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Isaac Asimov bibliography (alphabetical)

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For a chronological listing of Asimov’s works, see Isaac Asimov bibliography (chronological).

The goal of this article is to present a complete bibliography of the books written or edited by Isaac Asimov, arranged alphabetically.[1] Since Asimov is one of the most prolific authors of all time, and since he engaged in many collaborations with other authors, this is a substantial research project. This list may not yet be complete.

The total number of books listed here is over 500. Asimov died in 1992 at the age of 72 years. A small number of these books were published posthumously.

See also Isaac Asimov book series bibliography, Isaac Asimov short stories bibliography.





  • The Dangers of Intelligence and Other Essays
  • The Dark Ages
  • David Starr, Space Ranger (as Paul French)
  • The Death Dealers (later republished as A Whiff of Death)
  • Devils
  • Did Comets Kill the Dinosaurs?
  • The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries
  • The Double Planet
  • Dragon Tales
  • The Dream, Benjamin's Dream & Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast




  • Galaxies
  • The Genetic Code
  • The Genetic Effects of Radiation
  • Ghosts
  • Giants
  • Ginn Science Program (Advanced A, Advanced B, Intermediate A, Intermediate B, Intermediate C)
  • The Gods Themselves
  • Gold
  • The Golden Door: The United States from 1865 to 1918
  • Good Taste
  • Great Ideas of Science
  • Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Great Scientists
  • The Greeks: A Great Adventure
  • A Grossery of Limericks (with John Ciardi)


  • Hallucination Orbit
  • Have You Seen These?
  • The Heavenly Host
  • Henry Hudson: Arctic Explorer and North American Adventurer
  • The History of Biology (chart)
  • The History of Chemistry (chart)
  • The History of Mathematics (chart)
  • The History of Physics
  • Hound Dunnit
  • How Did We Find Out about (Our) Genes?
  • How Did We Find Out about Antarctica?
  • How Did We Find Out about Atoms?
  • How Did We Find Out about Black Holes?
  • How Did We Find Out about Blood?
  • How Did We Find Out about Coal?
  • How Did We Find Out about Comets?
  • How Did We Find Out about Computers?
  • How Did We Find Out about Dinosaurs?
  • How Did We Find Out about DNA?
  • How Did We Find Out about Earthquakes?
  • How Did We Find Out about Electricity?
  • How Did We Find Out about Energy?
  • How Did We Find Out about Germs?
  • How Did We Find Out about Lasers?
  • How Did We Find Out about Life in the Deep Sea?
  • How Did We Find Out about Microwaves?
  • How Did We Find Out about Neptune?
  • How Did We Find Out about Nuclear Power?
  • How Did We Find Out about Numbers?
  • How Did We Find Out about Oil?
  • How Did We Find Out about Our Human Roots?
  • How Did We Find Out about Outer Space?
  • How Did We Find Out about Photosynthesis?
  • How Did We Find Out about Pluto?
  • How Did We Find Out about Robots?
  • How Did We Find Out about Solar Power?
  • How Did We Find Out about Sunshine?
  • How Did We Find Out about Superconductivity?
  • How Did We Find Out about the Atmosphere?
  • How Did We Find Out about the Beginnings of Life?
  • How Did We Find Out about the Brain?
  • How Did We Find Out about the Speed of Light?
  • How Did We Find Out about the Universe?
  • How Did We Find Out about Vitamins
  • How Did We Find Out about Volcanoes?
  • How Did We Find Out the Earth Is Round?
  • How to Enjoy Writing: A Book of Aid and Comfort
  • How Was the Universe Born?
  • The Hugo Winners
  • The Hugo Winners Volume Two
  • The Hugo Winners Volume Three
  • The Hugo Winners Volume Four
  • The Hugo Winners Volume Five
  • The Human Body
  • The Human Brain



  • Jupiter, the Largest Planet
  • Jupiter, the Spotted Giant


  • The Key Word and Other Mysteries
  • Kinetics of the Reaction Inactivation of Tyrosinase During Its Catalysis of the Aerobic Oxidation of Catechol (Asimov's doctoral dissertation)
  • The Kingdom of the Sun (1960, history of astronomy)
  • The Kite that Won the Revolution


  • The Land of Canaan
  • The Last Man on Earth
  • Laughing Space, with Janet Jeppson
  • Lecherous Limericks
  • The Left Hand of the Electron
  • Library of the Universe (32 astronomy volumes, ages 9–12)
    • Ancient Astronomy
    • The Asteroids
    • Astronomy Today
    • The Birth and Death of Stars
    • Colonizing the Planets and Stars
    • Comets and Meteors
    • Did Comets Kill the Dinosaurs?
    • Earth: Our Home Base
    • The Earth's Moon
    • The Future in Space
    • How Was The Universe Born?
    • Is There Life on Other Planets?
    • Jupiter: The Spotted Giant
    • Mars: Our Mysterious Neighbor
    • Mercury: The Quick Planet
    • Mythology and the Universe
    • Neptune: The Farthest Giant
    • Our Milky Way and Other Galaxies
    • Our Solar System
    • Piloted Space Flights
    • Pluto: A Double Planet?
    • Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes
    • Rockets, Probes, and Satellites
    • Saturn: The Ringed Beauty
    • Science Fiction, Science Fact
    • Space Garbage
    • The Space Spotter's Guide
    • The Sun
    • Unidentified Flying Objects
    • Uranus: The Sideways Planet
    • Venus: A Shrouded Mystery
    • The World's Space Programs
  • Life and Energy
  • Life and Time
  • Light
  • Limericks: Too Gross, with John Ciardi
  • Little Treasury of Dinosaurs (5 Vols.)
  • Living in the Future
  • The Living River (or The Bloodstream: River Of Life)
  • Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury, as Paul French
  • Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter, (as Paul French)
  • Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus, (as Paul French)
  • Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids, (as Paul French)
  • Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn, (as Paul French)


  • Machines That Think
  • Magic: The Final Fantasy Collection
  • Magical Wishes
  • Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction
  • Mammoth Book of Fantastic Science Fiction
  • Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction
  • Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction
  • Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction
  • Mammoth Book of Vintage Science Fiction
  • The March of the Millennia: A Key to Looking at History
  • Mars, the Red Planet
  • Mars: Our Mysterious Neighbor
  • Mars
  • The Martian Way and Other Stories
  • Measure of the Universe
  • Mercury: The Quick Planet
  • Microcosmic Tales
  • Miniature Mysteries
  • Monsters
  • The Moon
  • More Lecherous Limericks
  • More Tales of the Black Widowers
  • More Words of Science
  • Murder at the ABA
  • Murder on the Menu
  • Mythical Beasties
  • Mythology and the Universe


  • The Naked Sun (1957), See also Robot series (Asimov)
  • The Near East: 10,000 Years of History, The
  • Nebula Award Stories Eight
  • Nemesis
  • Neptune: The Farthest Giant
  • The Neutrino
  • The New Hugo Winners, Vol. 2
  • The New Hugo Winners
  • The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science
  • Nightfall (with Robert Silverberg)
  • Nightfall and Other Stories
  • Nine Tomorrows
  • The Noble Gases, The
  • Norby and the Court Jester
  • Norby and the Invaders
  • Norby and the Lost Princess
  • Norby and the Oldest Dragon
  • Norby and the Queen's Necklace
  • Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure
  • Norby Down to Earth
  • Norby Finds a Villain
  • Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot
  • Norby's Other Secret






  • Sally
  • Satellites in Outer Space
  • Saturn and Beyond
  • Saturn: The Ringed Beauty
  • Science Fiction A to Z
  • Science Fiction by Asimov
  • The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book
  • Science Fiction, Science Fact
  • Science Fictional Olympics
  • The Science Fictional Solar System (Edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G Waugh)
  • Science Past—Science Future
  • Science, Numbers and I
  • The Search for the Elements
  • Second Foundation
  • The Secret of the Universe
  • Senior Sleuths: A Large Print Anthology of Mysteries and Puzzlers
  • The Sensuous Dirty Old Man
  • Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction
  • The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction
  • The Shaping of England
  • The Shaping of France
  • The Shaping of North America: From Earliest Times to 1763
  • Sherlock Holmes through Time and Space
  • A Short History of Biology
  • A Short History of Chemistry
  • Show Business is Murder
  • The Solar System and Back
  • The Solar System
  • Space Garbage
  • Space Mail
  • Space Mail 2
  • Space Shuttles
  • The Space Spotter's Guide
  • Speculations
  • Spells
  • The Sport of Crime
  • The Stars in Their Courses
  • The Stars, Like Dust
  • Stars
  • Starships
  • Still More Lecherous Limericks
  • The Story of Ruth 1972
  • The Subatomic Monster
  • The Sun
  • The Sun Shines Bright
  • Supermen
  • The Science Fictional Solar System


  • Tales of the Black Widowers
  • Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries
  • Think about Space: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?
  • The Thirteen Crimes of Science Fiction
  • Thirteen Horrors of Halloween
  • Those Amazing Electronic Thinking Machines
  • Three by Asimov
  • Through a Glass, Clearly
  • Tin Stars
  • To the Ends of the Universe
  • Today and Tomorrow And--
  • Tomorrow's Children
  • Towards Tomorrow
  • The Tragedy of the Moon
  • TV: 2000
  • The Twelve Crimes of Christmas
  • The Twelve Frights of Christmas
  • Twentieth Century Discovery
  • The Tyrannosaurus Prescription and One Hundred Other Science Essays


  • The Ugly Little Boy (with Robert Silverberg)
  • Understanding Physics, Volume One: Motion, Sound and Heat
  • Understanding Physics, Volume Two: Light, Magnetism and Electricity
  • Understanding Physics, Volume Three: The Electron, Proton, and Neutron
  • Unidentified Flying Objects
  • The Union Club Mysteries
  • The Universe From Flat Earth to Quasar
  • Uranus: The Sideways Planet


  • Venus, Near Neighbor of the Sun
  • Venus: A Shrouded Mystery
  • View from a Height
  • Views of the Universe
  • Visions of Fantasy: Tales from the Masters
  • Visions of the Universe


  • The Wellsprings of Life
  • What Causes Acid Rain?
  • What Is a Shooting Star?
  • What Is an Eclipse?
  • What Makes the Sun Shine?
  • What's Happening to the Ozone Layer?
  • Where Do We Go from Here?
  • Where Does Garbage Go?
  • A Whiff of Death (originally published as The Death Dealers)
  • Who Done It?
  • Why Are Animals Endangered?
  • Why Are Some Beaches Oily?
  • Why Are the Rain Forests Vanishing?
  • Why Are Whales Vanishing?
  • Why Do Stars Twinkle?
  • Why Do We Have Different Seasons?
  • Why Does Litter Cause Problems?
  • Why Does the Moon Change Shape?
  • Why Is the Air Dirty?
  • The Winds of Change and Other Stories
  • Witches
  • Wizards
  • Words from History
  • Words from the Exodus
  • Words from the Myths
  • Words in Genesis
  • Words of Science and the History behind Them
  • Words on the Map
  • The World of Carbon
  • The World of Nitrogen
  • The World's Space Programs
  • Worlds within Worlds



  • Young Extraterrestrials
  • Young Ghosts
  • Young Monsters
  • Young Mutants
  • Young Star Travelers
  • Young Witches and Warlocks
  • Yours, Isaac Asimov


  1. ^ "A Catalogue of Isaac Asimov's Books".
  2. ^ Astonishing Stories 2/40
  3. ^ A Choice of Catastrophes AsimovReviews.Net
  4. ^ A Choice of Catastrophes GoodReads.com