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Current Military Events

“Rocket Man” can cause regional damages in a conventional conflict. Kim’s rocket behavior is to consolidate his power and prestige within. Dancing with it is doing him a favor. North Korea is not a direct threat to the U. S. yet. The ballistic missiles can be intercepted before re-entry. The technologies had been developed since the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI or Star War) since the Reagan Administration. Space power and Cyber power will be the decisive elements. Sea and air power as in Pearl Harbor or Midway is a way of the past. The necessary information is already in public domain. Hopefully, it needs not to be proven in the next war.

Lessons learned from my personal touches with many experienced and knowledgeable

However, the very best military operation plan is only good until the first shot. After that everything can be out of the window, for example, American's Doolittle Raid and Japan's Midway operations. The development would rarely be according to the plans. Commanders have to deal with the situations in real time. Luck is an uncertain factor. Nevertheless, planning and simulation (with brainstorming, sand boxes or computers) are still necessary for better contingency chances. The first shot in a future conflict won’t be heard. It will be a Cyber space shot.

People are likely to be prisoners of their past because the experiences are correct most of the times. Only once in a while, there will be a paradigm shift and the experience, culture or tradition would become roadblocks. For example, Japan had never been intruded with bombs, even though ROCAF had done so with leaflets, until the Doolittle Raid. The psychological impact disoriented the high commands of the Imperial General Headquarter, and caused a stress disorder for the rest of WW2.

SDI director Gen. James A. Abrahamson was our adviser for NextGen Air system after his retirement. He is a gentleman like Admiral Nimitz. I was glad that he was not a Rickover.

Recent Activites

I did research works at USS Hornet and NASA/Moffett Field Museums recently. My focus area is the history of military Aviation, GPS (Global Positioning System) and WW2 code-breaking, proximity fuse. My greatest mystery of the 20th-century is that why Nimitz refused to write a memoir? Some clues can be found in the Museum documents. Unexpected encounters were the military experts visiting here from all over. One can learn the latest defense trends and technologies from personal touches with them such as Japanese Mitsubishi engineers from Dallas/Fort Worth developing F-35, a British Royal Navy guy explaining the past and future of RN’s carrier fleets. Together with the understanding of the basics of military doctrines, philosophy and policies, one can possibly predict what may be happening in the future.

There were also PLA (People’s Liberation Army) veterans and Chinese historians. I learned more about my former adversary. These visitors were mostly interested in the U.S. military because they wondered how Japan could be beaten so quick in the Pacific, after all these years of propaganda claiming the American as a paper tiger. Very special visitors were a theater commander, equivalent to a field Marshall, and family.

Working with USwhitebox.com for virtual reality VR flight and amusement simulators, and experimenting a low-cost ADS-B (Automated Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast, an FAA's concept of NextGen) for individuals on the move or in the air. It is useful for public air safety and drone management. Working with an In-Flight WiFi, the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mystery wouldn't have to happen like that if any passenger had been using the app, downloadable from trackview.net, with a user on land. Readers are welcomed to verify it with any smart device having an Internet access. The app will also be practical for general aviation when a regional or global Internet access is available. This smart ADS-B tracking/viewing app was tested on Collings Foundation's WW2 Bombers B-17 and B-25, good below 1,000 ft. with phone companies' service in Silicon Valley.

My focus for the VR flight simulator is Blue Angels’ flight and SBD dive bomber runs in the Battle of Midway.

Your jaws will drop too, mine did

I served as an ordnance officer in the same infantry unit during Justin Yifu Lin's defection, and investigated the incident. The shoreline beaches were heavily mined as Normandy, also there were strong undercurrents in the waterways. For Lin, acting alone would be nuts. He was aided by the PLA Special Forces. Knowing the facts, one can’t help admiring Lin and his wife for their courage, maverick vision and the well-coordinated military operations. Lin is the mentor and architect of China's economic achievements.

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had, and still has, battle field supervisory forces behind human wave tactics as in Korean War. The supervisory forces were equipped with the best weapons and run by party commissars to execute soldiers in mass for hesitation or cowardice. The system was inherited from Red Army, and was as effective as in Stalingrad. MacArthur was ousted for his failure to deal with PLA. The same commissar system was also used in 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war. PLA soldiers’ ash boxes came back in white were executed. Ash boxes in red were killed by the enemy. There was no official report of the casualties. For some of those who went through it, their accounts were roughly equal numbers of red and white ash boxes. The system and tactics will be used again after all these years of the one child policy. Movements could be dealt with as the 89’ Tiananmen Square. PLA’s core value, or doctrine is Mission above Life. It is very different from that of American’s Country, Honor and Duty. PLA must be absolutely loyal to the Party. U.S. armed forces are for the country. If PLA was to become the armed forces of the country, the fate of the regime could be similar to the Soviet Union.

Wiki trivia

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