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Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Southall, UK.

A Gurdwara (Punjabi: ਗੁਰਦੁਆਰਾ, gurdu'ārā or ਗੁਰਦਵਾਰਾ, gurdvārā), meaning "the doorway to the Guru", is the Sikh place of worship and may be referred to as a Sikh temple. In the early days of the Sikh Gurus, before the first gurdwara, followers of Guru Nanak formed a congregation whose venue was known as a dharamśālā (place or seat of dharam or faith). A Gurdwara always houses the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib and displays a triangular orange flag called the Nishan Sahib.

The Guru Granth Sahib is housed in the main hall known as the Darbar hall. In most modern gurdwaras, the hall is large and will house many hundreds of visitors. Devotees will sit cross-legged on the floor. All those who enter the hall must remove their shoes and cover their heads before entering. On entering the hall, devotees walk slowly and respectfully to the main throne on which the Guru Granth Sahib rests. Devotees then stand before the Holy Scriptures, often say a silent prayer, offer a donation (if able), then bow humbly. These manners and practices, though seemingly ritualistic in modern times are actually a well preserved extension of the ancient Punjabi practice of respect (for elders, ruling or religious persons).

Sikh man in attendance to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

The Sikhs treat their Holy Scriptures like a living teacher or guru. This act of respect is not to be taken as an act of worship as Sikhs are only allowed to worship the One Creator, for which the word in Punjabi is Waheguru. At night, the Guru Granth Sahib is placed in a resting room known as the Sach Khand (which translates to True/Pure Domain/Paradise).

In most — but not all — gurdwaras, men and women typically end up sitting on different sides of the room, separated in the middle by a pathway that leads to the Guru Granth Sahib. Children of either gender may sit on either side. Some Gurdwaras, especially smaller ones, do not have any division.

People of all religious backgrounds or of no religious faith are welcomed into a Sikh Gurdwara. However, it is necessary that any visitors remove their shoes and cover their head with a rumāl before entering the Darbar Sahib. Visitors are also forbidden to go into the gurdwara while they are inebriated or possess alcohol, cigarettes or any intoxicating substances.

The Harimandir Sahib

The most famous gurdwara is the Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar.

Most Sikh temple buildings will have the following important features:

  • 1. A triangular orange flag with a Khanda, a Sikh emblem in the middle of the flag. The flag is referred to as a Nishan Sahib - literally meaning Mark or Symbol
  • 2. Langar Hall is a large dining room where communal meals are served. Some temples may have tables and chairs but most will expect the devotees to sit on the carpeted floor.
A typical layout for the Darbar hall.Men and women usually sit on separate sides of the hall.
  • 3. Darbar Sahib - A hall which houses the SGGS, the Sikh holy book. This hall in most modern temples is large and will house many hundreds of visitors. Devotees will sit cross-legged on the carpeted floor. All those who enter the Darbar Sahib must remove their shoes and cover their heads before entering. The devotees normally on entering this hall will walk slowly and respectfully to the dominant throne on which is placed the SGGS. They then stand before the Holy Scriptures, say silent prayers, offer some coins and then bow humbly before the SGGS. The Sikhs treat their holy Book like a living Teacher or Guru. This act of respect is not to be taken as an act of worship as Sikhs are only allowed to worship the One God, who they call Waheguru.
  • 4. Rest Room for the SGGS: A room where the Sikh Holy Book is placed overnight. This room is sometimes called "SachKhand" (which translates to True/Pure Domain/Paradise)
  • 5. Various utility rooms, washrooms, kitchen, etc. Some of the larger Sikh temples may also have bedrooms for the devotees to stay overnight with bathroom facilities.

Visiting a Gurdwara

A typical view inside a Darbar hall .

If you have not previously visited a Gurdwara, a Sikh place of worship, below is a brief guidance for all first time visitors:

All visitors to a Sikh Gurdwara should be aware of the following guidelines when visiting:

  • Please dress appropriately so that you can comfortably and with decency sit on the carpeted floor. It is recommended to wear loose fitting clothing which covers most of your legs.
  • While entering the main Prayer Hall (Darbar Sahib or Darbar Hall), all visitors will have to remove their shoes and socks and place them in the shoe racks provided.
  • Visitors cannot enter the Gurdwara while under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs. You should not take cigarettes or tobacco or smoke while in the Gurdwara or soon before going into the Gurdwara.
  • All visitors will need to cover their heads while in the Darbar Hall and Dining Hall (Langar Hall) inside the Gurdwara.

Head covering for men/boys will normally be available in the Gurdwara but a knotted handkerchief is acceptable. (The Gurdwara may provide handkerchief sized cloth to cover the head). Other hats (eg baseball-style caps) are not appropriate.

Non-Sikh and Sikh Visitors to a Gurdwara shown with their heads covered.
File:Stockton CA Sikh Temple Est 1912.jpg
Stockton California Sikh Temple Established 1912.

Women/Girls will need to wear a headscarf or such head covering but they can also wear a knotted handkerchief. The Gurdwara usually has a box of scarves, but you could bring your own headscarf for this purpose.

  • On first entering the large prayer room (called the Darbar Sahib), a small bow to the Guru Granth Sahib (the holy book) shows respect to the host community. Backs should not be turned on the Guru Granth Sahib or the soles of the feet pointed towards the Sikh holy book when sitting on the carpet. It is normal to sit cross-legged yoga style. It may be a good idea to practise this at home if possible before your trip to the Gurdwara.
View of a Langar Hall (Dining Hall) inside a Gurdwara.
  • Visitors will usually be offered Kara Parshad (sweet flour and oil based food offered as a gift) in the worship hall, which is usually given in cupped hands and eaten with the right hand. If you are uncertain about your ability to eat a lot of this food – Say “very small portion” to the Sewadar (volunteer) serving the Kara Parshad. You should take a small plastic bag (or ask for one from the Sewadar (volunteer) serving the Kara Parshad) to save your Kara Parshad if it is not to your taste – Please do not refuse it or throw it away – this is considered unholy and tabooed.
  • You may be offered Langar (vegetarian food from the communal kitchen). If not too certain about consuming this food you can ask to be excused although most people should take langar as it is regarded as a blessing by the Guru. When in the Langar Hall, it is better to ask for less rather than take too much and waste the food. Say “very little” to the Sewadar (volunteer) serving the Langar. If you require more later, just wait for the Sewadar to come around.

See also