Robin Thicke speaks out about his MTV VMA performance -- VIDEO

Three weeks after his eye-opening, jaw-dropping, scandalous MTV VMA performance starring a twerk-happy Miley Cyrus, an abused foam finger, and a Beetlejuice suit — Robin Thicke, the striped-suit wearer and Blurred Lines mastermind, finally chimed in about the most-talked about performance of his career.

In an interview with Star Magazine, Thicke finally revealed that the motive to involve gasps from audiences all over the world as a reaction to his teaming with Cyrus several weeks ago was all part of the plan. “We knew what we were getting ourselves into,” Thicke said. “We’re entertainers, and the VMAs is the perfect place for a little shock and awe. Yeah, we kind of knew when we were in rehearsal and we were like, ‘OK, if you touch me with your foam finger all over my crotch, obviously a few people are going to have something to say about this.’ But that was the whole point. I mean the whole point was to excite and provoke and entertain.”

Coming to Miley’s defense on her overtly sexual moves on the small screen, Thicke maintained that even though the provocative performance was shocking to some, it was all in the name of fun.

“I totally understand everyone comes from different places and has their own opinions, but when people use the word sexual, I didn’t feel anything sexual about the performance,” Thicke said. “I thought it was silly and funny, she was being humorous and naughty, but it wasn’t sexually charged at all. That’s who she is, that’s how she likes to dance, she was just being herself and I was just being myself.”

Sure, Robin.

Watch the interview below:

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