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Punctuation mark

. .

  1. (obsolete) Encloses a numeral.
    • c. 815-840, “The Monastery of Tallaght”, in Edward J. Gwynn, Walter J. Purton, transl., Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, volume 29, Royal Irish Academy, published 1911-1912, paragraph 68, pages 115-179:
      Trí troisciud immurco tantum la Colum Cilli in ando .i. aidchi Notlacc Steill .i. post .xii. nataleis & ochtmad (i)mbairgine Coluim Cilli i suidiu & seilind & bochtan ais maith, [...]
      However, Colum Cille recognized three fasts only in the year: the eve of Epiphany — that is, twelve days after Christmas, and the eighth part of Colum Cille’s loaf at that time, with a seland and a bochtan of good milk...
    • s.a. 1072, Peterborough Chronicle (in Old English):
      Hé férde tó Burch tó Sc̃e Petres mynstre and þǽr drohtnode .xii. geár
      He travelled to Bury, to the monastery of St Peter, and dwelled there for twelve years
    • [1528?], Jherom Bruynswyke, translated by Laurence andrew, The Vertuose Boke of Distyllacyon of the Waters of All Maner of Herbes [] (in English), [London]:
      And ſeke to this in the .xii. chapitre in the lettre D. []
    • 1535 July 27, [Marsilius of Padua], translated by Wyllyam Marshall, The Defence of Peace: [] (in English), [London]: [] Robert wyer / for wyllyam marshall, folio 65, recto:
      [] thoſe thynges, which ſhall be ſayd hereafter, in the .ix. the .x..xiiii. and the .xviii. chapitres of this preſent dyccyon.
    • a. 1536, A Companion to Thomas More (in English), published 2009, page 107:
      The first duodecalogue, partely exciting partely directing a man in spirituall batail, explains how one must go about the strenuous acquisition of vertue (103) .. The second duodecalogue, "the .xii. wepenis of spiritual bataile" (109-13) gives practical help for the Christian pursuing the holy life
    • 1548, Robert Crowley, The confutation of the xiii articles [of] Nicolas Shaxton (in English):
      Shaxton. The .xiii. Article
    • 1557 April 30, Wyllyam Rastell [i.e., William Rastell], “To the Moste Hygh and Vertuous Princesse, Mary by the Grace of God, Quene of Englande, []”, in Thomas More, edited by Wyllyam Rastell, The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, [] (in English), London: [] Iohn Cawod, Iohn Waly, and Richarde Tottell, →OCLC, signature .ii., verso:
      And this volume thus finiſhed the laſt day of Aprill in this yeare of oure Lorde GOD .1557.
    • a. 1560, Virgill, Thomas Phaër, transl., “The Ninth Booke of the Aeneidos of Uirgil”, in The Whole .xii. Bookes of the Æneidos of Virgill (in English), London: [] Wyllyam How, for Abraham Veale, published 1573:
      The Whole .xii. Bookes of the Æneidos of Virgill