Heathers: 20th High School Reunion Edition

Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, ...
Photo: Everett Collection

The folks at Anchor Bay, the company behind the Heathers: 20th High School Reunion Edition of the pitch-black comedy that launched a zillion catchphrases, must be even worse at math than I am: Heathers won’t mark its 20th anniversary until ’09. But what’s chronological accuracy compared with a marketing opportunity? July 1 marked the release of Sex and Death 101, a Winona Ryder-starring flick written and directed by Heathers scribe Daniel Waters. Grosser still, the extras are about as fresh as that mug of lethal blue liquid that killed Heather No. 1. There’s recycled commentary and a featurette from the 2001 DVD, plus a ”brand-new” doc that rehashes the same production memories already covered on that edition. To paraphrase the original mean girls, how very…desperate. D

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