Mail from our readers

Check out letters from those who agreed with us, and those who didn't, on Radiohead's ''Kid A,'' our Gay Hollywood issue, and more

Mail from our readers

Here’s the straight story on our Gay Hollywood 2000 issue: As expected, it prompted the usual reader catfight. In this corner, readers like Brian Hutchison of Uniontown, Ohio, who says, ”I found it refreshing to see a magazine comment on the recent rush of gay movies, TV shows, and themes.” Or Steve Cruz of Denver, who gushes, ”The comprehensive, honest, and upbeat material in [this] issue made me feel like I’m seeing change in my lifetime.” In the other corner, those unhappy with the idea that their TVs might play for the other team. ”Based on the dreck shown on screens big and small, good writing is the minority that needs to be championed,” argues Russ Lindway of Seven Hills, Ohio. ”Is my TV set gay? Nope, just bad.”

A heartfelt thank-you for the Gay Hollywood 2000 edition of EW. As a young adult who has only recently come out of the proverbial closet, I cannot put into words how empowering such an issue is for people like myself. To every writer, editor, and researcher involved — and especially the countless heroes the articles in this issue champion — know your work has not been in vain. Brian W. Gottlock
New York City

The dust has finally settled on Leo. There’s not as much talk about Jennifer and Brad. As if life couldn’t get any better, I looked into my mailbox to see my two favorite gay characters and their hags ”gracing” the cover of EW. You made my week with your 25-page spread on gay Hollywood, where it has been, and where it could lead.
Lesley Schroeder
Altamonte Springs, Fla.

Whoa, EW, after your Gay Hollywood 2000 issue, I’m strongly considering a subscription cancellation. You sure blurred the lines between opinion and fact in the articles ”Is Your TV Set Gay?” by Benjamin Svetkey and ”Ask. Tell.” It is actually possible to disagree with a movement while still respecting its individuals as equal human beings. To those gay supporters who would condemn any voices of opposition, the movement’s push for ”tolerance” has now been compromised in favor of a double standard, wouldn’t you say? Maybe the real issue is a growing cultural insecurity.
Ian Ebright
Lynnwood, Wash.

I fail to see how the Volkswagen commercial you mentioned in your main story is ”gay.” Was I supposed to rely on some traditionally held stereotypes to come to that conclusion? Were the trendy, well-dressed guys supposed to tip me off? Or was it the kitschy furniture? A commercial that asks us to stick with what many people still think typifies a gay person — a snappy dresser who knows how to put a room together, among other things — sets back years of work by gay rights advocates. If we’re meant to assume the guys in that commercial must be gay, can we assume that the ”Whassup” guys must be straight, too?
Heather Hayes

I just wanted to thank you for your latest issue on gay Hollywood. It’s inspiring for gay youth to be able to know that there are so many gay role models on television, in movies, and in other fields behind entertainment. Being able to read about mainstream acceptance in a mainstream magazine is extremely encouraging. I can’t wait until your next Gay Hollywood issue. Hopefully then it will fill the whole magazine. Thank you, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY!
Robert Garcia
Alhambra, Calif.

As an EW subscriber for at least five years I have always read every issue from cover to cover. After seeing this issue I threw it in the trash without even taking it out of the plastic.
Eric McLaughlin
Kennewick, Wa.

In this wasteland of pop music, barren of innovation and creativity, the sheer beauty and inventiveness of Radiohead’s Kid A deserves an A+. I was floored when I opened up the pages of EW to find that it received only a B+, while talentless hacks like Eminem and Barenaked Ladies garner A-‘s. It’s a crime that transitory pop acts’ albums receive more praise than the transcendent work that is Radiohead’s Kid A. In 20 years, people will still be talking about Kid A. I doubt that you can say that about Barenaked Ladies’ Maroon.
Melissa Witowski
Wheaton, Ill.

CORRECTIONS: Shawn Wayans plays Ray, the closeted jock, in Scary Movie (Gay Hollywood 2000). Gramaglia was codirected by Andrew Gurland and Huck Botko (Internet). In an Encore photograph Elvis is shown with the mother of costar Debra Paget on the set of Love Me Tender in 1956.

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