The New International Encyclopædia/Auersperg, Carlos, Prince

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Edition of 1905. See also Prince Karl of Auersperg on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

772218The New International Encyclopædia — Auersperg, Carlos, Prince

AUERSPERG, Carlos, Prince (1814-90). An Austrian statesman. On the advent of the new constitutional era, in 1861, he became a member of the Upper Chamber of the Reichsrath. As a representative of the Liberal landed proprietors in the Diet of Bohemia, and afterwards as president of the Austrian House of Peers, he took a conspicuous part in defending the constitutional system against clerical and feudal reaction, and in establishing the unity of the Empire. He presided over the Austrian ministry in 1868, and subsequently was a zealous supporter of the Liberal Cabinet, at the head of which was his brother Adolph.