Amber walks off Teen Mom OG reunion, because of course she did

During part 1 of MTV's Teen Mom OG reunion, Amber Portwood said a bunch of mean things about Gary Shirley's wife, Kristina, and then walked out.

Well, it wouldn't be a Teen Mom OG reunion if Amber Portwood didn't storm off in a huff.

During part one of the MTV reunion special on Tuesday, Portwood appeared with her ex-boyfriend, Gary Shirley, to discuss her relationship with their daughter, Leah. This season on Teen Mom OG, viewers watched as Leah, now 12, chose to spend less time with her mother while she worked out her feelings about their complicated relationship. (In 2012, Portwood began a 17-month prison sentence for domestic violence charges, and she's since had other brushes with the law and struggles with her mental health.)

Though Shirley and his wife, Kristina, continued to encourage Leah to maintain a relationship with her mother, Portwood currently has nothing but unkind words for Kristina. Before walking off during the reunion, Portwood unleashed on her ex's spouse. "Gary, I appreciate you," she began, getting up from the couch. "You said I could trust you, and I did trust you. But I can't trust your wife... She has got in the way of me and my daughter, over and over and over again." With that, she bid Shirley a "good day" and left the set.

It's unclear what Portwood is referring to regarding Kristina. Since she married Shirley in 2015, she's been depicted on Teen Mom OG as a caring stepmother to Leah who is supportive of her husband's efforts to co-parent with Portwood. In a recent episode, Kristina and Gary were seen encouraging Leah to work on her relationship with Portwood. Kristina referred to herself as Leah's "bonus mom," while Gary urged his daughter not to write her mother off. "I just don't want you missing out on [a relationship] that could be there."

It's unclear whether Portwood, who is known for her short fuse and flair for the dramatic, will return for part two of the Teen Mom OG reunion, airing Tuesday, April 27 at 8 p.m. on MTV.

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