an American smear campaign". Commenting broadly on Snowden's actions, he wrote that "whistle-blowing is the moral response to immoral activity by those in power [...] If you see something, say something. There are many people in the US that will appreciate and admire you."[114]

Amy Davidson, writing in The New Yorker, said Snowden "is the reason our country has, in the last week, been having a conversation on privacy and the limits of domestic surveillance. That was overdue, and one wishes it had been prompted by self-examination on the part of the Obama Administration or real oversight by Congress."[115] John Cassidy, also of The New Yorker, called Snowden "a hero," saying "he uncovered questionable activities that those in power would rather have kept secret." "In revealing the colossal scale of the US government's eavesdropping on Americans and other people around the world, he has performed a great public service that more than outweighs any breach of trust he may have committed."[116]

In a FoxNews.com column headlined "Why Americans should thank Edward Snowden," Robert Romano of Americans for Limited Government said Snowden is responsible for exposing a "web of surveillance... where all communications, public and private, are being stored in a government database for later use, and when it is used against the people, there is no recourse."[117]

Other commentators have been more critical of Snowden's methods and motivations,[118] and some have expressed particular concern about his seeking refuge in Hong Kong.[119][120] For instance, New York Times columnist David Brooks accused Snowden of betraying the Constitution, stating that "the founders did not create the United States so that some solitary 29-year-old could make unilateral decisions about what should be exposed."[121] In response Amy Davidson called Brooks' perspective "odd" because the Founding Fathers of the United States created the Constitution to allow a "solitary voice" to be heard despite any power structures and "they would not want a twenty-nine-year-old to feel so overcome with gratitude for his social betters—so humbled that they had noticed him—that he would be silent."[122]

Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker, though conceding that whistle-blowers are indispensable to a society with a free press, characterizes Snowden's approach as "reckless," saying that "all of Snowden's secrets may wind up in the hands of the Chinese government—which has no commitment at all to free speech or the right to political dissent."[123] James Fallows wrote that "if Snowden thinks, as some of his comments seem to suggest, that he has found a bastion of freer speech [in Hong Kong], then he is ill-informed; and if he knowingly chose to make his case from China he is playing a more complicated game."[119] Matt Schiavenza, associate editor at The Atlantic, called Snowden's decision to go to Hong Kong a "serious miscalculation," particularly if the Beijing government decided to try to use him as an intelligence asset.[124]

Hours after Snowden revealed his identity, a We the People petition was posted[125] on the White House website, asking for "a full, free, and absolute pardon for any crimes [Snowden] has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programs."[126][127] The petition attained 100,000 signatures within two weeks.[128][129]

After the charges against Snowden were revealed, journalist Glenn Greenwald, who received documents leaked by Snowden, stated that Snowden did a service by revealing the surveillance on the American public.[130]

Response from China and Hong Kong

Hong Kong newspapers speculated about Snowden's future in the territory, and there were reports from Chinese official media such as CCTV,[131][132][133] and People's Daily.[134] In addition, some major news websites in China have built special report pages.[135] The state-run English language newspaper China Daily noted that Snowden's revelations would strain Sino-American relations and quotes Li Haidong, a researcher of American studies at China Foreign Affairs University who said, "For months, Washington has been accusing China of cyberespionage, but it turns out that the biggest threat to the pursuit of individual freedom and privacy in the US is the unbridled power of the government".[136] Xu Peixi, a columnist from China Internet Information Center, wrote in English that "we appreciate and salute the efforts of Snowden et al, who have gambled their career, family, personal freedom, and even their life to let the global public know what the most powerful force in the world is doing with perhaps the central infrastructure of our age; to make the public aware that this force is acting in an unconstitutional manner and entirely contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."[137] Xu's column is also accompanied by a political cartoon depicting a rat dressed as a Statue of Liberty while grabbing at a flag of China, and denounced the "one-sided" cyber attack accusations which the United States has "poured upon China".[137]

On June 15, Hong Kong chief executive CY Leung said: "When the relevant mechanism is activated, the Hong Kong SAR government will handle the case of Mr Snowden in accordance with the laws and established procedures of Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the government will follow up on any incidents related to the privacy or other rights of the institutions or people in Hong Kong being violated."[138] Hong Kong politician Albert Ho denounced the "unlawful, unjustified and unscrupulous" interference, and demanded the "the whole truth ... an unconditional apology ... and an assurance this interference will stop."[139] Hong Kong pan-democrat legislators Gary Fan and Claudia Mo said that "a dangerous precedent and will likely be used to justify similar actions" if Snowden is prosecuted.[140]

Hong Kong demonstration at US Consulate on June 15 in support of Snowden

Several hundred Hong Kong residents gathered on June 15 to support Snowden and to voice their opposition to US surveillance policies.[139] Also on that date, a poll conducted in Hong Kong and reported in the South China Morning Post (SCMP) showed that half of the 509 respondents believed the Chinese government should not surrender Snowden to the United States if Washington raises such a request. According to the poll, 33 per cent of Hong Kong residents think of Snowden as a hero, 12.8 per cent described him as a traitor, 23 per cent described him as "something in between", and the remainder said they could not comment.[141]

An editorial in Hong Kong freesheet The Standard observed that the CPC tabloid Global Times had run its third editorial in support of Snowden. It also noted that the pan-democrats and pro-establishment camp were apparently at a rare confluence over the issue.[142] On June 20, the SCMP reported People's Daily and the Global Times editorials from the previous day stating respectively that the central Chinese government was unwilling to be involved in a "mess" caused by others, and that the Hong Kong government should follow the public opinion and not concern itself with Sino-US relations.[143] A Tsinghua University communications studies specialist, Liu Jianming, interpreted that the two articles as suggesting that the PRC government did not want further involvement in the case and that the HKSAR government should handle it independently.[143]

Following the filing of charges, Legco member Leung Kwok-hung asked Hongkongers to protest in the streets "to protect Snowden" and stated that the PRC government should ask HK to protect Snowden from extradition before the case goes to court.[144] Legco member Cyd Ho argued that before the Snowden case goes to court the PRC government "should now make its stance clear" to the HKSAR government.[144] After the US government charged Snowden, Sina Weibo users posted responses that supported Snowden. Some users argued that Hong Kong should ignore US extradition requests and "Hong Kong does not need to listen to American devils". One user said Snowden was "the embodiment of American values" and another called him an "an American hero".[145] A commentary posted to Xinhua accused the United States of being the "biggest villain" in information technology attacks and that Snowden's leaks "demonstrate that the United States, which has long been trying to play innocent as a victim of cyber attacks, has turned out to be the biggest villain in our age."[146]

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b c Ackerman, Spencer (June 10, 2013). "Edward Snowden failed in attempt to join US army's elite special forces unit". The Guardian. Retrieved June 10, 2013. The army did confirm Snowden's date of birth: June 21, 1983.
  2. ^ a b Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations"The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell." The Guardian
  3. ^ Gellman, Barton; Markon, Jerry (June 9, 2013). "Edward Snowden says motive behind leaks was to expose 'surveillance state'". The Washington Post. Retrieved June 10, 2013.
  4. ^ a b c Gellman, Barton; Blake, Aaron; Miller, Greg (June 9, 2013). "Edward Snowden comes forward as source of NSA leaks". The Washington Post. Retrieved June 10, 2013.
  5. ^ Smith, Matt (June 9, 2013). "NSA leaker comes forward, warns of agency's 'existential threat'". CNN. Retrieved June 10, 2013.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Greenwald, Glenn; MacAskill, Ewen; Poitras, Laura (June 9, 2013). Written at Hong Kong. "Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations". The Guardian. London. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  7. ^ a b Scott Shane and Ravi Somaiya (June 16, 2013). "New Leak Indicates U.S. and Britain Eavesdropped at '09 World Conferences". The New York Times.
  8. ^ Finn, Peter; Horwitz, Sari (June 21, 2013). "U.S. charges Snowden with espionage". The Washington Post. Retrieved June 21, 2013.
  9. ^ Greenwald, Glenn "On the Espionage Act charges against Edward Snowden" The Guardian June 22, 2013
  10. ^ Politico Staff (June 21, 2013). "DOCUMENT: Edward Snowden unsealed complaint". Politico. Retrieved June 23, 2013.
  11. ^ a b c Tracy, Connor (June 10, 2013). "What we know about NSA leaker Edward Snowden". NBC News.
  12. ^ Itkowitz, Colby; Sheehan, Daniel Patrick (June 10, 2013). "Edward Snowden's father, stepmother plan to make public statement". The Morning Call.
  13. ^ Toppo, Greg (June 10, 2013). "Former neighbor remembers Snowden as 'nice kid'". USA Today.
  14. ^ a b "Profile: Edward Snowden". BBC News. June 10, 2013. Retrieved June 10, 2013.
  15. ^ a b "Edward Snowden's Father Speaks Out To Fox About Media 'Misinformation,' Asks Son To Stop Leaking". Mediaite. May 26, 2013. Retrieved June 19, 2013.
  16. ^ Leger, Donna Leinwand (June 9, 2013). "NSA contractor: 'I know I have done nothing wrong'". USA Today. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  17. ^ Page 3 of 3 (June 13, 2013). "U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources". ABC News. Retrieved June 19, 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  18. ^ "AP IMPACT: Snowden's Life Surrounded By Spycraft". Associated Press. Retrieved June 15, 2013.
  19. ^ Broder, John M.; Shane, Scott (June 15, 2013). "For Snowden, a Life of Ambition, Despite the Drifting". The New York Times. Retrieved June 15, 2013. Mr. Snowden, who has taken refuge in Hong Kong, has studied Mandarin, was deeply interested in martial arts, claimed Buddhism as his religion and once mused that "China is definitely a good option career wise."
  20. ^ Malkin, Bonnie (June 11, 2013). "Edward Snowden's girlfriend revealed to be former ballet dancer". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved June 11, 2013.
  21. ^ MacAskill, Ewen (June 9, 2013). "NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I do not expect to see home again'". The Guardian. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  22. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/06/10/edward-snowden-apparently-a-ron-paul-supporter/
  23. ^ Zara, Christopher (June 9, 2013). "NSA Whistleblower Revealed: Edward Snowden Donated $500 To Ron Paul's 2012 Presidential Campaign: Does NSA Whistleblower Have Libertarian Leanings?". International Business Times. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  24. ^ a b JOHN M. BRODER and SCOTT SHANE (June 15, 2013). "For Snowden, a Life of Ambition, Despite the Drifting". The New York Times.
  25. ^ Leger, Donna Leinwand (June 10, 2013). "Who is NSA whisteblower Edward Snowden?". USA Today.
  26. ^ "Edward Snowden: Ex-CIA worker comes forward as leaker, says he was protecting 'basic liberties'". Chicago Tribune. Reuters. June 10, 2013. Retrieved June 17, 2013.
  27. ^ Memmott, Mark (June 10, 2013). "Who Is Edward Snowden, The Self-Styled NSA Leaker?". NPR.
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