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User:M.mohiey/Books/Military doctrines

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Military doctrine
Absolute war
Aerial ramming
Air supremacy
AirLand Battle
AirSea Battle
Assured destruction
Attaque à outrance
Civilian control of the military
Code of the United States Fighting Force
Cold Start (military doctrine)
Combat box
Combined operations
Command by negation
Continental Policy (Japan)
Cult of the offensive
Soviet deep battle
Defence diplomacy
Defence in depth
Economy of force
First island chain
Pre-emptive nuclear strike
Five paragraph order
Fleet in being
Force concentration
Force dispersal
Forward basing
First-generation warfare
Generations of warfare
Second-generation warfare
Third-generation warfare
Fourth-generation warfare
Indirect approach
Intensified submarine warfare
Intent (military)
Irregular warfare
Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance
Joint warfare
Launch on warning
Loss of Strength Gradient
Massive retaliation
Militarized Interstate Dispute
Military doctrine of Russia
Reserve formation
Military theory
Mission creep
Mission-type tactics
Mutual assured destruction
Naval offensive
Noncommissioned officer's creed
Operational manoeuvre group
Operations order
Patterns of Conflict
Peace through strength
Powell Doctrine
Principles of war
Principles of warfare
Reagan Doctrine
Red team
Regionally Aligned Forces
Military reserve
Shock and awe
Strategic bombing
Strategic depth
Tactical formation
Targeting (warfare)
Three Block War
Total war
Trench warfare
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Upward Spiral
War Plan Orange
Zero-defects mentality
Anbar Salvation Council
Anti-partisan operations in World War II
BAC Strikemaster
Bushveldt Carbineers
Chieu Hoi
Counter-insurgency aircraft
Counter-insurgency and Jungle Warfare School
Criminal Investigation Department (Ireland)
Ferret Force
Foreign internal defense
House demolition
House demolition in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Joint Unconventional Warfare
Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order
Logical line of operation
Military Reaction Force
National Guard of Ukraine
Operation Commando Fury
Operation Green Hunt
Operation Steeplechase
Political killings in the Philippines (2001–10)
Project 404
Provincial Reconstruction Team
Secret killings of Assam
Selous Scouts
Small Wars Journal
Sons of Iraq
War from the Ground Up
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
Operation White Star
Robert Baer
Roberto D'Aubuisson
Andrew Exum
David Galula
Thomas Hammes
Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
Richard Kemp
David Kilcullen
Frank Kitson
Charles Lacheroy
Edward Lansdale
Jean Lartéguy
B. H. Liddell Hart
Tariq Majid
Mitty Masud
Steven Metz
John Nagl
Omar Nasiri
Douglas Ollivant
John P. O'Neill
David Petraeus
H. John Poole
Pat Proctor
Kalev Sepp
Robert Grainger Ker Thompson
Roger Trinquier
Michael G. Vickers
Layla AbdelRahim
Ashanti Alston
Randall Amster
Anarcho-Syndicalism (book)
Émile Armand
Mikhail Bakunin
Giovanni Baldelli
Aron Baron
István Cs. Bartos
Jim Bell
Alexander Berkman
Murray Bookchin
Leonard Borgzinner
Kevin Carson
Alan Carter (philosopher)
Gary Chartier
Lev Chernyi
Giuseppe Ciancabilla
Voltairine de Cleyre
Jesse Cohn
Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin
Süreyya Evren
Luigi Galleani
Marie Ganz
Emma Goldman
Uri Gordon
David Graeber
Andrej Grubačić
Abraham Guillén
Karl Hess
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Maria Korn
Lawrence Jarach
Stephan Kinsella
Samuel Edward Konkin III
Peter Kropotkin
Gabriel Kuhn
Gustav Landauer
Wolfi Landstreicher
Robert LeFevre
Arthur Lehning
Roderick T. Long
Nestor Makhno
Errico Malatesta
Charles Malato
James J. Martin
Wendy McElroy
Jason McQuinn
Albert Meltzer
Jan Narveson
Valeriano Orobón Fernández
Dale Pendell
Fredy Perlman
John Petrovato
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
David Prychitko
Maksim Rayevsky
Murray Rothbard
Lysander Spooner
Lawrence Storione
Benjamin Tucker
Kevin Tucker (anarchist)
Lucien van der Walt
Colin Ward
Clara Wichmann
Peter Lamborn Wilson
John Zerzan
John Zube
Lewis Call
Todd May
Saul Newman
Michel Onfray
Paul Avrich
Alain Badiou
Louis Auguste Blanqui
Crane Brinton
Philippe Buonarroti
Guy Debord
Régis Debray
Charles A. Ellwood
Frantz Fanon
John Foran (sociologist)
Jack Goldstone
Jeff Goodwin
Che Guevara
Michael Herb
Abbie Hoffman
Leo Huberman
Samuel P. Huntington
Andrey Korotayev
Claude Lightfoot
Subcomandante Marcos
Herbert Marcuse
Carlos Marighella
John Markoff (sociologist)
Barrington Moore, Jr.
Antonio Negri
Vilfredo Pareto
Friedrich Pollock
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
James C. Scott
Richard Seymour (writer)
Gene Sharp
Theda Skocpol
Pitirim Sorokin
Charles Tilly
Muhammad Ibn 'Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi
Tom Barry (soldier)
Alberto Bayo
Simón Bolívar
Gérard Chaliand
Michael Collins (Irish leader)
Hans von Dach
Michael Dwyer
Georgios Grivas
Hoàng Văn Thái
Walter Laqueur
T. E. Lawrence
Yank Levy
Mao Zedong
Ahmad Shah Massoud
Omar Mukhtar
Edén Pastora
Juan Perón
Jonas Savimbi
Hugo Spadafora
Võ Nguyên Giáp
Orde Wingate
Yousaf Borahil Al-Msmare
Ann Hansen
Ceylon Rifle Regiment
Firqa (military)
Ikhwan (Kashmir)
Kit Carson Scouts
Rhodesian African Rifles
Salwa Judum
Security Force Auxiliaries
Tonkinese Rifles
Operation Adler
Operation Almenrausch
Case Black
Case White
Operation Concert
Operation Eisbär
Operation Hannover
Operation Hornung
Kozara Offensive
Operation Kugelblitz
Operation Bamberg
Operation Cottbus
Operation Delphin
Pacification operations in German-occupied Poland
Operation Prijedor
Pripyat swamps (punitive operation)
Seven Enemy Offensives
Operation Southeast Croatia
Operation Trio
Operation Uzice
Operation Rösselsprung (1944)
Aldrich Ames
Mark Riebling
Leslie James Bennett
List of counterintelligence organizations
Clandestine cell system
Clandestine HUMINT and covert action
Clandestine HUMINT asset recruiting
Clandestine HUMINT operational techniques
Confusion agent
Intelligence cycle security
Espionage organizations
Counterintelligence failures
Fake defection
Albert Grajales
Brian Kelley (intelligence)
Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism organizations
Sasha (espionage)
Glenn Duffie Shriver
U.S. Army and CIA interrogation manuals
Wedge: The Secret War between the FBI and CIA
James Jesus Angleton
Kenneth E. deGraffenreid
Gardner Hathaway
Jim Skardon
Association of Chief Police Officers
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Central Intelligence Organisation
CIA Counterintelligence
Estonian Internal Security Service
Directorate of Intelligence (Ireland)
Garda Crime & Security Branch
Garda National Surveillance Unit
Military Security Agency
Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive
Secretaría de Inteligencia
Security Information Agency
Special Detective Unit
United States Department of Justice National Security Division
List of defunct special forces units
List of military special forces units
List of Special Reconnaissance organizations
63rd Parachute Battalion
72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion
Anti-frogman techniques
Azerbaijani Special Police
Special Forces of Azerbaijan
Blue Light
Combat Rubber Raiding Craft
Counter-terrorist Battalion of MP Serbian Special Brigade
Defense Companies (Syria)
Erillinen Pataljoona 4
Erna long-range reconnaissance group
General Dynamics Flyer
German special forces
Ground Mobility Vehicle
Joint Special Operations Command (Jordan)
Khamis Brigade
Knowlton's Rangers
Long-range penetration
M303 Special Operations Forces demolition kit
McCormick Magic Diamond
Shock troops
Special forces
Special reconnaissance
Special Forces Command
Special Jaegers
Special operations
Special Operations Capable
Special Operations Forces Exhibition
Tan beret
Utti Jaeger Regiment
Zrinski Battalion
Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support
Computer network operations
Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations
Effects-based operations
Elimination doctrine
Joint Task Force for Elimination
Flexible response
Full-spectrum dominance
User talk:Hcberkowitz/FIDscraps
User talk:Hcberkowitz/US FID Issues
Joint Elimination Coordination Element
Military operations other than war (US)
U.S. military doctrine for reconnaissance
Stability and support operations
U.S. Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace
Unconventional warfare (United States Department of Defense doctrine)
Universal Joint Task List
Wild Weasel
FM 2-22.3 Human Intelligence Collector Operations
FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation
List of United States Army Field Manuals
United States Army Field Manuals
Eli Berman
1990–98 Indonesian military operations in Aceh
Insurgency in Aceh
Assam separatist movements
First Indochina War
Hukbalahap Rebellion
Insurgency in Eritrea
Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Malayan Emergency
Mau Mau Uprising
Namibian War of Independence
Simpang KKA incident
Special Operations Volunteer Force
ArmaLite AR-18
Avenger submachine gun
Barrack buster
Błyskawica submachine gun
BSA Welgun
Choroszmanów submachine gun
Colt Defender Mark I
Deer gun
FP-45 Liberator
Fusil automático Bogotá
Robert Hillberg
Improvised firearm
Insurgency weapons and tactics
KIS (weapon)
Métral submachine gun
Molotov cocktail
Pleter 91 submachine gun
Qassam rocket
TRW Low Maintenance Rifle
United Defense M42
Variara submachine gun
Winchester Liberator
Bansei Tokkō Peace Museum
Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots
Shiggy Konno
List of Imperial Japanese Army air-to-surface special attack units
List of Imperial Japanese Navy air-to-surface special attack units
List of ships damaged by kamikaze attack
Takijirō Ōnishi
M. G. Sheftall
Wings of Defeat
Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka
103 ISTAR battalion
AN/TPQ-53 Quick Reaction Capability Radar
AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar
Automatic target recognition
Cannon-launched guided projectile
CARVER matrix
Constantly computed impact point
Dahiya doctrine
Deflection (ballistics)
Guided bomb
Gun harmonisation
High-value target
Laser designator
Missile guidance
Moving target indication
Mowag 4x4 armored reconnaissance vehicle (armored dummy)
NATO targets
Nuclear utilization target selection
Point target
Precision bombing
Precision-guided munition
Pulse-Doppler radar
Seaborne target
Soft target
Stationary target indication
Surgical strike
Surveillance and Target Acquisition
Target acquisition
Target analysis
Target drone
Target hardening