Wikisource:Bot requests

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Bot requests

This page allows users to request that an existing bot accomplish a given task. Note that some tasks may require that an entirely new bot or script be written. This is not the place to ask for help running or writing a bot.

A bot operating performing a task should make note of it so that other bots don't attempt to do the same. Tasks that are permanently assigned or scheduled for long-term execution are listed on Persistent tasks. See also Wikisource:Bots.

Move all subpages of Who's Who in the Far East to use title case

I was informed by User:Beeswaxcandle that I should use title case instead of all caps in article names. So I request to move all subpages of Who's Who in the Far East to use title case. Although I can use a bot to move it myself, that would leave tons of redirects for admins to delete. But if an admin can easily batch-delete a list of pages, I can move it myself and then provide the list of pages to delete. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks, --Stevenliuyi (talk) 08:58, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Stevenliuyi: Please review the list at Wikisource:Bot requests/sandbox. I notice that there is at least one English name that needs to be fixed, and the Chinese names didn't convert on the regex that I used. Would you fix or create the target (only) in the list in the pair list, and I will get it done. No need to fix those that are broken though you should fix the previous/next links of the articles either side. To note that as I did for your other work, I will look to get a work specific template in place, though will do that afterwards. — billinghurst sDrewth 13:10, 24 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I suppose that I really to want to ensure that the Chinese names are capitalised properly. — billinghurst sDrewth 02:57, 25 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Stevenliuyi and @Billinghurst: Has this request been actioned (i.e. can it be closed as resolved)? Xover (talk) 10:34, 10 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Stevenliuyi: Please see Billinghurst's request (above) for quality control of the list of targets in Wikisource:Bot requests/sandbox. They have done the legwork to prepare for the move, but it is unable to progress until you've checked and corrected the target page names. Xover (talk) 05:33, 3 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Stevenliuyi: This is blocked on your input here. Xover (talk) 10:19, 7 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Wikidata bulk edit

I made a query for works on enWS that have WD items with no "instance of" statement. The criteria I used are:

  • Pages in mainspace
  • No redirects or disambiguation pages (this includes Versions and Translations btw)
  • Does not contain a forward slash in the page name (in order to exclude subpages)
  • Is linked to Wikidata, and linked Wikidata item does not have a P31 statement

This query returns 13889 results, which is more than even QuickStatements can handle. Would it be possible for a bot to update these Wikidata items with P31=Q3331189 (instance of = version, edition, or translation)?

Thanks :) —Beleg Tâl (talk) 13:22, 1 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I think we could be more specific for certain groups, e.g I have addressed "Presidential Radio Address" articles as "instance of speech". There are several groups of articles that can be identified and then addressed with QuickStatements. After that, the bot can be run on what is left. Mpaa (talk) 23:13, 1 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Mpaa: Except they are editions as we host them, the speech would be the parent to the item, per d:WD:Books as there may be other published editions of the same speech. — billinghurst sDrewth 12:17, 5 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Billinghurst I see. I saw other were linked that way and I followed along. If it is not correct, it should be cleaned up but I do not master wikidata tools enough to write a bot for it. Mpaa (talk) 21:34, 5 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
We desperately need better Wikidata tools (so we're not dependent on Billinghurst to be on eternal vigilance here). But the current gadget we have for this is loaded from some user's personal page on Russian Wikisource (which is kinda iffy in itself these days), and its code is completely incomprehensible. If anybody knows of or runs across good API docs for how to talk to Wikidata I'd be very interested. As far as I can tell, the only existing API is the main MW:API with some very minor additions for WD, and that's way way too painful to use for our purposes. Xover (talk) 06:15, 6 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover: Maybe we should just be bold and create a phabricator task and see where we go. We probably should have put this into the desired toys to be built for 2023, though we have missed that boat as it is currently in final stages of voting (I think). — billinghurst sDrewth 05:40, 22 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]
User:Beleg Tâl why not just do it with Petscan itself, from memory it could additions. Also note that there is the interwiki Petscan: for these. — billinghurst sDrewth 12:14, 5 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

 Kommentar wondering whether we need to chip out components of this task. For example, something like petscan:23959659 shows works using {{Act of Congress}} which would not be edition, and would instead by another item, and they also have components that could have other elements added through QuickStatements. Yes, this will still need a large slab of works that need version, edition or translation (Q3331189) added, though at least it will allow for something less than the blunderbuss approach. — billinghurst sDrewth 05:24, 27 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

The three volumes of The Last Man only have a different title page between the first and second edition, could the proofread text of the three-volumes of the second edition be copied to the scans of the first edition. Languageseeker (talk) 23:29, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Mpaa If it is OK to copy also the Page status, better wait for all 3 vols to be validated. Mpaa (talk) 13:53, 18 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Makes Sense. 13:49, 22 July 2022 (UTC)

One more CIA World Fact Book, 2004 request

This one's a bit more complicated than my previous request. I'm working on doing the styles with templates and CSS classes. Fortunately, the users who worked on these pages have been remarkably consistent with the formatting markup, so it's pretty easy to update with find and replace (I've done a couple pages). The replacements I'd like for each subpage, in order, are:


{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="0" width="90%" align="center"|


{{World Factbook 2004/table header}}


{|width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" align="center"|


{{World Factbook 2004/table header}}


!align="left" valign="middle" width="20%" height="31" style="background:#CCCCCC;"|[section]
!align="left" valign="middle" width="80%" height="31" style="background:#CCCCCC;"|[country]


{{World Factbook 2004/table section|[section]|[country]}}


!align="left" valign="middle" width="20%" height="31" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|[section]
!align="left" valign="middle" width="80%" height="31" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|[country]


{{World Factbook 2004/table section|[section]|[country]}}


! width="20%" align="right" valign="top"|




| width="80%" align="left"  valign="top"|






{{World Factbook 2004/table header}}



{{World Factbook 2004/table header}}

For clarity, [words in brackets] are placeholders, and a blank line at the end of a code block means to include the ending linebreak in the pattern. Thanks! —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 05:17, 24 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Migrate more one- and two-parameter invocations of Template:RunningHeader


  • {{[running header]|[text]}} to {{rh|[text]||}}
  • {{[running header]||[text]}} to {{rh||[text]|}}
  • {{[running header]|[text]|}} to {{[running header|[text]||}}
  • {{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]}} to {{rh|[left text]|[center text]|}}
  • {{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]|{{[template]|[space or nothing]}}}} to {{rh|[left text]|[center text]|}}
  • {{[running header]|{{[template]|[space or nothing]}}|[center text]|[right text]}} to {{rh||[center text]|[right text]}}
  • {{[running header]|{{[template]|[space or nothing]}}|[text]|{{[template]|[space or nothing]}}}} to {{rh||[text]|}}
  • delete {{rh|| }}

CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 03:38, 21 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Just to note... Since there's no pre-made page generator to give pywikibot all these pages to work on I am going to have to make custom bot to loop over them, and since I don't have any similar code lying around that's going to have to wait until I have the time to sit down to figure out how to do that. Pywikibot also at some point seems to have dropped the ReplaceBot class, so I may have to reimplement a lot of the basic logic for that too. @Mpaa: you wouldn't happen to have any code like this handy that you could share? Or any advice on how to approach this? Xover (talk) 07:02, 26 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover it's called ReplaceRobot it this what you mean. I would use and make it in chunks; note that you can feed several -prefixindex:<prefix> at at time.

As a side comment, it seems you are changing the signature for {{rh}}, isn't it? If so, I haven't followed the discussion and the rational, but given the wide and long established use of the template, I am a bit skeptical (e.g. I have never specified the last | in {{rh|10|SOME WORK}}, so I expect a learning time, with more of this kind of replacement to be done. Mpaa (talk) 11:52, 26 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Mpaa: Isn't that an internal class for the script? There used to be a base pywikibot ReplaceBot class for making custom replace bots, but it got dropped at some point (or at least I wasn't able to find it). My Python-fu is pretty weak sauce so I could just be confused.
I've been using stock with options, but the list of indexes above is going to be a bear to do that way so I was looking for some way to do it in a foreach (and wrapping in perl, natch, failed due to PAWS' funky handling of stdin).
And, yes, the bot runs are part of changing the call signature of {{rh}} such that the number of args determines how many cells you get. The change should (I think) be immediately obvious so the learning curve might not be so bad. The most tricky case is when rh only gets two params, because that used to give you left+center and will now give you left+right. Xover (talk) 18:46, 26 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover: Would it be easier for you to work with a tracking category? If so, we should talk in more detail about the tracking categories I've added to Module:Running header and my thoughts on a two-stage migration. —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 01:06, 27 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@CalendulaAsteraceae: Yes. Any list of pages I can reliably get from one of the Page Generators is much easier to work with because then I can just fire off the stock script. Getting the regexen right still requires some tweaking, but I speak regex natively so that's usually not a big problem.
Making a custom script for stuff like this isn't really that hard either, it's just that I have never done it—or worked with other custom pywikibot code—and combined with not being a Python coder it means it takes sustained attention and effort to learn first (which is the kind of time I have trouble finding).
Incidentally, Mpaa, being able to specify an Index: page in order to work on all the Page:es associated with it, might be a nice convenience for pywikibot. -pagesinindex:"Foo.djvu" or something. -prefixindex:"Page:Foo.djvu/" with manual fiddling works fine, but it is a couple of extra steps. Xover (talk) 07:06, 28 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@CalendulaAsteraceae: How did you come up with this list of indexes? Is it something we can automate adding a tracking category to? Or maybe just list all the pages somewhere? It's going to take a while for me to get around to figuring out how to do a custom PWB bot for this, and I have several higher-priority projects. If we can find some way to make the page selection in a way the pywikibot's standard generators can consume it'd be much easier (read: faster). Xover (talk) 09:05, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover: I came up with this list of indexes by doing a regex insource search and checking the results manually, but if we switch to using Module:Running header (in its current form, which doesn't change functionality) it will add tracking categories automatically. —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 15:18, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover: The category's still filling up, but here you go!
CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 00:05, 7 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Xover: Updated request now that there are tracking categories:
  • Category:Running headers with one entry
    • {{[running header]|left=[text]}}{{[running header]|[text]||}}
    • {{[running header]|center=[text]}}{{[running header]||[text]|}}
    • {{[running header]|right=[text]}}{{[running header]|||[text]}}
  • Category:Running headers with two entries
    • {{[running header]|left=[left text]|center=[center text]}}{{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]|}}
    • {{[running header]|center=[center text]|left=[left text]}}{{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]|}}
    • {{[running header]|left=[left text]|right=[right text]}}{{[running header]|[left text]||[right text]}}
    • {{[running header]|right=[right text]|left=[left text]}}{{[running header]|[left text]||[right text]}}
    • {{[running header]|center=[center text]|right=[right text]}}{{[running header]||[center text]|[right text]}}
    • {{[running header]|right=[right text]|center=[center text]}}{{[running header]||[center text]|[right text]}}
    • {{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]}}{{[running header]|[left text]|[center text]|}}
CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 18:04, 20 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion request of a damaged duplicate

The pages of this file Index:Jesuit education, its history and principles viewed in the light of modern educational problems.djvu contain pencil notations which makes the scan illegible. I uploaded another identical publication Index:Jesuit Education.djvu, which makes this unnecessary.Thank you in advance. — ineuw (talk) 14:26, 22 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@Ineuw: Erledigt --Xover (talk) 07:45, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  1. 1–28: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 1/X]]
  2. 29–53: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 2/X]]
  3. 54–82: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 3/X]]
  4. 84–113: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 4/X]]
  5. 114–155: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 5/X]]
  6. 156–188: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 6/X]]
  7. 189–225: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 7/X]]
  8. 226–265: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 8/X]]
  9. 266–305: [[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/X]][[The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/Part 9/X]]

Also, in the headers, please change [[../|The English and Scottish Popular Ballads]] to {{auto parents}}. Thanks! —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 04:01, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@CalendulaAsteraceae: I'm going to go ahead and assume you mean the last leg of the destination to be […]/Chapter X not […]/X. Xover (talk) 07:50, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@CalendulaAsteraceae: Also, what happened to /83? Xover (talk) 07:55, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I included /83 in Part 6 per the toc. But perhaps "/Ballad X" rather than "/Chapter X" on closer reflection? Xover (talk) 08:48, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Nope. Looking at the scans this work definitely treats them as chapters discussing the ballad, and that only incidentally include the actual text of the ballad. "/Chapter X" it is. Xover (talk) 10:43, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, all the pages have been moved, next/prev links updated, and titles set to {{auto parents}}. Now we just need to figure out how to deal with all the incoming links to the redirects. I'll wait until the double-redirect bot runs over them because that'll get rid of some links so we can see what remains and how to deal with them. Xover (talk) 12:26, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! (Indeed, what happened to /83 is a typo.) —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 15:56, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Why are we doing this? The work is continuous; splitting the sections by volume is confusing and counterintuitive (IMO) —Beleg Tâl (talk) 18:33, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
NVM, looks like you're taking on this project, go ahead and make it your own :) —Beleg Tâl (talk) 18:40, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Beleg Tâl: Apologies if I jumped the gun on this one. From what I observed I assumed, as you say, that CA was at least somewhat taking on this project, and the moves appeared in line with practice (well, I question why we're using "Part" instead of "Volume" here, as the volumes appear to be labelled as just volume, but…), including having actual transcluded content in the middle layer of page structure (i.e. /Part 1). If the change in structure is actually controversial I'll be happy to help implement whatever the final consensus on that is. Xover (talk) 08:57, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I was concerned as I had originally uploaded the scans and had a different idea of how to go about it ... but after having a look at what CA is doing, I am convinced they have it well in hand and I'm happy to let them run with it :) —Beleg Tâl (talk) 14:47, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Glad to hear it! I chose to use "Part" instead of "Volume" because the scans (as opposed to the filenames) say "Part". —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 15:20, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Move pages of Index:Fables for the Frivolous.djvu following file replacement

I have replaced the above file due to the original being missing part of the front matter and containing duplicate pages. Please:

Move /7 to /8, upto /10 to /11 inclusive

Move /14 to 13/, upto /22 to /21 inclusive

Delete /24, /25, /26

Delete /155, /156 and /157, which are no longer part of the file

Thanks, Chrisguise (talk) 11:49, 3 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Please delete pages /193 and /194 from Index:Adventures of Susan Hopley (Volume 1).pdf, as the corresponding pages have been deleted from the scan file. Thanks, Chrisguise (talk) 13:30, 8 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@Chrisguise: This sort of thing isn't a bot request, but an admin request (not all bot operators have admin rights). And the easiest way to deal with it is to slap {{sdelete}} on each of the pages to be deleted. If there's more than a handful, feel free to list them on WS:AN so they can be cut&paste'd into the mass delete form. In any case: Erledigt Xover (talk) 15:04, 8 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Remove "by" from use of override_author in headers

I would like to make Module:Header insert a "by" before the text of override_author, like it does for literally every other attribution parameter, but if I do that right now, there will be over 17,500 pages that say "by by". To prevent this, I would like for override_author( )*=( )*by( )+ in these pages to be replaced with override_author = . —CalendulaAsteraceae (talkcontribs) 18:14, 20 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Remove all calls of Template:Interwiki-info

Please remove all calls of the template {{Interwiki-info}}, which is going to be deleted per . Thanks, --Jan Kameníček (talk) 21:39, 20 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Doing… Xover (talk) 10:12, 21 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Erledigt. @Jan.Kamenicek: The template should be good to be deleted now (and good riddance). Xover (talk) 11:18, 21 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Bot request for Index:Moni the goat boy (IA monigoatboy00spyr 1).pdf by Johanna Spyri. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:00, 21 February 2024‎ (UTC)[reply]

@86.60: It is not clear what it is you're requesting here.
Also, I strongly recommend registering a user account. They're completely free, and last I checked you didn't even have to give an email address (or any other info people often don't want to give to websites). With a user account it's much easier to collaborate with others, you can use the proofreading system to set page status yourself directly, and then your IP address won't show up in revision histories etc. (edits will be attributed to your user name, which can be as anonymous or public as you choose to make it). Xover (talk) 10:08, 21 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]