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Solar power in the European Union

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Map of solar insolation on the Europen continent. Annual values range from 900 kWh per square metre (in Northern Scotland) to 1900 kWh per square metre (in Southern Spain).
Solar potential in Europe

Solar energy in the European Union consists of photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal energy.

In 2010, the €2.6 billion European solar heating sector consisted of small and medium-sized businesses, generated 17.3 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy, employed 33,500 workers, and created one new job for every 80 kW of added capacity.[1]

During 2011, an additional 21.9 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaics systems were connected to the grid in the European Union, a steep increase from 13.4 GW in 2010.[2] Turnover of the European PV market amounted to approximately €36 billion for this period.[3]

Photovoltaic solar power

PV growth in 'watts per capita' from 1992 to 2014
  <0.1, n/a

In 2012, photovoltaic systems with a total capacity of 17.2 gigawatt (GW) were connected to the grid in Europe, less than in 2011, when 22.4 GW had been installed. In terms of total installed capacity, according to EPIA's 2012-report, Europe still lead the way with more than 70 GW, or 69% of worldwide capacity, producing 85 TWh of electricity annually. This energy volume is sufficient to power the supply needs of over 20 million households.[2]

In 2011, solar photovoltaic continued its growth trend and Italy was the top market for the year, with 9.3 GW connected, followed by Germany (7.5 GW). These two markets were followed by France (1.7 GW) and the United Kingdom (784 MW). In terms of cumulative capacity, Germany with more than 24 GW, is the leading country in Europe,[2] followed by Italy, with more than 12 GW. PV is now a significant part of Europe's electricity mix, producing 2% of the demand in the EU and roughly 4% of peak demand.[2]

PV roof-top system in Berlin, Germany.

In 2011 the EU’s solar electricity production is evaluated as ca 44.8 TWh in 2011 with 51.4 GW installed capacity, up 98% on 2010. In 2011 in the EU new installations were 21.5 GW. The solar power share in 2011 was around 3.6% in Italy, 3.1% in Germany and 2.6% in Spain. EuroObserver expects the total installation to reach at least 120 GW in 2020. The national strategies are equivalent to 84 GW solar capacity in 2020 which may underestimate the actual development taking place. For example, according to AGEE-Stat (the Ministry of Environment’s Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics), Germany connected solar capacity 7.5 GWp in 2011, twice the 3.5 GWp target. EU accounted for 74% of all newly connected capacity in 2011. According to Photon International magazine the worldwide solar cell production capacity was 12.5 GW in 2009 and 37 GW in 2011. In 2012, production capacities are set to rise to 69 GW, same as the total installed capacity worldwide at the end of 2011.[4]

Denmark reached its governmental goal of achieving 200 MW of photovoltaic capacity by 2020 already in 2012, eight years in advance. Danish energy sector players estimate that this development will result in 1000 MW by 2020.[5] Croatian as the newest member of the EU has a less than enthusiastic embrace of solar power due to a number of reasons. However, in past few years, Croatian solar energy has seen a dramatic increase in the overall output. From 32.4 MWh in 2012, to an additional 46,2 MWh in 2013 with another 108 MWh[6] awaiting to be connected to the national grid and additional power plants under construction with total energy output exceeding 200 MWh. Croatian national renewable energy strategy is to increase participating share of renewable in overall energy mix from current 15.8% (end of 2012) to around 25% by 2020 with solar generating at least 500 MWh.

PV in the European Union (MWpeak)[7][8][9][10][10][11][12][13]
# Land 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Deutschland Deutschland 1,910 3,063 3,846 6,019 9,959 17,370 24,875 32,698 36,402 38,301
2 Italien Italien 46 58 120 458 1,157 3,478 12,764 16,361 18,065 18,450
3 Frankreich Frankreich 26 33 47 104 335 1,054 2,831 4,027 4,625 5,600
4 Vereinigtes Königreich Vereinigtes Königreich 11 14 19 23 30 75 1,014 1,657 2,782 5,230
5 Spanien Spanien 58 118 733 3,421 3,438 3,808 4,214 4,516 4,766 4,787
6 Belgien Belgien 2 4 22 71 574 787 1,812 2,649 3,040 3,105
7 Griechenland Griechenland 5 7 9 19 55 205 631 1,543 2,585 2,603
8 Tschechische Republik Czech 0 1 4 55 463 1,953 1,959 2,022 2,064 2,061
9 Rumänien Rumänien 0 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 2 2.9 49 1,022 1,292.6
10 Niederlande Niederlande 51 51 53 57 68 97 118 321 739 1,100
11 Bulgarien Bulgarien 0 0 0.8 1 6 17 132 933 1,019 1,020
12 Österreich Österreich 24 29 27 32 53 103 173 421 631 771
13 Dänemark Dänemark 3 3 3 3 5 7 16 391 572 602
14 Slowakei Slowakei 0 0 0 <0.1 0.2 144 488 517 588 590
15 Portugal Portugal 3 4 18 68 102 131 143 228 303 419
16 Slowenien Slowenien 0.2 0.4 1 2 9 36 90 217 248 256
17 Luxemburg Luxemburg 24 24 24 25 26 27 30 76 95 110
18 Schweden Schweden 4 5 6 8 9 10 18 23 43 79
19 Litauen Litauen 0 0 0 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 6.1 68 68
20 Zypern Zypern 0.5 1 1 2 3 6 10 17 35 65
21 Malta Malta 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 2 2 11 18 28 54
22 Ungarn Ungarn 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 2 4.1 3.7 35 38
23 Kroatien Kroatien 0.5 1.2 3.2 5.6 12 16 16 20 20 34
24 Polen Polen 0.3 0.4 0.6 1 1 2 1.8 3.4 4.2 24
25 Finnland Finnland 4 4 5 6 8 10 11 11 11 11
26 Lettland Lettland 0 0 0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
27 Irland Irland 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 1 1.1
28 Estland Estland 0 0 0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
European Union EU (GWp) 2.17 3.42 4.94 10.38 15.86 29.33 51.36 68.64 79.79 86.67
PV in watts per capita [11][12][13]
# Land 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Deutschland Deutschland 304.3 399.5 447.2 474.1
2 Italien Italien 210.5 269.0 295.1 303.5
3 Belgien Belgien 165.5 240.0 267.3 277.2
4 Griechenland Griechenland 55.8 136.7 233.7 236.8
5 Luxemburg Luxemburg 59.9 89.9 186.2 200.1
6 Tschechische Republik Czech 186.0 192.5 196.1 196.1
7 Bulgarien Bulgarien 17.7 127.4 139.9 140.8
8 Malta Malta 27.4 45.0 58.7 127.5
9 Slowenien Slowenien 44.1 105.7 123.8 124.2
10 Slowakei Slowakei 89.8 95.7 99.3 109.0
11 Dänemark Dänemark 3.0 70.2 94.8 106.9
12 Spanien Spanien 91.3 97.8 100.7 102.9
13 Österreich Österreich 20.7 49.9 81.7 90.6
14 Frankreich Frankreich 43.5 61.6 71.6 87.6
15 Vereinigtes Königreich Vereinigtes Königreich 16.2 26.3 42.9 81.3
16 Zypern Zypern 12.5 19.9 40.2 75.5
17 Niederlande Niederlande 7.1 19.1 39.6 65.4
18 Rumänien Rumänien 0.1 0.3 51.1 64.8
19 Portugal Portugal 13.5 21.7 26.8 40.2
20 Litauen Litauen 0.0 2.0 22.9 23.2
21 Schweden Schweden 2.0 2.5 4.5 8.2
22 Kroatien Kroatien 0.1 0.1 5.1 8.1
23 Ungarn Ungarn 0.4 0.4 1.6 3.9
24 Finnland Finnland 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9
25 Lettland Lettland 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8
26 Polen Polen 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.6
27 Irland Irland 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
28 Estland Estland 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
- European Union EU average 102.2 136.3 155.8 171.5

Concentrated solar power

Solar power, the production of electricity from solar energy, is performed either directly, through photovoltaics, or indirectly, using concentrated solar power (CSP). One advantage that CSP has is the ability to add thermal storage and provide power up to 24 hours a day.[14] Gemasolar, in Spain, was the first to provide 24 hour power.[15]

CSP in Europe (MWpeak)[16][17]
# Land 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
1 Spanien Spanien 10.00 60.00 281.40 531.40 1,151.40 1,953.90 2,303.90
2 Italien Italien 0 0 0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.35
3 Deutschland Deutschland 0 0 0 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
4 Frankreich Frankreich 0 0 0 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.75
European Union EU 10 60 281 738 1,159 1,961 2,311

Solar thermal

Over the next 10 years the European solar thermal will grow on average at a rate of 15% per annum. According to the National Renewable Energy Action Plans the total solar thermal capacity in the EU will be 102 GW in 2020 (while 14 GW in 2006).[1]

In June 2009, the European Parliament and Council adopted the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from Renewable Energy Sources (RES). For the first time, heating and cooling accounting for half of the final energy demand will be covered by a European directive promoting renewable energies. The overall renewable target is legally binding but renewable mix is free. According to the delivered national plans the highest of solar heating markets during 2010-2020 will be in Italy, Germany, France, Spain and Poland in respect to the national target in 2020 and capacity increase. Top countries per capita will be Cyprus, Greece, Austria, Italy and Belgium.[1]

In some European countries the solar thermal market is still in its infancy. Bulgaria, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, and United Kingdom have extremely low targets in their plans. Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Romania have not included solar thermal in their national plans at all.[1]

Solar heating is the usage of solar energy to provide space or water heating. Worldwide the use was 88 GWthermal in 2005. Growth potential is enormous. The EU have been second after China in the installations. If all EU countries had used solar thermal as enthusiastically as the Austrians, the EU’s installed capacity would have been 91 GWth (130 million m2, far beyond the target of 100 million m2 by 2010, set by the White Paper in 1997. In 2005 solar heating in the EU was equivalent to more than 686,000 tons of oil. ESTIF’s minimum target is to produce solar heating equivalent to 5,600,000 tons of oil (2020). A more ambitious, but feasible, target is 73 millions tons of oil per year (2020) – a lorry row spanning 1,5 times around the globe.[18]

Solar heating in the European Union (MWthermal)
# Land 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
1  Deutschland 7,766 9,036 9,831 10,496 11,416 12,055
2  Österreich 2,268 3,031 3,227 2,792 3,448 3,538
3  Griechenland 2,708 2,853 2,855 2,861 2,885 2,915
4  Italien 1,124 1,410 1,753 2,152 2,380 2,590
5  Spanien 988 1,306 1,543 1,659 2,075 2,238
6  Frankreich 1,137 1,287 1,470 1,277 1,691 1,802
7  Polen 254 357 459 637 848 1,040
8  Portugal 223 395 526 547 677 717
9  Tschechische Republik 116 148 216 265 625 681
10  Niederlande 254 285 313 332 605 616
11  Dänemark 293 339 379 409 499 550
12  Zypern 485 490 491 499 486 476
13  Vereinigtes Königreich 270 333 374 460 455 475
14  Schweden 202 217 227 236 337 342
15  Belgien 188 204 230 226 334 374
16  Irland 52 85 106 111 177 196
17  Slowenien 96 111 116 123 142 148
18  Ungarn 18 59 105 120 125 137
19  Rumänien 66 80 73 74 93 110
20  Slowakei 67 73 84 100 108 113
21  Kroatien 84 98
22  Bulgarien 22 56 74 81 58 59
23  Malta 25 29 32 36 34 35
24  Finnland 18 20 23 23 30 33
25  Luxemburg 16 19 22 25 23 27
26  Lettland 1 1 1 3 10 12
27  Litauen 1 2 2 3 6 8
28  Estland 1 2 2 3 4 6
European Union EU (in GW) 19.08 21.60 23.49 25.55 29.66 31.39
  • The relation between collector area and rated power: 1m2 = 0.7 kWthermal
  • Data source for 2013: Divergent figures from different reports. Total of 31.39 GWth corresponds to figures from EurObserv'ER report,[17] while report from the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) accounts for 30.2 GWth and includes capacity from non-EU member Switzerland.[19]
  • Data sources of previous years: 2012 not sourced – 2011[20] – 2010[21][22] – 2009[23] – 2008[24]
  • For historical data from 2004–2010 see collapsed table below
Solar heating in watts per capita[16][17]
# Land 2011 2013
1  Zypern 609 551
2  Österreich 397 419
3  Griechenland 253 263
4  Deutschland 130 150
5  Malta 80 83
6  Dänemark 78 108
7  Slowenien 65 72
8  Portugal 58 68
9  Tschechische Republik 53 65
10  Spanien 41 48
11  Luxemburg 37 51
12  Schweden 35 36
12  Niederlande 35 37
14  Italien 34 43
15  Irland 27 43
15  Belgien 27 34
17  Frankreich 25 27
18  Slowakei 19 21
19  Polen 17 27
20  Bulgarien 11 8
21  Ungarn 9 14
22  Vereinigtes Königreich 7 7
23  Finnland 5 6
24  Rumänien 4 6
24  Lettland 4 6
26  Estland 1 4
27  Litauen 1 3
28  Kroatien n.a. 23
- European Union EU average 55 62


The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) represents members active along the whole solar PV value chain. EPIA’s mission is to give its global membership a distinct and effective voice in the European market, especially in the EU.[30]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d [Solar Thermal Markets in Europe Trends and Market Statistics 2010], European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) June 2011 p. 14-15, Figure Capacity in operation 2010/2020
  2. ^ a b c d Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2016
  3. ^ Fact Sheets
  4. ^ Photovoltaic barometer 208 February 2012
  5. ^ Denmark reaches 2020-goal for solar energy before time 12.09.2012
  6. ^ http://www.vecernji.hr/kompanije-i-trzista/razgrabljeni-poticaji-za-solarne-elektrane-915586
  7. ^ Photovoltaic energy barometer 2007 – EurObserv’ER Systèmes solaires Le journal des énergies renouvelables n° 178, p. 49-70, 4/2007
  8. ^ Photovoltaic energy barometer 2009 – EurObserv’ER Systèmes solaires Le journal des énergies renouvelables n° 190, p. 72-102, 3/2009
  9. ^ Photovoltaic energy barometer 2010 – EurObserv’ER
  10. ^ a b Photovoltaic energy barometer 2011 – EurObserv’ER Cite error: The named reference "BaroPhoto2011" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  11. ^ a b Photovoltaic energy barometer 2012 – EurObserv’ER
  12. ^ a b Photovoltaic energy barometer 2013 – EurObserv’ER
  13. ^ a b Photovoltaic energy barometer 2014 – EurObserv’ER
  14. ^ Concentrating Solar Power
  15. ^ Spain's round-the-clock solar power plant
  16. ^ a b EurObserv'ER: Solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometer - May 2012
  17. ^ a b c EurObserv'ER: Solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometer - May 2014
  18. ^ Solar Thermal Action Plan for Europe ESTIF, 1/2007
  19. ^ http://www.estif.org/ European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) Solar Thermal Markets in Europe - Trends and Market Statistics in 2013, June 2014 archive
  20. ^ http://www.estif.org European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) Solar Thermal Markets in Europe - Trends and Market Statistics in 2011, June 2012 archive
  21. ^ http://www.estif.org European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) Solar Thermal Markets in Europe - Trends and Market Statistics in 2010, June 2011 archive
  22. ^ http://www.eurobserv-er.org - EurObserv'ER Solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometer for 2010, May 2011, archive
  23. ^ http://www.estif.org European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) Solar Thermal Markets in Europe - Trends and Market Statistics in 2009, June 2010 archive
  24. ^ Solar Thermal Markets in Europe - Trends and Market Statistics in 2008, May 2009 archive
  25. ^ since 2010 overseas departments excluded
  26. ^ Solar Thermal Markets in Europe, Trends and market statistics 2006 European Solar Thermal Industry Federation ESTIF, June 2007
  27. ^ "Solar Thermal Markets in Europe, Trends and market statistics 2008" (PDF). Retrieved 24 April 2011.
  28. ^ estif.org - European Solar Thermal Industry Federation Solar Thermal Markets in Europe, Trends and market statistics 2009[dead link]
  29. ^ estif.org - European Solar Thermal Industry Federation Solar Thermal Markets in Europe, Trends and market statistics 2010, June 2011
  30. ^ Mission & Activities