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United States military aid

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The United States government first recognized the usefulness of foreign aid as a tool of diplomacy in World War II. It was believed that it would promote liberal capitalist models of development in other countries and that it would enhance national security.[1]

The United States is the largest contributor of military aid to foreign countries in the world, with its Department of Defense providing funding and/or American military hardware aid to over 150 countries annually for defense purposes.

Military funding programs


There are three main programs where military funding is allocated:

  1. Foreign Military Financing (FMF) provides grants for the acquisition of U.S. defense equipment, services, and training. These grants enable friends and allies to improve their defense capabilities.[2][3][4][5] FMF is allowed under the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), which as amended [22 U.S.C. 2751, et. seq.], authorizes the President to finance procurement of defense articles and services for foreign countries and international organizations.[6] The goals of FMF are:[7][8][9]
    • Promoting national security by contributing to regional and global stability
    • Strengthening military support for democratically elected governments and containing transnational threats, including terrorism and trafficking in narcotics, weapons, and persons
    • Fostering closer military relationships between the U.S. and recipient nations
  2. Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) provide voluntary support for international peacekeeping activities. These funds support non-U.N. operations and training in response to a nation’s crisis.[10] The goals of PKO are:
    • Promoting increased involvement of regional organizations in conflict resolution
    • Helping leverage support for multinational efforts in the event of a nation's crisis
  3. The International Military Education and Training program (IMET) offers military training on a grant basis to foreign military officials.[11] The goals of IMET are:
    • Encouraging effective defense relationships
    • Promoting interoperability with U.S. and coalition forces
    • Exposing foreign civilian and military officials to democratic values, military professionalism, and international norms of human rights

Some examples of this would include the United States' efforts in Colombia and South Korea. Military aid has been successful in stopping insurgency, providing stability, and ending conflicts within the region. In South Korea, US military aid has been beneficial for the maintenance of national security, economic and social development, and civilization as a whole.[12]

In many other cases, military aid has laid the groundwork for other forms of aid. This aid includes building schools to promote education, providing clean drinking water, and further stabilizing food production. Without military aid, this development would have been impossible.[citation needed]



Particular targets of criticism include

  • Funds appropriated to the State Department and Defense Department represent the vast majority of unclassified military aid and assistance.[13]
  • The United States gives the same amount of money to its top five aid recipients as they give to the rest of the world.[14]
  • Generally, increasing levels of US military aid significantly reduces cooperative foreign policy behavior with the United States.[15]



The following table shows which countries does the United States provide military aid and/or assistance, per USAID.[16]

Countries by U.S. Military Aid
Country/Region 2022 2023
 Afghanistan No No
 Albanien Yes Yes
 Algerien Yes Yes
 Angola Yes Yes
 Antigua und Barbuda Yes Yes
 Argentinien Yes Yes
 Armenien Yes Yes
 Aserbaidschan Yes Yes
 Bahamas Yes Yes
 Bahrain Yes Yes
 Bangladesch Yes Yes
 Barbados Yes Yes
 Weißrussland No No
 Belize Yes Yes
 Benin Yes Yes
 Bhutan No Yes
 Bolivien No No
 Bosnien und Herzegowina Yes Yes
 Botswana Yes Yes
 Brasilien Yes Yes
 Bulgarien Yes Yes
 Burkina Faso No No
 Burundi No No
 Kambodscha No No
 Kamerun Unknown or unclear Yes
 Kap Verde Yes Yes
 Zentralafrikanische Republik No Yes
 Tschad Yes Unknown or unclear
 Chile Yes Yes
 China No No
 Kolumbien Yes Yes
 Komoren Yes Yes
 Congo Yes Yes
 Costa Rica Yes Yes
 Kroatien Yes Yes
 Cuba No No
 Zypern Yes Yes
 Tschechische Republik Yes Yes
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yes Yes
 Dschibuti Yes Yes
 Dominica Yes Yes
 Dominikanische Republik Yes Yes
 Osttimor Yes Yes
 Ecuador Yes Yes
 Ägypten Yes Yes
 El Salvador Yes Yes
 Äquatorial-Guinea Yes Yes
 Eritrea No No
 Estland Yes Yes
 Eswatini Yes Yes
 Äthiopien Yes No
 Fidschi Yes Yes
 Gabun Yes Yes
 Gambia Yes Yes
 Georgien Yes Yes
 Deutschland Yes Yes
 Ghana Yes Yes
 Griechenland Yes Yes
 Grenada Yes Yes
 Guatemala Yes Yes
 Guinea No No
 Guinea-Bissau Yes Yes
 Guyana Yes Yes
 Haiti Yes Yes
 Honduras Yes Yes
 Ungarn Yes Yes
 Indien Yes Yes
 Indonesien Yes Yes
 Iran No No
 Iraq Yes Yes
 Israel Yes Yes
 Ivory Coast Yes Yes
 Jamaika Yes Yes
 Jordanien Yes Yes
 Kasachstan Yes Yes
 Kenia Yes Yes
 Kosovo Yes Yes
 Kirgisistan Yes Yes
 Laos Yes Yes
 Lettland Yes Yes
 Libanon Yes Yes
 Lesotho Yes Yes
 Liberia Yes Yes
 Libyen No No
 Litauen Yes Yes
 Madagaskar Yes Yes
 Malawi Yes Yes
 Malaysia Yes Yes
 Malediven Yes Yes
 Mali No No
 Malta Yes Yes
 Mauretanien Yes Yes
 Mauritius Yes Yes
 Mexiko Yes Yes
 Moldawien Yes Yes
 Mongolei Yes Yes
 Montenegro Yes Yes
 Marokko Yes Yes
 Mosambik Yes Yes
 Myanmar No No
 Namibia Yes Yes
   Nepal Yes Yes
 Nicaragua No No
 Niger Yes Yes
 Nigeria Yes Yes
 North Korea No No
 North Macedonia Yes Yes
 Oman Yes Yes
 Pakistan Unknown or unclear Yes
 Palau Unknown or unclear Yes
 Palestine No No
 Panama Yes Yes
 Papua-Neuguinea Yes Yes
 Paraguay Yes Yes
 Peru Yes Yes
 Philippinen Yes Yes
 Polen Yes Yes
 Rumänien Yes Yes
 Russland No No
 Ruanda Yes Unknown or unclear
 St. Kitts und Nevis Unknown or unclear Yes
 St. Lucia Yes Yes
 St. Vincent und die Grenadinen Yes Yes
 São Tomé and Principe Yes Yes
 Senegal Yes Yes
 Serbien Yes Yes
 Seychellen Yes Yes
 Sierra Leone Yes Yes
 Slowakei Yes Yes
 Slowenien Yes Yes
 Salomonen No No
 Somalia Yes Yes
 Südafrika Yes Yes
 South Sudan Yes No
 Sri Lanka Yes Yes
 Sudan No No
 Surinam Yes Yes
 Syria No No
 Taiwan Yes Yes
 Tadschikistan Yes Yes
 Tansania Yes Yes
 Thailand Yes Yes
 Togo Yes Yes
 Tonga Yes Yes
 Trinidad und Tobago Yes Yes
 Tunesien Yes Yes
 Türkei Yes Yes
 Turkmenistan Yes Yes
 Uganda Yes Yes
 Ukraine Yes Yes
 Uruguay Yes Yes
 Usbekistan Yes Yes
 Vanuatu Yes Yes
 Venezuela No No
 Vietnam Yes Yes
 Westsahara No No
 Jemen No Yes
 Sambia Yes Yes
 Simbabwe No No

See also



  1. ^ Foreign Aid. Retrieved 2011-02-24.
  2. ^ Foreign Military Financing Account Summary. Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  3. ^ "Foreign Military Financing (FMF)". U.S. Department of State. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  4. ^ "Security Assistance Team". U.S. Department of State. 24 January 2007. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  5. ^ "Foreign Military Financing (FMF)". Defense Security Cooperation Agency. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  6. ^ "Foreign Military Financing (FMF) | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency". www.dsca.mil. Retrieved 2018-12-28.
  7. ^ "About Us - Office of Security Assistance". U.S. Department of State. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  8. ^ Axelrod, Matthew Craig (April 2011). "Aid as Leverage? Understanding the U.S.-Egypt Military Relationship" (PDF). The Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  9. ^ Tarnoff, Curt; Lawson, Marian L. (29 January 2016). "Foreign Aid: An Introduction to U.S. Programs and Policy" (PDF). Congressional Research Service. Retrieved 15 May 2024.
  10. ^ Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S. Programs and Policy (PDF). Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  11. ^ IMET Assessment Project 2007-2008. Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  12. ^ Choi, Tae Young (1989). "Effect Analysis of U.S. Military Aid to the Republic of Korea" (PDF). Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California. Archived (PDF) from the original on March 24, 2020.
  13. ^ A Citizen's Guide to Understanding U.S. Foreign Military Aid. Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  14. ^ Noah GrantJust the Facts: Foreign Aid vs. Military Spending. Retrieved 2011-02-24.
  15. ^ Sullivan, Patricia; Tessman, Brock; Li, Xiaojun (2011). "US Military Aid and Recipient State Cooperation". Foreign Policy Analysis. 7 (3): 275–294. doi:10.1111/j.1743-8594.2011.00138.x.
  16. ^ "Foreign Assistance". Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources. Retrieved 2024-05-31.