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List of armed factions in the Syrian Civil War

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A number of armed groups have involved themselves in the ongoing Syrian Civil War.

Generic list

Overall conflict (2011–present)

Syria Syrian government and allies Syria Opposition government
al-Qaeda network
and allies
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria Kurdish self-administration
and allies
ISIL government and allies
Syria Syrian government forces

Allied armed groups:


Armament support:

Non-lethal military support:

Syria Syrian National Coalition Armed Forces

al-Qaeda Armed Forces

Allied armed groups

Armament support:

Non-lethal military support:

Kurdish Self-Administration

Syriac Union Party

Armament support:

Against IS

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

See: Syrian opposition–ISIL Conflict

Current military situation in the Syrian Civil War.
  Controlled by the Syrian government
  Controlled by Kurdish forces
  Controlled by other rebels
  (under Israeli occupation)

(For a more detailed map, see Cities and towns during the Syrian Civil War)



Spillover in Lebanon (2011–present)

Syria Allies of the Syrian government al-Qaeda network
Syria Syrian National Council
and allies
Syria Arab Democratic Party[11]

Syrian Social Nationalist Party[97]

Al-Nusra Front

Fatah al-Islam
Jund al-Sham
Syria Free Syrian Army
Abdullah Azzam Brigade
Supported by:
Future Movement


Turkish border incidents (2012–present)

Syria Syrian government Türkei Turkish government
 Syria  Türkei

Golan Heights ceasefire line incidents (2012-present)

Syria Syrian government
and allies
Syria Syrian National Council  Israel
 Syria Syria Free Syrian Army

Al-Nusra Front


Alleged Israeli attacks on supposed Hezbollah weapon convoys (2013)

Syria Syrian government
and allies
Allegedly Israel
Hezbollah  Israel

Spillover in Jordan (2012-present)

 Jordanien Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
 Jordanien Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Spillover in Iraq (2013–present)

Syria Syrian government
and allies
al-Qaeda network


Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Al-Nusra Front
Iraq Free Iraqi Army

Detailed list

Syrian government and allies

Name Leader Involved since Strength Description Ideology
Syrian Armed Forces Bashar al-Assad March 2011 Approximately 178,000[98] Government's primary military force. Ba'athism
National Defense Force Bashar al-Assad 2013[99] 60,000[100] Government counter-insurgency force. Secularism
Syrian Resistance Mihraç Ural 2011 2,000 Pro-government Marxist militia. Socialism
Ba'ath Brigades Bashar al-Assad 2012 7,000[101] Pro-government counter-insurgency militia. Ba'athism
Lebanese Militias:
Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah 2012[99] 2,000[102] Militant group based in Lebanon, designated by the US as a terrorist group. Ideology of Hezbollah
Shia Militias:
Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas Abu Ajeeb 2012 10,000[1] Shia Syrian militant group formed due to desecration of shrines, heritage sites and place of worship by the rebels. It is Active around Damascus. Shia Islamism
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Akram al-Kaabi 2012 An offshot of Iraqi Shia insurgent group. It is active around Aleppo. Shia Islamism
Kata'ib Hezbollah 2012 An Iraqi Shia militia Shia Islamism
Badr Organization 2012 An Iraqi Shia militia Shia Islamism
Pan-Arab Militias:
Arab Nationalist Guard 2013 1,000+[103] Pan-Arabic group from various Arab Countries. Secularism

Syrian National Coalition, al-Qaeda Network and allies

Name Leader Involved since Strength Description Ideology
Islamic Front Amad Essa Al-Sheikh[104] November 2013[104] 45,000[105] Merger of major rebel groups.[104] Sunni Islamism[106]
Free Syrian Army Abdul-Ilah al-Bashir July 2011 40,000[108] Main opposition group. Initially an umbrella term for defected Syrian soldiers, later became more organized. Diverse, Mostly Islamism
Al-Nusra Front Abu Mohammad al-Golani[109] January 2012 7,000[110]–15,000[111] Designated by the US as a terrorist group. Pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda. Sunni Islamism
Salafist jihadism
Islamic fundamentalism
Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union Muhammad Abu al-Fatih December 2013 15,000[112] Merger of Damascus area rebel groups[112] Islamism
Authenticity and Development Front Khalid al-Hammad November 2012 13,000[113] Islamism
Army of Mujahedeen January 2014[114] ≈5,000[115] Coalition of Aleppo area Islamist rebels formed to fight ISIL. Islamism[116]
Supporters of the Religion Front[47] 25 July 2014[47] Alliance of independent jihadist groups[47][117]
Jaysh al-Sham 18 February 2014[118] Merger of Idlib area rebel groups Islamism
Suqour al-Ezz Saqr al-Jihad[58] February 2013[119]
Sham Legion Mondher Saras[66] 10 March 2014[66] Alliance of 19 different groups[120] Islamic democracy[66]
Jund al-Aqsa

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

Name Leader Involved since Strength Description Ideology
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi April 2013 80,000 (up to 50,000 in Syria and 30,000 in Iraq)[121] [1] Formerly Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq, it has declared itself a Caliphate and is now in conflict with most other rebel groups, the Assad government and Kurdish militias. Designated or called a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the US and other states. Sunni Islamism
Salafist Jihadism

Kurdish Supreme Committee and allies

Name Leader Involved since Strength Description Ideology
People's Protection Units (YPG) /
Women's Protection Units (YPJ)
Sipan Hemo 2012 15,000[122]–40,000[123] YPG and YPJ are the armed forces of the People’s Council of West Kurdistan (MGRK), which is dominated by the Democratic Union Party (PYD). While the PYD wants it to be the armed forces of all Kurdish Supreme Committee, the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) member parties prefer their own parties' militias. Democratic socialism
Kurdish autonomy[124]
Jabhat al-Akrad Hajji Ahmed Kurdi 2012 7,000[125] Ex-Free Syrian Army brigade, close to YPG Pro-Kurdish rights
Anti-Assad government
Kurdish National Council (KNC) Feysel Yusuf 2012 1,500[87]
Note: Figure claimed by the leader of one minor party within the bloc, but no known participation in any conflict.
Opposition alliance of smaller Kurdish parties within the Supreme Committee
Note: Largely dominated by the KDP-S, which also formed a separate caucus called the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union. Most members are politically tied to either the KDP or the PUK in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Kurdish nationalism
Kurdish autonomy
Liberal democracy



  • Groups that are part of multiple coalitions or sub-groups are listed twice, although their subsequent sub-groups will not necessarily be repeated.
  • This section aims to include all sub-groups involved in the Syrian Civil War. It is incomplete.

Rebel coalitions

Syria Free Syrian Army
Syria Farouq Brigades

Syria Syria Revolutionaries Front[126]

  • Syria Idlib Military Council
  • Syria Syrian Martyrs' Brigade (Idlib province)[127]
  • Syria Idlib Martyrs' Brigade
  • Syria Ahrar al-Zawia Brigades
  • Syria Ansar Brigades
  • Syria Coming Victory Brigades
  • Syria Seventh Division
  • Syria Ninth Division of Aleppo
  • Syria Farouq al-Shamal Battalions
  • Syria Ghab Wolves Brigade
  • Syria Idlib Martyrs’ Brigade
  • Syria Ahrar al-Shamal Brigade
  • Syria Riyad al-Salehin Battalions of Damascus
  • Syria Farouq Battalions of Hama
  • Syria Special Assignments Regiment of Damascus

Syrian Turkmen Brigades[128]
Syria Ghuraba al-Sham[129]
Syria National Unity Brigades[113][130]

  • Syria Abdel Rahman al-Shabandar Brigade
  • Syria Martyrs of the Syrian Revolution Brigade
  • Syria Joul Jamal Brigade
  • Syria Martyrs of Badama Brigade
  • Syria Martyrs of the Wastani Mountains Brigade
  • Syria Ahmad Maryoud Brigade
  • Syria Youssef Al-Admeh Brigade
  • Syria Tamer Al-Awam Brigade

Syria Ammar bin Yassir Battalion (Idlib province)[131]
Syria Hamzah Al-Khateeb Battalion (Idlib city)
Syria Al-Furqan Battalion (Idlib province)[132]
Syria Harmoush Battalion (Idlib province)[133]
Syria Martyrs Ma'arat Nu'man Battalion (Idlib province)[134]
Syria Shield of Islam Battalion (Idlib province)[135]
Syria Salaheddine Al-Ayoubi Battalion (Jisr ash-Shugur)
Syria Qashoush Battalion (Hama city)[136]
Syria Aboul Fidaa Battalion (Hama province)
Syria Hizb ut-Tahrir

  • Syria Saad Bin Moaz Battalion (Hama province)
    • Syria al-Nasser Brigades
    • Syria Ziaab al-Ghab Brigade

Syria Liwa Ahrar Souriya [113]
Syria Moawiyah Bin Abi Sufian (Damascus city)
Syria Houriyeh Battalion (Aleppo city)
Syria Ababeel Battalion (Aleppo province)
Syria Lions of Shahba Battalion (Aleppo province)[137]
Syria Saad Allah Al-Jabiri Battalion (Aleppo province)[138]
Syria Omari Battalion (Daraa/Hauran)
Syria Qassam Battalion (Jableh)
Syria Suqur Battalion (Latakia)
Syria Samer Nunu Battalion (Baniyas)
Syria Mishaal Tammo Battalion (Qamishli)
Syria Odai Al-Tayi Battalion (Hasakah)
Syria Omar Ibn al-Khattab Battalion (Deir ez-Zor city)[139]
Syria Moaz Al-Raqad Battalion (Deir ez-Zor province)

Syria Allahu Akbar Battalion (Abu Kamal)
Syria Dawn of Freedom Battalion (Homs province)
Syria Bakkour Battalion (Homs province)[140]
Syria Ramy Al-Sayeed Battalion (Homs province)[141]

  • Syria Rijal al-Umma Brigade (Homs province)

Syria Tel Kalakh Martyrs' Battalion (Homs province)

  • Syria Shuhada al-Badiya Brigade (Homs province)
  • Syria al-Karama Brigade (Homs province)

Syria Ahmad Nayif al-Sukhni Battalion (Ar-Raqqah)
Syria Abu Obeidah bin al-Jarrah Battalion (Damascus province)
Syria Souqour Dimashq Battalion (Damascus city)

Syria Jesus Christ Brigade[144]

  • Syria Ansar Allah (God's Supporters) Battalion
  • Syria Saint George Battalion (all-Christian)

Syria Saint George Battalion[145]
Syria Ansar Brigade
Syria 19th Division
Syria Northern Storm Brigade
Syria Ahrar al-Jazeera[83]
Syria Tahrir Souriya Brigade
Syria Liwa Abd Aziz Brigade
Syria Jeish Mohammad Brigade[146]
Syria Hazzm Movement[118]
Syria Liwa Thuwwar al-Raqqa[147][148]
Syria Euphrates Islamic Liberation Front[149]

Syria Jihad in the Path of God Brigade[151]
Syria Dawn of Freedom Brigades[152]

Battalion of the Free Men of Hadr (Quneitra) [153]
Sultan Pasha Al-Atrash Battalion (As-Suwayda) [154]
Syria Free Alawite Front [155]

Former members
Suqour al-Sham Brigade defected to the Islamic Front[156]
Liwaa al-Umma defected to the Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance[52]
Syria Division 19 joined the Army of Mujahedeen, although it never fully defected.
Syria Jabhat al-Akrad was expelled after having connections to the PKK. It has allied itself with the People's Protection Units and has cooperated with the Free Syrian Army.

Islamic Front
Al-Tawhid Brigade (Aleppo)

Ahrar ash-Sham
Liwa al-Haqq (Homs)
Suqour al-Sham (Idlib)
Jaysh al-Islam (Damascus)
Ansar al-Sham (Lattakia)
Kurdish Islamic Front

Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union [46]
al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigades

Sahaba Brigades
Shabab al-Huda Brigades
Amjad al-Islam Rally
Capital's Shield Brigade

Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance[118][52]
Jund al-Aqsa

Liwaa al-Umma
Liwa al-Haqq
Omar Brigade

Syria Authenticity and Development Front
Syria Southern Front
  • Syria Battalion for the People of Damascus
  • Syria Saarim Battalion
  • Syria Muawiyah Battalion
  • Syria The Zamalka Martyrs Brigade
  • Syria Originality Battalion
  • Syria Imam Bukhari Battalion

Syria Northern Front

  • Syria Impacting People Brigade
  • Syria Criterion Brigades
    • Syria Free Izzat Circuit Brigade
    • Syria Right Jund
  • Syria Armour Brigade of the Nation
  • Syria Right Brigade
  • Syria Alababil Brigade
  • Syria Banner of Freedom
  • Syria Black Brigade of War
  • Syria Battalion of the Martyr Ismail Al-Abdullah

Syria Western Front

  • Syria First Brigade
  • Syria Brigade of the Martyr Hamza al-Khatib
  • Syria Brigade of the Martyr Riyad Abdeen

Syria Central Front

  • Syria I Corps
  • Syria People Brigades
  • Syria Miqdad ibn al-Aswad Battalion
  • Syria Short Brigade
  • Syria Ancestors Battalion
  • Syria Sincerity Brigade

Syria Eastern Front

  • Syria Promise of Victory Brigade
  • Syria Impact on People Brigade
  • Syria Black Tawhid Year Brigade
  • Syria Stationed Brigades
  • Syria Hudhaifah bin al-Yaman Battalion
  • Syria Muawiyah Battalion
  • Syria Impact on People Battalion
  • Syria Hawks of the Year Brigade
  • Syria Ahl al-Athar Brigade
  • Syria Hamza Brigade[55][56]

Syria Nour al Din al Zengi Battalion[157]

  • Syria Allahu Akhbar Brigades[150]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant[158]

Former members
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar[159] withdrew due to preexisting oath to the Caucasus Emirate.[160]
Jund al-Aqsa withdrew and joined the Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance.[52]

Syria Free Syrian Union[161]
Syria Division 77 (Northern Region)

Syria Third Division (Qalamoun)
Syria Lightning Victory Brigade (Rural Idlib, Hama)
Syria 90th Brigade (West Damascus)
Syria Dawn Brigade(Gota Bank)
Syria Saif al-Sham Brigade (Gota Bank)
Syria Umayyad Brigade (Damascus region)
Syria Badia Martyrs Brigade (Idlib)
Syria Peace in the Levant Brigade (Idlib)
Syria Soldiers Rahman Brigade (Idlib and Abu Aldhor)
Syria Flag Brigade (Abou Aldhor)
Syria The Banner of Jesus Christ (Damascus)
Syria Omar Mukhtar Brigade (Idlib countryside)
Syria Beloved Prophet Brigade
Syria Billah Brigade (Idlib)
Syria Abu Bakr Brigade (Aleppo)
Syria Hussein Harmoush Brigade (Lattakia)
Syria Sincere Promise Brigade (Lattakia)
Syria The Martyrs of Islam and the Al-Sham Brigade (Aleppo and Homs)
Syria Unity and Liberaton Front (including al-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor brigades)
Syria Muawiyah Brigade (Rastan)
Syria Martyrs of Islam Brigade (Qalamoun)
Syria Hamzah Brigade (Barada Valley)
Syria Martyrs of Dignity Brigade (Barada Valley)
Syria Martyr Samir Aldhak Brigade (Rastan)
Syria Eagles Brigade
Syria بيارق Islam Brigade
Syria Saifullah Maslool Brigade
Syria Dawn of the Mujahideen Brigade
Syria Hittin Brigade
Syria Flag Brigade(Khanasser)
Syria Soldiers Rahman Brigade (Aleppo countryside)
Syria Martyr Mazen Brigade
Syria Martyrs Secretariat Brigade (Hama)
Syria Martyrs Dignity Brigade (Khan Shaikhoun)
Syria Victory in God Brigade(Khan Shaikhoun)
Syria 533 Commando Brigade (Hama Northern)
Syria 633 Infantry Brigade (Khan Shaikhoun)
Syria Caliph Brigade (Ma'arrat Nu'man)
Syria Hawks Mountain Brigade (Mount Hhacbo)
Syria Pottery Hill Battalion (Aleppo countryside)
Syria Tasks Battalion (Damascus Madaya)
Syria Punishment Brigade (Qalamun)
Syria Rebels Brigade (Khan Shaikhoun)
Syria 465 Martyrs Regiment (Khan Shaikhoun)
Syria Martyrs Brigade (Mount Hermon)
Syria The Banner of Free Rural Western Brigades
Syria Revolutionary Military Council (Damascus)

Army of Mujahedeen[162]
al-Noor Islamic Movement

Fastaqim Kama Umirt:
Aleppo City Battalion
Liwaa Halab al-Shahbaa
Liwaa al-Islam
Division 19 of the Free Syrian Army:
Syria Liwaa Amjad al-Islam
Syria Liwaa Ansar al-Khilafa
Syria al-Quds Brigades
Syria Khan al-Assal Free Brigades
Syria al-Shuyukh Brigade
Syria Liwaa al-Mujahireen

Former members
Syria Nour al-Din al-Zanki Islamic Brigades[163]
Syria Liwaa al-Ansar[164]

Ahl Al-Sham (only in Aleppo Governorate)[165]
Islamic Front

Al-Nusra Front
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar
Army of Mujahedeen

Mujahideen Shura Council (only in Deir ez-Zor Governorate)[166]
Al-Nusra Front

Jaysh al-Islam
Army of Ahl al-Sunni wal Jamaa
Authenticity and Development Front
Jabhat al-Jihad wal Bina
Bayareq al-Shaaitat
Liwa al-Qadisiya
Army of Maoata al-Islami
Army of al-Ikhlas
Liwa al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar

Syrian Revolutionary Command Council
Hazzm Movement

Syria Revolutionaries Front
Army of Mujahedeen
Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki
Suqour al-Sham
Jaysh al-Islam
Hayat Duru’ al-Thawra
Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union
13th Division
Jabhat Haqq al-Muqatala
al-Jabha al-Suriyya lil-Tahrir
101st Division
Tajjamu’ Kataib wa Alwiyat Shuhada Suriya
Knights of Justice Brigade
Tajammu’ Suqur al-Ghab
Liwa al-Haqq[167]

Supporters of the Religion Front[168]
Green Battalion (absorbed into Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar)[169]

Harakat Sham al-Islam
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar
Harakat Fajr Sham al-Islamiya[170]

Euphrates Volcano[171]
Al-Tawhid Brigade

Liwa Thuwwar al-Raqqa
Northern Sun Battalion (affiliated with the Dawn of Freedom Brigades)
People's Protection Units

Jarablus Brigade
Jabhat al-Akrad
al-Qassas Army[172]

Jaysh al-Sham[118] (defunct)
Liwa Suyuf al Haq

Liwa Ansar Allah
Liwa Suqour al Sharq
Liwa al Fuqara ila Allah
Liwa Fityati al Islam
Liwa Asood al Ghab
Liwa Nusoor al Islam
Former members
Liwa Dawood[173]

Syrian Islamic Front (defunct)
* Ahrar ash-Sham Islamic Movement
    • Ahrar ash-Sham Battalions
    • Islamic Vanguard Group
    • Islamic Dawn Movement
    • Fighting Faith Battalions
    • Moussaab bin Omeir Battalion
    • Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib Brigade
    • Suqour al-Islam Battalions
    • Special Tasks Battalion
  • Liwa al-Haqq (Homs)
  • Ansar al-Sham (Latakia)
  • al-Fajr Islamic Movement
  • Jaysh al-Tawhid (Deir Ez-Zor)
  • Haqq Battalions Gathering (Hama)[174]
  • al-Ahrar Battalions
  • Jamaat al-Talia al-Islamiya
  • al-Iman Fighting Brigades
  • Musab Bin Umair Battalion[175]
File:Flag of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front.svg Syrian Islamic Liberation Front (defunct)
Suqour al-Sham Brigade
    • Fajr al-Islam
    • Souyouf al-Haqq Brigades
    • Daoud Brigades[175]
    • al-Kansaa Brigades
    • al-Mujahideen Brigades
    • al-Mohagren wal Ansar Brigades
    • Suqour al-Maraa Brigades
    • Suqour al-Sharq Brigades
    • Ansar Allah Brigades
    • Aby Hajar Brigades
    • al-Safwa Brigades
    • Horas al-Aqeda Brigades
    • Suqour al-Sona Brigades
    • Swoar ash-Amal Brigades
    • Atawhed Brigades
    • Asideeq Brigades
    • Suqour Halab Brigades[176]
  • Jaysh al-Islam
    • Islam Brigades
    • Islamic Army Brigades
    • The Army of Muslims Brigades
    • Sword of Truth Brigades
    • Signs of Victory Brigades
    • Conquest of Sham Brigades
    • Ghouta Shield Brigades
    • Siddiq Brigades
    • Tawheed Al-Islam Brigades
    • South of the Capital Brigades
    • Badr Brigades
    • Omar bin Abdulaziz Brigades
    • Tawheed Soldiers Brigades
    • Sword of Islam Brigades
    • Omar bin Khattab Brigades
    • Muath bin Jabal Brigades
    • Zubayir bin Al-Awam Brigades
    • Dhul Nurayin Brigades
    • Ansar Brigades
    • Hamzeh Brigades
    • Air Defense Brigades
    • Missile Defense Brigades
    • Tank Brigades
    • Military Direction Brigades
    • Dahir Bebers Brigades
    • Sword of Truth 2 Brigades
    • Gamloon Warriors Brigades
    • Slaves of the Merciful Brigades
    • Murabiteen Brigades
    • Bedouin Brigades
    • Sunnah Supporters Brigades
    • Ahul ul Bayt Brigades
    • Martyrs of Atarib Brigades
    • Coastal Defense Brigades
    • Ain Jalout Brigades
    • Tawheed Supporters Platoons
    • Mujahideen Platoons
    • Abu Dujana Falcons Platoons
    • Sunnah Platoons
    • Ansar Platoons
    • Bara’a bin Azab Platoons
  • Al-Tawhid Brigade
    • Fursan al-Jabal Brigade
    • Daret Izza Brigade
    • Kurdish Salaheddine Battalion[177][178]
  • Farouq Brigades
  • Ansar al-Islam Gathering Council
  • Liwa al-Fath, Battalion of Conquest, (Aleppo)[113]
  • Deir ez-Zor Revolutionary Council
  • Tajamo Ansar al-Islam
  • Amr Ibn al-Aas Brigade
    • Army of Mohammed
    • Hawks Brigades
    • Qamishli Kurds
  • al-Naser Salaheddin Brigade[180]
  • Liwa Dawud[181]
  • Hawks Sham brigades
  • Farouq Islamic Brigades
  • Banner of Islam
  • Unification Brigade
  • Deir ez-Zor Revolutionary Council
  • Furqan Brigade (Damascus)
  • Furqan Brigade (Al-Quneitra)
    • Hamza al-Ansar Brigade
  • Ahrar al-Shamal Brigades (Idlib, Hama)[182][183]
    • Andan Battalion
    • Mare Battalion
    • Huriyatan Battalion
    • Azaz Battalion
    • al-Bab Battalion
    • Tell Rifaat Battalion[175]
  • Ebad Idlib al-Rahman Brigades of Maarat al-Naaman[175]
  • Open Brigade (Aleppo)
  • Brigade of Homs (Homs)
  • Mohammed bin Abdullah Brigade (Homs)
  • Return of the Martyr Ahmed Battalion (Homs)
  • National Liberation Movement (Homs)
  • Household Brigade (Hama)
  • Brigades of God (Lattakia)
  • Izz ibn Abd al-Salam Brigades (Lattakia)
  • Council of Banias (Tartous)
  • Tartous Military Council (Tartous)[184]
  • Amr Ibn al-Aas Brigades
  • Fateh Brigades
  • Kurdish Suqour Brigades
  • Iman Brigades
  • Independence Gathering[175]

See also


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