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List of parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

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Participation in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The list of parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty encompasses the states which have signed and ratified or acceded to the international agreement limiting the spread of nuclear weapons.

On 1 July 1968, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was opened for signature. The three depositary states were the Soviet Union (and later its successor state Russia), the United Kingdom, the United States; states wishing to become a party to the NPT must deposit their instruments of ratification, accession or succession with at least one of the depositary governments. The treaty came into force and closed for signature on 5 March 1970 with the deposit of ratification of the three depositary states and 40 others. Since then, states that did not sign the treaty may only accede to it.

Date NPT first effective (including USSR, YU, CS of that time)
     1st decade: ratified or acceded 1968–1977
     2nd decade: ratified or acceded 1978–1987
     3rd decade: ratified or acceded since 1988
     Never signed (India, Israel, Pakistan, South Sudan)

The treaty recognizes five states as nuclear-weapon states: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China (also the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council). China and France acceded to the treaty in 1992. Four other states are known or believed to possess nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan and North Korea have openly tested and declared that they possess nuclear weapons, while Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its nuclear weapons program. India, Israel, and Pakistan have never signed the treaty, while North Korea was a party to the treaty but announced its withdrawal on 10 January 2003, which became effective ninety days later.[1] However, there is disagreement among the parties to the treaty whether North Korea's withdrawal was in conformity with the terms of the treaty.[2]

The NPT remains the most widely subscribed to nuclear arms control treaty in history.[3] As of February 2015, 190 states are recognized as parties to the treaty, excluding North Korea which withdrew. The State of Palestine is the most recent state to have joined, having submitted its instrument of succession on 10 February 2015. In addition, the Republic of China (Taiwan), which is currently only recognized by 11 UN member states, ratified the treaty prior to the United Nations General Assembly's vote to transfer China's seat to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1971; Taiwan has accepted comprehensive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and the measures of the Additional Protocol to verify that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.[4] Four UN member states have never signed the treaty: India, Israel, Pakistan, and South Sudan. The Cook Islands and Niue, two associated states of New Zealand which have had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognised by United Nations Secretariat,[5] are not parties to the treaty but consider themselves bound by its provisions by virtue of their administration by New Zealand when the latter ratified the NPT.[6]

Ratified or acceded states


189 UN member states as well as two observers, namely the Holy See and the State of Palestine, have become parties to the NPT. However, one of these states (North Korea) submitted a notice of withdrawal. See the section #Withdrawn state below for more details.

Multiple dates indicate the different days in which states submitted their signature or deposition, varied by location. This location is noted by: (L) for London, (M) for Moscow, and (W) for Washington D.C.

Bolded states with a dagger (†) are recognized as nuclear weapons states by the treaty.

State[7][8][9][10] Signed Deposited Method
 Afghanistan 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 4 Feb 1970 (W)
5 Feb 1970 (M)
5 Mar 1970 (L)
 Albanien 12 Sep 1990 (L)
14 Sep 1990 (M)
28 Sep 1990 (W)
 Algerien 12 Jan 1995 (L, M, W) Accession
 Andorra 7 Jun 1996 (L)
25 Jun 1996 (W)
2 Jul 1996 (M)
 Angola 14 Oct 1996 (W)
30 Apr 2010 (M)
 Antigua und Barbuda 17 Jun 1985 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Argentinien 10 Feb 1995 (W)
17 Feb 1995 (L)
 Armenien 21 Jun 1993 (M)
15 Jul 1993 (W)
 Australien 27 Feb 1970 (L, M, W) 23 Jan 1973 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Österreich 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 27 Jun 1969 (L, W)
28 Jun 1969 (M)
 Aserbaidschan 22 Sep 1992 (M) Accession
 Bahamas 11 Aug 1976 (L)
13 Aug 1976 (W)
30 Aug 1976 (M)
Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Bahrain 3 Nov 1988 (W) Accession
 Bangladesch 31 Aug 1979 (L, M)
27 Sep 1979 (W)
 Barbados 1 Jul 1968 (W) 21 Feb 1980 (W) Ratification
 Weißrussland 9 Feb 1993 (M)
22 Jul 1993 (W)
23 Jul 1993 (L)
 Belgien 20 Aug 1968 (L, M, W) 2 May 1975 (L, W)
4 May 1975 (M)
 Belize 9 Aug 1985 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Benin 1 Jul 1968 (W) 31 Oct 1972 (W) Ratification
 Bhutan 23 May 1985 (W) Accession
 Bolivien 1 Jul 1968 (W) 26 May 1970 (W) Ratification
 Bosnien und Herzegowina 15 Aug 1994 (W) Succession from  SFR Yugoslavia
 Botswana 1 Jul 1968 (W) 28 Apr 1969 (L) Ratification
 Brasilien 18 Sep 1998 (L, M, W) Accession
 Brunei 26 Mar 1985 (W) Accession
 Bulgarien 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Sep 1969 (W)
18 Sep 1969 (M)
3 Nov 1969 (L)
 Burkina Faso 25 Nov 1968 (W)
11 Aug 1969 (M)
3 Mar 1970 (W) Ratification
 Burundi 19 Mar 1971 (M) Accession
 Cabo Verde 24 Oct 1979 (M) Accession
 Kambodscha 2 Jun 1972 (W)
25 Sep 1987 (M)
 Kamerun 17 Jul 1968 (W)
18 Jul 1968 (M)
8 Jan 1969 (W) Ratification
 Kanada 23 Jul 1968 (L, W)
29 Jul 1968 (M)
8 Jan 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Zentralafrikanische Republik 25 Oct 1970 (W) Accession
 Tschad 1 Jul 1968 (M) 10 Mar 1971 (W)
11 Mar 1971 (M)
23 Mar 1971 (L)
 Chile 25 May 1995 (W) Accession
 China 9 Mar 1992 (L)
12 Mar 1992 (M)
17 Mar 1992 (W)
 Kolumbien 1 Jul 1968 (W) 8 Apr 1986 (W)
29 Apr 1986 (M)
30 Apr 1986 (L)
 Komoren 4 Oct 1995 (W) Accession
 Republic of the Congo 26 Jul 1968 (M) 23 Oct 1978 (W) Ratification
 Costa Rica 1 Jul 1968 (W) 3 Mar 1970 (W) Ratification
 Côte d'Ivoire 1 Jul 1968 (W) 6 Mar 1973 (W) Ratification
 Kroatien 29 Jun 1992 (W) Succession from  SFR Yugoslavia
 Cuba 4 Nov 2002 (M) Accession
 Zypern 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 10 Feb 1970 (M)
16 Feb 1970 (W)
5 Mar 1970 (L)
 Tschechische Republik 1 Jan 1993 (M, W)
5 Apr 1993 (L)
Succession from  Czechoslovakia
Signed 1 July 1968
Deposited 22 July 1969
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 22 Jul 1968 (W)
17 Sep 1968 (L)
4 Aug 1970 (W) Ratification
 Dänemark 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 3 Jan 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Dschibuti 16 Oct 1996 (W) Accession
 Dominica 10 Aug 1984 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Dominikanische Republik 1 Jul 1968 (W) 24 Jul 1971 (W) Ratification
 Ecuador 9 Jul 1968 (W) 7 Mar 1969 (W) Ratification
 Ägypten 1 Jul 1968 (L, M) 26 Feb 1981 (L) Ratification
 El Salvador 1 Jul 1968 (W) 11 Jul 1972 (W) Ratification
 Äquatorial-Guinea 1 Nov 1984 (W) Accession
 Eritrea 16 Mar 1995 (W) Accession
 Estland 7 Jan 1992 (L)
31 Jan 1992 (W)
 Äthiopien 5 Sep 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Feb 1970 (M)
5 Mar 1970 (L, W)
 Fidschi 21 Jul 1972 (W)
14 Aug 1972 (L)
29 Aug 1972 (M)
Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Finnland 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Feb 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Frankreich 2 Aug 1992 (M)
3 Aug 1992 (L, W)
 Gabun 19 Feb 1974 (W) Accession
 Gambia 4 Sep 1968 (L)
20 Sep 1968 (W)
24 Sep 1968 (M)
12 May 1975 (W) Ratification
 Georgien 7 Mar 1994 (W) Accession
 Deutschland 28 Nov 1969 (L, M, W) 2 May 1975 (L, W) Ratification as  West Germany
Also  East Germany
Ratified 31 October 1969
 Ghana 1 Jul 1968 (M, W)
24 Jul 1968 (L)
4 May 1970 (L)
5 May 1970 (W)
11 May 1970 (M)
 Griechenland 1 Jul 1968 (M, W) 11 Mar 1970 (W) Ratification
 Grenada 2 Sep 1975 (L)
3 Dec 1975 (W)
Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Guatemala 26 Jul 1968 (W) 22 Sep 1970 (W) Ratification
 Guinea 29 Apr 1985 (M) Accession
 Guinea-Bissau 20 Aug 1976 (M) Accession
 Guyana 19 Oct 1993 (W) Accession
 Haiti 1 Jul 1968 (W) 2 Jun 1970 (W) Ratification
 Holy See 25 Feb 1971 (L, M, W) Accession
 Honduras 1 Jul 1968 (W) 16 May 1973 (W) Ratification
 Ungarn 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 27 May 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Island 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 18 Jul 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Indonesien 2 Mar 1970 (L, M, W) 12 Jul 1979 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Iran 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 2 Feb 1970 (W)
10 Feb 1970 (M)
5 Mar 1970 (L)
 Iraq 1 Jul 1968 (M) 29 Oct 1969 (M) Ratification
 Irland 1 Jul 1968 (M, W)
4 Jul 1968 (L)
1 Jul 1968 (W)
2 Jul 1968 (M)
4 Jul 1968 (L)
 Italien 28 Jan 1969 (L, M, W) 2 May 1975 (L, W)
4 May 1975 (M)
 Jamaika 14 Apr 1969 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Japan 3 Feb 1970 (L, M, W) 8 Jun 1976 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Jordanien 10 Jul 1968 (W) 11 Feb 1970 (W) Ratification
 Kasachstan 14 Feb 1994 (W)
21 Mar 1994 (L)
20 May 1994 (M)
 Kenia 1 Jul 1968 (W) 11 Jun 1970 (M) Ratification
 Kiribati 18 Apr 1985 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Kuwait 15 Aug 1968 (M, W)
22 Aug 1968 (L)
17 Nov 1989 (W) Ratification
 Kirgisistan 5 Jul 1994 (M) Accession
 Laos 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 20 Feb 1970 (M)
5 Mar 1970 (L, W)
 Lettland 31 Jan 1992 (L) Accession
 Libanon 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 15 Jul 1970 (L, M)
20 Nov 1970 (W)
 Lesotho 9 Jul 1968 (W) 20 May 1970 (W) Ratification
 Liberia 1 Jul 1968 (W) 5 Mar 1970 (W) Ratification
 Libyen 18 Jul 1968 (L)
19 Jul 1968 (W)
23 Jul 1968 (M)
26 May 1975 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Liechtenstein 20 Apr 1978 (L, M, W) Accession
 Litauen 23 Sep 1991 (L, W) Accession
 Luxemburg 14 Aug 1968 (L, M, W) 2 May 1975 (L, W)
4 May 1975 (M)
 North Macedonia 30 Mar 1995 (L)
12 Apr 1995 (W)
Succession from  SFR Yugoslavia
 Madagaskar 22 Aug 1968 (W) 8 Oct 1970 (W) Ratification
 Malawi 18 Feb 1986 (L)
19 Feb 1986 (W)
4 Mar 1986 (M)
 Malaysia 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Malediven 11 Sep 1968 (W) 7 Apr 1970 (W) Ratification
 Mali 14 Jul 1969 (W)
15 Jul 1969 (M)
10 Feb 1970 (M)
5 Mar 1970 (W)
 Malta 17 Apr 1969 (W) 6 Feb 1970 (W) Ratification
 Marshallinseln 30 Jan 1995 (W) Accession
 Mauretanien 26 Oct 1993 (W) Accession
 Mauritius 1 Jul 1968 (W) 8 Apr 1969 (W)
14 Apr 1969 (L)
25 Apr 1969 (M)
 Mexiko 26 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 21 Jan 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Federated States of Micronesia 14 Apr 1995 (W) Accession
 Moldawien 11 Oct 1994 (W) Accession
 Monaco 13 Mar 1995 (W) Accession
 Mongolei 1 Jul 1968 (M) 14 May 1969 (M) Ratification
 Montenegro 3 Jun 2006 (M)
12 Dec 2006 (L)
Succession from  Serbia and Montenegro
 Marokko 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 27 Nov 1970 (M)
30 Nov 1970 (L)
16 Dec 1970 (W)
 Mosambik 4 Sep 1990 (M)
12 Sep 1990 (W)
20 Sep 1990 (L)
 Myanmar 2 Dec 1992 (W) Accession
 Namibia 2 Oct 1992 (L)
7 Oct 1992 (W)
9 Oct 1992 (M)
 Nauru 7 Jun 1982 (L) Accession
   Nepal 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Jan 1970 (W)
9 Jan 1970 (M)
3 Feb 1970 (L)
Niederlande Niederlande 20 Aug 1968 (L, M, W) 2 May 1975 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Neuseeland 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 10 Sep 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Nicaragua 1 Jul 1968 (L, W) 6 Mar 1973 (W) Ratification
 Niger 9 Oct 1992 (W) Accession
 Nigeria 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 27 Sep 1968 (L)
7 Oct 1968 (W)
14 Oct 1968 (M)
 Norwegen 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Feb 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Oman 23 Jan 1997 (W) Accession
 Palau 14 Apr 1995 (W) Accession
 Palestine 10 Feb 2015 (M)
12 Feb 2015 (L)
 Panama 1 Jul 1968 (W) 13 Jan 1977 (W) Ratification
 Papua-Neuguinea 13 Jan 1982 (L)
25 Jan 1982 (W)
16 Feb 1982 (M)
 Paraguay 1 Jul 1968 (W) 4 Feb 1970 (W)
5 Mar 1970 (L)
 Peru 1 Jul 1968 (W) 3 Mar 1970 (W) Ratification
 Philippinen 1 Jul 1968 (W)
18 Jul 1968 (M)
5 Oct 1972 (W)
16 Oct 1972 (L)
20 Oct 1972 (M)
 Polen 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 12 Jun 1969 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Portugal 15 Dec 1977 (L, M, W) Accession
 Katar 3 Apr 1989 (L)
10 May 1989 (M)
13 Jun 1989 (W)
 Südkorea 1 Jul 1968 (W) 23 Apr 1975 (W) Ratification
 Rumänien 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 4 Feb 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Russland 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification as  Soviet Union
 Ruanda 20 May 1975 (L, M, W) Accession
 St. Kitts und Nevis 22 Mar 1993 (W) Accession
 St. Lucia 28 Dec 1979 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 6 Nov 1984 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Samoa 17 Mar 1975 (M)
18 Mar 1975 (W)
26 Mar 1975 (L)
 San Marino 1 Jul 1968 (W)
29 Jul 1968 (L)
21 Nov 1968 (M)
10 Aug 1970 (L)
20 Aug 1970 (M)
31 Aug 1970 (W)
 Sao Tome und Principe 20 Jul 1983 (M) Accession
 Saudi-Arabien 3 Oct 1988 (W) Accession
 Senegal 1 Jul 1968 (M, W)
26 Jul 1968 (L)
17 Dec 1970 (M)
22 Dec 1970 (W)
15 Jan 1971 (L)
 Serbien 27 Apr 1992 (M)
5 Sep 2001 (W)
3 Jun 2006 (L)
Succession from  SFR Yugoslavia
Signed 10 July 1968 (L, M, W)
Deposited 4 March 1970 (W), 5 March 1970 (L, M)
Succession from  Serbia and Montenegro
 Seychellen 12 Mar 1985 (L)
14 Mar 1985 (M)
8 Apr 1985 (W)
 Sierra Leone 26 Feb 1975 (L, M, W) Accession
 Singapur 5 Feb 1970 (L, M, W) 10 Mar 1976 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Slowakei 1 Jan 1993 (M, W)
17 Apr 1993 (L)
Succession from  Czechoslovakia
Signed 1 July 1968
Deposited 22 July 1969
 Slowenien 7 Apr 1992 (L)
20 Aug 1992 (W)
Succession from  SFR Yugoslavia
 Salomonen 17 Jun 1981 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Somalia 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1970 (L)
12 Nov 1970 (W)
 Südafrika 10 Jul 1991 (W) Accession
 Spanien 5 Nov 1987 (L, M, W) Accession
 Sri Lanka 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1979 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Sudan 24 Dec 1968 (M) 31 Oct 1973 (W)
22 Nov 1973 (M)
10 Dec 1973 (L)
 Surinam 30 Jun 1976 (W) Succession from  Niederlande
 Swasiland 24 Jun 1969 (L) 11 Dec 1969 (L)
16 Dec 1969 (W)
12 Jan 1970 (M)
 Schweden 19 Aug 1968 (L, M, W) 9 Jan 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
  Schweiz 27 Nov 1969 (L, M, W) 9 Mar 1977 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Syria 1 Jul 1968 (M) 24 Sep 1969 (M) Ratification
 Tadschikistan 17 Jan 1995 (M) Accession
 Tansania 31 May 1991 (L)
7 Jun 1991 (W)
18 Jun 1991 (M)
 Thailand 7 Dec 1972 (L) Accession
 Timor-Leste 5 May 2003 (W) Accession
 Togo 1 Jul 1968 (W) 27 Feb 1970 (W) Ratification
 Tonga 7 Jul 1971 (L)
15 Jul 1971 (W)
24 Aug 1971 (M)
Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Trinidad und Tobago 20 Aug 1968 (W)
22 Aug 1968 (L)
30 Oct 1986 (L, W) Ratification
 Tunesien 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 26 Feb 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Türkei 28 Jan 1969 (L, M, W) 17 Apr 1980 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Turkmenistan 29 Sep 1994 (W) Accession
 Tuvalu 19 Jan 1979 (L) Succession from  Vereinigtes Königreich
 Uganda 20 Oct 1982 (W) Accession
 Ukraine 5 Dec 1994 (L, M, W) Accession
 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 26 Sep 1995 (W) Accession
 Vereinigtes Königreich 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 27 Nov 1968 (L, W)
29 Nov 1968 (M)
 Vereinigte Staaten 1 Jul 1968 (L, M, W) 5 Mar 1970 (L, M, W) Ratification
 Uruguay 1 Jul 1968 (W) 31 Aug 1970 (W) Ratification
 Usbekistan 7 May 1992 (M) Accession
 Vanuatu 24 Aug 1995 (L) Accession
 Venezuela 1 Jul 1968 (W) 25 Sep 1975 (L)
26 Sep 1975 (W)
3 Oct 1975 (M)
 Vietnam 14 Jun 1982 (M) Accession as the  Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Signed by the  Republic of Vietnam on 1 July 1968,
and ratified on 10 September 1971, but following the victory
by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the Vietnam War,
the reunified Socialist Republic of Vietnam renounced all treaty actions
performed by the Republic of Vietnam.
 Jemen 23 Sep 1968 (M) 14 May 1986 (L)
26 Jan 1989 (M)
Ratification as  North Yemen (L) and  South Yemen (M)
prior to Yemeni unification.
 Sambia 15 May 1991 (W)
22 May 1991 (L)
5 Jul 1991 (M)
 Simbabwe 26 Sep 1991 (L, M)
4 Oct 1991 (W)

Partially recognized state abiding by treaty


The Republic of China (Taiwan), which is currently only recognized by 11 UN member states, ratified the treaty prior to the United Nations General Assembly's vote to transfer China's seat to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1971. When the PRC subsequently ratified the treaty, they described the Republic of China's (ROC) ratification as "illegal". The ROC has committed itself to continue to adhere to the requirements of the treaty, and the United States has declared that it still regards the authorities in Taiwan to be bound by the NPT's obligations.[9][12]

State[9] Signed Deposited Method
 Republic of China 1 Jul 1968 (W) 27 Jan 1970 (W) Ratification

Withdrawn state


Article X.1 allows a state to leave the treaty if "extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country", giving three months notice. The state is required to give reasons for leaving the NPT in this notice, and to provide this notice to other NPT Parties and to the UN Security Council. This Article does not provide for other states to question a state's interpretation of "supreme interests of its country".

North Korea acceded to the NPT in 1985. On 12 March 1993, after it was found in non-compliance with its safeguards agreement, North Korea gave notice to withdraw from the NPT. However, on 11 June 1993, one day before the withdrawal was to take effect, North Korea reached agreement with the United States to freeze its nuclear program under the Agreed Framework and "suspended" its withdrawal notice.[13] In October 2002, the United States accused North Korea of violating the Agreed Framework by pursuing a secret uranium enrichment program, and suspended shipments of heavy fuel oil under that agreement. In response, North Korea expelled IAEA inspectors, disabled IAEA equipment and, on 10 January 2003, announced that it was ending the suspension of its previous NPT withdrawal notification.[1][2] There is disagreement among the parties to the treaty whether North Korea's withdrawal was in conformity with the terms of the treaty.[14][2] North Korea said that only one more day's notice was sufficient for withdrawal from the NPT, as it had given 89 days before.[15] The IAEA Board of Governors rejected this interpretation.[16] Most countries held that a new three-months withdrawal notice was required, and some[who?] questioned whether North Korea's notification met the "extraordinary events" and "supreme interests" requirements of the Treaty.[citation needed] The Joint Statement of 19 September 2005 at the end of the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks called for North Korea to "return" to the NPT, implicitly acknowledging that it had withdrawn. As of October, 2016, North Korea has conducted five announced nuclear tests between October 9, 2006, to September 9, 2016.[17]

In 2020, Iran threatened to withdraw from the NPT if it is referred to the United Nations Security Council for alleged breaching the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.[18]

State Deposited Method Withdrew Effective
 North Korea 12 Dec 1985 (M) Accession 12 Mar 1993 (M)[19] Suspended 11 June 1993[13]
10 Jan 2003 10 Apr 2003[20]

Other states


Four UN member states have never been a party to the treaty.

The Cook Islands and Niue, two associated states of New Zealand which have had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognised by United Nations Secretariat,[5] are not parties to the treaty but consider themselves bound by its provisions by virtue of their administration by New Zealand when the latter ratified the NPT.[6]

See also



  1. ^ a b "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)" (PDF). Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program - United States Department of Defense. Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-03-11. Retrieved 2013-06-19.
  2. ^ a b c "Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Accession to Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2013-03-01.
  3. ^ Jean du Preez and William Potter. "North Korea's Withdrawal From the NPT: A Reality Check". James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) Information & Analysis. Archived from the original on 2010-04-07. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  4. ^ "Safeguards Statement for 2011" (PDF). IAEA. Retrieved 6 March 2013.
  5. ^ a b "Organs Supplement", Repertory of Practice (PDF), UN, p. 10, archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-03
  6. ^ a b Avenhaus, Rudolf; Kremenyuk, Viktor; Sjöstedt, Gunnar (2002). Containing the atom. Lexington Books. p. 123. ISBN 9780739103876. ...the Cook Islands and Niue in the South Pacific-and the latter two consider themselves bound by the adherence to the NPT by New Zealand administering these two states when the NPT entered into force.
  7. ^ "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2013-02-28.
  8. ^ "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-01-04. Retrieved 2013-07-23.
    "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [London Version]". Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Retrieved 2019-04-27.
  9. ^ a b c d "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". United States Department of State. 2010-10-06. Retrieved 2019-07-01.
  10. ^ Договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия (in Russian). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. 2012-03-05. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
  11. ^ "Serbia: Succession to Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2013-03-02.
  12. ^ "China: Accession to Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)". United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved 2013-03-03.
  13. ^ a b "IAEA and DPRK: Chronology of Key Events". International Atomic Energy Agency. 25 July 2014. Retrieved 2017-11-06.
  14. ^ "Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards". International Atomic Energy Agency. 2017-11-06. Retrieved 2017-11-06.
  15. ^ "North Korea Profile – Nuclear Overview". Nti.org. Archived from the original on 2011-09-22. Retrieved 2010-11-25.
  16. ^ "Media Advisory 2003/48 – IAEA Board of Governors Adopts Resolution on Safeguards in North Korea – 12 February". Iaea.org. 12 February 2003. Retrieved 2010-11-25.
  17. ^ "A look at North Korea's 6 nuclear tests". USA Today.
  18. ^ "Iran to quit NPT if its nuclear programme referred to UN: Zarif". Al Jazeera. 2020-01-20. Retrieved 2020-01-20.
  19. ^ "UNTC". 2017-11-07. Retrieved 2017-11-07.
  20. ^ Devon Chaffee (2003-04-10). "North Korea's Withdrawal from Nonproliferation Treaty Official". Archived from the original on 2006-04-12. Retrieved 2008-07-26.