brick breaker

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Screenshot of the freeware brick breaker game LBreakout.

brick breaker (plural brick breakers)

  1. (video games) A game of a genre that involves moving a paddle horizontally or vertically to deflect a ball, using the deflected ball to destroy an arrangement of bricks on the screen.
    Synonym: brick-buster
    • 2000,, “ Issue #105”, in alt.comp.shareware (Usenet):
      A brick-breaker kind of game featuring musical symbols (rests and notes), an elephant, and a ball!
    • 2005, Jean-Yves Lefort, “ports/76484: New port: games/tecnoballz, a brick breaker”, in mailing.freebsd.ports-bugs (Usenet):
      Synopsis: New port: games/tecnoballz, a brick breaker (Arkanoid-like game)