Lost Odyssey

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Lost Odyssey is an RPG developed by Mistwalker exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Kaim Argonar


Battle quotes



  • What a waste of time.
  • Like taking candy from a baby.

Story quotes

  • Let him hear us. Let him see us. Let him shudder as we close in on him.
    • When discovering Gongora's hidden surveilance.
  • When people die, they just go away. If there's any place a soul would go, it's in your memories. People you remember are with you forever.
    • Opening

Jansen Friedh


Battle quotes



  • Are you some kind of beast?
  • Man, this is getting old real quick.
  • This does -not- look good!


  • That wasn't fun.
  • I... am the greatest!
  • Well, have you fallen for me yet?

Story quotes

  • Wow! Puberty's weird.
    • When watching clearly possessed child Mack float above the ground with blue smoke and tendrils emerging from a blue glow surrounding him.
  • You're the sleazy one, Lord Eyebrows!
    • Mouthing off to Gongora.
  • Oh, great. Here comes mister "I SPEAK WITH HER MAJESTY'S VOICE!"
    • When the party returns to Numara's Castle.
  • Is that your mother's?
    • After Kakarnas is stripped down to his undershirt by Cooke and Mack.
  • A man's gotta do certain...things...before he leaves....
    • In a drunken stupor, outside Uhra with 3 female escorts.
  • That was supposed to be me...
    • After Seth and Tolten are teleported to Uhra from a train about to be hit by Gongora's attack.
  • Okay, this is weird. I'm not frozen. Maybe I'm immortal. You know, my mom always said I was special...yeah. (notices Ming protecting him with a magic shield) What- oh.
    • After the magic train is frozen over.
  • Wow, you've been saying more than one word since you've started getting your memory back...Just as fun to be around though!
    • To Kaim.
  • Momma? What are you, like, 60? That's sick!
    • To Sed, after he calls Seth "momma".
  • This is the gold you gave me. And I really want to throw it back in your face, but I won't.
    • To Gongora.
  • That's a harp, so it must be the queen, right? I mean, no dude plays a harp.
    • When the group reaches the queen's quarters in the White Boa.
  • What are you, Seth's sister?
    • After Cooke kicks him in the shin.
  • It's okay, I'm an expert at...stonology!
    • Before grabbing the stone atop the Great Eastern Ruins, inadvertently releasing the boss.
  • I've always wanted to play the dying hero. But...really, not really, I don't feel good.
    • As Jansen is trapped inside a magical barrier.



Battle quotes



  • I'm gonna bury you!
  • Take the initiative, I always say.
  • C'mon, c'mon, let's see what you got.
  • Oh, come on, gimme a break!

Seth Balmore


Battle quotes



  • Ooh! I think I'm gonna like this!
  • If it's a fight you want, you got it!


  • It's not in my nature to lose!

Ming Numara


Battle quotes



  • Numara is here!
  • You let your guard down, eh?


  • Let us pray for those who've passed.



Battle quotes



  • Oh no! Look out! (tips her glasses)
    • Party faces a formidable enemy.
  • We've taken the advantage!
    • Party gets to attack first.



Battle quotes



  • Now's our chance!


  • For Uhra!
  • That was one hard fought battle.
  • Never underestimate the Royal House!



Battle quotes



  • Yikes!
  • I can do this!
  • It's now or never!


  • What a stink!
  • I wish I was stronger.
  • Have I become stronger?

King of Gohtza

  • So it ends. Kaim, Sarah...forgive me. (clutches coin) Truth has been overcome by fact and reality.
    • Last words


Kaim: You tire easily.
Jansen: I don't get tired in bed!

[Kaim, Jansen and Seth are confronted by hundreds of the Numaran army]
Jansen: Kaim, what'll we do?
Seth: Are we gonna go for it?
Jansen: No, we're not gonna go for it.
Kaim: (cutting him off) Yes.
Jansen: No. There's a "no" here. I'm-

Numaran Soldier: If I give my girl one of these flowers, getting her in the sack would be a snap!
Jansen: Oh, I am on the same wavelength as that guy. Lemme get some of that action.

Kakanas: What is Uhra planning!?!
Jansen: Ah, see, you ruined the surprise. We were gonna throw you a birthday party.

[The group is talking to a bartender in Tosca Village about getting to the witch's mansion]
Bartender: Neither magic nor muscle has been able to get through.
Jansen: How about we try and sneak by while she's in the bathroom?

Gohtzan Soldier 1: Look how mighty our fleet is!
Gohtzan Soldier 2: It most certainly is.
[Suddenly, the entire Gohtzan fleet is annihilated by a rain of fire from Grand Staff]

Jansen: (singing What You Are) I wanna make what you are...into something so...cool...in this life of mine...
(Ming wakes up)
Jansen: I'm - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you!
Ming: I dreamed I heard you singing. At least, I thought I was dreaming.
Ming: Were you really singing?
Jansen: No... yeah, it's not something I do in front of people normally.

[The group finds the Blue Dragon]
Jansen: I guess the rumors were true because here's the ferocious dragon. He's the protector of the forbidden spell.
Ming: Wait a minute, Jansen! You didn't say anything about this!
Jansen: Well, I seem to remember telling you all earlier that this place is bad news!

[The Nautilus is chasing Grand Staff]
Sed: The only way to get there is to jump.
Jansen: JUMP? I mean, the ship...can it--
Seth: Save your breath.
Cooke: Aye-aye, captain! Saving breath!
Jansen: (turning around) Oh... you two are just perfect for each other...

[Jansen and Ming have just kissed]
Cooke: She likes you!
Mack: That's sweet

[Tower of Mirrors Opening Speech]
Gongora: *laughs*
Gongora: Time has returned to us!
Seth: Kaim, do you feel it?
Kaim: It feels different.
Kaim: The force that prevades my body is from our world
Kaim: We're not letting you get away Gongora!
Gongora: Oh, I'm not going anywere.
Gongora: There is no better place for me to fight immortals than here.
Kaim: What?
Gongora: In this light... it's like being in a part of our own world.
Gongora: Here, beyond the mirrors. Time flows normally.
Gongora: We are no longer immortal.
Gongora: In this light, one could say... death lives.
Jansen: Oh, that's so stupid. 'Death lives!'
Kaim: The Grand Staff has fallen.
Kaim: What's left for you?
Gongora: You do not understand.
Gongora: I conquered Uhra and vanquished Gohtza.
Gongora: This magic energy, will be enough to annilhilate the Queen of Numara and gain the throne of the Gods!
Kaim: If that's the only answer you've come after to a millenium, there's no future for you!
Gongora: *laughs* A millennium! What will it be like to die after living a millennium?
Gongora: First, I shall deal with you who stand in my way. Then I shall destroy these cursed mirrors!
[Scene shifts to battle mode and zooms in on the Lunar Magic Beast]
Gongora: This light that leads us to our death is now the source of life for a mighty beast.
Gongora: This great beast, born of powerful magic energy. Do you think your puny magic can possibly defeat it?
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