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Wikipedia:News On Wiki/Phase Two mid-campaign report

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Below are some of the activities and accomplishments of the News On Wiki campaign, as reported to WikiCred in December 2020:

Pre-launch outreach and promotion:

  • June: Open Publishing Fest panel discussion moderated by Center for Media and Democracy cofounder Sheldon Rampton
  • June: AfroCROWD Juneteenth Civil Rights Wikipedia Conference: Sponsored a session focused on News On Wiki/Black-owned papers. Followed up with Dr. Alexandria Lockett, keynote speaker for the event, on three calls about engaging students in News On Wiki.
  • August: Spoke about News On Wiki to an audience that included news reporters during the AfroCROWD BIPOC event. The event included reporters from NPR and Complex.

Events since September launch:


Miscellaneous highlights:

  • Our announcement on Misinfocon announcing the campaign has drawn continued interest in the campaign.
  • Recruited 60 participants, through mid-December, on our wiki page.
  • One of our speakers for the kickoff event, Jessamyn West, has remained highly engaged and proactively sought out opportunities to review and mentor new Wikipedians we recruit.
  • A number of ASU students (new Wikipedians) researched, drafted, and even completed several articles from our newspaper lists as part of their Wikipedia assignment.
  • Our guest speaker at our Wikiconference edit-a-thon, Martin Pratt, a newspaper publisher and radio host, live-tweeted the event and brought us live questions from Twitter. We are also able to answer live.
  • Participants on the Federated Wiki call were enthusiastic about an opportunity to learn about Wikidata and Wikipedia while contributing to knowledge about newspapers.
  • WikiTree mentioned News On Wiki and our partner AfroCROWD in their WikiConference North America lightning talk reporting a positive experience in our Edit-a-thon and a desire to potentially connect for more.
  • Users from the Philadelphia Wikipedians group were highly engaged at our WikiConference event, and expressed interest in working together.
  • Through our social media campaign on Twitter and YouTube, we have also built awareness about the importance of reliable news information and sources on Wikipedia. We have attracted 71 followers on Twitter and more than 200 on YouTube.
  • Fortuitously, a discussion on newspaper notability has recently been opened. This will be a good opportunity to highlight our work in this area, and influence Wikipedia guidelines.

Articles and wiki content


Black owned papers


New entries include:

Drafts started:

Caribbean newspapers

  • This will be the next focus. We have done some outreach and have recruited volunteers and are now in the list gathering and planning phase for this regional area of focus.



New papers:

Drafts started: