About File770.com

File770.com is the online version of Mike Glyer’s science fiction fan newzine, reporting on fanzines, sf clubs, conventions, fan funds and fanac. File 770 is named for the party in Room 770 at the 1951 Worldcon that upstaged the convention.

File 770 began life as a mimeographed fanzine in 1978, then joined the desktop publishing revolution in the 1990’s. A File 770 website, reproducing paper issues as webzines, was hosted at CompuServe’s Ourworld community from 2000 until the community was shut down in 2009. Screen captures of the website are available on the Wayback Machine. File 770 produced paper issues every year from 1978 through 2016. eFanzines.com began hosting PDF versions of the paper issues in 2005. The File 770 blog went online on January 15, 2008.

File 770 received the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1984, 1985, 1989, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016, and 2018.

Mike received the Best Fan Writer Hugo in 1984, 1986, 1988 and 2016.

File 770 and Mike can be contacted at MikeGlyer [at] cs.com

File 770 can be followed on Twitter here: File 770 (@File_770) / Twitter. Also on Bluesky here: https://bsky.app/profile/file770.bsky.social.

Banner art: Adapted for File 770 by Taral Wayne.

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56 thoughts on “About File770.com

  1. Hello. I found this blog about a year ago when I was trying to locate my friend Marty Helgesen. I knew him from Catholic apologetics and Catholic SF fandom, and I knew he was active in SF fandom broadly.

    I received this email out of the blue today, from his niece. I had given up trying to contact him when I read the comments in this blog from the article Marty Helgesen and an Amazing Co-Religionist in the Realm of the Mind. They indicated he was having memory problems and no longer communicating. I had to laugh when I got this email today, even though it is sad. It is so like the Marty I knew:

    From: Tracey Schaper tlschaper@optonline.neteje,
    To: lnu.ez, me

    I am writing on behalf of my Uncle, Marty Helgesen to let you know he passed away peacefully yesterday,Sunday, May 23rd.He was 82.
    It was his wish that I inform the three of you on the same email( “so that if someone is away on vacation, etc. another will get it” )
    Below is the information for his services. Please share if there is anyone that you feel should be contacted per his directive.
    Thank you,
    Tracey Schaper (Marty’s niece)
    Thurs May 27
    3-5pm / 7-9pm

    Funeral Mass:
    Fri May 28 9:45am

    Flinch & Bruns Funeral Home
    34 Hempstead Ave
    Lynbrook, NY 11563

    Our Lady of Lourdes
    65 Wright Ave
    Malverne, NY 11565

    Burial :
    Cemetery of the Holy Rood
    111 Old Country Rd
    Westbury, NY 11590″

  2. Pingback: Marty Helgesen 1938-2021 | File 770

  3. Hello, I wrote this which you can add to the SFF news if you like :
    Henri Vernes (pen-name of Belgian author Charles-Henri-Jean Dewisme, born in 1918) passed away at 102 on 25 July 2021). He is best remembered for the over 200 French language novels of action, fantasy and science-fiction revolving around the BOB MORANE character, that he published continuously since 1953. Bob Morane also appeared in a 1965 television series, a 1996 animated movie, and a number of comics albums with art by well-known French artists. The character has been made famous by a line in the 1982 song L’Aventurier by French rock group Indochine («Et soudain surgit face au vent le vrai héros de tous les temps, Bob Morane contre tout chacal, l’aventurier contre tout guerrier.» And suddenly, against the wind appeared the real all time hero: Bob Morane fighting any jackal, the adventurer fighting all warriors… ) A French science-fiction award has been named for Bob Morane (see https://file770.com/prix-bob-morane-2021-finalists/).

  4. 19-22 août 2021 BlueCon – 48th French national science-fiction convention. In France, in-person event, on the international campus of the Valbonne university near Nice and the French Riviera. Ugo Bellagamba, president of this project, waxed poetical in his introduction : “Blue is the primary color of imagination, which may be painted in shades of azure, deep blue, or the morning blue which lightens and opens, the color of the skies, of the sea, which both invite to explore the realms beyond the horizon… ” It is still possible to join the 105 attendees already committed to make this convention a success; panels and meetings and many tables are already being readied. Although the rooms in the center are already filled, the website lists other possibilities for accomodation nearby. Nice is easily reached by train and there is a good sized airport not far away.
    (Warnings: this convention does not plan to have virtual elements. All attendees must make sure to have the compulsory valid “passe sanitaire” i.e. QR code proof of full vaccination or at least a negative PCR test dated after August 17. Even then, both vaccinated or non vaccinated people should be wearing masks and some measures of distance and hygiene will be necessary).
    The program of the convention has been posted to the link below.

  5. December 1 post (10) is a little mixed up on the details. Winnie the Pooh indeed was named after Lt Coleburn’s home city of Winnipeg, but the statue in question is in White River, where the bear cub was purchased. There is life like statue of Lt Coleman and the bear cub in the Nature Playground at Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg. (easy to find pictures on Google)
    And I can assure you that we in Winnipeg have been aware of the connection with Winnie the Pooh since, well, the beginning. It is a very well-known story in local lore; and certainly since my childhood 60 years ago.

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