Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing services we offer

Digital advertising/PPC

Pay-per-click campaigns focus heavily on ROI, and because we have nearly instantaneous metrics on how they’re working, we continually adjust our tactics to meet your goals. We’ll manage your PPC campaigns through ground-up campaign building based on industry best practices, conversion and goal tracking, regular campaign optimization, constant competitor analysis, and Google Analytics.

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Social ads

Along with managing social accounts for clients, we also use paid strategies across social channels to amplify your story with a specific demographic. Before we create a paid approach, we research your audience’s social habits as well as your competitors. We’ll turn the story you want to tell into a core messaging plan and build ads that resonate. From copywriting and image sourcing to real-time reporting and analytics, we’ll handle it all.


Are you spending money on ad campaigns and not seeing good ROI? How do you attract and convert leads that have already visited your website but left? Retargeting is a strategic way to keep your brand on the visitor’s radar and bring them back to complete a specific action, whether that’s a purchase or a form fill. EVG can determine who has visited your website and run specific campaigns targeting those users on Facebook. It’s one of the easiest, most effective ways to increase the value of your ad dollars. And don’t just take our word for it—statistics show that website visitors who are served retargeted display ads are about 70% more likely to convert.

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Press releases

If your organization is seeking national press coverage for your latest product launch or wants to generate some local media buzz about a recent accolade, EVG can create a customized press release. Our licensing team will work with you to determine your goals, and our professional copywriters and editors will craft pitch-perfect copy that grabs the attention of your consumers.

Once your press release is drafted and delivered to you for approval, EVG’s team can also help with distribution and amplification. We’ll promote your material to the right audience, from regional media to international outlets, and we can also localize it for a multilingual demographic.


EVG guides clients through the intricacies of email marketing, from ideation and design to list purchases and retargeting, alongside reporting on open rates, click rates, and ROI. We also assist with your lists and list buys, helping segment your data so that you have smaller, more targeted audiences. This isn’t guesswork: it’s data-driven tech and insight to get you the highest ROI. 

Lady Working on Computer

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