Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back trailer cut in style of The Force Awakens teaser


By now, there’s a good chance you’ve seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ most recent teaser at least several dozen times once. But how would one of the classic entries in the Star Wars canon look if it were advertised in the same style as The Force Awakens?

YouTuber DanFlesher answered that quesiton by cutting together a trailer for The Empire Strikes Back in the style of the teaser for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming installment. Using the same music, Flesher incorporated similar cuts and fades to the timing of The Force Awakens‘ preview with footage of Luke, Han Solo, Darth Vader and more. He also used similar dialogue from Empire whenever possible to match up to the voiceover that teased the continuation of the Star Wars franchise.

Watch the trailer above and watch (or rewatch) The Force Awakens teaser below to compare the two. And for more on the upcoming film, check out EW’s week of Star Wars stories.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: How fleeing Nazis inspired the new villains

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Complete rundown of EW’s Star Wars week


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