New York Tribune

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New York Tribune
transcribed articles
Established by Horace Greeley in 1841 and was long considered one of the leading newspapers in the United States. In 1924 it was merged with The New York Herald to form The New York Herald Tribune, which ceased publication in 1967.

Content exists for this periodical, though at this stage it is not specifically organised beyond a basic hierarchy.

The pages listed below are an automatically generated listing.

133460New York Tribune — transcribed articles

Manual aggregation

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Date Titel Author
1857-03-11Mar 11, 1857 Editorial on the Dred Scott case
1859-08-31Aug 31, 1859 A Southern Manifesto
1849-10-09Oct 09, 1849 Obituary: Edgar Allan Poe Rufus Wilmot Griswold
Annabel Lee (first publication) Edgar Allan Poe
1917-06-10June 10, 1917 The President's Note to Russia Thomas Woodrow Wilson

See also
